Natural Remedies

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Flu

Colloidal silver and Manuka Honey
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 12/30/2015

My 14 yr old son had the 'flu for 4 days while at his father's house. When he came home he was still feverish and hadn't been eating. I gave him 1 TBSP Colloidal Silver and 1 TBSP Manuka Honey in the evening. The next morning he was better, eating, drinking, no fever, and he was smiling again. I got the idea to try these from this awesome site! It should be noted that this same "cure" also worked equally as well on his head colds.

Elderberry, Vitamins C and E
Posted by Cl (Florida, US) on 01/20/2015

Everyone in my family had strep and flu, I was just beginning to feel bad. I read somewhere on this site that Elderberry tea would help, and Vitamin C and Vitamin E. I could not find the Elderberry tea so I got Sambucol Elderberry Extract, I took a teaspoon a day with a small amount of water in it like the box said (The internet said take 3 times a day for 5 days, however I only took it once a day and it worked), I also took 1500 mg of Vitamin C Chewable and 400IU Vitamin E a day along with that, and it knocked it out by day two, I was trying to avoid the strep, right before Christmas when I took my granddaughter back to the doc for a second strep test. I had not been sick at all, but my throat that morning a felt a little scratchy, but I ask the Doc to run a strep test on me while I was there and it was positive, which she put me on an antibiotic, however I never ran a fever or anything with my strep so I think the home remedies helped there and I never did get the flu. I made sure I did not take my Vitamin C within 4 hours of taking my antibiotic.

Now everyone is getting the flu again and I felt like I was trying to get it so I started back on the Elderberry, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. I also do the Emergen-C orange or raspberry if I don't have the chewable C with me and it works really well.

Posted by Susan (Knoxville, Tn) on 10/28/2014

Just using the powdered ginger from the grocery store spice aisle worked for me in one dose in 2009 when the H1N1 flu was going around. My son had gotten it and coughed right in my face when I tucked him in bed (I couldn't get him to take anything like ginger for it - he was too young and spit it out), so about 2 days later, I suddenly had a runny nose and little tickles in my upper chest - felt like tiny bubbles popping in my chest. When I realized that what I was feeling was the flu, the ginger remedy I had seen here popped into my head (thank you, EC - love your site and you are my first go-to for so many things now! ) Going with what I had available, I used 1/2 tsp of the powdered ginger and made a tea with it, heating up a mug of water and then stirring the powdered ginger in with a bit of sugar. It didn't taste too good but I drank it and had to swirl the mug around to get the leftover powder on the bottom of the mug into my mouth. Within an hour, the symptoms were all gone. I was extremely relieved, because I had a really nasty virus about a year earlier, that I had gotten pneumonia from, and it had wreaked havoc on my upper respiratory area where the flu was trying to take hold and I was still suffering from recurring chest congestion every time I got a cold at that time. So I was extremely worried that the flu would land me in the hospital, given my pre-existing chest issues. I was SOOOO relieved that the ginger worked to get rid of it so quickly. I had read that ginger has over 100 antiviral components in it, but dry ginger may have fewer of those than fresh ginger, but I would say definitely don't overlook the dry, powdered version if it's all you have!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sarah (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 02/02/2014

My ear canals get itchy right before I get sick. Maybe it's dry skin, maybe it's the virus, maybe it's fungal, but this time the hydrogen peroxide has just been making it worse. Then I got the brilliant idea to put coconut oil in, via a Q-tip. Coconut oil is great for dry skin, kills 99.9 % of viruses, and also kills fungi. It worked.

I see here that taking a T or so of coconut oil has helped others, so going to do that now. This is my second day with this year's flu, and it's not bad for me, so far. I'm just achey all over, cranky as hell, and I have to blow my nose a lot. But there's not much sneezing and no coughing at all, and I can't get fevers (wish I could! ) because I'm hypothyroid, but not hypothyroid enough for the MD's to help me.

Posted by Stormie33 (Albertville, AL) on 12/27/2013

Use honey for any viral illness. Start taking it at first sign/symtom. If in doubt research honey and virus and will find out the great benefits of RAW honey.

Posted by Niceshot (Wpb, Fl) on 12/01/2013

Thank you for aspirin routine & virus. You take one 500 mg aspirin every 55 min. over nearly 4 hours to get to four doses? Just want make sure.

Posted by Bobbyb (Seattle) on 09/21/2015

Dissolved aspirin according to Ted is the only way to take aspirin. I take over the counter cold medicine from the drug store which seems safe. It is dissolved aspirin and I think baking soda.

Posted by Soledad (Spain) on 02/04/2021

I would like to know if there is an alternative to baby aspirin for people with gut problems.


Posted by Dianne (Australia) on 12/18/2022

There is an alternative to aspirin tablets. Willow bark I found also gave me stomach cramps so did further research because I was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Meadowsweet also

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jennywren (Australia) on 09/16/2013

YEAH. I had a full-blown flu virus and could barely move for the aches and pains. After day six, I gave up on OTC medicine and turned to colloidal silver. I had been taking it in 5ml doses morning and evening but it clearly wasn't cutting the mustard. I upped the dose to gargling and swallowing 20ml every 3-4 hours, and bought a colloidal silver in nasal spray form to spray up my nose every hour or so. I also nebulised colloidal silver into my infected lungs for 5 minutes morning and night. It's important to treat nose, throat and lungs (and even ears) with colds and flus. By day 2 it felt noticeably better and by day 3 it was pretty much gone! (Note: It's important to drink lots of water and take a good probiotic when ingesting this much silver.)

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/10/2013 2063 posts

When I was young and otherwise healthy I would get 2 or 3 terrible colds (flu) per yr. Fast forward with aging and a severe and chronic toxic condition, I might get 1 cold per yr and then only briefly. I take nutritional supplements by the handfuls but one that seems the absolute essential immune support is Zinc. Zinc is one mineral that is terribly lacking in the western diet AND seems to be the cornerstone of the immune system, so it is almost necessary to supplement in every person to prevent such as the flu. A healthy Thymus is also critical. Some researchers believe that the power of Zinc is the strengthening of the Thymus.

Posted by Firstchild (Westerville, Ohio, Usa) on 01/09/2013

I cannot offer enough praise for Neem. I used the salve several years ago for cellulitis on my arm. It was suggested to me by an owner of the health food shop I frequented. It was a mildly scented green salve. I decided to try it, as well as the capsules of Neem Leaves for internal use. In a few days, the salve, alone, worked to remove this weird bumpy rash that had been present for more than a month. I didn't even need the capsules. But luckily, I had them on hand last year when my neighbor came down with an awful upper respiratory virus. She hates antibiotics, but she had a fever and heavy lung congestion. I told her to try my Neem capsules, as my more recent research discovered Neem was anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial. Like using goldenseal and echinacea rolled into one. She took 2 capsules 3 times per day. I was so surprised when she called me the next day and told me she felt 75% better just over night! Her congestion was almost gone overnight without a single side effect! So, fast forward to Christmas of 2012. The family was coughing and ill on Christmas. I started coming down with the flu. I was sneezing relentlessly, starting to get that itchy throat and coughing. I was determined not to be miserable. I took 2 Neem leaf capsules starting Christmas night before I went to bed. Symptoms were completely gone when I awoke. By noon, I was starting to get that scratchy throat again, so I decided to keep up with the Neem. I continued to take it 3 times a day for 3 days and I am happy to say that I never fully developed influenza. I think it could be a lifesaver for those who suffer from this nasty flu. Look it up. It's incredible and available from very prominent herb and vitamin companies

Magnesium Foot Bath
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 03/03/2012

A little tip that helped me two weeks ago when I was feeling very ill with the flu. My legs were hurting big time so after dinner I made a hot footbath with nigari (the only kind of magnesium chloride we can get). Amazing, while before it felt like someone was cutting my legs off and my head was also feeling weird right afterwards I had no more discomfort. Worth trying..... I knew that a hot footbath can cure a headache because it pulls the blood away from the head and in this case it relieved me big time!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kasia (Toronto, Ontario ) on 11/30/2011

Hi there,
I wanted to thank everyone on this site for some great remedies. I am 5 and half months pregnant and I suffered with a very long and vigorous sinus and chest flu. My symptoms were a mild high temperature (37.5 -38) not high fever but enough to make me feel horrible. Coughing, sinus pressure with no ability to breathe through my nose. The symptoms lasted for 5 days until I decided to take serious action. For 3 days after 5 days of suffering I did the following steps 2 to 3 times a day until my symptoms disappeared!

Step 1:
Boil 3 cups water
Peel 3 large cloves of garlic and cut in half and add to water. Take water off heat and add half cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add half cup of honey. Let mixture sit for 20 mins and then strain and drink.

Step 2:
Nasal irrigation
Buy a neti pot or Neil Med saline nasal rinse. Make sure not to make your own salt water solution it's not as balanced at the one you buy specifically for nasal irrigation. This helps soooo much but after 3 days of constant use.

Step 3:
Apple cider vinegar steam
Get _____s original apple cider vinegar
Take one cup of vinegar and one cup of water
Bring to a boil and breath the steam with a towel over the pot. Make sure the mixture is not boiling while you breath the steam. This may burn while you breath through your nose, make sure to keep your mouth and eyes closed. Breath the steam for 5 min intervals. If it burns a lot them lift head up higher. This works the best!!!!! It just takes a few days of patience!

Step 4:
Take extra vitamin c. Preferably the powder that you can drink. Do not exceed more than 2000mg. Do these steps every day for 3 days and I promise you will feel soo much better if not totally healed. Cheers,

Vitamins, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katherine C (Newaygo, Us) on 04/13/2011


I am so very very thankful for you, I have influenza I was in the ER Sunday night- could not breathe they did take a chest xray and said my lungs looked good other then the blotch on the right lung from the influenza. They tested my blood to make sure of no clots and they gave me oxygen while there and vicodin to take home. However they could not give me anything else because it had already been 5 days. I was taking an antibiotic I had in my cupboard it is for upper respitory and also phemonia, big mistake as it did not help. As I know something that is viral can't be helped by antibiotics. I have been taking at least 8 vitamin D3's well I started that yesterday, boiled some water with ACV in it yesterday and inhaled it into my lungs, and then I also drank some ACV in tepid water. I also been doing Mega vitamin C (well it is called ermergenC) 1000 mg in one glass.

Needless to say I am feeling much better and I have you to thank I wish I could hug you seriously. I felt as though I was dieing, I do not think even my family realizes how serious respitory influenza really is. The only thing is I keep getting the reoccurring headaches I mean I been taking advil for it and wearing sunglasses as the sun or bright lightes make that worse. Gosh I am 38 yrs old and I have never had something that has made me so ill in all my life. If you have any suggestions for the headaches please let me know. And again I thank you so much for caring enough about the human race that you would share the knowledge you have with others to heal from this man-made virus. Hugs from Michigan...

Thank you, Erin

Vitamin C and Vitamin E
Posted by Sushilvr (Gainesville, Fl) on 01/13/2011

You might want to try this remedy; take 3000 mg of Vitamin C along with one 400 I. U. softgel of Vitamin E.

I'm an R.N. And had not heard of this before until a friend of mine in healthcare mentioned a couple of years ago. Apparently Vitamin E has a synergistic effect on Vitamin C. 3000 mg of Vitamin might sound like a lot; but remember C is water soluble, so what your body doesn't use, you'll pee the rest out. Granted Vitamin E is not water soluble, but I only take this concoction when I begin to feel sick. I'll take it as soon as the symptoms begin, then when I go to bed, when I wake up the next morning, and usually one more dose several hours later. I typically don't need to take it more than that as my symptoms disappear and whatever it was that was starting never culminated into a cold or anything else. You can buy Vitamin C where each tablet is 1000 mg; so you only need to take three of them. They're large and granted Vitamin C is kind of bitter, even if they're flavored tablets and the larger ones tend to be more expensive; but I prefer to do that as opposed to taking several of the smaller ones that are a smaller dose per tablet.

Anyone I've mentioned this to by the way, has eventually gotten back with me telling me that this worked for them.

I've only recently returned to nursing full-time as I had been a FT CSI while working PT as an R.N. For 13 years... So I'm still in the process of building up my immunity level. Most people in healthcare, after working full-time for 6 months, will have never been sicker those first 6 months, and then suddenly, it seems you just don't get anything. In the meantime, I'll stick with C & E regimen. It's worked every time without fail so there has to be something to it. I've been using it for about two years now since my friend told me about it.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this works for anyone else who may try it.

Vitamin D
Posted by Martha (Orange, Texas) on 11/08/2009

Flu and Vit. D

Tuesday I woke up with a light fever, chills, sore throat and a cough, I decided to stay and bed and fight with some natural stuff. It hasn't been too long ago that I read about Vit D helping with the FLU so I decided to experiment. I had about a half small bottle of 1000iu's of Vit D3 so I started taking them 1 - every hour. I ran out after about 10 I think. I didn't count them, but anyway. Sometime Wed my fever broke, Thurs, I could tell I was on the mend and by Friday I had my energy back. This was the fastest I have every gotten over the Flu and without taking anything other than the Vit. D3. I recommend you all try it. If I were to have had a full bottle I would have taken the same amount the 2nd day too. At least 5,000 iu's I think would do it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Celteyes (Pearland, Texas) on 10/23/2009

As I sit here I am recovering from what I am sure is the flu. I started with fever 102 and runny nose all at the same time. Terrible body aches. I nipped it in the bud with ACV three times daily. I took actonite, 5 pearls, and 2 aspirin together and I wasn't sure if I was suppose to do that but it was a life saver. I felt greatly improved within 30 minutes. I also took some homeopathic cold and flu tablets that melt under your tongue.

Woke up this morning with no aches or fever. Just a little runny nose left. I also took colloidal silver 12 tsp three times daily.

Pretty good recovery in one day. I'm impressed! Thankyou so much.

Posted by Moni (Urbandale, Iowa) on 10/16/2009

Big thanks to Ted

I read Ted's post on Earth Clinic that Lysine would help with Flu.Was sick for 5 days with high temperature(104F)Tried everything with no help.Check Ted's post on flu to get the exam amount of lysine to use. Thanks Earth Clinic and Ted for all your Help!!!!!! Lysine is #1 flu cure for me
