Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of DMSO: What You Need to Know

Pain Relief
Posted by Gg (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) on 11/12/2009

DMSO topical application

I used DMSO for the first time last night (topically), as a guinea pig test before using it on my boyfriend's back.

On another note, the pain relief was amazing! I hadn't realised how much my feet normally hurt. I have a condition called "Haglund's Deformity" and also some excess bone in my feet which causes me much pain. I wasn't having a "sore feet" day, but I noticed with utter amazement after trying it on 1 foot only that the other was was actually hurting quite a bit. I must be so used to it that I ignore it normally. The foot I tried the DMSO on felt "buoyant", that's the only was I can describe it. Light and slightly tingly, complete absence of pain or aching. And I only applied it at 3 points on the skin! I'm looking forward to experimenting more with this amazing substance, and hoping it will provide some relief for my BF who suffers from "Scheuermann's Disease".

I just had a question for anyone with experience -- it's left my skin puckered and dry feeling, like when you been in the bath too long and you "prune", only it's dried out now. Will this go away??? I would assume it does but I'm hoping I haven't done myself any permanent damage! I left cotton swabs soaked in the solution on my skin for about half an hour and it stung so i took them off, then noticed this skin effect.

Pain Relief
Posted by Mariam (Roanoke, Va) on 08/02/2012

DO NOT USE DMSO FULL STRENGTH@ 99% DMSO is a powerful agent and some of you are using it full strength and out of plastic roll on containers which is not advisable. It must be used and stored out of glass as it will take some of the plastic with it if used from plastic. It must be applied from a small glass container to which you have cut it at least by HALF if it is a 50% solution, even with 70%. It will work if used responsibly but it is caustic if you apply it to the skin without diluting it with water or aloe and it will burn and damage tissues initially before they heal at full strength. You could even get a swollen tongue as epithelial cells slough off too quickly so exercise caution. And please remember, Whatever it touches goes into the skin with it.

Pain Relief
Posted by Ray (Calgary, Alberta) on 12/21/2012

My wife has Rheumatoid Arthritis so I rubbed and massaged DMSO on her hands, feets, knees, shoulder etc. (mixed with castor oil)The whole process took 30 minutes. After my hands looked like prunes. But it went away an hour later. That night I did the process again. This time the prune look stayed with me all night, no matter how hard I tried I could do nothing. No lotions made any difference. Eventually it cleared up by the end of the day. I didn't use DMSO anymore but just the castor oil. But then 2 days later tried again but with more castor oil (before it was only 50:50 mixture). Now the finger tips didn't get the prune look, though they are a little "tender."

Pain Relief
Posted by Redcairo (Miami, Ok) on 05/19/2013

The way DMSO works means that it is very dehydrating to skin. After you use it, maybe 10 minutes later, put some quality oil on your skin, I use castor oil but it can be anything that is healthy. You'll need this to rehydrate the skin.

DMSO and Sterilization
Posted by Rob (Melbourne florida ) on 10/23/2022

Sorry, Judge Sojournor but ur pretentious self is evident in chastising someone who just asked an innocent question. Please provide us with more of ur extensive knowledge on DMSO or is ur research limited to intimidating others needing answers? we all know how to ‘research' but often the research is an opinion..and u would know..

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 08/13/2023

Hi jo12

I was like you 1-2 years ago. Way better now. Make sure you have 3 out of the 5 foods everyday. So easy and it works for me. 1 butter 2 avocado 3 egg 4 1 teaspoon coconut oil 5 1 teaspoon Olive Oil. These 5 foods are the best brain foods.. It took me about a month to notice a change, I have doing this for 3-4 years and I will not stop.

Take care jo12


Internal Use
Posted by Roxie (Michigan) on 06/21/2022

I think Dr. Jacobs ingested some DMSO everyday.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Barbara (Ohio) on 05/15/2022 3 posts


Thank you for the information.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Rae (Texas ) on 04/09/2021

Is there a brand you can recommend? I just had 3 MRI's and apparently I have arthritis in my back. I deliver mail so I need something that really works and I truly believe this could help.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by cfitz (georgia) on 04/10/2021

Kenny: How would DMSO be used to treat arthritis - topically or internally; and what are the protocols?

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by amy (MI) on 05/11/2021 15 posts

Hello Kenny!

I have a friend with lung cancer, I am not sure what stage. She has been taking Rick Simpson Oil, but recent tests show new tumors and tumor growth. I once read a study showing Oil of Oregano killed lung cancer tumors AND encouraged new tissue regeneration. I am searching now for how to use DMSO with RSO or Oil of Oregano to help her... Can you please explain the protocol your friends with cancer used?

Thank you so much for sharing this!

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Stefanie (Jonesboro, Ar ) on 02/06/2022 1 posts

Hello Kenny. I'm very interested in knowing how often you take DMSO for arthritis and if you take it with distilled water or with something else and would the dosage be the same for treating cancer? Also, I would love to learn more about wild lettuce and how it is used. Thanks so much for sharing.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Judi (Shelbyville, TN) on 02/24/2023

Perhaps one could use a clean jade or quartz facial roller to apply a diluted version of DSMO.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Erin (ID) on 09/17/2021

Do you simply use Ascorbic Acid in the bath water to remove the chlorine? If yes, how much?

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 04/11/2018


Dr Stanley Jacobs stated that DMSO is such an effective solvent that its action is similar to an injection! I would just use a carrier oil like jojoba or Castor and then apply. This also protects your hands from any dryness. Good luck.

Bone Spur
Posted by Nick (Muntinlupa, Philippines) on 11/24/2014

DMSO is known to potentate other substances, such as drugs. The Blood pressure drugs will be much more effective in getting into the cells, and work better. I read a person could use up to 10 times less medication and get the same results. Make sure you don't take the BP meds at the same time you apply the DMSO. Make sure they are separated by 4 or more hours.

Blood Pressure drugs and DMSO should never be mixed together or taken with each other. The pressure will fall too low.

If you are brave enough, you could take 1/10th BP drug and DMSO and monitor BP to see what the effects are. You might even be able to stop taking the BP drugs all together with time and experience. Just be careful.

DMSO Combinations
Posted by Angelo (Boise, Id) on 02/01/2015

The warm feeling is actually a reaction with the water in your skin, not an increase in porosity. DMSO doesn't increase porosity or permeability; it simply dissolves a variety of compounds and is able to transport them quickly through your skin. It's nothing to worry about but it's the exact same thing you noticed when diluting it with water to a much lesser scale.

Posted by Man (America) on 12/30/2013


I made a bottle of cayenne extract with coconut oil and a spot of kosher glycerin and I put it on the shelf. I picked it up yesterday off the shelf and have not yet used it. It is too late to try it today because I have already applied a blend I made yesterday and I don't want to confuse the experiment. I like yesterday's blend which is DMSO, glycerine, Aloe Vera juice and homemade cayenne extract in alcohol. So far I am liking the blend. It is mild, yet still generates a heat pad affect. I may try this type of blend with Extract of Bhut Jolokia extract. It will be very hot I am certain but for a bad flare up it would probably be perfect for the relief. Thank you, and I am going back to work.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Rosemary Toews (White Rock, B.c.) on 07/25/2013

In researching DMSO today, I read on one site that it will greatly enhance the effect of alcoholic drinks so it's best not to drink at all when using DMSO therapeutically.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Crsmcb (Missouri) on 08/08/2013

Quote from an review: "There is a Medical Grade and an Industrial Grade. You should ONLY use Medical Grade. The other is sold at hardware stores and is toxic. Furthermore, anything you put on your skin at the same time you use DMSO will penetrate immediately, so make sure it is not toxic. Ditto for clothing with strong dyes if your skin is still wet with DMSO. You will get 'garlic breath' seconds after use, which lasts 4-6 hrs. This is the sulfur breaking down in your body and producing sulfuric breath as waste, while also delivering oxygen to the muscles which are healed many times faster. This has also helped certain autistic children absorb somatropin (?) thru a dermal patch, which has alleviated a lot of food issues with certain types of autism... the rest can be read here: ;)

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/17/2014

I don't notice the smell of DMSO for the most part. Apparently some people do. I had a clerk in a cheap store tell me today that she wanted me to do something about my odour because she said that somebody complained about the smell when I was in the store. I asked her how she knew that it was me? Then I asked the other obvious question: Are you going to shop for me? Where am I going to shop? Then I told her, "I have to take the medication that I have to take".

I didn't hear another word out of her. But she did not bother to even bag up my stuff that I bought.

I know there are many people taking DMSO and I have never heard of anyone complaining to anyone else.

I am thinking that people who smoke cigarettes may be more sensitive to the smell of DMSO. Can anyone echo that?

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Liz (Manchester Nh) on 12/15/2015

Re; ear infection; Before you do anything else you might want to go over to the "pets" section on this site where you will find something called "Blue Juice" for ear infections in dogs. Ahh hate to admit it but it works just as well in human ears. ( Yes, I tried it myself, no harm and it works swell.) Good luck hope you feel better!!!!

Recommended DMSO Books
Posted by Man (America) on 12/30/2013

I put a complete copy of the book DMSO: The Persecuted Drug by Pat McGrady as a mirror of the other copy so that there is a second copy on the web. Having several backups of information like this is helpful. What I see is that the Medical Industrial Complex has control issues and they don't like people learning too much and they use the police power of the state to enforce their arbitrary codes/laws. There is no money to be made in fees on DMSO. It is not patentable because it is a natural substance. This is a miracle substance and it is cheap and it does major good. Nobody is interested in cheap because there is no profit to be made. There is no money telling people to use a product they can go to the store and buy themselves.

Scroll down the page to see the article.


Internal Use
Posted by Jerry (Sprngville, Al. ) on 12/26/2011

PLEASE : Use food grade DMSO for all human use, buy the book (dmso nature's healer) there are all grades of dmso; horses, swimming, industry, be smart and read up on things before you do harm to yourself.

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Passion Cat (Perth, Wa Australia) on 10/29/2010

Premium Grade DMSO in glass bottles is available in Australia from this website
The largest is 500ml and it is RTU 70%

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Aussie John (Cairns) on 01/21/2018

Re buying DMSO in Australia - DMSOAU ( )

are very well priced and of a high quality. Free shipping too. For those committed to DMSO, there are options for bulk prices which attract even better savings. I hasten to add that I am not in any way associated with this company - I provide this in the interests of community service.

I've bought some sprayer bottles (amber glass) on ebay for trans dermal applications, but am now concerned over comments here which indicated that some plastics are affected by DMSO. Does anyone have feedback in relation to possibly metal spray units. Of course, knowing my luck, there'll be a metal component which is also adversely affected! Still, any assistance / advice would be greatly appreciated.

In closing, thank you to all of you for your contributions and your questions. Many have proven to be significantly helpful in my ever widening search for improved health.



Hair Loss
Posted by Karen (Durango, Colorado) on 11/21/2010

A friend of mine uses Cedarwood oil, Yucca Extract, then DMSO on his head & he has new growth. His hair loss was pretty typical of most cases, the first to go are the front & the top of the back of his head. He's pretty encouraged, wasn't taking it very seriously when I started him on it but now he's the one reaching for the bottles.

Posted by Ronnie (Chicago, IL, USA) on 02/07/2009

Can the DSMO heal old Cellulitis scars? It's a skin infection caused by bacteria. Any info would be helpful. Thanks, Ronnie

DMSO and Sterilization
Posted by Tim (USA) on 09/25/2023

The problem is she made it sound like a fait accompli and with ZERO evidence; this is an insidious "FUD" method of guerilla warfare with paid pharma trolls.

It was more than a little irritating to me as well; do take note no evidence has still been provided, which smells very fishy to me.

FUD=[Sowing] "Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt"

Posted by Rhonda (TX) on 03/04/2022 33 posts

You can buy it at Swanson's

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Aja (North Plainfield, NJ) on 11/01/2008


Be very careful with DMSO (Dimenthyl Sulfoxide). As a chemist, I've used DMSO and it is a great compound because it is an EXTREMELY effective solvent.

The reason that the FDA is against DMSO for home use is because it basically dissolves almost anything and takes it along for the ride. Since it is readily absorbed into the skin, anything dissolved in it is also absorbed. This can be dangerous if you inadvertantly come in contact with a hazardous chemical while using DMSO. Many things that are safe when placed on the skin aren't necessarily so when they are absorbed into the body.

DMSO should be stored in glass containers (not plastic) and whatever area on the body it touches should be extremely clean. Be very conscious of not contaminating your bottle by dipping anything into it and make sure any container you use is also clean. As long as you're careful, you shouldn't have any problems.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Kim (SouthWestern Ontario, Canada) on 09/27/2008

Please be advised that DMSO is highly absorbed into the bloodstream and has a high risk of causing sterilization in humans. Although I highly recommended pain and swelling reliever one should use great caution when applying it to an animal by wearing gloves or know for a fact you are done having children before using it on yourself. I have used the product for many many years on horses and never apply it without gloves on.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Angie (Ontario) on 01/15/2022

Where is your references for this info? It's far from true.

Posted by Sam (Boise, Idaho) on 03/26/2009

Very interested in the details of how you have used the DMSO. Do you apply it daily or only when you feel an outbreak coming on? ALSO, do you apply it to broken blisters/open wounds? many thanks, Sam

Posted by Mark (Sherman Oaks, CA) on 03/28/2009

If you take Virgin Coconut oil, herpiees and cold sore out breaks will be a thing of the past. the DMSO is good but rather than trying to prevent one coming on...the VCO will stop it all together and drop all viral loads to extremely low levels. Also the "BUDWIG DIET" with Flax or HEMP oil also has similar results.

Posted by Blue Monkey (Toronto, On) on 03/08/2012

Wow I've heard of DMSO more than a year ago but never actually used it. Anyone who suffers from years of cold sores needs to know about the High L-Lysine and Low L-Arginine diet. It is this high ratio that keeps viruses dormant. Stress depeletes l-lysine and so does sugar, exercise and sex and ongoing insufficient sleep which also reduces other stress coping chemistry. Think how many times outbreaks occur in conjunction with these events in your life.

It hs basically come down to my finding only 3 really high L-lysine low L-arginine foods.
PLAIN WHITE YOGURT (goats cuz cows are too polluted)
Quinoa (also Gluten Free and complete protein)
Figs wow what a super food, eat freah and dried year round

Any time I still feeling a tingle I go for the yogurt and it stops and dies very quickly. I only found Quinoa 2 years ago and figs last year. I have wanted to give up dairy for years and can't because I need the L-lysine basically to survive without sores.

NOW I am actually gonna go across the street and pick up a bottle on my way to the kitchen and stop eating yogurt for as long as possible ;^)

Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes. Blue Monkey

Posted by Dan (Tennessee) on 10/05/2016

Arginine and almonds will make my herpes break out. Arginine was promoted for adding strength and muscle size while working out, gets a big promo from the body building world and it works BUT IF YOU HAVE HERPES IT'S LIKE PUTTING GAS ON A FIRE. If you just have to have arginine, take Lysine. Lysine is good for putting a dampener on viruses like herpes etc.

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 04/07/2023

Thanks for posting this! I've had covid twice and I'm 68. Having problems with memory. I used to play piano and recently took it back up but find it so difficult. Lots of little things have been happening that I believe are related to long covid. I found pharmaceutical grade dmso online, but worried about ordering it because it will show up in my mailbox and since we still have freezing temps I don't want it to freeze. I will definitely be trying the teaspoon of dmso in distilled water! Thanks!

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by Roxanne (Michigan) on 04/21/2023

I think it's ok if it freezes, you just have to warm it. Watch Adrian on YouTube about dmso.

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by Capitanissa (Leros greece) on 04/21/2023

Thank you for sharing this. I have had a “covid slowdown” for about 2 months.

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by Sharon (Utah) on 04/21/2023

Hi, can you please tell me what brand, what percent of DMSO, and where you get it please. I have the Long Haul Covid and have had a very bad time of it. My WBC and platelets keep going down and I don't know why. My doc says it may just be my system trying to deal with the remnants of the virus. Not fun, my memory, energy, and just functioning has been a struggle. Hope to hear from you. Thank you.

Peripheral Neuropathy, Shingles and Arthritis
Posted by Deborah B. (WI) on 09/22/2022

I also have severe peripheral neuropathy. I have found if I apply magnesium lotion to my legs and feet and then I spray on DMSO before rubbing it in, it works well.

Peripheral Neuropathy, Shingles and Arthritis
Posted by Maria (A.C.T) on 10/31/2022

Dear Old Fart, Eucalyptus Oil sent those shingles right back in where they came from. Not a cure, but in my case complete relief for several years and when they made another appearance this year, I sent them back in again.

Internal Use
Posted by May (Australia) on 06/18/2021

I believe it crosses the blood brain barrier?

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/07/2021 462 posts

I haven't, no. I don't use essential oils - aside from repeated attempts to replicate the fragrance of an AWESOME body spray I had 20+ years ago called "Grapefruit & Daisy" which I didn't discover was a "special edition" until half past "too late".

Do you diffuse with DMSO? I want to see what it might draw out of cayenne but haven't gotten around to that. Cayenne and castor oil seem to have some sort of electrical activity to them that I don't think survives the process of a tincture whereas cayenne doesn't seem at all affected as a tea, which is strange...with the amount of actual heat used to make tea...but I can't actually be sure of that. DMSO seems to have an electrical aspect to it as well but I don't think it's the same. Cayenne and castor oil seem alike but DMSO seems..."deeper" or...something like that. Even to the point of incompatibility with a lot of things. Like MMS, which seems to be on the other, high side of what seems like a scale and also not very compatible with much...I don't know...

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois USA) on 06/08/2021 462 posts

I think the "electrical" thing is a matter of using two (or more) things together, if they're close to the same, they interfere with one another but if they're far enough apart, they can work - not TOGETHER but - in TANDEM. Where one does its thing and the other does its thing and they sort of end up cleaning up after one another. Like MMS and DMSO. They're very different but appear to sort of "support" one another. Whereas they don't seem to work well with "middle of the road" things. Perhaps, being "too close" to them, when it comes to their "electrical" properties. Or, perhaps, the...frequencies (?) of their "microcurrents". Which is something I've only recently discovered are actually recognized, scientifically.

Internal Use
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 06/08/2021

CINDY,,,,,,, ORH here, and do not defuse with DMSO, however, the CZ DMSO plant supervisor told me in 1966 that none of his employees had had a cold or flu while working working there. All that work in a chemical process plant inhale the fumes, at least they did in the 60's. One employee did get the flu, but got it when working as a vacation relief in another department. I guess from that, you might assume it has to be a continuous thing. Myself, I nebulize reduced Glutathione in a saline solution. Never read, nor was told to do this. I just do not want to pay the cost of main lining and figure it is better than going through my digestion system. ====ORH====

Internal Use
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 06/29/2021

ORH, you can hang on and around as long as you desire. He gives us the desires of our heart. Now that is not to say you won't have a fight on your hands to make that real. I study body, mind, and spirit and lately the battle for me has gotten down to the last straw and I plan on winning. You might like some people I follow to engage the battle with supernatural strength . I am not that smart, just really stubborn and born a goat, induced me for a tax break on new years eve. I think the scapegoat. I been circling the wilderness with every ones sin on my back.

This pastor did a controversial medical procedure and ended up with his life and now helps others.

MY STORY: 9 YEARS BATTLE & VICTORY over STAGE 4 MELANOMA. How faith and repentance brought healing. - YouTube

I been chewing on this bone for over two years and I will not let go until I get all that is in it to bring to me revelation of what I already have.

You've Already Got It!: Week 1, Day 1 - YouTube

I follow health sites and relational sites and spiritual sites. I am body mind and spirit and they all affect me. Love heals.

I don't like anything watered down, I want the full effect of what is out there, no lies, no games, no manipulations.

Placebo, a wake up call to the Church by Howard Pittman

I hope you get to read this and partake in the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Blessings, Charity

I read the MSM book years ago and use it daily with vitamin C.

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/30/2021 462 posts

People don't talk about it but I've never had a problem with death since learning, upon my first experience with it, that everybody dies which meant, in my little girl mind, that since the best of the best and the most cowardly cowards that have ever lived all got through it, it can't be a bad thing so, we've been buds ever since and I spent a lot of time exploring the idea of it. Much to my mother's chagrin - and stark-raving fear for her fearless kid.

Strangely, men seem more susceptible to a fear of death. I suspect, due to a life of pumping testosterone, creating instances of not always "doing the right thing" and the judgement angle.

I'm glad to know that a woman took it as intended. It was interesting and a hoot but wasn't actually a "big deal". Which was sort of...I don't want to say "disappointing" but I would have thought it would have been more...exciting...I guess. - I was young and an explorer and so...everything was exciting.

And, you're welcome.

Tooth Abscess
Posted by Paul (Valencia) on 11/15/2022

Hello, is the DMSO you mention diluted or is it at full strength?

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 04/09/2021

Hi Slauwhoo from Manitoba -

This is where I get my DMSO in Canada:

Best wishes,


Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Lonnette (Orlando, Florida) on 04/11/2021

Hello, great story. Can you tell us how you personally take your dmso? Do you drink it or rub it on your skin? Thank you .

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Michelle (NSW) on 04/20/2021

I have been taking DMSO and Vitamin C to treat Stage 1V cancer. It hasn't helped yet, but it's only been one month.

Any experience using DMSO and Colloidal Silver or Cesium Chloride?

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Gary (GA) on 06/12/2021

I am not familiar with Dr. Jacobs's work, so I will look into his wisdom.

By not needing anything to get into the body, what are you referring to?

Aromatically is the fasted way for anything to enter the body.

Transdermally, your are fighting through 4 layers of skin, 5 on the palms and feet.

I do not see it as possible for the full dose to make it through the skin. Plus the constant uptake to keep the dose high enough to the area applied.

Thanks for the info on Jacobs and I will research it.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Gary (Georgia) on 06/27/2021

DMSO can not cure RA.

Alleviate the inflammation, yes.

RA is an autoimmune disease and the only way to remedy this is to test for the triggers (auto antibodies) and eliminate them to turn off the body attacking itself.

Cancer lies on the spectrum of AI disease.

You should be tested for it. AI shuts down the immune response and your body cannot fight cancer with the innate immune system.

Functional Medicine treats immunity issues as it relates to chronic disease.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Joy (Plainview, MN) on 02/08/2022

Hi, Can you tell me the protocol or recipe with DMSO for lung cancer? Thank you in advance.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Jerry (Miramar) on 07/08/2022 22 posts


How is it taken for cancer, ..


and what dosages

Thank you in advance.

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Eileen (New Jersey) on 04/05/2021

I tried the DMSO in a nebulizer and it ate through the plastic. If anybody can recommend a solution to nebulizing DMSO, I'd appreciate it- I don't want to be inhaling fumes from melting plastic. Thanks

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Claudi0 (Spring Hill, Florida) on 04/20/2021

I have several books on DMSO and the only thing I can find on nebulizing with DMSO as it can only be a 40 to 50% solution....that would be a mix with distilled water and not to cause damage to equipment. I have not tried it yet, so only going by the written word in my books.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by charity (faithville, us) on 07/01/2022

I read about a lady that made soda crackers with added activated charcoal to feed to her chickens and her kids would sneak into them. I use charcoal for oral health.

Charcoal + Chickens = Healthy Backyard Flock - Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens (

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Richard (California) on 08/19/2022

Take a clove of fresh garlic, smash it and make the dog lie down, press the garlic on the tumor and keep holding on the growth for 5 or 10 minutes do this twice daily, and the tumor will be gone in a few days, tretaed one of my dogs, garlic kills cancer on contact.

Joint Pain
Posted by KAren (West Australia) on 01/18/2022

Hi Richard,

And how's that going for you now that its a few years down the track, did you keep up with it, have you had bloods done regularly, how's your gut microbiome?

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Juiceman (Seattle) on 08/02/2018

Great call Jam, who would have thunk it, you did.

Types of DMSO
Posted by Jamal (Riyadh, Ksa) on 03/28/2017

Hi R.Henry,

Please, what is the difference between the dmso derived from the black liquor, and the one that is made from methane gas? Which one to use.

Best regards,


DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Sebastian (Ottawa, Ontario) on 03/03/2017

I too began to use DMSO a few days ago and initially did not notice any smell or weird taste as I was expecting. Later on I noticed that there was a very subtle smell after all, the kind that you might not even notice yourself, but only your partner will :) Luckily my wife is with me on the experiment so she doesn't mind.

I also heard that the smell or taste is more often seen in men than in women.

Regarding the stinging and sunburn-like sensation - I had that as well. It also depends on what part of the body you are applying it to. Neck and shoulders tend to be the most sensitive, while knees and elbows can tolerate concentrated DMSO. Diluting the DMSO a bit more took care of the issue. Also, when I mistakenly put some strong DMSO on my face and it started burning like crazy and got red and scary, a few drops of diluted lavender oil fixed it in just a few minutes.

Where to Buy: USA
Posted by Vikki D. (Columbus, Ga) on 10/29/2016

I got the 99.9% pure pharmaceutical grade on Amazon. It is very inexpensive for a big glass bottle.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Gri (Spain) on 08/21/2016

My husband doesn't smoke and doesn't use DMSO and when I do use the 70% gel topically, he says that the whole room stinks like sulphur (garlic, onion smell) although I can't even smell it in my own breath, he can. He says it's a romance killer. Because of that I skip going to the gym when on it.

DMSO and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nevada (Bethlehem, Pa) on 05/31/2016

Someone posted this in an Amazon review but I am having difficulty finding out much more about it and haven't tried it. Is it referring to 35% H2O2?

1 oz food-grade hydrogen peroxide, 7 oz organic, whole-leaf aloe vera gel, 1 oz DMSO mixed together in a spray bottle and applied topically after showering

DMSO and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by William Barrett (NV) on 12/26/2022

What are the dosages of hydro & DMSO with sterile water for COPD? Is it still working and for how long do you take it?

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Jeanie (Ca) on 09/25/2014

I'm sorry it sounded confusing. I use a cotton ball to apply the DMSO to my skin. Now I just add a drop or two of peppermint essential oil to the wet cotton ball. I have never used DMSO internally so I do not know how that would work.

General Feedback
Posted by Roberta (Georgia, US) on 07/13/2014

I learned about DMSO from watching Tony Pantalleresco's YouTubes, one of which is about using DMSO and turpentine and salts in a bath. I had first used DMSO that I bought at the health food store 99.9% pure for $13 for 4 oz. The one at the feed store was 99.9% pure and $9 for 16 oz. So I bought that and have seen no ill effects. What is medicinal grade DMSO? How can it be more pure than 99.9%? So I guess the horse DMSO is medicinal grade. Does anyone know what is what with this issue? Am I missing something?

Also, I have not dared to take this internally but I guess a lot of you do. I will have to read more about it.

I have enjoyed reading so many of your posts. I also read that DMSO should not be used daily but some of you have used it daily, and internally, for decades. And there you are: alive!

General Feedback
Posted by MataH (Australia) on 06/24/2023

I know it is a bit late for answering you, but for anyone else going that way, I would think it is a bad idea to use dmso over an infected area considering it takes everything with it inside to the blood.

Where to Buy: Philippines
Posted by Bill (San Fenando, Philippines) on 06/20/2014

Hi Joy...I have never been able to find or buy DMSO in the Philippines. So I generally order my DMSO from UK. See this link.

However, I have also recently found a website where the price of DMSO is much cheaper:

DMSO Combinations
Posted by Mrs. Hill (Arkansas, US) on 06/18/2014

I have seen many posts here about DMSO. I found some that is 90% DMSO gel. When I mix it with aloe juice to get it to less than 70% solution to apply topically, it gets quite hot for several seconds. This happens less if I mix it with castor oil. I don't understand what is happening chemically.

It seems as if I have seen it said that you can't mix DMSO with other things ahead of time and must mix right before using. Is that correct? I was wanting to try DMSO and Colloidal Silver in a spray bottle for bug bites.

I appreciate your opinions. Thank you.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/27/2014

Man from Sojouring America: Hi, would you mind sharing the results of all of your DMSO experiments?

I would love to hear and compare. For example, one night I took a table spoon mixed in some water and made me have such a relaxed sleep!!!!

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Paul (London UK) on 07/29/2022

The critical issue with chlorine dioxide (MMS) is the concentration. I have never used it, like apple cider vinegar. I'm afraid of its reaction with my Barrett's Esophagus. As for asking the doctor's advice, I am very wary of that due to most of them getting with the govt. narrative on Covid, Lockdowns, masks and jabs.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 07/19/2021

Although this post is 7 years old, I just had an experience in Mexico after traveling there 3 times this year on business. Upon each return my system was a bit out of sorts. This month I had something like an IBS attack (stomach was in great pain which caused bad lower back pain). Acupuncture, DMSO and a low does of CBD/THS (2.5mg each) helped. After about 3 days of pain, I remembered the discomfort was similar to having a horrible parasite many years ago. Reintroduced an IBS elemental liquid diet with absorb plus (also bone broth) to calm inflamed intestines and 1/2t pure gum spirits of turpentine to kill whatever it was. I keep turp on hand and will start traveling with it in the future especially to third world countries. After the second day of the diet, the discomfort stopped but still eating foods that are easy to digest. I suggest researching absorb plus, and Dr. Jennifer Daniels about gum spirits.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Lyn (Tulsa, okl) on 09/22/2021

I think the reason you had such strong diarrhea after mixing those ingredients with the DMSO it's because magnesium if taken in a large dose causes diarrhea the DMSO just amplified everything you took as if you took larger doses of each of them.

DMSO and Aloe Vera
Posted by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 12/30/2013

Right on Man from America: The joint formula I use says right on the tube that the aloe vera base carries the herbal extracts into the joint. Like you, I add cayenne for heat. Works great all the time.

DMSO and Aloe Vera
Posted by Riversidian (R.I., US) on 06/25/2014

aloe is dead in any form but from a live leaf

DMSO and Aloe Vera
Posted by Melanie (Mansfield, Pa) on 11/05/2018

Is this true, that aloe Vera gel is dead unless you take it from the plant right then and use it?

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by 111laker111 (Ontario, Canada) on 07/29/2013

Hello all I am trying desperately to find DMSO in Toronto Canada for a soft tissue problem on my feet that I have had for over 20 years. Can anyone tell me where I might get some?

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 03/12/2018

Any organic/vitamin/natural healing store. I found mine at Planet Organic. Online would be a good place to look, as well.

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Rim (AB - Alberta) on 05/09/2021

DMSO & More

Life Choice

213 Railway St E, Cochrane, AB

Phone: 1-866-226-1722

Fax: 1-866-226-1822

Email: [email protected]


DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 01/23/2014

This is a follow up on side affects of DMSO. From my experimentation on myself I have discovered that there seems to be a limit on how much DMSO a body can process in a given period of time. And don't take too close to bed time. My journal is available on the web.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Lyla (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/09/2015

The only person who ever complained was my girlfriend who cannot stand it. No one else seemed bothered. I used it for my painful bladder which was so bad I could not even drive my car over the bumps in the road. I read that doctors were using it for this and it helped with the pain greatly. I am finally cured all these many years later from this. I meditate and sought the reason for the bladder and was finally healed. I still use DSMO for Lyme disease arthritis I acquired many years ago while hiking and being bit by tick. I had the Bull's eye and the whole thing before anyone knew what it was. I am still stuck with the arthritis mostly in my neck and back, chest. Now I am thinking about using DMSO for an ear infection as a last ditch effort. I have been taking antibiotic ear drops for ear for the past ten years at 200 dollars per month. Insurance pays but will no longer do so. Ear comes and goes and was really bad with the start of winter. I got this infection from someone who gave me a massage and breathed into my mouth. This infection started in my lungs and moved to my ears. The ear drops contained antibiotics with cortisone. I just bought over the counter cortisone and am using it. I do not have a fever. My neck is now involved and my left tonsil/throat. I just saw an allergist who did not know about this ear. I saw the dead of Cedar's Sinai who did not know about it either and another doctor on Santa Monica Blvd. Does anyone now if DMSO will work? I bet it will at least get rid of the pain.

DMSO and Aloe Vera
Posted by Susan (New York) on 02/08/2013

Bill from San Fernando, can you explain how to do this (from Ted's posting)?

DMSO must be used together with aloe vera oil to prevent inflammation however.


Pain Relief
Posted by Mystic Sage (Cutler Bay, Florida) on 07/15/2012

I purchased DMSO gel 99.9 pure with 10% Distilled water. I had excruciating pain on the tail bone from physical work around the house, as in moving furniture. I figured I would take a chance and just try it so I first used the roll-on with the same percentage of the gel, first. It felt as if the pain was never going to cease but I was not going to give up so easily. I applied DMSO (once) for two days. I thought that if the pain still persisted on the third day, I would consult with a physician. Well, on the third day, I felt no pain at all, as if it were never there!

In reading some of the entries on here, I have become quite curious in exploring DMSO further. I would like to know if everyone here purchases DMSO in the same form. If I am to take it orally, do I purchase a different form other than gel, or can I still use the gel that I currently have? How are many of you on this thread figuring out what measurements are needed for your ailments. Someone mentioned douching and I, too, am curious as to how it can be done and what form is used. Should DMSO and MSM be used together? I am just discovering information about MSM. Another member mentioned a book on it and I am going to purchase a copy. If anyone can answer or outline information on what I need, please do so. I believe in DMSO.

Internal Use
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 12/07/2010

There is a book on DMSO by the same doctors who wrote one about MSM. I only read the MSM one but what I understood is that it is clear that you can use DMSO internally, I even think that it is usually used internally but that because of the odor you can better use MSM. One of the doctors has ran a DMSO clinic in the US for many years, maybe he still does..... If you go on Amazon you will find several books on both subjects.

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