Apple Cider Vinegar for Food Poisoning

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Placerville, California) on 05/08/2007

First, one point must be made. Apple Cider Vinegar kills every germ, bacteria, and virus ON CONTACT!!!So if you travel into a foreign country where the water might not be the healthiest, and consuming the food there might also be seriously questionable, take a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar before ingesting any food. If you do develop food poisoning from food or water, throw down just one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and within a short time the miseries will be gone. Too strong to just gulp it down? Take a cup of very hot water and add one tablespoon of honey and add to it three tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar. Stir until the honey is dissolved, then add a little cool water so you do not burn your mouth, and drink it. For a sore throat - make the same mixture of hot water, honey and cider vinegar, and then SIP - DO NOT GULP IT DOWN. The sore throat will be gone overnight, because every time you SIP the mixture, it washes down your throat and kills more and more of the infection. At first you will feel the sting of it working, but quickly that goes away and the throat begins to feel much, much better. For a good and sound night's sleep? Slowly drink the mixture and go to bed. Why? Your chemistry is different between first thing in the morning and at bedtime, so at night the drink will help you achieve a peaceful and sound sleep, and then in the morning drink it and it will give you a shot of energy! I hope all this helps someone. It has helped me for the past fifteen years.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (WMTC, CT) on 04/27/2007

So i went to a charity event and they had diner there for us. I at at about 5 and i was awake by 3:30am so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep. no matter how I was laying down my stomach was is PAIN. So I tried to use the toilet to feel better but that didn't work. So I searched for at home remedies. Well Hello ACV!!!! What a great one! I have a bad gag reflex so after one shot of this it basically all came back up, but it's about a half hour later and I feel better already.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Heather (Las Vegas, NV) on 04/21/2007

My boyfriend had food poisoning and had terrible stomach pain. I searched the internet and found your site. I went to the store got some acv and gave him a shot of 2 tbl. After 2 minutes he was throwing up. But said he did feel better. About an hour later I gave him another shot, he fell asleep within 25 mins and woke up feeling great!! It really works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by dani (queens, NY) on 04/15/2007

Apple cider vinegar for food poising apsolutely works and fast. My 16 year old daughter had stomach cramps, throwing up and diarrhea I recalled reading about acv on your website. I gave her 2 tablespoons of acv and a glass of water and in less than 30 minutes all symptoms had stopped. Yesterday we had gone out to eat and about 3 hours later I could feel something wasn't right. I had such sharp pains in my abdomen that I can only compare them to labor contractions. They were that bad. Then came the diarrhea, right away I took 2 tbls of acv and it worked. Everything was back to normal and slept like a baby.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Austin, Texas) on 04/15/2007

My 20 year old daughter called me from college around 11:00 pm and told me her boyfriend had eaten fast food chicken earlier that evening. He had been throwing up for over an hour and figured he had food poisoning. She asked me what to do. I immediately surfed the web while she drove to his home. This website was the second one I read and I told her about the apple cider vinegar. She stopped at the grocery store and while still on the phone with her, I read some of everyone's experiences. She bought the apple cider vinegar, had him drink 3 tablespoons, and he felt better almost immediately, but most importanly his vomitting subsided after 1 1/2 hours of nonstop. I talked to her about 1:00 am and said he had been asleep for over 30 minutes. She sounded relieved having already lived this experience herself with a hospital visit. We were both amazed that the apple cider vinegar cured his food poisoning! Said she'd call me tomorrow. It's 11:30 am now and have not heard from her so I imagine he's ok now. WOW! I'm buying apple cider vinegar for my medicine cabinet!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Regina (Seoul, Korea) on 02/20/2007

I'm so happy that I chanced upon your website. Yesterday was the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday here in Seoul. I'd gotten lazy and just reheated some leftovers because I was going to visit a friend who was set to move to China today. The visit went fine and I made it home okay, but about 4 hours after eating, I got horribly sick.

I threw up and thought that was the last of it. However, since I am an insulin dependent diabetic, I was concerned about how it might affect my blood glucose level. I drank some grape juice and went to sleep. I woke up an hour or two later unable to keep the juice down and threw that up. Hmmmmm. Okay, now I'm concerned about dehydration, so I drank a cup of water and went back to sleep. After an hour or so the same thing happens again and that was just frightening to me. I couldn't keep down water!

I ran a search and found your page on food poisoning and the ACV remedy. I figured why not as I was headed straight to the emergency room if I kept being unable to hold anything, including water, down.

I drank maybe two tablespoons full of double strength ACV (it's all I had.) I immediately felt better. I went back to sleep and woke a couple of hours later feeling pretty good. I figured I'd drink a bit more and go back to sleep. I slept well again with no vomiting. In the morning when I woke up I figured I'd top off my ACV doses with another. This time however I did throw up. I figured that was okay since one of the commentators said that happened to them too. I mean maybe it was the last purge of bacteria?

Anyway, I called my nurse in the morning. She recommended a sports drink, Pocari Sweat, to replace lost electrolytes. After that last ACV purge I slept like a baby again. I really do think the ACV and that last purge in the morning is what kept me from having to go to the doctor today. I'll definitely use this as a remedy in the future. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve (Edmonton, Alberta) on 02/19/2007

well 12 hours after getting food poisoning i realized that i had ACV in cupboard and i took about a 1/2oz shot and I'm only 15minutes in and i'm feeling better already. what a rank taste though.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alysia (PD) on 02/16/2007

I use ACV but if I try to drink it straight, and then try to take a breath of air afterwards, it takes my breath away, I have to dilute it a little.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellen (Sydney, Australia) on 02/04/2007

Late last night both my partner and I realized we had food poisoning from take away cooked chicken. we both had stomach cramps, nausea, dizziness and one of us on the floor of the bathroom retching while the other waited for the loo with diarrhea - what a scene! Managed to get to the computer and check google, found your site apple cider remedy - so we both went for it - yuck, but it worked. Both got a night's sleep - cramps wore off and feel ok today, just tired. Thanks heaps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Manny (NYC) on 01/07/2007

Came home from a long days work on friday [1/5] and resigned myself to eating some chinese food in the fridge - it had been in the fridge for 3 days. Well I downed the food with a harp's brew. Went to sleep at 12am. By 3am I was UP. Oh man. What followed was hours of mediation between the bathroom and bedroom as I pleaded for some higher power to let go of me and move on the next mope. At around 2pm [1/6], I went online and started looking..searching...then I stumbled on this site. What did I have to lose?...U tell me lol. After more bouts with the inner demons ripping my poor tummy to shreds, I was able to head to the store to pick up a bottle of apple cider vinegar. I couldn't find a teaspoon as I left the house so I took a small plastic cup. Well I poured myself a shot size of vinegar while still in the parking lot. By 5:30pm, I was in bed praying and hoping this would be the last. It is now 6:35am [1/7]..after a long night of sleeping. I woke up to feeling quite better. THANKS!!!!! Never again with left over chinese food. The ACV is sitting in the fridge. Yesterday was almost 70degrees in JANUARY and I missed it. Ohh well. At least I'm ready to tackle the work week.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathleen (USA) on 12/06/2006

Was vomiting violently for eight hours straight. Was told to try the acv and did (2 tbs acv). stayed down only about a minute. Threw it up and that was the end of it, literally. I had never heard of it before. Made a believer out of me. Just wish I was told about it eight hours earlier!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Corona, Ca) on 12/05/2006

After getting the cure for my daughter's bad cough and cold from this site, I came back for a cure for my 11 yr old son's food poisoning he got from eating McDonald's. He was sick in bed and I gave him 2 tablespoon of Heinz apple cider vinegar I had gotten from the grocery store earlier for my daughter's cough. After taking it, my son went fast to sleep and didn't even throw up. The next morning when he woke up, he was fine and ate breakfast without any other problems, now that's a miracle cure. He had food poisoning before and was throwing up constantly and up all night. Thanks to everyone involved at this site for being a blessing to us all. May god bless you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (Plano, TX) on 11/22/2006

Two hours after eating a chicken sandwich I came down with Food Poisoning. After vomiting for nearly an hour, I decided to research the web for a cure. I came across this site. Feeling the way I did I was willing to try almost anything. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar. It burned going down! However, it was nothing a person could not handle. I felt bad for another 1 1/2 hours, but no more vomiting I was ready to try another dose, but decided to eat some crackers instead. I have to say I am feeling much better, not perfect, but better. I will definitely use this remedy again should food poisoning strike!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Javone (Brooklyn, NY) on 08/20/2006

After eating Taco Bell's steak bowl for lunch on Friday afternoon, my stomach was immediately irritated. By the time I got home I was bent over in pain. This was about 5pm. At 7pm, and every 2 hours after that I lived at my toilet bowl. At one point during the midnite hours I lay on the bathroom floor. My stomach was in so much pain. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I had my last vomit at about 5am Saturday morning. But I was still in pain. I had a fever and was beyond nausea. It wasn't until I spoke to a sorority sister that I realized that it was indeed food poisoning. Then I surfed the internet looking for cures. I came upon this site. I dragged myself out of the bed to go buy the apple cider vinegar. My mother suggested I take a tablespoon with me to the grocery store. After buying the ACV, I took 2 tablespoons immediately. And I felt it begin to work. And I mean I felt it. Well after a good nights sleep, I woke up Sun morning feeling brand new. All my pain was gone, my fever broke, and I was able to go to church. Needless to say I will be bringing my ACV to every BBQ from now on, and I found a cure for people who can't cook.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by K (Rhinebeck, NY) on 07/20/2006

A couple of years ago, around the holiday season, I ate out in several restaurants within a week's time. So it's hard to pinpoint just which one caused my two months of diarrhea, and what sure looked like (yuck!) worms in the stools. Dumb me should have taken ACV along with me, but I hadn't done so. I saw a doc, and it wasn't the more serious worm/parasite infection (sigh of relief), and they prescribed some kind of medicine. In addition to the medicine, I also took apple cider vinegar. I had remembered the "Folk Remedies" book by Dr. Jarvis, and re-read it the part about food poisoning. After a while, things got back to normal. If I had taken it straight, it might have worked faster... never thought to do this. Since then, I diligently tote a small bottle of water and vinegar with me, and swill it down before attacking a restaurant meal. Friends expect it of me (they should do the same!). I'll be going to a 50th H.S. reunion in a few weeks, and wish there were ACV tablets I could carry with me on the plane. No such animal, though, right -- tablets, I mean? To lug bottles of vinegar with me might not be easy, but I'll try to figure out something. Can't live without it now.

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