Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Posted by Mark (Goldcoast Australia) on 09/13/2015

I've also done the Kalcker MMS protocol. Best parasite protocol. I had severe issues with parasite infestation for many years, caught them on my multiple Indonesia surf trips. Tried everything but only this worked. Was crazy to see the parasites expelling out. Had some measure greater than 20cms. Had multiple different species. Highly recommend..

Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/26/2014

Hi : I just wanted to post about my recent experience of taking Turpentine in the morning and an MMS enema in the evening to expel worms. It has worked. I got the idea from the work Kari rivera and Andreas Klacker are doing to recover kids from autism.

They are finding that the removal of worms is doing wonders for the health and cognition of these kids and have developed a protocol. they use metbednezol (sp?) to kill the worms as well as MMS they call it chlorine dioxide and the MMS enemas.

I have way to many little maybe big health issues and spend way too much on my health with little to show for it. I decided to take matters into my own hands and see if some version of this protocol would make me feel better. I have more energy, have lost my horrid food sensitivities and get out lots of gross worms on the days I do this.

My question is am I the only one who has tried this? I feel down right now as I tried to describe this to my doctor who just basically ignored my discovery telling me it might not be worms and I should get a test. Thanks for reading. Mary

Posted by Farmergirl (West Branch, Michigan Usa) on 07/09/2013

Every spring and every fall my grandmother would line my brothers and cousins up and each of us got our twice yearly dose of worming ---- a tablespoon of milk with two drops of gum turpentine. And the next few days we kept tabs on our stool passings and sure enough, out came the worms. Hey, we lived on a farm will all kinds of critters and my gram was well versed on how to get rid of most of the nasty ones.