Natural Remedies

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Flu

Posted by Lisa (San Antonio, Texas) on 09/30/2009

Aspirin cure for flu in teenagers

I used the aspirin cure on my 18 year old for what I thought was the flu (dr. did not test). Did the four doses, slept, felt much better the next day.

EC: Lisa is referring to Ted from Bangkok's aspirin cure posts on the Swine Flu page: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/swine-flu.html

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Grace (Denver, Colorado) on 12/30/2022


I just learned distilled water is bad for lungs and this video shows how to make a saline solution to use

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Tara (Boston, Mass) on 08/25/2009

Hi Sonya. Thank you for solving a mystery for me! I don't know about anyone else but I spit out a lot of the peroxide after inhaling it, even though I try to keep it in my lungs as long as possible. Because most of the peroxide ends up being spit out into the sink, I am thinking that only itty bitty teeny weeny amounts are making it into the lungs. So it makes total sense that you need to do it more frequently than once every three hours in order for it to kill (starve?) the virus.

Feverless Flu
Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 05/07/2009

I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced a strange 3 day "flu" with normal temperature (98.6 ). It's going around here, and I just came out of it. Extreme tiredness and weakness, some chills, sore throat for exactly 3 days, with no fever (taken with a liquid metal thermometer under the arm, adding 1 degree). I figured it was viral because of pain in the muscles around the eyes when I moved my eyeballs. If it was a common cold it would last longer than 3 days. I was practically on bed rest for almost 3 days. Others are also coming down with it. My son, age 12, got it first and we treated it aggressively right away with Echinacia/Goldenseal 900 mg, GSE (15 drops in gel cap 3X a day), Oregano oil in capsules (full capsule 3x a day), vitamin C, and sleep, and his lasted about one day. I was out of town away from my supplements when it started so I was several hours too late. I had just never experienced the weakness/tiredness/slight dizziness without fever before, and I trust my thermometer. Strange!

Posted by Kathryn (Owings, Md.) on 03/05/2009

I was so sick of being sick that I got up and took one strong garlic capsule an hour (from hepapro) and started colon cleansing Sonne 7 and 9. It worked. This garlic capsule is worth eating 10 garlic cloves that is how strong it is. I also hydrogen peroxide ears.

South American Herb
Posted by Angel (Santa Marta, Magdalena , Colombia, S.A.) on 11/14/2008

There is a plant call "Paralpal" that cure any kind of flu or respiratory viral infection. Unfortunately is not sell in any store, you have to process it, dry it up grind it. if you take it for a while it will inmune you to any flu or viral infection

The plant grow in Santa Marta Columbia, S.A

One teaspoon in the morning with breakfast and you be Ok.

I have been taking it for a couple years, no side effects as matter fact it will help for other ailments


EC: Unfortunately we can find no information on "Paralpal"  (either text or image) on Google. Is there another name for this plant?

Cabbage, Radish, Mung Beans
Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 10/28/2008

Home Remedy for Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Equal amount of chinese cabbage, radish, green bean (mung bean).If you are suffering from cough you may add few pieces of pear.

Cut chinese cabbage, radish and pear into small pieces and and add all the ingredients into a pot with 1.5 litres of water. Boil under low flame for 1 hour and drink it often to prevent and treat bird flu.

Mimosa is effective for bird flu too.

Colloidal Silver, Wild Oregano Oil
Posted by Maddy (Nottingham, Nottinghamshire) on 05/16/2008

I have not had a cold or the flu for 4 years despite having asthma and COPD (brochiectasis). When I feel that my nose gets a bit stuffy and sometimes get a bit shivery I immediately take 1 tablespoon of Colloidal Silver which I keep in my mouth for 1 minute (it gets absorbed through the mucus membranes) and then swallow and 2 gel capsules of P73 wild oregano oil. I repeat at night and cold or flu does not progress. This way I also avoid having the flu jab which used to make me ill. Hope this will help someone. Regards, Maddy.

Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper, Honey
Posted by Ellen D (USA) on 01/10/2008

Turmeric: An Indian friend of mine gave me a recipe for sore throat, colds, flu, sinusitis: Take about a teaspoonful of turmeric powder, a teaspoon full of grated fresh ginger (or equivalent of dried ginger powder), a pinch of ground black pepper, honey or sugar to taste, and put it into about half a cup of water and bring to a boil. Then add about half a cup of milk, heat to just below boiling point, and drink the mixture slowly, while hot. I also supplement this treatment by inhaling steam and keeping a hot water bottle on my head, throat or chest. I used to have colds that lasted two weeks; now I can get over them within three days.

Green Tea, Lemon Juice, Honey and Cayenne
Posted by Teri (Woodinville, WA) on 11/06/2007

After suffering with swollen glands and a scratchy and sore throat for 3 days, I came across this website. I had been using honey in green tea, zinc lozenges, echinachea and Tylonol Extra for pain...

I tried 1/2 cup green tea, 1 tsp. lemon juice (bottled on hand), 1 tsp. honey and 1/8 or 1/4 tsp of cayenne!! It's only been less than 10 minutes and Boy what a difference!! The hotter you can stand the temperature & 'heat' from the cayenna, the better!! Wow!! It works!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Melissa (San Diego, CA) on 09/21/2007

I was suffering from a very bad cold/flu, specifically horrible sinus pressure and chest tightness and coughing, and clogged ears. I love ACV, Cayenne pepper, and hydrogen peroxide for many things, but none of these provided any releif for this. I also tried Grapefruit Seed Extract, sea salt, and borax to try to kill the virus. The last thing I tried was Oregano Oil. I used one drop sublingually and put a few more drops in water and felt immediate relief from the cough/chest tightness and sinus pressure as I was able to expectorate all the mucous. I think all the remedies listed for colds, sore throats, coughts etc. have merit but apparently different people require different remedies. So keep trying until you find the one that works for you. I was starting to get discouraged that I couldn't find any relief from natural remedies and figured I would have to succumb to cough syrup and sudafed. I'm glad I tried one last thing.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Natalie (Newport News, VA) on 05/01/2007

I just wanted to let you all know that I tried the grapefruit seed extract remedy two days into my having continual flu symptoms (high fever 103 with aches and pains). On the evening of 4/25 I started to feel really weak so I went to lie down. By late that evening I was running a high temp of 103.4 and started becoming really achy. I tried everything to get the fever down butI couldn't, so that morning of 4/26 I took a 200mg ibuprofen. I was still achy though and by the next morning the fever spiked up to 103.7. I had tried so many things already to get rid of the bug, but I couldn't. (garlic and apple cider viner, egg whites to lower the fever (I think I didn't use enough)). I succumbed to over counter medicine and went ahead and took a naproxen. It broke the fever within an hour. But I wanted to get rid of what ever it was that was causing the fever. Then I read about the grapefruit seed extract, so I told my husband to please go to the vitamin store and pick one up for me. As soon as I got home from work, I drunk me a glass of water with the 15 drops. I felt ok and then I drunk a second cup and I felt even better. By the next day 4/28, I didn't have anymore headaches, backaches or weakness. I just felt like I had a a soar throat. So I continued taking it for the prescribed three days and thank God the bug is gone. This stuff works! I'm a believer. This stuff can be used for so many other things as well. I will always keep stock of this stuff in my medicine cabinet.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice
Posted by Petran (Toronto) on 04/14/2006

Thanks for this remedy I tried it on my two daughters and i can tell you it truly worked. About 5 min. after they drank it both of them started to vomit. It releases the mucus that's was on their chest hence the vomiting. Now they are both coughing less and more active. Thumbs up Carrol, it worked wonders!!! ....Thanks again!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice
Posted by Tina (Ohio) on 02/03/2016

Tried this a few times. Didn't noticeably help. Sorry.

Boneset Herb Tea
Posted by Lad (Bel Air, Maryland)

I bought some dried Boneset herb at a healthfood store years ago after I broke my arm. I discovered "boneset" herb is for the pain of "breakbone fever" flu, not broken bones! After half my office came down with a very nasty flu, it was my turn. It caused a LOT of pain w/ fever. I made a tea using my old bag of Boneset and the pain and malaise immediately lifted! I returned to work w/ the tea. A co-worker was face down on her desk, literally complaining of her "bones hurting!" I said "I got just the thing for you!" She mixed some breakfast tea with it because she thought it tasted awful. But after two cups she came in and said "I think you cured me!"

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Jayna D. (Southern CA) on 02/20/2023

I have been taking Swanson Vitamins' NAC 600 mg. capsules since 2009 and have not had any flu, Coronavirus, and COVIDS since then. No flu shots either. It's about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day This is a very good supplement for the whole body! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.

Mama's Flu Recovery Remedies
Posted by Saundra (Il) on 12/19/2022

Hello and thank you for the mouthwash recipe! Can you please let me know what kind of black seeds you use? Are they black sesame seeds or?

Mama's Flu Recovery Remedies
Posted by Karen (Australia) on 12/17/2022

Is the peroxide already 3% or do you dilute it to make it 3% and where do you purchase peppermint extract?

Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 09/20/2023

Hi Art, I got Oscillococcinum last year, but always waited too long to take the first dose. I'm going to set it out on the counter so I don't forget next time. Did you find that you only needed 1 dose / 1 little vial taken at the first inkling you might be getting sick, and that was enough to prevent the cold or flu? Thanks :)

ACV, Garlic, Lemon, Coconut Oil
Posted by Rodnique (Louisiana) on 02/18/2021

Could you please give us measurements on each ingredient. Thanks so much.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Peter (Chicago) on 05/28/2020

BELOW is Ted's old post. Does he means mixing the 2000 mg Vitamin C with baking soda in a glass of water? Can someone help! "The simple remedy not to get disease during long distance flying is to take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 2000 mg of vitamin C before, during and after the trip. The negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) of a chemical of vitamin C is strongly negative in an alkaline solution of baking soda, which will counteract quite easily the positive charges of static electricity caused by the plane as it flies high in the clouds."

EC: Hi Peter. Yes, he meant to take the baking soda in a glass of water.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Peter (Chicago) on 05/28/2020

BELOW is Ted's old post. Does he means mixing the 2000 mg Vitamin C with baking soda in a glass of water? Can someone help!

"The simple remedy not to get disease during long distance flying is to take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 2000 mg of vitamin C before, during and after the trip. The negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) of a chemical of vitamin C is strongly negative in an alkaline solution of baking soda, which will counteract quite easily the positive charges of static electricity caused by the plane as it flies high in the clouds."

EC: Hi Peter. Yes, he meant to take the baking soda in a glass of water.

Colloidal silver and Manuka Honey
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/30/2015

Hello Katzie;

You gave him the CS only once? Might take more if he starts regressing. Twice a day for four or five days. If he has a sinus infection maybe show him how to sniff up into sinus cavity. Hard for a kid to do that, I know. But a life time of benefits to know how to do an "irrigation." Sinus plus ears with ear syringe.

Colloidal silver and Manuka Honey
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 12/31/2015

Thanks, Dave!! That is good advice. I will do that.

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