Top Health Benefits of MSM for Pain Relief, Skin and Lungs

Posted by Shelley (Quebec) on 09/13/2017

MSM: Headaches and nightmares and excessive thirst as a side effect but wow, almost pain free. Had pain in knees, neck, hips, wrists, elbows, and shoulder, feet, back, fingers on right hand. I can function again without pain. Been only a week and a half since taking it.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Donna (Tucson) on 09/10/2017

For those who get a rash from MSM:

Any time the skin breaks out in a rash, that is a sign that the liver is detoxing. Over time it will go away. Just keep the dose low until it subsides, then you can increase it.

Posted by Greenhealth (Nsw) on 07/23/2017

Scabies for 2 years nothing worked. I used MSM half a teaspoon 3 times a day 3 days later 60 per cent scabies sores healed. Amazing product lifesaver. I was at the end of the rope after trying literally hundreds of different things.

Thank God for MSM.

Posted by Jepps (Finland) on 11/27/2016

I've been using MSM for 3-5 months now, and only side effects so far have been that my acne healed away and pimples are gone! But it seem I've got more wrinkles around eyes, but that might only be cause I'm aging.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Bill (Philly, Pa) on 12/11/2012

I've been reading all the comments about MSM on here for a couple of years now. Not to mention all the other info on line as well. I also read a book that surprisingly wasn't all that informative. You can also go to the infamous VIDEO site and find lots of useful health information.

When you first start taking MSM you WILL get a headache. That's a given. I don't know about a migraine, I don't know if I've ever had one. I had anywhere from a mild to a pretty severe.. Kind of dizzy like headache. This will pass if you can keep up with it. They say it will usually go away in about three weeks. Mine took about a month before it stopped. If you stop taking it and then start taking it again, It WILL start all over again. You can go a day or two but I would push my luck. I realize it's anoying but if you can stick it out you'll get past it.

Now the other thing is that you NEED to buy a powder. The tablets are useless. (or capsules)You would need to take the entire bottle in one day to get enough. Taking a thousand Mg once, twice, or three times a day is the same as taking nothing.

I am currently taking 20 thousand Mg a day. That's right 20,000. I take 10 thousand mg roughly 12 hours apart. When you really start investigating and reading enough on it you'll find that's the suggested amount. Most people start out really, really low and gradually work their way up. That may be a way to avoid the headaches. My theory was if I'm going to get them anyway I might as well take a useful amount and get them over with at the same time.

MSM is naturally occuring, just not as much as it use to. Like everything else. Some of these stories are a little out there as far as I'm concerned. These scare tactics just because you didn't like it or had some thing happen that you think was because of something you tried on Earthclinic are ridiculus and shouldn't even be posted as far as I'm concerned.

MSM has the same toxity as water. Meaning NONE. You can't take too much. Anything your body doesn't need will just come out in your urine. Just like water. You may find yourself going to the bathroom alot more when you first start taking it.

One more thing. I also used to buy it at a local Farm supply store down the street. 2 Lb's for about $17.00. That's half the price for twice the amount from a health food store or on line. The more I read about it the more I found out that maybe I shouldn't. The theory is that if it comes from China (this did) it is propably loaded with mercury and lead. China doesn't treat its water properly because it doesn't care about its poeple. They have horribly polluted water. Water is a big part of processing MSM and the polutants all get trapped in the MSM. I can't find a Horse/vet brand that isn't made in China. The container never says. When you call them it's like pulling teeth trying to get a strait answer. Eventually they admit it's from China. So until I find a safe Vet version I'll have to keep paying twice as much for half the amount. Or until I find that a china made brand is not neccasarily polluted.

Knee Pain
Posted by Karen (Sydney, Nsw) on 10/03/2010

I have really bad knees which seemed to be getting worse each week... I bought MSM on ebay here in Australia.. 400 gms and the cost was $20 for the MSM and $5 to send... I started on one teaspoon a day and have increased it to 2 teaspoons a day in orange juice, ( one teaspoon in each glass)... I wouldn't be able to walk if I hadn't started on MSM , as the pain was so severe.. I read the powder form is much bettr than the tablets as the tablets have fillers.. All I know is within one day of taking MSM, the pain was gone... I combine MSM with Castor oil.. The Castor oil I rub into the front and back of my knees.... It is fantastic... Look for the MSM that has some lumpy bits in it.... That way you know it has no fillers... It was the best $25 I've ever spent and the tub should last at least 3 months...

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Maxine (Havana, Arkansas, USA) on 08/17/2008

For all you people who have had a bad reaction to msm. You must start out taking very small amounts and work up to a larger dose. You will have herxhimer syndrome (body getting rid of bad stuff) if you dont. I get mine from vet supply, 5 lbs at a time, msm for horses, it has no fillers 99.9 % pure. Start out with 1/8 tsp, put on back of tongue, because of taste. I have been taking it many years, but had some bad symptoms at first.

EC: Thanks, Maxine. Very good to know...

IBS, Arthritis, Gum Problems
Posted by Irene (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/03/2008

My husband and I have had wonderful success for over 6 years taking MSM orally and using MSM topically. We each take a teaspoon daily - about 4 grams. It has stopped irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis and been fantastic help in gum problems (gargle).

The gel has reduced scars, insect bites, sunburn and creams are anti-ageing. We are passionate about MSM and will always take and apply it. Results have been so dramatic we started a skin care company.

Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 08/29/2020

Hi Art,

My husband stopped using the borax hand cream when he read that that even topical use might be a problem for people with kidney disease. That may have been the case with your neighbor. He is now using MSM, also, and having some pain relief with it. Thank you for your always helpful, well researched posts that have benefitted so many here.

Posted by Michaela (Cambridge, Ma) on 02/17/2015

Hi Cat,

I had the EXACT same response as you when I tried taking MSM - heart palpitations and increasing anxiety and unbearable pressure on my chest when I lay down to sleep. I read that you should stop for a few days and then start again with a very small amount of MSM and work your way up very slowly. I have a giant bottle of MSM powder but have yet to try it again because m first experience was very scary. What if you roll on just the MSM gel and not swallow any? Maybe that's the key. Please let us know how it goes.

Posted by Lynn (Canada) on 01/08/2017

Hi, quality organic msm should only be consumed. Also, some people can have a sensitivity, mild gas and bloating. Msm does detox, which can cause heart palpitations, gas, diarrhea, headache. So start off slowly, increasing the dosage over time.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Hardlymoving (Union, Nj, Usa) on 10/15/2010

I've been using MSM for several years and it works. First started with DMSO but my wife and friends couldn't take the Sulphur smell. Switched to MSM to 2 tablespoons a day and got ALL the symptoms of detox; headaches, change in heart rhythm, extreme fatigue, etc. Didn't panic and lowered the dosage. All the problems gradually disappeared. I take 2 tablespoons in powder form with powered Vit C first thing in the morning with around 16 oz of water. Then my bladder get's filled every 20 minutes... Constantly urinating clear. By late morning everything's good.

Spinal Cord Injuries
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 10/14/2008 495 posts

At the end of August my 59 year old active male relative fractured, I believe it was 3 cervical (neck) vertabrae in an accident. He remembers floating face down in the water and thought he was going to drown before someone turned him over. He said he remembers telling them that he couldn't feel anything at that time. He was airflighted home on the ventilator and went through surgical repair after extensive studies of his injuries. Because of heavy sedation, still on ventilator, and complications of pneumonia communication was very limited, but about the only progress noted during the next two weeks was in trying to wean him off the ventilator, to find that he could do some breathing on his own, but he was still on the ventilator much of the time, however the respiratory rate was set much slower which means that he was doing a lot of breathing on his own (vent doesn't kick in as long as the patient is breathing adequately without it). When moved to rehabilitation, he had some sensory function of upper and lower extremities, very slight motor function of the upper extremities. When asked for prognosis, about the only thing his doctors would tell the family was that the longer he went without regaining use of arms & legs, the less likely that he would ever regain it.

About 2 or 3 weeks after entering rehab, he and his wife decided to restart him on MSM since it had helped his arthritis so much before the accident. Approximately 1 week after restarting MSM, when she carried carried him for walks in his wheelchair, he suddenly started talking about getting what he described as a "total body electrical buzz" everytime the wheelchair hit a bump, which was a new experience for him. He has regained more use of hands and fingers also. We are hoping that continuation of the MSM will awaken the motor function pathways in his spinal cord as it apparently has in the sensory pathways. His need for pain medication decreased after the "total body electrical buzz" began also.

Of course he has also had a lot of prayers sent out by many people which we are sure have made a difference also.

P.S. I googled MSM and found that DMSO is converted into MSM by our bodies and is composed of a methyl group (chemistry lingo) and two other methyl groups they mentioned were folic acid and Bl2. It also said that it is active in regenerating connective tissue. I think I told you about my brother starting what I called CNS twitching, my sister-in-law motioning me into another room and telling me that the oncology doctors at VUH saying it meant metastases to the brain and he didn't have as much chance as a snowball, you know where. After saying bull, I'll be back in a few, I went to the drug store and purchased that methyl group called folic acid to add to his macro vitamin/minerals we already had him on, and got rid of the CNS twitches in a few days. So just maybe old methyl group MSM can also regenerate neuron pathways in the spinal cord too.

Side Effects and Warnings
Posted by Troy (Dublin, Va, Usa) on 04/26/2010

Folks, you have got to understand what detox is. A detox can do all sorts of strange things, until it runs its course. The best thing may be to go slow in the beginning. I highly doubt there could be a true allergic reaction to pure MSM. Because, it is in pretty much every cell in your body, and in pretty much every living thing on the planet. It is a very important nutrient. If you are allergic to it, you would be allergic to your own body.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Lisafrequency (North Carolina) on 03/05/2017

It is my understanding that the skin assist the excretory system in elimination of waste. The body may push waste out thru the skin that it does not want to send thru the liver and kidney or, the waste maybe closer to the surface so it exits thru the skin.

The alternative health people seem to want to call a rash a detox symptom when detoxing substances are being consumed. Some say to increase the detox substance while others say back off and go slower.

I think itching with a rash while taking MSM could be caused by not drinking enough water and/or, not taking it in conjunction with vitamin C. We must not forget that it is recommended to do both while taking MSM.

There doesn't seem to be total agreement on what should be done about experiencing detox symptoms. If a rash is indeed a symptom of something being pushed out of the body to stop taking something altogether that is assisting the body to eliminate a toxin seems to defeat the purpose. I can see wanting to slow it down if the rash or other symptom is really sever.

I have worked to detox my body in many different ways. My first real cleaning was about 30 years ago. I was young and I did get some really sever symptoms lots of fever, congestion, and rash. At the time I choose to take more of the substance that I was taking my theory being that I would get it over with and done. I had about 2 weeks of discomfort. After that my health level increased by leaps and bounds.

Other times I have backed off and did it slower. The only symptom I have ever had that made me stop using something is if my throat closes and I can't breathe or if I have chest pains. Unfortunately honey and other bee products does this to me so I can't take anything that is made by bees.

The main thing about learning to have good health is to pay careful attention to your body and how you feel. Ask your body if a symptom you are experiencing is something your body is doing to get rid of something. Your body will tell you the truth so pay close attention to it if you really want to be in good health.

Sometimes we crave things that are really bad for us. I don't know why that is. I gave up soda many years ago and now I can't even swallow it. Yet I still want to drink it also, I crave sweet tea. I have found that every time I give in to the craving and drink it the next day my whole body hurts. I have decided that there is no amount of sweet tea I can drink without it making my body hurt the next day so I just don't ever drink it.

I look for things to keep me healthy yet I do not take many supplements. Eating what I know is good for me does the most good. I eat as much raw foods as possible. I eat a lot of slaw. I also eat fermented vegetables.

I decided to try MSM. I have experienced some itching which seems to have gone away now that I have upped my water intake and taken some vitamin C. I am taking it in a very low dose (1/8 tsp). I am also giving it to my dogs as I found out that it assist their body in eliminating parasites.

I have noticed that my skin and nails are looking better and, a pain that I have in one of my hips feels a little better.

Broken Neck Recovery
Posted by Pris (Southern Ca.) on 12/31/2015

Regarding Vet MSM.

I met a man that told me he was in a car accident a few years ago and broke his neck. A surgeon wanted to operate on his neck and the man refused. The man was told about Veterinarian MSM for human injuries and decided to try it. He told me he purchased the Veterinarian MSM at a feed store. I didn't ask how much he used but he told me that the Veterinarian MSM fixed his broken neck! I thought I would mention this on Earth Clinic.

Back Pain
Posted by Richard G (Colorado) on 05/25/2015

Hi! I also take MSM - about 5 grams a day, as well as Vitamen C (3g/day), turmeric, cayenne and much more. And I've had chronic severe back pain and depression and dizziness and other symptoms for a long time. Yet, in the past year, all of my symptoms have improved, and I think it's because of a change in my philosophies and practices. You see, none of the supplements can work if they can't get to the sites that need them, even when we take large doses. And helping agents can only get to these sites if they have adequate blood flow. So I've made it a practice to do lots of simple exercise repetitions to enforce good blood flow, and let my body take care of the rest. For example, when I lie down, sometimes my stomach can burn like crazy. And I also feel a big knot in my back. So, to bring blood flow to the area, I simply stand up and swing my arms from over my head to down behind my back from 100 to 300 times. The idea is to move my back muscles with a fairly gentle exercise to get all of the fluids moving there. Moving fluids = toxins moving out = beneficial elements moving in = body heals itself. I do this with the various parts of my body that suffer pains, and voila, the pain subsides and even heals over time. I hope you try this and it works for you. It takes creativity and inventiveness to determine the best simple movements to increase the blood flow. Yoga is a good resource for finding movements to repeat over and over.

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 02/06/2017

Hi ORH, it's me again! Your posting reminded me of an interesting observation my favourite Aunt espoused when I was very small. Amongst other accomplishments, she graduated with a Diploma in Horticulture, which greatly impressed me as a small boy fascinated by all things natural and gardening. I asked her why we had white bread as well as brown bread? Same for rice, flour and sugar etc. She was an environmentalist and an advocate for organics before those terms were coined in the main stream. She was a woman ahead of her time who put her knowledge into practice on the land. I admired her a lot. She famously said to me, "The companies take all the good stuff out and feed it to the pigs and we are left with the rest". I never forgot that but I should have promptly taken up shares in a pig farm I suppose!

Rachel Carlson (sp?) wrote "Silent Spring" about the same time I would guess. Oh my, we have not learned a lot since then have we??

Cheers, Michael

Posted by Lucy (Carletonville, South Africa) on 11/15/2012

MSM for arthritis- MSM purchased from the veterinary shop or stables is cheap and it works like a charm. I have been taking the powder (very bitter!!! ) for 6 months and my arthritis is cured, although it is an ongoing remedy but the dosage is less per day.

Increases Energy
Posted by Maz (Sydney, Australia) on 01/18/2010

I have started using 3000mg of pure MSM (capsule form) and also found my energy levels are through the roof! I'm taking msm for melasma but this is a fantastic side effect

Sorry for all the posts but I think this website has changed my life!

Maz :)

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