Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

Garlic for Sinus Infections

Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia) on 02/18/2009

I want to thank Barbara from Chickasha OK about her Russian Garlic Cure recipe. OMG does it clear out the congestion in the sinuses. I know she had written this just about 2 years ago, so I hope she sees it.

I have been battling this sinus infection for nearly a year now, and tried so many things on this site that helped a little, but nothing blasted away the congestion like the Russian Garlic Cure. I diced up the garlic, and let it set in water just as Barbara instructed, strained it so I only had the garlic water, Then I hung my head over the bed and dropped several drops into each nostril (I couldn't see to count the drops). The pain was pretty intense but it was well worth it. I swear, if I had a marker, I could draw exactly where my sinuses are, because the pain directed me every square inch of where my sinuses were.

I wish I could report that the infection is gone, but some of it still remains. I am doing the Russian Garlic Cure daily to see if it will go away completely but at least I can breath again, and sleep most of the night clog free. Thank you again Barbara, and thank you Earth Clinic for having the best natural health site on the web.

Peace, Rena.

Posted by Michelle (Albuquerque, NW) on 01/09/2007

Fresh Garlic cured my Bronchitis and Sinus Infection. 1 finely diced clove (not the entire bulb) 3x's daily with any complimentary food that has been cooled almost to room temp (eg. diced tomatoes, avocado, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti sauce, pizza, or even apple pie.) Garlic is a natural antibiotic and antifungal. Within an hour or so, easier to breather and think, in 4 days cleared up symptoms. Took for 7 days to eliminate any chance of becoming ill again. Drawbacks: odiferous breath, and the odor also emanates from the pores of the skin. Use strong breath mints/cologne/essential oils to your liking.

Posted by Barbara (Chickasha, OK) on 02/22/2006

I just inhaled some Hydrogen Peroxide and I am sitting here with my feet slathered in Vick's Sauve. I drank some Tomato Tea and now I'm sipping on ACV and honey. I also did my Russian Garlic Cure (see recipe below). Something is kicking in that's for sure! For two weeks I have had much congestion and coughing..very aggravating to say the least. So I am happy to report that things are calming down! All ideas people post on here are worth trying and I am one of those people who will try most 'home remedies' before I will go to a doctor. The poor things don't have a clue about stuff like this.. bless them. Most 'cures' are in our kitchen's anyway. One that I have had success with is one the Russians use. (Now I see why they are so ticked

Chop up two or three cloves of garlic (very finely) put in small cup or whatever and cover with about 40 drops of water ,let it stand (10-15) min's so the water can absorb the oils from the garlic. The recipe calls for an eye dropper to drop 20 drops of garlic water in each of your nostrils. My suggestion is to drop a drop or two in one nostril at a time, to see how much you can stand because, if you have an infection there will be intense/immense pain! But please don't let that stop you from using the recipe until you have used it all! I nearly died when I did this the first time WOW I ain't kidding ya -- the pain was severe. But hey it worked great!! And you will notice there is no garlic smell while it is fighting the infection. Since I now know what this feels like I take it slowly.. I won't stop trying this because it works very fast.

Posted by Norma (Catoosa, OK)

Sinus infections have been a life long problem for me. A few years ago I started using fresh garlic for blood pressure. I peel off a bit of the bulb and cut it into small enough pieces to swallow. Chase with water and dinner. Well after several weeks which include the time frame that I always get a sinus infection, I suddenly noticed I did not get my usual problem. The next few seasons came and went and I came to the realization that the garlic had cured my chronic sinus problem. Now when I feel sinus problems coming on, I have a extra bit of garlic and 'NO MORE SINUS PROBLEMS'. That was proof for me.

EC: The juice of garlic has a most beneficial effect on the entire system as it helps dissolve an accumulation of mucus in the sinus cavities, bronchial tubes and the lungs.

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