Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Hydrogen Peroxide Sniffing Method!
Posted by Kym (Niagara, Ontario) on 05/26/2008

I woke up with a horrible head cold this morning and was desperate for relief. I tried the ACV remedy and putting peroxide in my ears and it helped a little bit but then I tried the peroxide sniffing method! WOW it is AMAZING! It burned a bit when it hit the irritated areas and my eyes watered like crazy but I had INSTANT relief! My stuffed up nose was immediately gone and I could breath normally again and the awful itchyness in my nose and ear passageways was almost gone! I will definitely recommend this to anyone being tortured by cold symptoms!!

Posted by Mary (Sydney, Australia) on 02/21/2008

Thank you for this fantastic website. I have had the 'common cold' now for over two weeks and taking everything that the Dr ordered, I still couldn't get better. After taking 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/2 lemon and 1 tablespoon maple syrup, I'm well on my way to recovery. Slept all night for the first time last night and feel great today. Thank you once again for giving us the information on this wonderful herb.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Regina (Seoul, South Korea) on 06/09/2007

I really can't believe this. But I'm an insulin dependent diabetic so my immune system is compromised and I get more colds. I felt a cold coming on but I have two finals next week and a thesis due the week after. In addition, I'm working and have my job duties to attend to too. Basically, I CAN NOT get sick. I found a great apple cider vinegar cure when I got a bad bout of food poisoning from this site and decided to see if there was anything on how to prevent that developing cold in its tracks. Well, I found the hydrogen peroxide remedy. It sounded completely crazy, but I figured what the hell - why not try it? It's cheap and at least my ears would be cleaner ;-) I tried it. I bought some peroxide on the way to the library. I set my cell phone timer for 10 minutes, had some tissue handy, tilted my head to the side, poured the peroxide in (I bought a small bottle with that has a nozzle so it was easy) and let the peroxide go to work. I switched ears and then did it again on both sides for about 5 to 10 minutes for each ear. It worked! That itchy throat I had is gone. That feeling that I was going to wake up sick tomorrow is gone. I truly can't believe it but I'll be doing this again at the first sign of a cold. This is great!

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Rodney J (Kaysville, Utah) on 03/12/2007

This is something I saw on another site. Warm up a tsp of Hydrogen peroxide under some hot water, put in your ear at the first onset of a cold, stuffy ears, or sore throat. Let this stuff stay in your ears for about 10 - 15 minutes and it really has a good effect at killing the ear ache, sore throat and the sniffles. We do this in our family and have very good success with this.

Gargling With H2O2
Posted by Nana (Oak Park, MI) on 12/10/2006

At the first sign of a cold (scratchy throat) I use H2 3% by gargling. I use it straight from the bottle. I've never had the flu. (I'm 56) (I don't take flu shots.) If I do get a cold, (I haven't had one in 3 or 4 years), if I gargle with H202, the cold only last about 2-3 days. If it comes at all! I believe in it healing powers and told my sister to try it on her foot where she has a horn. Her Dr. doesn't know she using it, but is totally surprise that the horn is not growing like it should! She can now walk on that foot with out pain! The Dr still wants to do surgery on her foot, but I asked her to hold off for a while to see what will happen with her using the H2. It has cured colds, cleans the wax out of my ears. I tell my grandsons to use it for their pimples. I use it on the fungus on my toe nails. I didn't know about using it for plants. I will try that next! I love the stuff.

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Marie (New Providence, NJ) on 11/27/2006

I used to get a sinus infection with every cold I got. then I would take an antibiotic and it would go away. for the last 3 years, I have taken 2 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus directly on my tongue at the first sign of a cold. As a result, I have not had the sore throat and stuffy nose that usually came with my colds AND they have not turned into an infection. I haven't had any antibiotics in 3 years. I recommended this to my sister in law who suffered from the same ailments and she swears by it too.

Posted by Tony (Miami, FL) on 02/15/2006

The next time that you feel as if you are coming down with a cold, gargle Scope or Listerine, diluted with a little water, for one minute when you wake up in the morning. It can prevent you from even coming down with the cold, and will entirely prevent you from having a soar throat if you do catch the cold. These mouthwashes will kill all of the viruses in your throat, before they can cause any havoc.

Gargling With H2O2
Posted by Colleen (Ontario, Canada)

I would like to give my natural remedy for : allergy suffers, colds and sinus problems. At the onset of any of the above, put two drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in one ear and let sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Tilt head and drain on clean tissue. Repeat in other ear. I do this for two days and all troubles are gone. This is also good if you have itchy ears. This is safe and proven to be effective. You may hear a bubbling sound in your ear but don't be afraid. It feels so good when you drain it out of your ear. Once you get past the fear you will wonder how you ever managed without it. Hydrogen peroxide is cheap and available at any drugstore. Just make sure to purchase the 3% type.

Gargling With H2O2
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO)

I gargled with a capful of hydrogen peroxide mixed into 1/4 cup of water and also swished it around my mouth and the next morning my cold was gone.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Cindy (Shady Cove, OR)

I use Lugol's iodine anytime I am getting a cold. I was a chronic user of antibiotics because of asthma. I have not had a bout with bronchitis because anytime i am getting a cold or virus I put 6 drops of Lugol's in water 3 times over a 24 hour period and the infection is gone. I actually have one day colds now. I follow up with acidophilus for my stomach and milk thistle for my liver. This really works and probably will work for Bird flu if you keep a supply in your cupboard.

Vitamin C
Posted by Debbie (Calgary, Canada)

This one has been good for me when I have had a bad cold. Take 1 cup of cranberry juice and add in 2-1000 mg dissolvable tablets of vitamin C and heat in microwave until very hot. I have found this to really help when I have been sick. Repeat the next day.

Apple Cider Vinegar + Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by healer Larry (central point oregon) on 11/26/2023

I woke up choking, gasping for air, stumbled to the bathroom trying to clear the mucus clogging my lungs and sinuses. I knew I had to figure it out quick and do some bathroom chemistry. so I grabbed a cup and poured 1/3 hydrogen peroxide and added 1/3 apple cider vinegar and1/3 hot tap water.

I quickly started gargling the mixture and spit it out, it started cutting the phlegm immediately. I continued gargling, rinsing with another cup of water seems to have a drawing effect pulling from the sinus and the lungs. This is hands down the best mucus busting gargle ever. It's cheap, fast and works. It has never not worked for the people I have recommended it to. I call it Larry's gargle.

Honey Lime Drink for Summer Colds
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/13/2017

MtM, last summer I was making lemonade with honey and it took forever to melt the honey by stirring. Now I see how to do it: melt it in a little hot water!! Thank you!!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 01/12/2017 2063 posts

Good observation, Art. I experience much the same. I have been drinking 2 cups?? concentration C.S. for several yrs to fight the chronic infections. I too have noticed an immediate improvement of symptoms nubulizing C.S. So this method is effective beyond killing mycoplasma in the lungs. Back to the oral; lately I have added one dropper of 99% DMSO to one cup C.S. with much better results. I have yet to experiment with C.S. absorption & utilization by adding maybe one spoon of Glycine and one spoon of Lecithin; maybe you can try this. Are you familiar with LET method of nutrition & drug delivery? The above recipe may be effective but may also need sonicating. You may also try Zapping fallowing the C.S. Bob Beck must have come to the same conclusion as you concerning oral administration, so he added zapping and swears this combo can kill all pathogens. You can also bubble ozone in a cup of C.S. but must drink quickly. H2O2 will stay in solution but I find it abrasive.

Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Armadillo17 (Chicago, Il) on 01/28/2015

For me, one of the most miserable aspects of a cold is the nasal congestion that blocks the taste buds and causes endless nose-blowing. This time, I took a clove of garlic, broke it into small chunks, and put a chunk up into each nostril. Leave it there as long as you can stand it, it will probably prompt you to sneeze eventually, after a few minutes. Do this repeatedly and your congestion will be gone in a day. Also, chew a little garlic all day and keep a peeled glove in your mouth to suck on. This, plus a dose of apple cider vinegar in water 4 times a day, got rid of 90% of my cold symptoms in 24 hrs.

Posted by Delila (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 10/18/2014

I just came back from a trip and I felt a cold coming on, my whole body was aching and I had a sore throat so I started drinking and gurgling with cayenne pepper, approx. teaspoon in a cup of hot boiling water, a very small amount of black pepper and sipped it throughout the day, and every now and then gurgled the drink and spat out. Make sure to drink plenty of liquids, otherwise the hotness of the chile might cause stomach problems and you will be running to the toilet. I am sure that the hot chili helped kill all the germs and viruses, and didn't give a chance for the cold to settle in. By the following day, I felt much better and the cold had completely gone away, although you have to continue this regime for an extra day until completely well. You should take hot chili as soon as you feel a cold coming on and try to catch it while it is on track before it develops into a heavy cold.

Liposomal Vitamin C, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/09/2013

Mary to Many,

The timing is not an issue if one uses the Colloidal Silver as an irrigation. Most colds begin in the sinus cavity. To learn the irrigation (Neti pot idea that Opra has propelled) is very effective. The neti pot is like a pouring cleanse. The idea with CS is to pour a teaspoon into palm of hand and sniff into both sinuses. If an infection is there one will definitely feel a stinging usually more on one side than the other.

Tomato Tea
Posted by Laura (Dallas, Tx) on 04/01/2013

The Tomato Tea WORKED--Knocked out a cold in under two days. Actually I used a three pronged "tea" combination for a serious head cold I picked up from my 20 month old: 1) ACV tea at meal times/3 x day with 2 Tblsp dosage to each mug and 1 Tblsp Honey. 2) Made a pot of Tomato Tea for the morning and afternoon getting about three mugs out of each. I used Half a bulb of Garlic (cloves smashed) to 20-30 oz V-8, the juice of two lemons, and multiple dashes of cayenne pepper. 3) Lemon, Juiced Ginger and Cayenne Pepper tea ( with honey).

The ACV immediately went to work reducing the swelling in my nasal cavaties allowing me to breath ( and have some hope). The tomato tea helped get the cold a moving. ( suffered through a sinus headache about 20 hours into the remedy period). The lemon/ginger/cayenne pepper tea was a bonus immune system booster.

While you have a cold you cannot smell anything. Also the tomato seems to mask the expected garlic smell. I didn't smell like garlic per the family I was with. And all teas tasted phenomenal to me despite having no ability to smell.

This saved me a $75 co-pay to visit an urgent care doctor, no medicine head, no dry nasal passages from antihistimines. Still drinking the tomato tea and ACV tea on day 5 - just one mug or two a day each as the cold is on its last leg.
