Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Posted by Laura (Seattle, WA) on 10/16/2007

I've been using garlic for years for a variety of things. Usually I use it for colds. At the first sign of a cold, chop up 4 cloves of raw garlic and eat. I prefer to use it as a garnish on an already garlicy type food like soups or spaghettie, it helps make the taste not so obvious. Keep up with 4 cloves a day, then reduce the number as your symptoms decrease. This can stop a cold from manifesting, or it will shorten and weaken your colds. I used to have chronic bronchitis after every cold, now I haven't had it in years. I also only get one cold a year usually. Yeah, I don't smell great but I'm not missing so much work!

I will also use raw garlic juice on rashes and bug bites. It stops the itching immediately, and I pretty much use it for anytime I might need a phytoncide.

Oregano Oil
Posted by barbara (camden, ar) on 09/05/2007

I have been using oil of oregano every time I feel that I am coming down with sore throat, it stops it almost immediately and it does not turn to sinusitis as in the past. I would recommend it to any and every body!

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by SHIRLEY J (Ft. Myers, Florida) on 07/02/2007

# 1 cure. My grandson, age 11, had about 20 warts on his abdomen. Some had been removed by his Doctor but was a painful experience. I recommended he tape a small piece of banana peel to each wart. He did. Within a week they were all gone! Thanks you Earth Clinic! #2 Cure At the very first sign of a cold or flu put 3 drops of Peroxide in one ear. Lie still for 20 minutes. Repeat in other ear. A miracle!

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Kari (Phoenix, Az) on 08/30/2009

Actually, organisms do enter through the ear canal, but also through the eyes, nose, and mouth. Any orifice in the body is capable of transmission. That's why it is best not to touch anything on your face without first washing your hands.

Hydrogen Peroxide Sniffing Method!
Posted by Kathi (New Brunswick, Nj, Usa) on 05/06/2011

Wow this really does work. Had cold (possibly flu?) symptoms yesterday and used the hydrogen peroxide sniffing method twice -- what a difference! I used this in conjunction with tomato tea (which I spike with a little extra vitamin c), and am feeling much improved today.

Posted by Jane (Los Angeles, California) on 04/07/2007

I noticed that when I came down with a cold - I would always start to crave raw garlic. So I thought I would try it the next time before the cold took hold. It worked like a charm! Now I use it every time I feel a cold or flu coming on. It has to be raw garlic. I chop a few large cloves (as much as I can handle) finely and sprinkle it on buttered toast or in my food. You should be sure to chew the garlic to release the essential oils. I continue this once or twice a day until i'm better - could take a few days to completely get well - but I have managed to fend off every cold since I discovered the "garlic cure." (this is good for colds and flus except if you are coming down with a stomach bug - in which case it could aggravate your stomach.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Jens (North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) on 03/22/2007

We mix H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) down to 1%. At the first sign of a cold we put an eye dropper full into each ear, one at a time. Do one ear first while lying down so the solution does not run out. After about 10 min turn over and do the other ear for another 10 min. This should nip the bug before it starts. This is safe for children as well. Be careful with the strength. You will hear bubbling which is the H2O2 working.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Michael (Seattle, Washington) on 03/07/2007

I've found 3 percent hydrogen peroxide surprisingly effective in "curing" a cold or flu. I fill an eyedropper with it, like down on my side, and pour it into my ears, one at a time. When I have an infection it will bubble or tickle. (Sometimes it tickles intensely... the first time I used it, I couldn't believe how much it tickled!) I leave it in for five minutes, then drain it out. I've been surprised at how effective it is in speeding my recovery, or even nipping a cold or flu bug in the bud. Oddly, putting it in my ears also helps to clear my sinuses. I also use it as a gargle when I have a cough.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Cass (Dover, DE) on 11/09/2006

A nurse friend told me this cure 3 or 4 years ago. I use it to fight off colds and sore throats. Your ears, nose and throat are connected- I believe it's through the eustation tube. I keep 3% peroxide in a bottle with an eye dropper so that I can do this myself. Lie on your side. Have a washcloth handy for any mop ups you may need and for when you empty your ear. Fill eye dropper with peroxide. Put in your ear. Lie on your side for 15-20 minutes. Do deep breathing as long as possible so that the affects of the peroxide also reach your nose and throat. When the 15-20 minutes are up place the wash cloth over your ear and turn to the other side. Repeat in 2nd ear. I have found this remedy to be very helpful. It is helpful to me when doing this to use a timer because I either get lost in the book I'm reading or fall asleep.

Posted by Jim (Magnolia, TX) on 09/17/2006

Garlic for colds. When a cold first starts, place a whole clove between the cheek an teeth. It will shorten the effects of the cold.

Posted by Nixa (New York, NY) on 04/03/2006

Garlic tea cured my severe cold with a constant irritating cough. I had an annoying cold that wouldn't go away. I got a recipe for a garlic tea from a coworker. Cured my cold in a couple of days. Garlic Tea Recipe: Pour 1 cup of boiling water into a mug. Add 2-3 cloves of smashed garlic. Let it sit for a min or two. Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey and stir. Trust me. It doesn't taste as bad as it sounds. The honey helps a lot!

Vitamin C
Posted by Kate (Vancouver) on 01/28/2006

Ester-C brand vitamin C taken 3x daily for 3 months and then once daily for the rest of the year builds up your immune system so that colds are less frequent and less in duration. Gel capsule form absorbs the fastest into the bloodstream.

Vitamin C
Posted by Kathryn (Glasgow) on 11/28/2005

I think the best way to cure a cold or the flu is plenty of bed rest and loads of fluids (Preferably no water otherwise you will be up and down to the toilet all the time and you won't get that all important bed rest!) Loads of Vitamin C (Pure Orange juice) is the best way to cure it!

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Jaime (C'ville, PA) on 11/17/2005

I found that the peroxide in the ears is one of the best home remedies there is. A few drops of slightly diluted hydrogen peroxide can cure almost any type of common cold or flu. Thanks for the advice everyone!

Vitamin C
Posted by Isabel (Austin, TX) on 10/09/2005

At the first sign of a cold, take 1000 mg of vitamin c every 2-3 hrs for as long as you feel symptoms. This has kept the cold from getting bad and ended sooner.

Cold Showers
Posted by Tim (NSW Kitchener, Australia)

I decided to finish every normal 'hot shower' with a blast of totally cold water, after reading a book by an old healer by the name of Jethro Kloss. Anyway, I am a bad asthmatic, and used to get sick around 6 times per year. When I got sick it really affected my chest, with huge amounts of mucous, and real bad asthma.

Now I rarely get sick (it boosts the immune system as well as circulation), and if I do it's usually just a mildly sore throat. I wish I could better explain the massive difference this has made. Even if you feel sickness coming on, a cold shower will often stop it in its tracks.

Black Tea With Lemon
Posted by Michelle (Chicago)

This has been a cure my mother has been touting for years and she has given us from the time we were kids. I give it to my kids, but I have to admit there are times I lapse out of my "healthy" habits and depend too much on medications, etc.

Recently I caught a very bad head and chest cold. Since I am pregnant, I prefer not to take OTC medications, so I began taking tea and lemon. Immediately I could breathe and felt better. However, after a day or two, I stopped when I shouldn't have, since apparently I was not completely cured. Not only did the cold get worse, but turned into a nasty sinus infection. I suffered miserably for over a week. Then I remember the tea. After drinking one cup, immediately my mucus became thinner and the pressure eased up. I am hopeful to be fully cured in a few more days!

When you make the tea, you should let it steep for several minutes so it turns a nice dark color, and you should use a lot of lemon, like 1/4 to 1/2 of a lemon (fresh juice is the best, but you can substitute bottled). I actually like the taste of it this way, very tart. But, you can add honey to it to make it sweet if you like.

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