Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide: Safe Sinus Infection Relief

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kristin (Houston, Tx) on 02/16/2018

I am highly allergic to cedar and elm pollen and living in Houston, does me no favors! For the past three weeks, the two pollen's have wreaked havoc on my sinuses, which in turn, turned into a nasty sinus infection. I have been getting chills on and off, waking up every morning about 12:30 blowing my nose and hacking. I could smell and taste infection and was hacking up and blowing thick green stuff. I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep until about 4ish. I have to get up at 5:30 for work. I have been feeling sick, tired and cranky. All of these years that I thought that it was my lungs giving me problems, but I think it has been chronic sinus infections! I don't have insurance, so going to the doctor to get antibiotics is out of the question as I am on a super tight budget.

I decided to come here and saw the Hydrogen peroxide cure and decided to take a shot in the dark.

I have a plastic neti pot. I know that table salt is a no-no, but it's what I had available, so that is what I used.

I used 1/4 teaspoon of salt and two teaspoons of hydrogen Peroxide in warm distilled water and cleaned out each nostril.

I did that when I got home from work and did it again before I went to bed. I also did it this morning before work.

The "sick infected" feeling that I had along with the chills; GONE! I slept all night! I could taste my food again and could smell again which told me that my husband had lied to me about smoking in the house, because I smelled it! He got an earful! LOL!

I will do this again when I get home from work. I am in awe of this inexpensive and highly effective treatment! For about $1.00, I am almost 100%, where a visit to the doctor along with scripts, would have cost me about $400 or more.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Johnny S. (Lauderhill, Florida) on 02/12/2018

After reading posts about peroxide for sinus infections, I decided to give peroxide a try. After putting a couple of drops of 3% in each nostril I felt immediate relief from the throbbing pain in my face. The peroxide though had a burning sensation for about a few seconds it nevertheless did the job.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Karen (Virginia) on 01/24/2017

Try putting 1/2 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in a neti pot of warm filtered water with some sea salt (try a small amount if your irritated) and melted coconut oil (maybe 1/2 ts not finding the amount to add anywhere). All three are excellent at killing the virus effectively!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ayn (Kansas City) on 01/15/2017

I developed a sinus infection after battling pneumonia and the flu for a month. It started, of course, on a weekend. My face could barely be touched and my teeth ached so badly--- down to the jawbone. I was using hydrogen peroxide to rinse my mouth and throat and wondered if I could use it in a Neti pot. Thank you Earth Clinic for the confirmation of how to use it! I have used 3% hydrogen peroxide and distilled water, 1/2 and 1/2 in the Neti pot three times today. (10am-1pm-4pm.). Second and third time got better each time, face quit hurting, tmj joint pain almost gone and teeth feel like the fever they had in them is dissipating. Got a ways to go, it was bad! I'm on my way--thank you again!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Geewhizz (Las Vegas, Nv) on 11/30/2016

You know, all of these comments sound sort of complicated.

Here's what I do: dip a couple of cotton swabs in h2o2. Insert the swabs into the nostril at a time (I do both at the same time.) Ease the swabs back until only an inch is sticking out...and leave them for a minute or so. (Often it makes me sneeze.)

After you remove the swabs give your nose a good blow. Voila! I do this two or three times a day if I'm sick. It's definitely great before bed if you're congested. And it keeps a sinus infection from grabbing hold.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rob (Michigan) on 07/30/2016

I get sinus infections at least twice a year. I think it is tied to my allergies and after a long lapse of sleep. Not to be gross but when I know I have an infection I go ballz-to-the-wall with the H-Peroxide mix with the neti pot. It works. 1/4 of the mix is H-Peroxide. Hurts a bit but gets results. Nothing like seeing yourself blowing out an infection in the sink! Sometimes there is a little blood mixed in with the green mucous but I think that's normal when the infection is pretty bad.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sam (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/01/2016

I have used hydrogen peroxide for sinus infections and it does work. You need a neti pot, I use the one from the chemist that comes with the saline sachets. Put 1/2 to 1 sachet into the pot and dissolve with small amount of really hot water. Then top up to a warm water temp up to the line marked on the bottle.

Then mix in a teaspoon of Baby Shampoo and give it a shake to make it sudsy. The baby shampoo will help to dissolve the bio films that protect the bacteria from both the salt solution and antibiotics.

Use this to rinse your sinus, but especially hold some of the mixture in, tip you head upside-down and really let the mixture get into the upper sinus. Breath in through your nose at the some time to bubble and wash the mixture. Tilt your head one side for 20 seconds, then the other. Let the mixture out, then squeeze some more up there, but this time hold your head parallel to the floor then tip one side for 20 seconds, then the other. This will address the sinus cavities under your eye sockets. Use up remaining mixture to flush.

Then you need to mix another neti pot mixture adding some peroxide.

Start with 1/4 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and go up from there depending on tolerance. Repeat whole procedure to target upper and middle sinus cavities.

People have posted about the pain of the sinus wash. I can tell you that when your sinus is infected the wash does hurt. Just washing an open wound would hurt or sting. But...if your sinus is healthy, it does not hurt. You can feel the peroxide bubbling and oxygenating, but it's not at all painful. So with your sinus infection, start with a small amount of Baby Shampoo and Peroxide and work up to larger amounts. As your sinus begins to heal, you will find you can tolerate more of the peroxide.

I would like to add, when you use peroxide, it doesn't just wash out the bad bacteria, it washes out ALL bacteria, good and bad. So it's a good idea to use some probiotics. Some people put the probiotic powder into a saline solution and flush the sinus to in the hope that some of the probiotics will stay put and re-colonise the sinus with good bacteria. I personally put the powder on the back of the tongue at night when I'm going to sleep and let it naturally migrate its way up into the sinus.

- Hope this helps. xx

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lena (Bronx, Ny) on 01/28/2016

Thanks, hydrogen peroxide worked excellent on me after suffering for the past 36 years, what a relief.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Stan (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/24/2015

I was suffering from a sinus cold past few days and decided to try this H-P and sea salt treatment and within one day was 75% and next day 100%. Thanks for everyone's advice and it worked without medication like a miracle. It will be a Merry Christmas after all.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sparkly619 (San Diego, Ca) on 12/02/2015

I am currently 54 years old and have had problems with getting prolonged and painful secondary sinus and ear infections along with every cold or flu I contract, ever since I was a kid. I have eczema and a few allergies so, over the years, I have been prescribed so many different courses of cortisone and antibiotics that by mid adulthood my poor immune system was pretty much shot. It seemed as if there was a bug within 10 miles of me, I would catch it. I was just tired of it.

So, last year, after speaking with a friend who had much success boosting her own immune system by using probiotics, I decided to also give probiotics a try and vowed to commit to using natural therapies whenever possible to try to boost my immune system back to health. And then, just as things seemed to be going so well, I caught an aggressive upper respiratory bug that was going around my office. As was typical for me, the virus itself ran its course in about 7 or 8 days, but I was left with a horrible sinus infection that just seemed to keep hanging on and was getting worse. It was making life miserable an just about knocked me out.

Since it was the height of cold and flu season, I was unable to get an appointment with my doctor, who would have just prescribed antibiotics for the sinus infection anyway, something I had worked the whole year to avoid. Then, I stumbled across an article about adding 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to your regular neti pot solution and thought what the heck, I would give it a try.

The formula is this: I empty one dry saline mix packet (I get the over-the-counter packets, they're pre-mixed, easy to use and buffered right so they don't sting) into a clean, sterile neti pot first, add 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide (no more than that or it will be uncomfortable and could irritate the lining at the back of the nasal passages), then fill the rest of the pot to the inside rim with distilled water, put the lid on and give it a few shakes to mix it well. Then use the rinse as usual. I do half the solution on one side of my nose, then switch and use the remaining half of the solution on the other side, for a full sinus rinse.

I did this 3 times a day for 5 days - Once when I got up in the morning, once when I got home from work, and once right before bedtime. I could immediately feel (and see) the difference when adding the hydrogen peroxide to the neti pot rinse.

Within 3 days the sinus infection was gone and within 5 days the swelling in my nasal passages had abated and my nasal muscus was back to clear. After that, my cough cleared right up as well because I had no more infection seeping down into my lungs from the sinus infection.

I have not had a sinus, ear or lung infection since. I continue to add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to my regular neti pot solution in this way whenever my sinuses feel a little "iffy." It could be allergies, or it could be a virus. Either way, adding in the hydrogen peroxide has worked wonders for me.

In addition to this sinus rinse, I also use several drops of straight hydrogen peroxide in each of my ears for about 10 minutes each side to ward off cold and flu whenever I have been exposed to sick people. It works great to keep the ear canal clean and free of wax buildup, too.

I am a firm believer in hydrogen peroxide and its healing properties and I will also be adding Bill Munroe's inhalation technique to my repertoire of holistic remedies in the future.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by V (Az) on 11/25/2015

I use the 3% up the nose in a spray and do the same in the mouth while breathing in. It's really nice for clearing Bronchi's and the lungs.

3% might be to strong for some but after a few times I was used to the little burning.

There is a video on utube about the spray making and breathing it in.

I love it! Clears nicely.

There is also a book about HP and it's uses for plenty of illnesses up to cancer and aids.

Found it for free somewhere on the web to download. Just don't have the link anymore so searching for it might be on. The book is called: 1 minute cure Strongly recommended!

Love to all ...... V*****

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Vikki (Philadelphia) on 09/22/2015

Thank you so much for sharing all of your experiences with doing this. I found it all very helpful. I was actually on the net looking for remedies for my CAT'S Congestion problems..didn't think I'd actually find a remedy for myself and my HORRIBLE Allergies.

Has anyone noticed if this also helps post nasal drip?? If not, anyone have any suggestions?? ALL the meds I take for allergies, and colds NEVER work well enough for it. It's disgusting and VERY ANNOYING!

Thanks! Good Health to you ALL!! :-)

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by R. Lee (Marietta, Ga) on 04/26/2015

I am so glad to find this site. I tried 1 Tbsp. hydrogen Peroxide to 1 ounce water. Q-tip application to each ear and nasal passages (separate q-tips for each of course). That felt a bit better, so I followed that with a few drops in each nostril and tilted head back for 10 seconds. There was clearing. Not much tingling. Followed all this with 2 good gargles. I feel better and can breathe. I think I'll do this morning and night and see how it goes. Thanks again.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lynn (DC, US) on 03/18/2015

I've done the straight drugstore variety peroxide several times when I have gotten desparate. It burns but it does work and very quickly.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mack (Denver, CO) on 03/04/2015

I use a 16 oz Neil Med bottle, two packets of the additive, and just enough 3% hydrogen peroxide to cover the bottom of the bottle. I will never go back to the Dr. for a sinus infection again; works WAY better than antibiotics, and quicker too; costs almost nothing. This and some HP dropped in my ears along with the expanding foam earplugs, & I get over infections and colds MUCH more quickly. I drain it after about 15 minutes. No stinging or pressure. I have tried it with just 3% HP, and that is a bit harsh; but it DID attack the infection. I'd use it the new way about 5-6 times a day; It's less time than it takes to go to the Dr.'s office!

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