Natural Remedies to Detox Heavy Metals

Posted by Lance (National City, California) on 11/23/2008

to take heavy metals out of the body - selenium asorbs heavy metals from the body silver fillings in your mouth contain mercury it can cause harding of the arteries. selenium is one way of absorbing mercury.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Borax
Posted by JS (Asheville, NC) on 05/31/2008

I have been trying to get rid of a fungal infection on my feet that I have had for years. Athlete's foot and now, in the past, 2 years, severely cracked heels (a sign of fungus, I have read). The over-the-counter creams that I have used do work, but they don't work permanently: the infection just moves around and later returns.

After reading up on the many of the remedies on Earth Clinic, I decided to make up my own recipe for a foot bath. So for the past 4 days, I have done the following:
3 heaping tablespoons of borax (20 mule team) dissolved in hot water, then added to a large tupperware storage container (cheap and perfect size for 2 feet).
Add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.
Add enough hot water to cover my the bottoms of my feet and ankles.
I soak my feet for 10-15 minutes every morning.

I can't tell you at this point if it will cure the fungal infection. What I can tell you is that after 9 minutes, I get a very powerful taste in my mouth. It is the same taste I get when I am taking supplements to detox from heavy metals. What's weird is that it happens every day at the 9 minute mark. (Coincidentally, oil pulling causes my sinuses to open at the 9 minute mark too). I think that this foot soak may be a powerful way to detox from heavy metals, particularly fluoride. I hope other people will give it a try and give me their opinions. I will report back with more results in a week or two.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Heavy metal Detox: Oil pulling with peppermint oil, or in some cases added tea tree. Cod liver oil I think is better than sunflower oil, but the problem seems obvious, they are not easily found and quite expensive.

There are more, but those are the main ones.

Oil pulling removes heavy metals from your body, including the heavy metal filings with exception of ceramic fillings. All this is just my experience. You have to decide yourself to do oil pulling or not. If you don't want to rid of fillings and hence heavy metals, then oil pulling should not be done. A preferred remedy that has less negative effect then oil pulling is a simple mouth detox, which is simply saturated solution baking soda and one drop peppermint mouthwash. This one will have the least problems in that it doesn't remove the fillings, but seems to be protective of enamel degradation.

Olive Oil, Cilantro and Garlic
Posted by Lynn (USA) on 08/24/2007

Anywhere where there is coal operated plants, they normally dump into the ocean or rivers or lakes. The average plant dumps about 100 lb. of mercury a year into the ocean. My daughter's physician told her not to eat any fish anymore, that it is much worse than what they tell us.

EC: Lynn, thank you so very much for this heavy metal detox recipe!

Olive Oil, Cilantro and Garlic
Posted by Lynn Prince (San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico, Mexico) on 08/23/2007

Hello. My daughter about 8 months ago was diagnosed with heavy mercury levels. She was so incapacitated that we thought it was Lyme Disease. From eating fish in Ventura County, California!! We used a formula that leached it out and within about 4 months her blood levels were normal again.

Recipe is as follows as given by a physician in Japan:
1 cup of Extra Virgin organic olive oil (first cold pressed)
2 large bunches of cilantro
8 large cloves of garlic

Puree in blender and take 3 teaspoons a day.
Leaches mercury and heavy metals. Must be careful, tho, if leach out to much too fast can shut down your kidneys and liver.

We found putting it on bread with a tiny bit of parmesan cheese and grilling it was yummy way to get your "medicine"

Oil Pulling
Posted by Kendra Rose (Haiku, Hawaii) on 08/24/2007

I have now been oil pulling for two months both morning and night. Twenty-eight years ago I was exposed to agent orange here in Hawaii from the pineapple fields. It had gotten into the water supply. I have been ill ever since, I especially suffered from migraines. To make things worse I have heavy metal poisoning that is off the charts.

Two friends put their grandmother's rosaries on me and prayed for me by my request... as I had been feeling so terrible.. kept telling my friends that my blood feels poisoned. That night I found EarthClinic and my prayer was answered. My life has been restored to me. Glory be to Buddha, Marys, Christ, angels and all the Saints! HO!

I have consistent energy. I no longer feel poisoned, my blood feels joyous! I am sleeping so deeply from the very first day I tried it. Now that I feel so good, I understand how deeply sick I've been all this time. My body feels so relieved not to start the day with a toxic overload. A new acquaintance of mine said that since she's known me she can't believe the quality of my skin...

I have tried for over 28 years many modalities, herbal medicines, prescription medicines.. nothing helped me.. I began to feel I was the only person on earth who could not heal... and I'm a healer... I am healing and everyday I am amazed, startled, surprised, delighted that I wake up feeling grrreat! Blessed Be!

Master Cleanse, Yoga
Posted by Robin (Near Toledo, Ohio, Ohio) on 10/02/2007

Hi. I've been doing a lot of research for my many health problems and decided that an internal cleanse was crucial. I have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Immune System Dysfunction, Fibromyalgia, Irritable bowel syndrome with severe constipation, chronic candiditis adrenal fatigue, borderline hypothyroid, sleep disorder, Hormonal disturbances due to a tubal ligation (female castration, it causes the ovaries to just about die within two years of the procedure) iron and b-12 anemia, and possible mercury poisoning from many' amalgam fillings and vaccinations.

I have no energy, I can't sleep, losing hair like crazy, I crash after a stressful event, dark circles, weak thin nails, brain fog and poor memory, a thick feeling in the front of my lower throat, difficulties in reaching climax, dry skin and hair, extremely sensitive to cold, cold hands and feet, low body temperature, hypotension, (low blood pressure) 7 day long, clotted, painful, heavy monthly cycles, lengthy sinus infections, itchy waxy ears, difficulty loosing weight, hypersensitive nervous system, 3.5 cm uric acid kidney stone, (to stick on atkins diet there) heck, I can't even remember all my symptoms, but I know there are more.

I had done one 9 day cleanse already and didn't get the results I wanted, so I tried another. I hit the jackpot this time. It started releasing all the mucoid plaque that was stuck and built up in my intestinal walls, working on the candida and other "wigglies" (parasites) that are common in most of us now too.

What I did not expect was that my normally thin, weak, and easily split or broken nails got thicker and stopped splitting while growing like crazy. The dark circles under my eyes are disappearing, I've lost 10 lbs so far, I use the bathroom several times a day now verses maybe once a day or once a week depending on my stress level, they are quick and easy and I use much less tp. I also don't feel so bloated in my upper abdomen after a meal which took hours to go away. My female cycle is much shorter with lighter flow now too with much less pain the first day or two. I don't get heartburn anymore either.

I know I cannot name the cleanse, but it's recommended that you do it for 3 months. It's 3 simple easy steps a day plus at least 64 oz of pure clean water and no fasting is required. Pills and a fiber blend in the drink of your choice on rising, water throughout the day, and a cup of their tea at night. Plus, it's very gentle and no need to feel you can't be near a bathroom. On the site there are pages and pages of pictures that clients have sent in showing the actual mucoid ropes that have been expelled from their body. Plus the amount of testimonies sent in is amazing, with all number of ailments disappearing. If you don't do the recommended toxin cleansing program this company makes as well, you also should be taking a good quality pro-biotic to replace the yeast that the system is removing from your insides and keep it from coming back.

I believe the stronger finger nails have resulted because where the plaque was removed nutrients can now enter my body and be absorbed. I think the dark circles are clearing up from the toxin removal. I have noticed a toxin headache as I call it usually the day before a section of plaque shows up the next day. Once it's out of the body, the headache disappears. They have ranged from black, hard, and rubbery to light-dark tan, looking like a leg of pantyhose with chicken livers every half inch or so.

I plan to continue on this cleanse until I'm satisfied that I'm clean inside. I then plan to do a cleanse on the other systems of the body to further remove toxins and acid buildup.

I had tried this companies toxin program, but after 2 weeks I broke out in extremely itchy tiny bumps that I thought were spider bites until I poked one with a needle and clear fluid came out. Then I realized I'd had these before, only just one or two at a time on my hands, so I figured it was either an allergic reaction to something in that cleanse or I was having a cleansing reaction and had to stop.

In the mean time, I've recently started taking OR ACV with the mother with OR honey, and I just started the BS molasses. I find that if I miss a dose of the acv/h mixture, my hands go right back to being cold again by the end of the day. I'm suppose to be on the baking soda for the rest of my life due to the kidney stones and I feel another in there now so I'm doing that in my water, along with the celtic sea salt and lugol's solution of iodine for my thyroid. I also just started on the zinc to displace the mercury and want to start chlorella to detox as well. I found an herb supplier that sells cosmetic grade borax and plan to get some of that and try it too. (thank you for all your suggestions Ted!)

A few other things I have done to decrease my toxin overload was to switch to all homemade household cleaners and laundry detergents, eliminated air fresheners, and switched to all organic body products and makeup. I have a well in a area thought to be contaminated so I only drink reverse osmosis water. I plan to get a shower filter eventually.

I've read that dry skin brushing before your shower can help stimulate the lymphatic system, as can rebounding on a mini trampoline. If you've ever read the multitude of health benefits of rebounding you would be sold too. I hope to get one of those soon. There is a famous Dr T who has a web site that just sent out a newsletter stating both were highly beneficial to CFS/Fibro.

Infared saunas can help with the detoxification of yeast die-off.

Another thing that I have done that really helped with me the fibro was doing yoga (before a serious injury I had a year ago that caused me to quit), I had much less aches and pains, felt more energetic and less stressed. I think I'm recovered enough now to try and get back into it. It was the Sivinada style if anyone is interested. I also am a reiki master/teacher and use that on myself, I use flower essenses and essential oils as well.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the things I was doing that was helping and I anticipate helping more as I rid my body of all that toxic, poisonous junk. It's all well and fine to use things to build the system back up, but you must eliminate the contaminates that are causing the symptoms as well. Blessings to all!

Adzuki Beans
Posted by Adam (Tucson, Arizona) on 12/11/2007

Adzuki Beans for Heavy Metal detox:

Recently I was in a natural foods grocery store looking at remedies for the basic candida a lot of Americans seem to live with. I had recently learned that candida was a sort of mechanism by your body to absorb heavy metals, so get rid of the metals, get rid of the candida. A man from Brazil was working in the homeopathic suggestion and we started talking about candida, heavy metals as a sort of cause, and he gave me his suggestions he had learned for detoxing heavy metals.

The first was bentonite clay, which he said was very effective at removing heavy metals and other non-nutritional substances from your body. When I asked about food I could eat, he of course said Cilantro. He also recommended Adzuki beans, saying they also chelate hevy metals. So I decided to buy some and try them. He said to was the beans and soak them overnight, and save the water you soak them in for cooking as they contain part of the 'medicine'.

Upon trying them, I noticed a strongly effective sensation of detox much like when I consume a good amount of cilantro, and the best part is they are VERY delicious. My wife also tried them and agrees. Apparently, depending on your toxcicity levels, they can either be intense or mild. They also had a lot of cleansing effects on my kidneys. I am going to continue incorporating them into my diet little by little. I find they are very tasty with some turmeric and cinnamon, or even plain with some sea salt. It seems they can be substituted for most kinds of beans in a wide variety of recipes.

I hope this helps you all on your quest to more ideal health!

DMPS Chelation
Posted by Jen (Atlanta, Georgia) on 01/06/2008

I have found that i have a large amount of heavy metals which i believe is causing my acne. I found a natural way to detox this on It starts with Glutathione which is in every cell in the body and we are often deficient of. So if it works I'll let you know. I found too many side effects with DMPS Chelation, which is not FDA certified but is a chemical not natural. Thanks

DMPS Chelation
Posted by Kelly (Denton, Texas) on 01/03/2008

Having had moderate to slightly severe acne since puberty , I have tried it all short of Accutane. I became COMPLETELY acne free at age 40 when I started DMPS chelation for mercury poisoning. The treatments were a week apart and each time would worsen the acne right after the treatment but would then look great until my next treatment. Each treatment would make it worse then better until about the 5th or 6th treatment completely cleared it. That was 9 years ago. The doctor had no idea the Dmps would do this and I have not seen where it is mentioned to cure acne anywhere. Not sure if it is the sulphur in the medicine that did the job or the clearing of mercury from the gut. Either way this was a complete cure and the answer to many prayers.

Green Clay
Posted by Pat (Sheboygan, WI) on 03/08/2008

Our bodies lack tons of nutrients. Been a vegetarian for 30 years but the ground has hardly no nutrients and you could literally starve to death going vegetarian.(vegetarians living well balanced diets live average 7-10 yr longer than meat eaters--I used to be heavy meat eater) Don't remember the exact facts, but a tomato has 1/30 the nutriants that it had 50 years ago. Any there is an almost free natural supplement one cne take called green clay. If you can get a copy of the dvd you'll be amazed. The very best price I've found is a Christian non profit group that sells it.

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