Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide: Safe Sinus Infection Relief

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by R. Lee (Marietta, Ga) on 04/26/2015

I am so glad to find this site. I tried 1 Tbsp. hydrogen Peroxide to 1 ounce water. Q-tip application to each ear and nasal passages (separate q-tips for each of course). That felt a bit better, so I followed that with a few drops in each nostril and tilted head back for 10 seconds. There was clearing. Not much tingling. Followed all this with 2 good gargles. I feel better and can breathe. I think I'll do this morning and night and see how it goes. Thanks again.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lynn (DC, US) on 03/18/2015

I've done the straight drugstore variety peroxide several times when I have gotten desparate. It burns but it does work and very quickly.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mack (Denver, CO) on 03/04/2015

I use a 16 oz Neil Med bottle, two packets of the additive, and just enough 3% hydrogen peroxide to cover the bottom of the bottle. I will never go back to the Dr. for a sinus infection again; works WAY better than antibiotics, and quicker too; costs almost nothing. This and some HP dropped in my ears along with the expanding foam earplugs, & I get over infections and colds MUCH more quickly. I drain it after about 15 minutes. No stinging or pressure. I have tried it with just 3% HP, and that is a bit harsh; but it DID attack the infection. I'd use it the new way about 5-6 times a day; It's less time than it takes to go to the Dr.'s office!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Russ (Utah, US) on 01/22/2015

I used to get sinus infections about twice per year, but have been using hydrogen peroxide successfully for 3 years now and have not needed antibiotics. I use the 3% solution one can obtain at the pharmacy and dilute it to one part hydrogen peroxide to 15 parts warm water. (This avoids excess irritation.) I do this in a little medicine measuring cup and then suck it into a child's medicine syringe. (Both these items can be purchased for little cost at any pharmacy.) Then I get on my hands and knees on my carpet and inject the mixture up each nostril. Then I put my head down which keeps the solution in my sinuses and keep that position for 4 to 5 minutes. I have found that I usually need to do this 2 days in a row and the infection is completely eliminated. I love it. It is a miracle after struggling for so many years. Hope this works for you as well.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Snuffy (Bethel, Alaska) on 12/29/2014

I had a cold; my sinus was congested and horrible sneezing and runny nose, so I took a Q-tip and saturated it with H-P and swabbed as far up as I could reach and snorted. Intense reaction followed by clearing of the nasal storm ... Amazing what the extra oxygen can do.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tony (Claremore, OK) on 12/29/2014

I put a cap full of peroxide in a styrofoam cup and mix it with 1/2 cup warm water. I then pour it into my hand and snort it. I do this with peroxide or sometimes salt. Sure quick way of healing sinus issues. I also used this for strep throat which helped a lot since that post nasal drip was causing the strep.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Claudia (Ia, US) on 11/23/2014

You're absolutely right. I've used the regular 3% hydrogen peroxide (Walmart/Walgreens) sparingly in salt water, with a little plastic neti pot with no problems. With enough practice, one learns how to tilt the right then the left side over a sink and clear out those sinuses in minutes. Don't need food grade and it doesn't burn that bad if one uses just a little. Immediate comfort is felt, infection clears up with just a few uses. Hydrogen peroxide mixed with the salt water works!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Susan (Buffalo, NY) on 10/19/2014

I've used 3% drugstore hydrogen peroxide for many years and feel very confident using it. You don't need food grade to treat a number of these issues.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/19/2014

Joseph, the famous Bill Monroe used regular drug store H2O2.....

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joseph (N. Bay, Manitoba) on 10/19/2014

Warning****Nobody has mentioned that you must use food grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide. Don't use that medicine cabinet disinfectant stuff. You can get food grade from reputable health food stores or online.****

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jean (NZ) on 09/19/2014

Sounds scary - I think I'll try it in my ears first - thats supposed to work isn't it?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Man (America) on 01/02/2014

Oh most definitely Hydrogen Peroxide in the ears will clean out much debris in there. I heard once that to put Hydrogen Peroxide in the ears at the first inkling of a cold or sick feeling. In fact I have done this for seven minutes or longer for each ear until there is very little bubbling in the ears. It is very useful for this purpose. On two occasions the full blown cold/sick was stopped in its tracks. I mean, I did not have to go through the full cycle of sick, sicker, and sickest from the cold. I also used prayer to Healer and obedience to God, and Vitamin C and EVOO and turmeric and other anti inflammatory things like Coconut oil and (see other posts).

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Taram7 (Cincinnati, Oh) on 01/01/2014

Best folk remedy that works! h2o2 TO SOAK in each ear for at least 1-2 mins each side twice and drain out... do this 2-3 times a day - don't know how it works but it really does. I use this on myself and my kids at the first sign... after using it.. no more congestion, nose blowing, etc. Seems to work for some seasonal allergies too.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jimmy O. (New York, Ny) on 11/25/2013

I can't stop laughing after reading Chucktruck's response here. As I read through all the entries here I thought that maybe I was overdoing it a bit. LOL I too use straight 3% HP up both nostrils and in both ears. It sure can hurt, so it's not for the faint of heart. I know it's working if I think my eyeball will explode. LOL Straight HP is strong medicine, but if you can bear it, it does work. Don't forget the ears too!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Beverly (Maryland) on 06/24/2013

Awesome!!!! Just did it... 4:01 in the morning. Awesome!!!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Chipaholic (Brandon, Manitoba) on 06/15/2013

After 3days of antibiotics and no results I was on the floor in pain, I tried this and I am not in pain anymore! Yah! I thought my weekend was ruined.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lea (Montrose, Colorado) on 02/09/2013

To oxygenman: I think what you were describing about the clump of grossness that came out was what is called a "fungal ball". I read about this when I researched fungal sinusitis. Yuk!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gary (Arvada, Co) on 02/05/2013

Hydrogen Peroxide for Sinus Infections: I looked at this web page out of curiosity as I have my 1st sinus infection in 12 years. Curious because when I was a teen I had them all the time. I one day got so tired of living that way against my better judgement and the warning label not to take up the nose, I did anyways desperate to kill it. I took the cap off the bottle, poured what seemed like 3-5 drops in the cap, slowly added water in the cap, and snorted up my nose, then did the same the other side. Also dipped a qtip in the peroxide and went deep in both ears. I was cured instantly after the burning sensation and drainage cleared the burning sensation away. I always wondered if this cure had possible brain damaging effects like sniffing markers would?

Anyways, I totaly forgot I used to use this when I was younger, and sinse so many people have admited doing this I will too. I guarantee it almost always instantly cures you. Don't miss the ear swab with it, and a throat gargle. It will burn, and your eyes too for a bit, and will make you a bit or very dizzy for 1- 20 minutes. There were a few times I did it twice a day for a few days in a row to make sure I didnt miss any of the infection. I just want to say this does work, and thank you for reminding me.

One warning, per the burning and foaming , hold your breath as you need to tip your head back so it goes deep down your sinuses. This means a bit may go down your throat causing a little lung choke. A few times in the past, after I did that it went down through my nose down my throat, and a bit got in my lungs, I felt like I couldn't breath for a few minutes and coughed excesively. It really sacred me!!! the peroxide fumes, can cause your lung passages to swell. {So keep it to a few drops or you may regret it} I mean it!!! So make absolutrely sure you hold your breath a good 20 secs after snorting it. Peroxide also cures my sore throats I get occasionaly, gurgle it carefuly do not swallow. {Hold your breath, and gargle after a minute with plain water and spit out.

I forgot I did this, because it started to become a big habit, I did it for preventative reasons too often, and 1 day I said I better stop this or I could be possibly slowly killing brain cells, I don't know? After reading this forum I thi maybe the drs and fda dont want you to know this cure or theyl loose patients to thids remedy. Plus a dr has to worry about malpractice if they say its okay, and someone is to stupid to realize not to od on it, so they say nothing. I wonder????

The best answer, is start out with 1 drop per top cap filled with water and snort. Test your tolerance 1st. If its not so bad try 3 {next time} and no more than 5 drops per capful. Im sure I don't have to tell anyone to be respectful and not share the same bottle of peroxide with others even if it is a disinfectant. lol.

Hope this helped. I did this twice a week when I was 18-19-20 yrs old even when I didnt have anymore infection to keep it from returning. I'm 38 now and this is my 1st sinus infection since about 20 when I stopped.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shamil (Ocean City, Nj/usa) on 10/25/2012

Every year in the past fall season, I would get a cold/sinus infection that took me to my MD, who then put me on a course of antibiotics. About four years ago I began the sinus rinse (sea salt warm water) at the first sign of infection. This helped greatly. About two yrs. ago I started adding h2o2, and have not needed an MD or antibiotic since. When started early enough, only a small amt. of h2o2 added to the rinse solution works for me.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lady_samantha (Mn, Usa) on 10/21/2012

It burns like hell. But mins after doing it. I felt a lot better! I mean a lot!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Diane (Foley, Al) on 09/23/2012

Working with arts and crafts and living on a farm with feed and hay, you tend to get a little infection. Got this idea from Earthclinic about 6 yrs ago. I use hydrogen peroxide (4 drops) 1/4 cup water. I mix and put in a dropper. I lay down and arch my head back put about 4 drops in and let the mixture sit there for about 2 minutes. It burns a little. Then I blow it out. Within 5 minutes the pressure is gone. Within 15 min. It's all gone. It does not return until I throw hay again. It's always work for me, and no problems.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bradford (San Francisco, Ca) on 08/09/2012

Holy C**P , this really works. I did antibiotics two weeks ago and nothing moved. I had presure and pain, unable to taste anything and dizzy everyday. I was going crazy waiting for another Dr. Office visit and saw this water salt and little bit of Hydrogen peroxide mix, tried it and suddenly I had drainage for the first time. Never so much so fast. It kills but it works.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Oxygenman (Jackson, Mich) on 06/28/2012

I have another remedy that you might be interested in. Take 1oz of 35% foodgrade hydrogen peroxide and 11ozs of distilled water and mix and put in a sprayer and than spray 4or5 times each nostril and hold as long as you can and then blow. I did this at night once a day and on the third night I had to wake up my wife and show her what came out, it wasnt the regular sinus drainage that I was used to it was like a clot of some kind and it was more than the yellow and green shit, it was nasty.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rachel (Louisville, Kentucky) on 05/14/2012

Most of my sinus infections start in my ears and I've noticed that if you put hydrogen peroxide in your ear it will get the infection out. I've never tried putting it in my nose and probably never will, its easier to put it in your ear and it does work.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Chucktruck (Montgomery City, Missouri, Usa) on 04/19/2012

Wimps, all of you. I snort the straight 3% right up my nose and into my sinuses. Yes it burns, therefore I do not recomend it unless you have a rather high tolerance for pain. Just try to limit the quantity so you do not swallow it when it comes down the back side. Enjoy!! Chucktruck

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gardner123 (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 02/08/2012


The person who says they use a 50/50 solution of peroxide to saline has to be joking! The first time time I tried the wash I used 2 tablespoons of peroxide to 1 packet of saline and 8 oz. Lukewarm water for my netti pot squeeze bottle (much easier than the netti pot). The first blast drove me to my knees it burned so bad. My nose foamed and I swear it felt like the foam came out my eyes and ears too. I know it didn't, but it sure felt like it did. As soon as I could breathe again and stand, I rinsed with plain, cool water. For an hour after that attempt, I could feel the uncomfortable bubbling sensation in the roots of my jaw teeth.

There is some validity to the treatment however. I now use 1 teaspoon with the saline solution. I was on antibiotics for a year, had my 2nd sinus surgery last year, and continued with aantibiotics for an ongoing sinus infection for another 7 months. I gave up on the antibiotics for the peroxide wash and have not had a sinus infection for 4 months now.

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