Natural Remedies to Detox Heavy Metals

General Feedback
Posted by D (San Diego, Ca) on 03/29/2013

I'm wondering if having 2 bolts in my knee, from an ACL surgery back in 1988, can be leaching out into my system. I don't know what they're made up of, but I had been told they were "teflon"-coated, unless that was just as an example of how they are coated. The grafted ligament (taken from the patellar tendon) had shown on an MRI 6 years ago to be thinning, but I don't know what the state of the bolts are. The surgeon had said he plugged the bolts with pieces of bone from the patella (it was a long time ago, and a very primitive-style surgery compared to now).

I do have 3 mercury tooth-fillings left, which I have not been able to replace yet. But even when I can replace them, I may still have metal leaching into my system from the bolts? They cannot be taken out.

So I wonder if my hair-loss and other stuff has to do with my body attacking itself? Like if my hair is "toxic" because of constantly detoxing, that my body may be attacking it? The roots seem to be declining, and new hair comes in so baby-fine that it doesn't seem to stay in for long. I know the hair-loss isn't the main problem but a symptom, i'm just using it as an indicator. My thyroid hormone level is back within normal range (back down to 4.5 from 7.5), so I'm ruling that out as a possible cause. Another symptom is fibromyalgia-like, but with a hyperactive mind. So physically exhausted but amped-up at the same time. And Magnesium Chloride did not help with sleep. And there's "this and that" inconsistant symptoms, not too drastic, but which could be attributed to so many other things too (like candida, deficiencies, ph balance, parasites, allergies, neurological restrictions, glandular, other toxins, altered immune system, etc etc).

I have been doing: increased iodine intake, transdermal Magnesium Chloride, lots of ACV, the suggested Borax solution (also from, drinking aloe vera juice with baking soda and vitamin C powder, eating lots of garlic and miso and spirulina, (and nothing out of the Pacific Ocean or Japan, as it's now a radionuclide dump) etc etc... Just started oil-pulling with virgin coconut oil a few weeks ago... And had been doing this Intestinal Drawing Formula (also for the radiation which is coming over from Japan's 3 melted-down reactors which are still spewing into the atmosphere, down the jetstream, right at us on the west coast US not to mention the whole Northern Hemisphere, now reaching the southern [if you are not aware of that, you may want to scan through enenews. Com, enviroreporter. Com, fairewinds. Org]... anyways, that's a whole other issue) which has bentonite clay, zeolite, slippery elm, etc - from an excellent quality line of products that i'll post if given permission.

But it seems that if I have a "permanent" metal fixture within my bone, that all this attempt to cleanse may be making the problem worse. By constantly pulling the metals into my bloodstream. I don't know, just seems to be a logical possibility.

Or something that my body is constantly rejecting (and I did grow up with allergic reactions like eczema and asthma, and other occasional weird unexplained reactions). Anyways, my main question is whether it's possible that the bolts in my bones could be leaching into my system? And whether doing detox protocols could be worsening that - since I cannot remove the bolts, my body might be constantly trying to remove them, by drawing their substances into my bloodstream?

Oh, in case it's pertinent, I'm a 43 yr old woman of lower-than-average weight. Might not matter for a straight-forward answer. I am curious what Ted's perspective is on this, yet I know he gets swamped with questions. So I'd appreciate anyone's experience or knowledge on the topic. Thanks

Amalgam Fillings
Posted by Andrea (Ventnor, Nj) on 03/26/2013

Regarding Amalgams... As someone that has suffered with Heavy Metal Poisoning for several years, I believe that the use of amalgams should be banned for everyone. I have seen an holistic dentist that takes all the precautions and had all of my many amalgams removed. I have worked very hard for the years since to pull the metals from my body. Clay baths, foot baths, heavy metal oils, cilantro, etc... It will take many, many more years to cleanse the body. It took me many years to absorb the metals so it's only rational that it will take many years to get rid of metals trapped in the body. I wish you all good luck in your journey.

Check out this site: It will lead you to people that can help in your area. Best Wishes!

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 03/25/2013

I don't know much about how to treat the problem and a lot of us are in the same boat as you..... I do know HOW TO KEEP THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT THE PROBLEM FROM MAKING IT WORSE ON YOUR HEALTH. I was a PANIC button pusher, but getting better at taking it captive when it first hits.

Stress about the problem will cause you to worry and then worry will bring more symptoms and other health problems from tension.

So take some deep breaths --------- lay down and let your abdomen go up as you take in air slowly. Hold for the count of three and then relax as it goes out. Repeat until you feel calm .

Tell yourself this is going to work out good, no matter how long it takes and that you are strong enough and smart enough to find answers and overcome this, one day at a time.

Think through each answer come across in your search and find some other testimonies of success, before trying anything out on yourself.

There are some books about mineral supplements and they say which ones to take to make certain minerals and metals leave your body and not store in your organs. I was googling around about magnesium recently and found one of those sites. Toxic metals stored in the body and how to displace them ------is one heading

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Una (Scotland, Ayrshire) on 03/25/2013

Was poisoned by a dentist in Troon and I am at my wits end who to turn to for help! Blood tests showed low levels of Mercury in system but why afterwards have I all the symptoms agitation anxiety dark thoughts battery mouth poor memory. What scares me is that they say you don't improve till all the mercury fillings are removed I'm terrified to go near a dentist after this experience. Not to mention the awful gastric problems. Could someone advise please.

Adzuki Beans
Posted by Tygerlily (Murray, Ut) on 02/18/2013

Fresh Cilantro, internally taken Bentonite clay and Chlorella are all very good heavy metal detox agents.

Clay Baths
Posted by Clare (Stephenville, Nl) on 02/18/2013

Good morning, I want to do clay baths to pull heavy metals from my skin. Last check, I had fifteen heavy metals. I have been doing castor oil packs but it takes so long and so I would like to do clay. However, the clays are about 16% aluminum and what with the chem trails and aluminum poisoning, and mercury pulling more aluminum in, well, I would like to find a clay that is aluminum free. Does anyone know if such a clay exists. Please and thank you. Clare

Amalgam Fillings
Posted by Joy (London, Uk) on 01/07/2013


No, no, no. Do NOT have them removed without proper protection. I had two replaced at the dental hospital without correct procedures, thinking they were better out than in, and in short order was very ill with viral pneumonia, which took 11 weeks to recover from. Another infection followed immediately, and I'm up to 9 now with virtually no break in less than a year. My chest has not yet recovered from the first infection.

Heavy Metal Tests
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 10/27/2012

The notes on heavy metals testing recommends testing the hair as the best indicator. I am wondering if heavy metals such as lead, copper, iron, mercury, cadmium, platinum, tungsten, chrome, nickel, zinc and other additives used in steel and other metals and their welding processes as well as in chemotherapy can cause hair to turn gray. I ask this because I started going gray at the age of 29 and my hair got progressively more gray as I got older. I had chemo at age 51 with a platinum based drug and my hair became substantially lighter. I worked in metal fabrication doing lots of welding and grinding full time for twenty years, starting at the age of 18, and then drove truck for twelve years after that.

I am now almost 54 and have been taking alpha lipoic acid for eight weeks to get rid of peripheral neuropathy and have figured out that it is working by chelating at least the platinum out of my system. I started noticing about three weeks in to using the ALA that the natural colour of my hair was returning. Now at eight weeks in to using ALA about 80% of my formerly gray hair is back to its' original natural colour but my beard is becoming darker than it was before. Is this normal? If so, what heavy metals does it indicate that it is removing to allow the hair colour to return? I have been taking 500 mg of ALA, 2000 mg of ALCAR, 50 mg of zinc, 80 mg of benfotiamine and 1000 mcg of vitamin B12 per day(the first two are divided in to two doses). If it is not the heavy metal chelation which of the above is causing the hair colour to return and why is it happening? Can anyone shed any light on this phenomenon? Thank you, Al.

Amalgam Fillings
Posted by Helen (New York, Ny) on 10/25/2012

@ Wayseer: Thank you so much, this is very encouraging. I read here on EC that selenium does something similar, although it could do damage if overdosed. Thanks again.

@Mmsg: Thanks for bringing me back to earth (pun intended). I think I tend to get carried away with worries sometimes :) Cheers.

Amalgam Fillings
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/24/2012

No need to get all worked up. Many healthy people have amalgam fillings till a ripe old age. I would focus on maintaining health and not getting too many new cavities!

Amalgam Fillings
Posted by Wayseer (Motown, Ca/ Usa) on 10/24/2012

Sweetie, this is the beauty of Vit C: it simply renders mercury non-toxic. It still remains in the body. --T.

Amalgam Fillings
Posted by Wayseer (Motown, Ca/ Usa) on 10/24/2012

The more I read about amalgam fillings and mercury poisoning, the more desperate I become. Everyone seems to be absolutely convinced that regardless of your healthy lifestyle and abundance of natural remedies out there, unless you safely remove the fillings from your mouth you will inevitably suffer some horrible illness down the road (the list seems to be also never ending... ). However, there are many of us who cannot afford to remove their fillings at the moment due to a variety of circumstances- financial reasons, serious health issues, life situations, etc. (And yes, I did see all of your recommendations for affordable dental work and helpful networks. )

So my question is, is there anyone who can offer advice, however small, for reducing the effects of mercury poisoning while one still has amalgam fillings? Clearly, any chelation is out of the question, which rules out all the cilantro, ALA and what not suggestions. I suppose detox won't hurt but it won't prevent the mercury deposits from building up. Anyone, please? Thank you in advance.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Borax
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 08/21/2012

Try to find some castile shower soap or the body wash. It is coconut and antifungal. Really works on that tough foot fungus!

Posted by Jenjen (Bath, Banes) on 06/24/2012

Zeolites are excellent for removing metals from the body. Ideally the mercury fillings should be removed if possible. Mine were done by an excellent 'alternative' dentist who used kinesiology and homeopathy in the process.

Thank you all so much for the info on this site.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Zilverb (Seabrook, Texas, Usa) on 06/03/2012 16 posts

To detoxify heavy metals with Epsom salts you put one cup Epsom salts and 1/4-cup baking soda in a clean bath tub and fill it with warm to hot water. Sit in it and soak for twenty to thirty minutes. Rub the water all over you with a cloth, your hand, or even an aloofa sponge. Do this 3 times a week. When the time is up, if you feel like you need to shampoo your hair or soap up do it now. It is not likely that you will need to put oil on your skin; however, if you feel the need use a virgin oil such as coconut or olive. Putting commercial products on you that are full of unnatural ingredients is not the way to go.

General Feedback
Posted by Fety (Somewhere In, Wa) on 06/01/2012

Exactly ^^ Breastfeeding turns your fat into milk! Hello? Everyone has quite a few toxins and metals in their fat unless they happen to be cleaner-eating Amish.

Posted by Silvermist (Downeast, Maine, Usa) on 05/24/2012

I didn't go to a special dentist becasue of cost and also we don't have one near me. I just had them all removed by a regular dentist. I drank bentonite clay before going, made sure not to swallow during the procedure and not even breathe when he was grinding out the filling. Brought the clay w/ me and swished and spit in the parking lot bushes when I left (sorry). Did the clay the rest of the day as directed on the bottle.

I HIGHLY recommend spending the dough- I felt better right away and it has continued for 4 months now. I don't feel like I got worse at all after the procedure- so I'm guessing not more than my usual amount of mercury got absorbed from the process.

General Feedback
Posted by Gillian (Cairns, Australia) on 03/22/2012

Hi Robin.. I also have extremely high levels of copper and I'm wondering if you've had any success in ridding it from your body. Please let me know.

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Linda (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 02/03/2012 is the website of a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating people about the danger of amalgam fillings and helping people find out where they can go to get amalgams out of their mouths safely. They are a source for information only.

DAMS, the name of the organization, stands for Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions and it is a non-profit organization based in Minnesota, in the United States, educating the public on mercury amalgams and other ways that dentistry may affect health.

Through their free information packet I was able to locate an excellent biological dentist right in the same town where I live.

Here is an excerpt from their website:

"...Non-profits to the rescue. DAMS is a tax-exempt educational non-profit organization helping educate people in the US, Canada and elsewhere on these very important dental-health issues. People who wish to get their dental amalgam fillings removed should find knowledgeable practitioners who can remove amalgams safely, with elaborate precautions to protect the patient. Such knowledgeable dentists are not merely "mercury-free" or "cosmetic" dentists; they should be "holistic" or "biological" dentists, meaning that they pay attention to the effects that their work has on the whole person and on his/her underlying health. We must emphasize that it is very hazardous to have mercury amalgam fillings replaced by a "regular" (i. E. Conventional) dentist who does not have the training and equipment to replace the amalgams with elaborate precautions. DAMS maintains a list of holistic (biological) dentists in every state and province who are trained and equipped to replace amalgams safely. Hopefully they will also use better choice replacement materials, use natural, less toxic approaches to gum health and decay prevention (no fluoride) and be aware of the hazards of root canal treatments. To request a list of knowledgeable practitioners in your state or province, please call DAMS at 651-644-4572.

These people do not charge money, and they sell nothing. They are there to help people find out what the dangers of amalgam fillings are, and where to go to get rid of them. They are a clearinghouse (my word) for information and that is all.


General Feedback
Posted by Lissa (Mechanicsville, Va) on 01/30/2012

Your son is chelating you if you're nursing him. That is the most likely culprit and a reason moms feel so great after nursing. One should always have their metal levels checked before becoming pregnant and nursing. That little baby is the great chelator, sorry to say. I'd get myself checked out immediately to make sure you aren't causing it. And please if you are heavy metal toxic stop breast feeding, escpecially if you chelate.

Alkalizing Remedies, Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/13/2012

Hi Grannykeeperpdx, If you are inhaling the 3% that you made then personally I think that is strong. I would be using it diluted to about 1%. It may be best to stop till everything settles down and try again at a lower dose, plus take some extra anti-oxidants when using H2O2.

Alkalizing Remedies, Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Grannykeeperpdx (Portland, Or) on 01/12/2012

I have the same problem. I tried drinking the diluted 35% and got a sore throat after every dose. Now, I am inhaling it and the same thing. I know from his You Tube video that you are supposed to exhale before you take your inhaling dose, but I choke on that every time. Before I watched the video I was just aiming for the back of the throat and had no problems until today. I have known other people that have gotten further along in the drinking HP and had no burning sensation. I don't really know what to think. If it continues, I will have to stop as it is too painful. I followed the directions very carefully when mixing: 1 part 35% to 11 parts distilled water.

Can anyone tell me what they think it might be? Thanks for your help. If Ted has any ideas, I would like to know. Thank you all.

Amalgam Fillings
Posted by Bibi (Nashville, Tn) on 12/28/2011

This is the first time I've seen your posting. I'm hoping it isn't too late, but regardless, please read the following link. From what I understand from various websites, there IS a difference in what kind of dentist you use. Regular dentists and "mercury" dentists are supposedly not safe. The recommendation I've heard is for a biological dentist. Of course, I have four or five cracked mercury fillings and cannot afford to get them sealed, much less removed. I'm suffering symptoms of MS, but a muscle biopsy has ruled out muscle diseases and metabolic disorders. Please read:

Amalgam Fillings
Posted by Andrew (Charlottetown, Pei, Canada) on 12/15/2011

I'm having mercury fillings removed in a week by my dentist. I have two fillings. I'm not sure what his procedure is but isn't it better to have them out even if he doesn't use the best procedure than to leave them in? And not sure about all the things to take to remove metal toxins, but shouldn't one feel better from just having them removed???


Chlorella, Cilantro
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 11/10/2011

Thank you Jay, for the wonderful advice. I am getting amalgam fillings removed next week and I tried chlorella and spirolina a while back and had a bad reaction. I was taking very low doses though so now I understand what I can try to possibly counteract the reaction. It was nothing life threatening but just bothersome. I got a weird orange peel like texture to my skin. It took a few weeks of taking both of them before I realized it was the algea. I don't know which one or if it was both but I think I will try just chlorella with the enzymes you suggested and hope for the best. Thanks again!

Chlorella, Cilantro
Posted by Jay (Toronto, Ont, Canada) on 11/09/2011

Chlorella Cilantro Detox(from

Dosage: start with 1 gram (=4 tabl) 3-4 times/day. This is the standard maintainance dosage for grown ups for the 6-24 months of active detox. During the more active phase of the detox (every 2-4 weeks for 1 week), whenever cilantro is given, the dose can be increased to 3 grams 3-4 times per day (1 week on, 2-4 weeks back down to the maintainance dosage). Take 30 minutes before the main meals and at bedtime. This way chlorella is exactly in that portion of the small intestine where the bile squirts into the gut at the beginning of the meal, carrying with it toxic metals and other toxic waste. These are bound by the chlorella cell wall and carried out via the digestive tract. When amalgam fillings are removed, the higher dose should be given for 2 days before and 2-5 days after the procedure (the more fillings are removed, the longer the higher dose should be given). No cilantro should be given around the time of dental work. During this time we do not want to moblize deeply stored metals in addition to the expected new exposure. If you take Vitamin C during your detox program, take it as far away from Chlorella as possible (best after meals).

Side effects: most side effects reflect the toxic effect of the mobilized metals which are shuttled through the organism. This problem is instantly avoided by significantly increasing the chlorella dosage, not by reducing it, which would worsen the problem (small chlorella doses mobilize more metals then are bound in the gut, large chlorella doses bind more toxins then are mobilized). Some people have problems digesting the cell membrane of chlorella. The enzyme cellulase resolves this problem. Cellulase is available in many health food stores in digestive enzyme products. Taking chlorella together with food also helps in some cases, even though it is less effective that way. C. vulgaris has a thinner cell wall and is better tolerated by people with digestive problems.

Chlorella, Cilantro
Posted by Margaret (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 11/09/2011

Hello, I have been using a cilantro with chlorella formula as a heavy metal detox. I have been experiencing sore muscles and joint pains. Does this mean I should stop my detox or is this a good sign?

Thank you,


Posted by Saul42 (Ny) on 08/16/2011

Look up American Dental in New York CIty or go to a university where the students are almost ready to graduate as dentists. Under the supervision of a dentist they perform work on you at a very very cheap price. In NYC I had each filling removed for between 40-50 bucks at American dental. At the university my friend had all his fillings taken out for roughly 90 bucks and he had about 5 of them.

Get that crap out of your system. The cost down the line is extremely huge.

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Ll2 (Boulder, Co) on 08/15/2011

Check out Andy Cutler's mercury removal protocol on the web. It's the ONLY protocol that actually works without causing big damage to your body along the way. & he explains why it works (basically, mercury attaches to thiols, and Alpha lipoic acid has two thiols, unlike chlorella which has only one--so chlorella can cause BIG problems). It's very inexpensive, he's not trying to sell anything and it actually works!

Dmps Chelation
Posted by Ll2 (Boulder, Co) on 08/15/2011


DMPS is known to cause severe problems for people, particularly irreversible nerve damage. To chelate out mercury, lead and some other toxic metals, the best known protocol is the one that Andy Cutler devised. He has a ph.D. from Princeton in Chemistry, was poisoned himself and discovered the pharmacological effects of different substances, based on the half life of chelating elements in the body. The reason this is so important is because when mercury is moved around, it cause havoc. I had 13 almagam fillings, plus 2 gold crowns, (which is a big no-no, even for dental text books--and funny the dentist who did this taught at the dental school in Philly--obviously didn't read the textbook! ). In any case, I had all these removed, followed Cutler's protocol and have had many many problems go away, including problems I didn't think could be connected to Mercury. His protocol is the ONLY safe way to get rid of mercury; it works. (plus, he's not trying to sell anything. The protocol is available on the web, even if one doesn't buy his book). In a nutshell, the protocol is:

alpha lipoic acid 50mg- MUST BE TAKEN Every 3 HOURS, even at night. For 3 days on, 4 days off. I've done his protocol for 2 years now and it really works, safely!

Chlorella, Spirulina
Posted by Tlphil2 (Lorton, Va, Us) on 08/12/2011

Chlorella is one of the best ways to naturally and safely remove heavy metals from your body. Spirulina will remove all the other toxins and acid buildup. These are simple, one-celled plants... ALGAE.

These are two super-foods. They are the most nutrient-dense food on the planet. They are a WHOLE FOOD - like eating a banana or spinach.

They used chlorella to remove radiation from people after Hiroshima and the latest nuclear incident in Japan... Fukashima.

You can't overdose on it... and it doesn't have any side effects (except initial detox response).

These are the MOST researched foods in history! They have so many healthful benefits, to include having ALL the nutrition you need to sustain a healthy life with nothing more than these algaes and water (ionized, alkaline water! ). I recommend you start using it today! It can reverse cancer, eliminate tumors, and MANY, MANY other positive effects. Don't mess around with potentially harmful, chemicals and supplements.... Just start taking ALGAE! ALSO - read Mike Adams, Health Ranger's report on Chlorella and Spirulina.

Master Cleanse, Yoga
Posted by Annie (Central Nc, Usa) on 05/21/2011

Robin and Crista, You talk about a website about this internal cleanse but how do we find it? I'm eager to learn. Why doesn't EC have a means to contact each other without showing our email addresses?

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Teri In T Town (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 05/18/2011

I used Chlorella for years after I had my mercury fillings removed. It helps to remove heavy metals and helps keep you alkaline as well.... Plus I felt great. You can find a good one on Mercola's.

Borax Remedy, Iodine Painting
Posted by Tm (Brisbane, Australia) on 05/09/2011

I am 3 weeks into my Borax remedy 4 days on 3 days off, I also last week used iodine painting on my foot and became very ill, so I must be detoxing some heavy metals out of my body. I have a question though, has anyone else experienced swelling in their legs and feet? It happens as soon as I start back on the borax. Thanks

Oil Pulling
Posted by Micha (Denver, Colorado) on 03/20/2011

Black tea and Green tea are very good for reducing mouth bacteria. Drink 2-3 cups a day. Hold it in you mouth a while before swallowing. White tea might even be better. This works.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Bob (Laurel, Md) on 03/20/2011

You might consider continuing to use sunflower oil with the addition of 1 drop of peppermint essential oil or tea tree oil or even both. Oil pulling is great for controlling the bacteria and other pathogens in the mouth. A great way to control periodontal disease and reduce plaque significantly.

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Judye (Reidsville, North Carolina, Usa) on 03/01/2011

Hello Juno, I don't know if you found a place near West Hollywood, CA to do a heavy metal detox but wanted to pass this along to you. I have a son in the LosAngeles area that I wanted to find a place for him to go to as I found out I have very high levels of Lead, Mercury, Thallium and others and wanted him to be tested and detoxed. I'm in central North Carolina

There is a place in Lawndale, CA that does this. That's not too far. The info I have on them is 310-479-2266 and they have a web site

Hope this of some help.

Posted by William (Charleston, Sc, Usa) on 02/27/2011

The cheapest method for chelating according to Dr. Bate is with Vitamin C. He says it acts as a chelator of all minerals, the good and the bad. For each 50 lbs of a person's weight one should take 1 gram of Vitamin C. I tried this recently and had a bad headache in the night, but the next day woke with more clarity, like something has been lifted. I was also chewing one garlic clove a day and eating liver detoxing foods like grapefruit and apple juice.

I believe the Vitamin C and the zeolite worked best for me. Also it is best to take Vitamin C by itself so it won't deplete the other vitamins or medications you may be taking. Wait up to four hours before taking your multi-vitamin (which you probably should take to restore mineral balance) or medication. Dr. Bate said if a man weighs 200lbs than he should take 2 grams in morning and 2 grams in the evening.

It also helps to align our lives with God's Word, so that when we pray to Him, he will recieve our prayer. It is said that the Lord hears the prayers of the righteous. Some of us can have miraculous healing, but maybe others will be lead to the right road for healing. God Bless you all. Make sure you believe in your heart that you are healing. Just Believe.

General Feedback
Posted by Robin (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/17/2011

Dear Ted/connie, my hair analysis shows copper off the chart, so bad the lab rang me to tell me Im the worst theyve seen. Look up the net and its bad on so many levels. BUT a blood test shows normal levels. So all the detoxing Ive been doing isnt bringing it out OR I dont have it. I had histamine levels measured. low histamine would have added some weight. But thats normal. I do have addisons. Poor adrenals goes with copper overload. How do I know? Because I dont know what to eat, many supplements that could help me are a no no if you have copper overload. Help?

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Sarah (Kansas City, Mo) on 02/06/2011

I was just responding to your feed about mercury filling removal. I too had mine removed about 6 years ago and noticed a HUGE difference in the way I felt. I found a dentist (no longer practicing) who removed mercury fillings in a safe and unharmful way. She covered her entire face with a mask that had an oxygen tube on it for her to breath through and I had a mask with a suction hose so I didn't inhale the harmful vapors from the mercury. I would strongly suggest that everybody get rid of those horrible and dangerous fillings if they can. It was expensive but well worth the money!

You can google dentists that safely remove them. They have been specially trained to do so and I'm telling you, you'll feel so much better!! BTW, they need to outlaw those fillings because people are getting very ill and it's just not right! I hope everyone gets them removed!

Posted by Robin (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/01/2011

I have been detoxing for years - its very confusing and theres so much conflicting info. I can see from hair analysis all metals have halved BUT that is disappointing for how much detox Ive done. I think a lot of them dont take it out of the body safely, stirs it all up and it reabsorbs elsewhere. Zeolite - I had a pre & post urine test. It showed no metals coming out. Therefore I dont believe it works. Does anyone have any info on alpha lipoic acid as sherry rogers recommends in detox or die?

Posted by Jessaka (Tahlequah, Ok) on 01/23/2011

This is scary. I have about 16 mercury fillings, and I have been using Alpha Lipoic Acid for years as recommended by my doctor, but not for mercury poisoning. Can I expect to never get mercury out of my brain? I can't afford to have my fillings removed. What about juicing with cilantro daily? Wouldn't that safely remove mercury from the body?

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Cary (Miramar, Fl) on 01/18/2011

Dear Matt from Tallahassee, FL:

(or anyone with gallstones and amalgam mercury poisoning)

Matt - We seem to have lots of things in common: from living in FL to the the long list of M.D.s (I've been at it for the past 13 months to no avail). We even share the same symptoms--everything on your list, except for the doubling of the vision prescription.

Thank you for your post and all the great tips you included.

Hope you don't mind, but I have some questions:

1. Did you get your gallstones removed?

2. Did your chelation therapy aggravate your gallbladder symptoms?

3. What chelation method did you use after you removed your amalgam fillings?

I had my 1st gallbladder attack 6 months ago, but I opted to forgo gallbladder surgery (I have about 5-6 calcium based stones that I'd like to try to dissolve first, before trying to expel them naturally). But there are a lot of herbs that are contraindicated for people with gallstones.

Hope you're fully recovered from the A.I.

Thanks again for your post!

Posted by Ryanc (New York) on 12/28/2010

I'm confused too... as I can't afford to get my fillings removed/replaced... is it safe to use EDTA for chelation if I have fillings?

Olive Oil, Cilantro and Garlic
Posted by Cleft (Reno, Nv/usa) on 12/25/2010

8 cloves. 8 bulbs is a ridiculous amount! Were you serious??

General Feedback
Posted by Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 12/21/2010

Cast iron pans are excellent to cook in. I love, love, LOVE mine. You do get very small traces of iron from them, but that's not bad. If you condition them properly and keep them seasoned, they are naturally non-stick too.

General Feedback
Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 12/21/2010

Can anyone tell me if it is o.k. To cook in the old cast iron pans or do you get too much heavy metal from them?

Olive Oil, Cilantro and Garlic
Posted by Yves (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 09/16/2010

Does the recipe call for 8 cloves of garlic, or 8 bulbs? 8 cloves seems pretty small amount?

Posted by Lisa (Coto De Caza, Ca, Usa) on 09/06/2010

I've been following the Andrew Hall Cutler approach for chelating heavy metals and much of my Chronic fatigue and headaches are gone. He mentions that Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMSA, or DMPS with chelate Mercury from your body. Take small dose (25 mg) every 4 hours for 3-4 days then take 4-5 day break. It will take many rounds to get all the mercury out. Your amalgams must be out of your mouth before you do this. Before chelating with Alpha Lipoic Acid using his method and supplement ideas, I could barely get off the couch. Now after a few years, I am much more active and don't need to take naps anymore. Also, no more daily headaches and migraines only every 2 months instead of a few times a month.

Alkalizing Remedies, Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Ruben (, Argentina) on 09/05/2010


I've been suffering of chronique fatigue, muscle sores, joint pain and tinnitus for the last 8 years. As many of you I couldn't find any answers from doctors other than "it's psychosomatic". After many research I think my condition is related to heavy metal poissoning and fungus. I've been using for the last weeks Ted's alcalinization remedies as lemon baking soda and baking soda potassium citrate and I started feeling much better but not cured. I'm taking also cilantro and chlorella to chelate the heavy metals. Four days ago I began using Bill's HP inhalation technic and almost instantly made me feel better and energized. The problem is that every time I pump the hp I feel a burning sensation in my throat and afterwards I have a flu-like sore throat. I'm using 35% food grade HP diluted to 3% with distilled water. Has anyone have the same experience? Any ideas?

Thank You all!

Dmps Chelation
Posted by Aria (Port Huron, Mi, Us) on 09/05/2010

With regard to glutathione and taking supplements: glutathione is produced by the liver and acts as a blood cleanser. It is effective in removing toxins from the blood. I have read that stimulation of the liver through utilization of a coffee enema will increase the liver's production of GSH; therefore, will aid in removal of toxins from the body. This method has been used for years to rid the body of tuberculosis and cancer.

I found this web page detailing the procedure:

General Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 07/29/2010

Oops - I forgot to mention in my prior response - Fulvic Acid comes in a liquid and has virtually no taste.

General Feedback
Posted by Carly ( Seattle, Wa,Usa ) on 07/29/2010

Hi - I would look in to Fulvic Acid. There is quite a bit on it on the Web, and on the Earth Clinic site also. Among other things - it is a heavy metal chelator, and is a totally natural substance. I am not sure about using it on a 13 month old, as I was researching it for different reasons. I am now a firm believer in Fulvic Acid and have only been taking it for a week! I think it truly is detoxifying me. Best of luck to you, and glad to hear you are getting your child away from whatever source of the lead you are around. . . . Remember to wash his hands often, that might help some too. :-) Carly

General Feedback
Posted by Regulator555 (Grand Rapids, Mi, Usa) on 07/28/2010

Hello EC group! My son, 13 months old, tested an 8 for lead. 10 is considered the highest safe level. However, I've read that permanent damage can occur at levels of 2. I think the 8 is due to where we live - old apartment and he plays outside in the dirt, so there's probably lead in the soil. We're moving in a few weeks. Meanwhile, my doc is not concerned. My husband and I are concerned. Fruits and vegetables, the recommended detox for kids, isn't possible as he is still nursed (not interested in food yet). I've read about cilantro, n-acetyl cysteine, and zeolite as great - for adults. Does anyone know of any methods for treating a 13 month old?

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Eli (Dallas, Tx) on 07/18/2010

I tried to do the oil pulling and was completely surprised at the intensity of pain it caused. I had not read of anyone having pain with it before. I have had all metal in my mouth removed so the cause cannot be contact with metal. After reading your post I wonder if the pain was a direct result of contaminates remaining in or stored in the mouth and jaw from years of having amalgam fillings (or from who knows what source)? I thought perhaps the pain was from pulling too hard so I tried it again about a week later with very gentle pulls and still experienced the pain. If there are any ideas on this I would sure love to hear them.

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Juno (West Hollywood, California, Usa) on 07/04/2010

This is a request to Amy from LA who wrote a post on getting rid of her fillings on 5/20/2009. I am looking to do the same and live also in LA would like to ask her who is her doctor? Is there any way I could contact Amy?

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Paula (Perth, Wa, Australia) on 07/04/2010

Hi Faithinhealing, After reading about the oil pulling & it's effects on detoxing, I decided to give it a go. I lasted one session & have never felt such immediate pain in my mouth. I have 2 old amalgam filling left & have just had 3 crowns (the ones with the metal inside) & an implant along with a bone graft. Everything in my mouth that had metal ached straight away (except the implant). It's very frustrating because you want the metals out of your sytem, but it hurts to detox... really badly. I will be having the amalgam taken out soon, but the crowns cost me a small fortune & not sure what to do about them. A dentist has suggested i need root canals on the newly crowned teeth, but I could almost buy a house for the price of all that dental work. Arghhhh. Stuck between a rock & a hard spot??

Heavy Metal Tests
Posted by Joe (Jupiter, Fl) on 06/22/2010

Bill: You mentioned that bicarbonates play a role to alkalize blood(extracellular), aid digestion and cell respiration whereas ACV and Lemeon/Lime help to alkalize the intracellular cell environment and aid in the production of energy within the cells.

If one has alkaline saliva (cellular) and alkaline urine (blood )thru testing can one still benefit from taking the bicarbs in water remedy and the lemon/lime BS remedy?

I didn't know if it's necessary or overkill if the body is already alkaline ? They say when applying mag oil to body that it's fully absorb in 20 minutes but how do we know the milligrams we took in? I read it's only about 100mg, short of the 400mg we need per day?

P.S. Is Mixing a 15-20 drops of magnesium oil with 1 liter of water plus: Hp,Borax,Sea Salt,Iodine (Ted's dosages) OK ?

Heavy Metal Tests
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 06/17/2010

Hi Joe...Iodine is certainly a favourite -- along with Magnesium, Vitamin C, Borax, Sea Salt, Dessicated Liver and Ted's alkalizing remedies. All these, as a daily or weekly protocol, seem to work well in keeping my own body terrain and immune system fairly strong.

The classic form of Lugol's is 5gms Iodine(5%) with 10gms potassium iodide(10%) dissolved in 85gms water (85%). The original form of lugol's was always at 5% strength. This was discovered or invented by Jacques Lugol in 1829 and is still the best form of lugol's to supplement. But it is getting harder and harder to buy this form. The US govt now does not permit free sale of lugol's in amounts greater than 2 oz. The drugs companies seem bent on making it very difficult indeed for the population to obtain these necessary dietary supplements in order to stay healthy now. And meanwhile, at the other end, the FDA seem determined to ignore all the poisons in our food, soil and water supply. This is a very nasty alliance for sure.

Another example is dietary potassium -- which you can only ever buy now in pills made in less than 100 mg amounts. A recent European study has demonstrated that we need a minimum of at least 3.2 GRAMS of potassium per day as a daily intake for health.

I even saw both iodine crystals and potassium iodide crystals in a shop in Bangkok on a recent trip, so I could've made up my own proper form of lugol's quite easily, but I thought there was no need because I had found aqueous iodine. Later, I discovered this iodine was only 1% strength. Next time, I'll use my

A drop of 5% lugol's solution will contain about 6.3 mgs of iodine/iodide. So 2 drops of 5% lugol's will give you 12.6 mgs. However, the 2% lugol's that you are using will contain less than 3.1 mgs per drop so you will have to use about 4 drops per daily dose to achieve the necessary 12.5 mgms.

When you mix lugol's with Vit C it will turn colorless with no taste because the iodine in the lugol's transforms into iodide. The best methods to supplement both the iodide and iodine forms is to take lugol drops in water or to use footpainting or just use both.

It's OK to mix HP, sea salt, borax, 4 drops Iodine in a liter of water and take it daily -- but remember that Borax should be taken for only 4 days on -- with 3 days off the Borax. The reason for this is that Borax stimulates androgens (male hormone production), and the cycling of 4 days on and 3 days off Borax will prevent over-stimulation of these hormones.

Heavy Metal Tests
Posted by Joe (Jupiter, Fl) on 06/17/2010

Bill: Thank You for explaining things very well. I've been sharing the importance of Iodine with deficiency and havoc it can cause. I also heard that along with the halogens that soy inhibits Iodine too and soybean oil is in all packaged foods. Add chlorine, fluoride, bromine and we got a perfect storm for Iodine being depleted.

When we mix Lugol's 2% Solution -- potassium Iodide 4%, Iodine 2%. I heard that 4 drops would equal the 12.5mg per day suggested dosage. Is this correct ?

When we mix lugol's with Vit c we are only getting the Iodide property benefit b/c conversion of Iodine to
100% Iodide ?

To get both Iodine and Iodide we can just mix Lugol's with warm water and get addtional anti-fungal GI benefits ? Or we can just paint to get both Iodine and Iodide into our system?

You see Bill,I have been taking lugol's with just Vit C and not painting. I just want to cover getting both aspects of Iodine and Iodide into the body.

I have red online from other physicians that they say Iodine painting does not absorb properly because most of it evaporates, so it's not accurate measure of how depleted you are or how quickly the shading is gone?

I'm skeptical of the truth with these guys and our govt (FDA) They seem to want to fuel sickness for various organizational networks that benefit;
health care, population control, food industries makers , ,

Is it ok to mix HP,sea salt,borax,4 drops Iodine in 1 liter jar to drink over 1 day period or could this be to heavy detox? I trying to streamline things for my father. Thanks Again :)

Heavy Metal Tests
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 06/17/2010

Hi Joe...Thanks for your questions.

Do we paint in the middle of bottom of foot or just on inside forearm area ?

Normally you would paint a 5 X 3 inch area of the bottom of the foot. I do this just before going to bed. Once you feel that your iodine levels are OK, then paint your feet once every 3 or four days.

When we mix Vit C or ACV with Baking Soda are there any Bicarb benefits (sodium) left or are they used up by the acids intervention?

It's always best to take just sodium bicarbonate with water on its own, because it has a different function to the BS and ACV or Lemon/Lime remedies. Bicarbonates -- on their own -- are necessary for our bodies because they are essential to cell respiration, the bicarbonate ion is used in cell respiration to simultaneously swap out the carbon dioxide for oxygen via the blood. It is also essential to provide proper second stage digestion in the duodenum and bicarbonates also aid in alkalizing the blood. The lemon/lime remedies, when combined with sodium bicarbonates, create citrates and small amounts of ascorbates(Vit C). Similarly ACV and BS produce malates and acetates. Both these forms play a direct role in and enhance the Krebs energy production and utilization cycle within the cell. So bicarbonates play a role to alkalize blood(extracellular), aid digestion and cell respiration whereas ACV and Lemeon/Lime help to alkalize the intracellular cell environment and aid in the production of energy within the cells.

With respect to iodine/iodide intake, the RDA recommendations are sadly inadequate. This RDA is wholly based on what will cure hypothyroidism and goiter but does not account for the much larger amounts that are also critically useful and needed by our bodies.

Here is a breakdown:

*Research by Drs Abraham and Brownstein seems to confirm that the proper minimal daily intake of iodine should be about 12.5 mgms (The RDA recommendation is still only about 150 microgms which, in my opinion, is ridiculous). The proper dose is equivalent to about two drops of lugol's iodine or one Iodoral tablet per day.

*I have also read that in order to satisfy just the thyroid requirement realistically requires about 2-3 mgms of iodide. Any iodine/iodide in excess is then freely utilized further throughout the body.

*The Iodine form is necessary for the mammary glands(women), the uterus and the prostate but the iodide form is necessary for thyroid uptake. All other uptake -- by the endocrine system, the organs and the mucus glands -- can generally utilize both the iodide or iodine forms. So the gist of this is that both the iodide and the iodine forms are necessary for our bodies.

(There is also another iodine form that is taken up -- triodide -- but I'm trying to keep this explanation simple...LOL).

The necessity for the mucus glands to uptake iodine I find very interesting, because these mucus glands are usually the first line of anti-microbial defense for our bodies. They are situated in the salivary glands, stomach, intestines, uterus, prostate, nose, throat and lungs to name just a few. ALL mucus glands in our bodies absorb and utilize iodine.

A 2% USP iodine tincture will kill 90% of all microbes -- including viruses, bacteria and fungus -- in 90 seconds and yet, taken in proper amounts, iodine is very body-friendly and even very necessary for our bodies.

In both the uterus and women's breasts, the formation of cysts and fibroids is perhaps a direct expression of a lack of iodine in the diet. The uterus is an acidic environment, but if it gets too acidic through bad diet then bad bacteria will take hold and problems like fibroids and bacterial vaginosis will occur. The uterus also has friendly bacteria that generate hydrogen peroxide, similar to the lacto-bacillus in the intestines, which also helps to prevent invasion by the bad bacteria. But for these friendly bacteria to survive in the uterus necessitates the maintenance of a healthy acid pH zone. Iodine is also alkaline and, from the uterine mucus secretions, kills the bad bacteria in the uterus as well as helps to regulate the uterine environment by putting it back into a safe and healthy acidic zone. Iodine is also anti-cancer as well as anti-mutagenic. The weird thing is that if you go to a doctor about having uterine fibroids or vaginal bacteriosis -- then they will normally just check for small iodine amounts that satisfy just your thyroid and not the larger amounts that the rest of your body needs -- which includes amounts needed by the mucus glands in the uterus. This is how you can have a normal thyroid but still lack the necessary iodine requirement for the rest of your body which seems to require far more iodine/iodide than the thyroid.

The pre-cancerous cysts that can occur in women's breasts is a similar story and also the result of a bad diet or fluorinated drugs. In an acid body(low iodine), all cysts/tumors will utilize mucus glands and mucus as a cloak or cover against attack by the white blood cells. However if iodine is taken in proper amounts ALL mucus glands will uptake the iodine -- even the mucus glands on the cyst or tumor. And iodine can kill virtually all offending microbes quickly, is strongly alkaline and is also anti-cancer as well as anti-mutagenic. Another significant point is that iodine is regarded by some researchers as the ultimate anti-histamine. Click here for the evidence.. Therefore, by supplementing correct amounts of iodine, these offending fibroids, cysts and tumors are completely de-cloaked as the bad guys, unable to hide or fool the body's white blood cells and so are attacked and are more easily eradicated. And this same argument applies for the prostate gland.

Currenty, I'm also looking into the synergistic relationships between some of my favourite supplements/minerals -- which are magnesium, iodine, vitamin c, hydrogen peroxide, sodium and potassium. I've already discovered that magnesium has a significant enzymatic role in the body's production of tyrosine which is essential for the thyroid to be able to slice off the metallic ion from the iodide molecule and convert and store it as iodine in the thyroid. Therefore supplementing magnesium as well as lugol's iodine should definitely further help hypothyroid problems.

Heavy Metal Tests
Posted by Joe (Jupiter, Fl) on 06/16/2010

Bill: Thank you for your time and assistance.

In follow up clarification: If we always mix the Iodine with Ascorbic acid then is it 100% converted to Iodide? If so, I will only be getting the thyroid functioning benefits and not the Iodine positives (prostate). By mixing it in water only with-out Vit C, I will be getting both sides of the Iodine benefits but will have to tolerate the taste. The other option is to take Iodine with Vit C for higher concentration of Iodide and paint Iodine on the bottom of foot for specific Iodine benefits: which is what your doing.

Do we paint in the middle of bottom of foot or just on inside forearm area ? Difference? When we mix Vit C or ACV with Baking Soda are there any Bicarb benefits (sodium) left or are they used up by the acids intervention?

Heavy Metal Tests
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 06/16/2010

Hi Joe...The best method to discover if you have excess heavy metals or lack of minerals -- which is also suggested by Ted -- is the hair analysis.

The urine analysis is not so accurate and is just a measure of the minerals and electrolytes that are excreted by the kidneys in one particular instance in time, whereas hair analysis will more accurately show accumulation of a particular mineral or heavy metal -- or lack of it -- in your body over a much longer period of time because hair is part of the skin tissue itself.

The health water mixture you suggest for yourself should be OK, but you mention in your post that you will take 1 litre of this mix per week which is not correct, not sure if this was a misprint or not.

Borax dosage is normally 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon Borax in 1 litre of water PER DAY. This borax dosage should then be taken for 4 days on followed by three days off the Borax. My own method is to just take the borax this way for a maximum of a week or two every month as an anti-fungal preventative. But if you had something like candida(fungus) or rosacea(demodex mites), then this dosage should be taken continuously and as stated for a much longer period.

The sea salt maintenance dosage should be 1/4 teaspoon sea salt in 1 litre of water per day also. I normally just use sea salt on my food and also use it dissolved in water to flush out and help disinfect my nasal passages if there's a problem.

And the iodine dosage is 12.5 mgs per day. I take this dosage every day usually together with Vitamin C as ascorbate in water. This way the iodine portion of Lugol's is converted to iodide and there is no iodine taste. I also use foot-painting with tincture of iodine which is also quite effective.

But if you are taking lugol's as an anti-fungal or antiseptic specifically for your intestines, it is better to take the lugol's in water alone, because lugol's consists of iodide as well as iodine but iodine is the one that has the anti-microbial action in the intestines.

Within the body iodide, in small amounts, is needed for the thyroid, but iodine is the form needed and utilized by the mammary glands(women) and prostate glands of men. Other organs and mucus glands within the body also need and can use both the iodide and iodine forms. This is why the RDA dose for iodine -- about a 150 microgms, based solely on the only the thyroid's estimate requirement only -- just doesn't cut it as the proper daily iodine/iodide requirement for the whole body.

Heavy Metal Tests
Posted by Joe (Wpb, Florida) on 06/14/2010


I want to do a toxic element profile along with minerals levels. What is the difference between hair or urine as far as best test ? When the toxic levels decrease over time does this mean the body has gotten rid of most of it or that it could possibly be hiding in deep tissues, bones, organs, or brain. Hence, the circulatory toxins were removed but the stubborn metals linger in hard to reach areas resulting in a low marker, but in reality can still have high metals.

Is it ok to mix 1/4 tsp borax in 1 liter with 4 drops of Iodine (lugols)= 12.5mg, 1/8 tsp sea salt? These will be mixed in advance in 1 ltr bottle for the week.

Posted by Liz (Houston, Tx) on 06/12/2010

Today is Day 5 for me on zeolite. I've heard many exciting reviews and testimonials about it, and I can't wait to reap great results! I'm consuming 10 drops 3x a day. I've talked to several health care professionals who swear by zeolite for detoxing.

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Carmen (Nova Scotia, Canada) on 04/15/2010

Hey, BEST OF LUCK finding the right answer for YOU. Try googling Diatomaceous Earth. I have recently read some claims regarding both candidia and heavy metals. To get things "moving" I am anticipating the arrival of the dandelion and stinging nettle in my back yard, both claim regularity( so much more) with little or no side effects. I always enjoy a good cup of tea. :)

Epsom Salts
Posted by James (Panama City, Panama) on 04/14/2010

Epsom Salts as a full body detox

What is the proper dosage and lenght of time for using Epsom salts as a detox for the heavy metals in a person's body?

Mercury Toxicity
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/14/2010

Hi, against constipation there is a lot you can do: eat dried prunes, eat fruit first things in the morning (all fruit worked for me but the doctor recommended kiwis), drink a cup of tea or a glass of warm water first thing in the morning or a spoon of mollasses (eventually diluted in the water), maybe start using coconut oil in your diet? My intestines eventually learned how to work by themselves and nowadays I need to pay attention that they don't work too much.

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