Natural Remedies to Deep Vein Thrombosis (Blood Clots)

| Modified on Apr 04, 2024
Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Desmond (Chicago, Il) on 06/14/2013

I had a swelling in my right calf that was throbbing and it felt like needles or it felt like a balloon filled with water ready to explode and it was extremely hot to touch. I went to my clinic and was informed that I'd have to return the following week and see a Specialist. The appointment was made and I went home.

Had phoned my sister-in-law in Donegal, Ireland and told her as I was starting to worry at this point with no relief and she told me to get some Molasses and taking 2 tablespoons daily and it will make it disappear!

Sunday evening when I got home I took 2 tablespoon fulls, repeated it Monday morning and night, same Tuesday and Wednesday too and took another on Thursday morning.

Went to my appointment on Thursday afternoon and was asked to roll up my pants and the Specialist looked at my chart and then to both my legs and back and forth and then he says to me, "Which leg is the affected one?" and told him that I was not sure as it was his opinion that I wanted to hear and then his words were: "You're wasting both my time and your own..." that I had no blood clot and to get out of here and be thankful.

I knew it was the Molasses that cured me and I've been telling that story to everyone except the medical staff. For they would never believe me!


Desmond Campbell

Blackstrap Molasses, Cayenne
Posted by Grant (Philadelphia, Pa) on 12/22/2013

Hi Everyone. About 3 weeks ago, I went to tbe emergency room because of deep vein thrombosis. In layman's term, I had a blood clot in my right leg. The pain was intense, and I was given tylenol and a blood thinner. I was discharged after 10 hours and prescribed expensive pharmaceuticals. While I at the hospital, I went on this site and looked up the cures. The blackstrap molasses and red cayenne pepper took a few days to work. After the fourth day, the pain was gone and my leg went back to normal. I saw my physician the following week and was put on a blood thinner. He said he knew that blackstrap and red pepper worked but wanted to be safe than sorry. He took labs, and I go back next week. He said the clot is gone but wants to observe me for another week. I'm happy to have physician that believes in alternative therapies as well.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Annice (Texas) on 11/18/2013

Thank you Desmond for taking the time to post this. The same thing happened to me.J ust below my knee on the calf of my leg. It just kept swelling and it was red. We had just watched Dr. Oz the day before, and he told of the symptoms of a blood clot. It was scary.

I am not one to run to the doctor for just what ever. But I thought well now I have to go. Did not expect to find any help for a blood clot. OK, Blackstrap molasses, really .I went straight to the grocery store (I brought my Tblsp) with me. Took it before I left the parking lot .I was desperate. It has been a week now. And the clot seems to be gone.I took 2 tbls a day mixed in 6oz. of milk. I plan to keep taking it. Maybe not as much, but it seems to be a healthy addition to anyones diet. I used the Brer Rabbit brand because the lable showed to have more iron and magnesium than the grandmas brand. Hope this helps someone.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Donna (Guilford, North Carolina) on 04/12/2007

I read about Blackstrap Molasses and its ability to remedy female issues, and I was amazed. I have rather large fibroids, extreme bleeding and clots. My doctors have looked at a number of treatments from meds to surgery. I started taking 3 tablespoon of molasses a day about 2 months ago. I was schedule for surgery which had to be re-scheduled 3x due to other issues. But, it's my belief that all the re-scheduling was the universes way of protecting me from an un-needed surgery. I'm not bleeding as heavy, reduced blood clots and shorter cycle. I spoke to my natural pathetic doctor and she has no documented information about these types of benefits of molasses. Can anyone tell me why and how blackstrap molasses seems to reverse and reduce these female issues? This is my third month on the molasses, any suggestions as to how long to take the product? Thank you for your helpful information, this is a wonderful site.

Blackstrap Molasses, Cayenne
Posted by Harold (Louisville, Kentucky) on 11/10/2014

Have verified thousands of blood clots in my veins of my vascular system to date. I have been diagnosed by some doctors and not all as having the Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome. to date I have been to the Mayo Clinic for an endovascular procedure which was aborted due to not enough blood flow to my iliac and inferior vena cava veins for the stints to effectively work. Upon returning I have developed new blood clots in both of my femora veins and now have even more pain. I would love input as to how much cayenne and blackstrap molasses to take daily so as to reverse this mess of blood clots in my vascular system and to eliminate the need to get off of warfarin for the rest of my life. My goal is to not only go back to the Mayo Clinic next year, but to prove to them that I am not sol and are proof that God not only cares, but this system of natural cures needs to be considered by the largest hospital in the world contrary to the big pharmaceutical companies interests. This true story of mine should be of grave interest to many and hopefully with input can not only save my life, but do so with no pain in the future. I really want to get the word out so many may benefit from me and live, not die for no reason.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Gloria (Brentwood, Ny) on 01/23/2017

Cayenne for Blood Clots

I read the book 'Left for dead" two years ago just for information at that moment, however I decided to take cayenne pepper regularly. I bought empty capsules and I filled them up with cayenne pepper, very easy to do. I took them for a while. That was two years ago. Yesterday and today my right leg got very swollen and pulsating pain. Tonight I went to the kitchen and got organic apple cider vinegar in water and took two cayenne pepper capsules with that drink. In less that forty minutes I already felt relief! My leg is better right now. I'm going to sleep and tomorrow I will take more cayenne pepper capsules. That's what I do to increment my consumption of ginger, cinnamon and cayenne pepper for now. Anything that it doesn't have a great flavor I just use capsules! How many capsules? Two or three with each meal, this is food not a medicine, you can take cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar forever.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Davey D (Vancouver Bc , Canada) on 11/02/2010

Joseph your frustration is evident in your post. I for one am grateful for Ted's remedies and through my own understanding have used what seems to be common measurements. That being said I use a 8 ounce glass with enough real lemon juice out of a bottle bought at the local grocery store to equal a fresh squeezed lemon. If you want to know how much juice that is then measure it yourself as I just use a rough estimate. After the fizzing stops I fill the glass ½ full of water from the tap or some times using flavored water. I do this to relieve the swelling in my feet that I feel at bedtime although they don't appear as swollen. My ankles hurt with pressure as well. 10 minutes after taking this remedy I have relief and am able to fall asleep. Thank God for scientist like Ted and their remedies. They deserve more than just a pat on the back for their help and understanding. No need for psychics here just common sense. Davey D.

Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase +
Posted by Jj (Usa) on 09/09/2020


I just wanted to share some info on some amazing stuff, maybe you guys know all about it, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase and Lumbrokinase. I was diagnosed with a DVT (blood clot) in my lower right leg, below the knee (serious but not as dangerous as above the knee)...My Docs all ranted about me refusing to take injections of Heparin then go onto Eliquis or Warfarin.I chose instead to treat this with Nattokinase, Serrapeptase and some supplements... DMSO topically 2X/day on leg... with Mag oil.

Will be adding or cycling the Lumbrokinase (Boluoke) starting today.

I have seen amazing progress in this one week, in the swelling, redness and pain, knock on wood! Elaquis and Warfarin do NOTHING to dissolve clots, they just keep them from growing... most times. With all sorts of side effects and risks of major bleeds.

Here is some interesting info if anyone wants to check it out:



Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Debra M. (Sydney, Australia) on 03/05/2019 54 posts

I just wanted to add to Desmond's post from 2013 on how effective Molasses is for dissolving clots.

I had read about it on Earthclinic for my partner's father who had a hip replacement and because they held his ankle too tightly, created a permanent clot that the Doctors gave him meds for so the blood could travel through the clot.

They told him it was impossible to remove the clot but that his foot would survive with the blood travelling through it.

I told him about Molasses and he used a 1-2 tbspns a day. After 4 bottles and a few months later, the clot was completely gone.

Alkalizing Remedies
Posted by Gary (Tennessee) on 12/06/2016

First, consider magnesium. So many things are blamed for poor circulation (cholesterol, plaque, calcium deposits, hardening of arteries) as well as clots. Though some of these or all of these may be a factor they often are not the cause at all. If magnesium levels are low arteries do not contract in sequence with the heart. In fact when magnesium levels are low arteries may quiver squeezing at the wrong time that in turn may cause the calcium in the blood to accumulate thereby blowing out or tearing the artery resulting finally in the accumulation of cholesterol. Doctors then illogically conclude that cholesterol is the culprit when in reality cholesterol is seen there as a consequent rather than a cause. The body signals for the cholesterol to patch up the break--and by no means is it the cause.

While the practitioners are blaming calcium, cholesterol, and many other things the real problem is magnesium deficiency. A large percentage of magnesium is in the left ventricle of the heart--and it is a sad commentary that most Doctors are completely unaware of where magnesium is and the role that it plays in body chemistry.

Juice Fast
Posted by Joseph (Kingwood, Texas) on 10/05/2009

I had pulmonary embolism blood clots all over my lungs. I woke up one morning and had chest pain every time I breath I went over to my daughter (being a paramedic) I figures she would know what to do, she did, to the hospital I went. They stabilized me and after eight days I came out using Warfarin. After 4 months I was introduced to a person who has been a raw vegan for 15 yrs. And he directed me to do a juice fast for which was consuming nothing but juice for 3 months. I bought a good juicer, one that presses the produce and proceeded to juice what Dr. Walker suggested in his book Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices. The recipes I used were for Arteries, Arteriosclerosis. After a month on juicing my Dr. took me off the Warfarin and was amazed as to how clean my blood was and that I had lost 20 Lbs of excess weight. Two months later my Dr. check my blood again and was even more startled, my blood cholesterol had dropped from 314 to 170, my blood pressure from 150 to 106 and all toll I lost 50 Lbs of unwanted fat. After the juicing I became a Raw Vegan and still am. Whenever my Dr. calls me in for a visit he is amazed as to how healthy I am. I will never go back to eating Cooked food or the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) I eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouts and a combination of these. I feel great in fact better than I ever have.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Debra (NSW) on 01/31/2022 54 posts

My father in law had a hip operation and they caused a permanent clot in his leg which caused him a lot of pain as blood flow was so restricted to his foot. They gave him a medication for 2 months to open a small space for blood flow to flow through but told him the clot was permanent. I had heard about Molasses, 1 tbsp a day clearing clots, so he took this and went through 4 bottles and the clot completely dissolved.

Alkalizing Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 07/24/2013

Dear Vicki, The Lemon/soda/water remedy would surely be worth a try!

I have been thinking about this for a couple of days and wondering what I would do if this were my loved one and here are some things I thought of...

Cayenne Pepper... Cayenne is very good for the blood and circulation. It may even dissolve the clots over some time. If you can find Dick Quinn's book, Left for Dead, he talks about how much this (and other herbs) helped him deal with his health after his bypass surgery. Cayenne does thin the blood, though, so you might look into its compatibility with Coumadin. (We have a friend who went off Coumadin and did cayenne and vinegar (similar to the lemon soda idea) and has had no trouble with his A-fib. Also his blood pressure is down for the first time in decades.) Anyway, try to find a "cool cayenne" formula -one with some ginger in it so it is less likely to cause heartburn. Start with one capsule a day. Over a week or two, work up to 2 capsules 3x a day with meals. I would look for one that is about 40, 000 heat units. Or, if you want to try it straight, take 1/4 t. In grape juice 1x a day. Work up to 1/2 teaspoon 3 x a day. It is spicy this way but you get used to it and I think the stomach likes it better when it has the "heads up" in your mouth. :)

If he is able to get in the bathtub, I would have him take a charcoal bath. 1/2 to 1 cup activated charcoal powder in the tub, soak for 20 minutes. Tub will be messy and he will need to shower after. But charcoal is amazing at drawing out toxins and swelling. This could be done 2-3 times a week. If that is too messy, try an epsom salt bath instead. 1-2 cups epsom salt in the tub.

If he is able to go for daily walks that would be super.

Water is very important. At least 1/2 gallon a day. This is needed to help flush out the swelling. I had edema after the birth of a baby and the nurses said I need to drink a lot. Seemed counter-intuitive, but it did work. Make sure he gets enough salt. (Celtic sea salt would be the best. ) Keep caffeine, soda, and processed foods to a minimum. Fruit and veggies are important.

Finally, Dandelion Root. This is a blood purifier and will also help get the fluids out. 2-4 capsules 3-4 times a day.

Praying for wisdom for you and health for him! God bless you! Please let us know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Julie (Coventry, England) on 07/05/2010

I believe Cayenne saved my life. I fell whilst out shopping and, though my pride was hurt, I felt o.k. Later same evening felt pain in my left foot, couldn't bend my toes.Went to bed but pain kept me awake, felt dreadfully sick, so rushed to bathroom. Next thing I remember is saying to my husband that I had fallen over. My husband tryed to pick me up, but I had passed out again. He called an ambulance and paramedic took my b.p. 64 over 50. My b.p. was so low i couldn't even open my eyes.Then suddenly I felt a rush of heat through my entire body and felt dramatically better, b.p. started to rise. Hospital Dr. said i had severe sprain, ( rubbish, 2hours later i am walking as normal), foot had a red swelling on top he gave it no importance, but through later research I believe it was a blood clot. I always take Cayenne with my evening meal. Thanks be to God. I dread to think what might have happened had I not.This stuff rocks, it brought down husband's blood pressure, believe it dissolves arterial plaque. Anyway, you guys go buy some. I will never be without it.

Alkalizing Remedies
Posted by Percival (Philippines) on 08/21/2017

Take a combination of the Serrapeptase and Nattokinase enzymes. They both are powerful proteolytic enzymes that has fibrinolytic health benefits. They are best known for their astounding fibrinolytic (anti-clotting) capacities. They both digests inflammation, scars (non-living tissue), blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms. Protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA Chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque.

Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase +
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 12/29/2023

@ Pete

Cayenne is good anyway you can take it. However, everything has it limitations.

In Jayna's post, she has a blood clot the length of her leg discovered in 1/2022. She suspects it may have come from "shedding" from a partner who had recently received two Moderna COVID shots. It's now 12/2023. That's right, at 2 years messing with a blood clot. That should have been resolved in 30 days. If plan A is obviously not working… it's time to move on to plan B.

I have been seeing a lot with vaxxed individuals and in autopsies preformed discovering blood clots. Example; A mortician (friend of mine) tries to put embalming fluid into the deceased (72 female 4 vaxx shots) carotid artery and the pump keeps breaking. Something in the artery is obstructing the embamling fluid from going in. The mortician used a scalpel to cut into the artery and discovers a blood clot the length of the leg. Death was being ruled as heart attack. The clot is blocking blood flow. That's what caused the heart attack.

By taking cayenne as prescribed, when it hits the tongue, this tells the body to renew the blood. This happens within seconds. It works the same way if you are having a heart attack. Put a TBSP cayenne pepper into a glass of water and drink it immediately. This will stop a heart attack instantly. I know this because I've done it 3 different times on 3 different individuals having a heart attack in front of me. Works everytime. Could I have gotten the same results by having the individual swallow capsules? No, they would be dead. Everything has its limitations….

Cayenne is the king of herbs…

I've used the technique described on many people with blood clots and got faster results everytime vs capsules.

If you can't drink it then by all means, take capsules. Just be sure the brand of capsules you are buying is reputable and are actually putting cayenne into the capsules. Do not buy “Spring Valley” brand from walmart.

Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 01/02/2022

DMSO thins the blood, naturally. Way better than warfarin or coumadin. There are books on it by Naturopathic doctors and such, attesting to its healing qualities. Here is my experience:

Had a hard fall mostly on my shin, it hurt but I got up by myself and walked away as I had errands to do. Got home 2 hrs later, noticed my leg didn't hurt anymore and was surprised to see it had swollen to 1.5x its size! I did icepacks, elevation & acv/epsom salt soaks. I also applied DMSO 4x a day.

About a week later I was on a flight sitting beside a doctor, still swollen. He thought it could be DVT related and told me to see a Dr. Not wanting to take warfarin or coumadin, I stepped up the DMSO (rubbed on leg only) to every 2 hrs, and arranged to drink 3 or 4 750ml bottles of water one afternoon/night, and the next day my leg was back to almost-normal.

I have a good lymph system, I've been told. I wanted to open the dam sluices and get that excess water out! I peed alot that night. Only I could tell there was still a little swelling left at the ankle, which was gone soon after. I boarded my next flight the next day with no problem with my leg.

I haven't seen DMSO mentioned as a blood thinner, so I wanted to mention it is worth asking a Naturopath about and looking into on your own.

Best of Healing, everyone.

Vitamin C
Posted by Ann (Potosi, MO) on 04/29/2008

I have used vitamin c for years for bleeding gums, bad nosebleeds and any other bleeding problems. I either take a stress vitamin with 500vit c or just a vit. c by itself -preferably a chewable one. Especially during menopause -taking 500 vit c every 3-4 hours will stop hemoraging and blot clots and normalize the flow. You must take it every 3-4 hrs. or it will start up again. It is better if at least one of the doses is a stress b vit with 500 added vit.c in it. I fell and hit my head on a concrete wall and opened a 4 inch gapin my scalp with excessive bleeding. I chewed 2 500 vit. c and immediately the bleeding completely stopped, helping me on the inside and outside of my head. I didn't have to have any drainage from fluid buildup inside my head and the wound healed very fast. Vit c normalizes the blood-helps with blood clots that are already there to help dissolve them and is so important is excessive bleeding that no one should ever go to the dentist or go into surgery without taking it if you bleed easily. It could save your life. I used to literally take a sheet to bed with me after haveing a tooth pulled to wipe the blood on. After I learned about vit c and took it before i went to the dentist, the bleeding stopped before I got off the parking lot. I really think I could have even done better without the cotton! Hope this helps someone keep from having an hysterectomy or other complications. I have used vit c for these things for over 30 years. I don't take it on a regular basis, mostly if I get sick with a cold or stomach flu which about 10 grams -I take it in peanut butter and syrup- the powdered vit c. Take 2 doses about a hour apart sometimes will kill stomach flu completely out if you catch it in time. Thanks.

Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase +
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 12/29/2023

@ Jayna D.

If you want to dissolve the blood clot, you need to start taking cayenne pepper. Cayenne (the king of herbs) has historically been used for blood clots and as a blood cleaner.

Cayenne encourages fibrinolytic activity and helps prevent blood clots. This is also the reason why cayenne pepper is effective in preventing heart attacks.

Studies indicate that the capsaicin in cayenne pepper helps to clear away artery-narrowing lipid deposits, and dilates arteries and blood vessels to clear away clots.

Capsicum may be valuable in the prevention and treatment of blood clots. It returns the blood to its homeostasis; it will help it clot when it needs to and keep it thin when that is required.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs, states that The New England Journal of Medicine reported residents of Thailand had virtually no blood clot (thrombosis) problems. They frequently use red pepper in their meals and this may be keeping them from getting blood clots.

Taking cayenne pepper supplements can help prevent blood clots from forming in your arteries. Research has shown that capsaicin can help to prevent platelets clumping together to form clots. In fact, in one study, capsaicin was more effective at preventing complications from pulmonary thromboembolism than aspirin or indomethacin. Pulmonary thromboembolism is when a blood clot travels to your lungs and can result in death. (14)

It regulates the flow of blood from the head to the feet so that the pressure is equalized; it influences the heart immediately, then gradually extends its effects to the arteries, capillaries, and nerves (the frequency of the pulse is not increased, but is given more vigor).

This herb is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the elasticity of youth again, and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal.

Human circulation; it is warming; dilating; specific for varicose veins; equalizes the blood pressure in the arterial and venous system; actually equalizes blood pressure instantly.

Cayenne works powerfully to arrest bleeding. You can place Cayenne powder or tincture directly upon an open wound, even one that is gushing blood, and by the count of ten, the bleeding will cease. If there is internal hemorrhaging, in the lungs, stomach, uterus or nose, have the person take a teaspoonful of Cayenne in a glass of quite warm water; the blood pressure will be equalized, taking the pressure off from the affected part, clotting will begin, and the hemorrhage will stop. For hemorrhage of the lungs, a vapor bath with warm Cayenne can do the same thing. In an external wound, even if the cut is so deep it goes to the bone you may fill it with Cayenne pepper and the bleeding will stop and the wound will heal beautifully. A woman fell while descending stairs to the basement and struck her head on the overhang above the staircase. She fell on her elbow and hip as well, but she had hit her eye so: badly that it was oozing blood down her face. She found her way upstairs, and “dumped a pile of Cayenne into her hand and pressed it against her wounded eye” (Herbalist: March, 1978:30). She also took Cayenne internally and applied an ice pack. By this time the bleeding had stopped, and she applied Dr. Christopher's Comfrey Poultice, made with wheat-germ oil and honey, to her eye wound and other facial wounds. When she went to the doctor, he cleaned out the wound and told her that she would bruise very badly and that, if she wished, he would re-cut the wound and stitch it, as she had passed the eight-hour limit for stitches.

She kept taking the Cayenne and rubbing wheat-germ oil and other oils and herbs on the wound. She also applied wet hot packs for the itching associated with healing. After a few days, the marks of the accident were nearly cleared up, although the doctor had predicted many days of discolor and discomfort. This lady - who has teenage grandchildren—credits her quick healing to Cayenne (Ibid.)


How to take cayenne orally?

Cayenne Pepper with Hot Milk Recipe:


  • ½ to one tablespoon cayenne pepper (the hotter the better)
  • 1 cup milk (milk takes the heat out of the cayenne but perserves it's medical properties so you can get it down your throat)

Place milk in saucepan and leave on medium heat until bubbles begin to form around the edge (about 2-3 minutes). Take off heat and pour into mug. Mix in the cayenne pepper. Drink through straw (cayenne pepper can make your lips peel, so drinking through a straw prevents that from happening).

Drink it once in a day for about three days. - India Home Remedy

Note: I prefer to drink cayenne in cold milk from the refrigerator. All I do is take an empty clean 17oz water bottle, Add one tablespoon cayenne pepper, also ½ teaspoon of turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and fill the bottl 1/3 with milk. Shake well everytime to mix all ingredients when you take a gulp. Drink 3x/daily.

A side note about Ginger Root: Ginger interferes with the long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. This helps to prevent clots that can lodge in narrowed coronary arteries and set off a heart attack. Something called thromboxane synthesis initiates clot formation. Ginger is a potent inhibitor of this process. Ginger also inhibits the clumping together of platelets in the blood. So ginger inhibits blood clots in at least two ways. In a study in Prostaglandins Medicine, ginger inhibited blood clots more effectively than onion or garlic.

Dr. Richard Schulze states: "If you take cayenne pepper in capsules, you may be wasting your time and never getting the cures I got with my patients."

Some of cayenne's healing action occurs right in your mouth. As cayenne touches your tongue, the cayenne absorbs in seconds and nerve endings send signals throughout the body – sending waves of fresh blood throughout your body.

I also recommend applying Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Heat Ointment. It is kind of similar to a cayenne deep tissue salve recipe I was given by a local amish doctor (he is retiring) and now I make it.

My uncle (86) got a blood clot behind his knee 2 weeks ago after a fall. His doctor prescribed warfarin blood thinners but he did not want to take that because it's black boxed. So I put him on the above regiment and after 1 week, the pain was gone so he went back for and ultra-sound and there was no blood clot to be found.

The power of cayenne pepper… who knew….

Now, about the spike proteins you got from your vaxxed X. You have to deactive the spike proteins. If you don't the blood clots will just come back. Pine needles (active compound Suramin Shikimic Acid) is promising. I make a anti-viral tincture that has a ton of shikimic acid in it (that's why it works so well).

Hope this helps you...

General Feedback
Posted by G (Nyc, Ny) on 09/25/2011

Cayenne pepper and garlic are said to be the roto-rooter of the veins/arteries. (read Dick Quin "Left for Dead" and also research Dr. Christopher) These two things taken together help to dissolve clots/plaque/cholesterol. Cayenne opens up your veins to allow for better blood flow.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Justin (Chester, Ct) on 03/27/2010

My mother in law had terribly painful phlebitis in her legs. She didn't know what to do, so me and my wife first searched for natural cures. Well, after reading the feedback from several people, we passed the simple recipe from Ted (lemon juice and baking soda). And wouldn't you know it, she called us back after a week, absolutely amazed, and said the pain was gone. She still talks about it. We're so happy to have found something so simple that actually helped and we want to tell other people to give it a try. Now, since being involved in a car accident, she's actually going to try the acupuncture we've been telling will help her with her pain. Small things can make a big difference. Glad to have found your site and like-minded people.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sherry (Longview, Washington) on 10/18/2008

Black Strap Molasses has really helped my heavy bleeding and clotting due to fibroids. I do not know how it works but it is working.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Jayna D. (Southern CA) on 02/20/2023

I have been taking Swanson Vitamins' NAC 600 mg. capsules since 2009 and have not had any flu, Coronavirus, and COVIDS since then. No flu shots either. It's about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day This is a very good supplement for the whole body! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.

Ginger, Walking
Posted by Kitbar (Phila, Pa) on 03/19/2011

I thought I had a blood clot in my left leg. Me being holistic I automatically came to your website and amazingly found the cure before it got any worse. I went walking for about 20 minutes a day for 2 days and had some ginger soaked overnight in water(luckily had it already soaked for other health reasons)and by the next day no more tingling or throbing in my leg.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/16/2023

Ginger root has been shown to be highly effective in preventing, and curing, blood clots, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and a variety of other illnesses. For example, the blood clots that trigger heart attack dissolve when exposed to ginger. Ginger interferes with the long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. This helps to prevent clots that can lodge in narrowed coronary arteries and set off a heart attack. Something called thromboxane synthesis initiates clot formation. Ginger is a potent inhibitor of this process. Ginger also inhibits The clumping together of platelets in the blood. So ginger inhibits blood clots in at least two ways. In a study in Prostaglandins Medicine, ginger inhibited blood clots more effectively than onion or garlic. Ginger also increases the strength of the heart. Scientists call ginger a cardiotonic agent because of its ability to increase energy production in the heart and to enhance calcium pumping within heart cells that is required for optimal cardiac output.

Ginger is more effective than aspirin at preventing blood clotting, with none of the risk of internal bleeding associated with aspirin, making it a powerful aid against heart disease, according to many recent laboratory studies.

Ginger Research is just beginning to confirm the centuries-old notion that ginger is essential to good health. Ginger contains several unique and powerful antioxidant plant chemicals, including gingerol, shogaol, and zingerone. These antioxidants and unique compounds fight cancer, heart disease, blood clots, and arthritis far more effectively than pharmaceuticals and the medical establishment ever will. As a matter of fact they deliberately try to discredit and suppress information like this. But the fact is that ginger is a God-given cure to many of the illnesses that afflict modern man, and is one of the most powerful weapons against all of these illnesses.


There are 27,205 published studies in the NCBI database on Ginger root and its medical usage.

Source: officinale

How to use: Some people prefer fresh ginger root. You can grate 1 inch piece of the root into a cup, add water and let steep overnite. Drink the next morning.


Take capsules. 4 grams is the recommend maximum daily. So that translates to taking 2 – 500mg capsules = 1gram. 3X/daily = 3grams per day.

1 2 3