Medical Alerts & Health Concerns: Stay Informed with Earth Clinic

Labelling of Supplements
Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 03/11/2014

Hello fellow EC members. In the following article, the FDA is trying to actually ban a B vitamin from being sold in supplement form. Guess why? So, the vitamin can ONLY be used in prescription drugs. Are you serious FDA? This is just puzzling to me. It's a vitamin for Pete's Sake's. Oh well, here's the article link:

Labelling of Supplements
Posted by John Catmull (Trang Thailand) on 03/04/2014

Hello EC,

Don't know if this is your cup of tea, itâ€TMs not only relevant to supermarket stuff but to all pharmacy meds and health food. Also don't know if EC is interested or has a legal eagle who thinks it's worth running with. Whatever – here it is.

Is the label on a food package, packet, box, bottle, a contract between the manufacturer and the purchaser? If so, does full disclosure apply? Is the following a good definition of ‘full disclosureâ€TM?

Reveal, show, uncover, make known.

Is this a legally acceptable definition?

My final query is – isnâ€TMt failure to provide ‘full disclosureâ€TM a criminal offence?

If so, consider the millions of products on shelves in all countries.

Regards, John

Labelling of Supplements
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/05/2014

That is a good question. From my research the answer depends upon the civil law statutes governing the industry in particular. For instance it appears in the U S A according to Russell Blaylock ( find on You tube), that the congress of the country have set laws to favor the manufactures and deceive the people in particular relating to the Excito-Neuro-Toxin called MSG ( And Aspartame, and Sucrlose and and and ad infinitum). Look up the 30 names of MSG and see that only pure 100 percent MSG has to be labeled in U S and a product with any form of MSG that is not 100 percent pure can say ON THE Label, No MSG.
How do you like that? The MSG Bribery (they call it lobbying) won.

Supplement Interactions
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 01/19/2014

Are You Pill Popping Your Way to Poor Health? Adverse drug interactions are the 4th leading cause of DEATH in the USA. What is the difference between a drug and a supplement? None. The designation drug or supplement is totally arbitrary. Both tend to be compounds that have potent effects on a person`s body. The problem is: Many if not most people fail to consider how the different supplements interact with each other. Many seem to believe the more you toss into the mix the better. For one thing: They ALL have to be processed by the liver, Also, mixing even two of the wrong ones together can cause severe problems. The more reactants you mix together the more unpredictable the results....Oscar

Supplement Interactions
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/19/2014

Saying there is no difference between a drug and a supplement is absurd. When the term drug is used, it is assumed to be prescription. Supplements don't have any history of causing death unless they are taken with prescription medications the wrong way. Death would be a rarity if at all unless it is mixed with prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are the real root of the death toll.

I think the biggest risk of taking supplements the wrong way is lack of absorption causing lack of effectiveness.

I've seen a few people just mindlessly gobble down supplements and they haven't the faintest idea what they are doing. Knowing the active ingredient, the required dose, when is best time and empty stomach or with food are the important things to know. Blindly doing what it says on the bottle is another mistake. Some people need to be hand held through the process while others take on the responsibility.

Supplement Interactions
Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 01/19/2014

So, are you guys trying to say that all the different supplements and remedies from a protocol like Bill has here at EC for candida is just a bad thing similar to taking too many prescription meds? Bill's protocol, for instance, on candida involves taking numerous supplements along with candida attacking remedies including the alkalizing remedies.

I take several of the suggested supplements from his protocol. I don't take all of the remedies to kill the candida but trust me it's a lot to keep up with for sure. However, Bill has cured his own sickness by taking these very things including quite a few supplements. If these supplements wasn't needed I'm sure he wouldn't suggest them.

I trust what Bill provides here at EC more than anybody else. It's not that I don't trust anybody else. He just has proven to know what he's talking about. Supplements are much much more safer than prescription meds. For anybody to say they aren't has gotten bad information. Thanks & God Bless!

Supplement Interactions
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 01/19/2014

Tony: E.C. is good because we are all trying to function at peak performance. We do not let dogma confine us to an intellectual prison. Oscar has a good point. There are many videos of people who have recovered not taking a single supplement. Raw organic produce has special water, dozens of nutrients, and hundreds of cofactors. Supplements do not. Master herbalists all over the world recommend 5:1 extracts, not isolates. Ron Teagarden does not put a single isolate in his all in one formula. Bill is a good man who cares for people and enjoys good success. Sometimes supplements are beneficial. I put 200mg L-Theanine in 1 cup of coffee and sip all day long. This gives me a calm energy and cognitive brain that the most expensive super foods do not.

Supplement Interactions
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 01/20/2014 2063 posts

There is a world of difference between all natural supplements and pharmaceutical drugs, and every one's body recognizes this immediately upon use. Almost all pharmaceutical drugs are technically considered Zenobiotics, that is they are "foriegne" substances. This is why almost all pharm meds have many bad side effects. The human body simply cannot properly function under the radical chemical presence. This is why the experiment and trial phase of getting a new drug approved for human use is very extensive resulting in only a small portion of originally designed drugs ever making it to market; the bad side effects are often to severe for approval.

Most natural substances and supplements are all recognized by the body as "natural" and are thus safe and easily metabolized.

Now, as natural supplements are usually concentrates, one must learn how to properly use them for maximum effect. Every supplement comes labeled w/ "suggested use" so it is advised to follow those recommends.

MD vs Naturopathic Doctors
Posted by Beberobozo ( New York) on 12/18/2013

Question please;

I go to a regular M.D. at a clinic nearby for now but of course need to take the usual blood tests and all. My question is if something needs taken care of I am def. not going this conventional way ever again. So is it better to get a diagnosis if need be from a regular doctor first and then go see a natural doctor for help? Reason is of course money as a regular clinic doesn't charge as much as an N.D. So if all is well I wont bother with the N.D... Or is it just better to see the N.D. if appt. is available right off the bat..

Hope this makes sense. Thank You

MD vs Naturopathic Doctors
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 12/18/2013

You can go almost any route to get a diagnosis. It all comes down to ones economics and convenience in most cases. There may be people you meet on the street that have had similar health problem and they may be able to tell you even though they aren't official health providers. I've learned to diagnose almost all the problems myself but I did need help in a few cases especially early on as I was going up the learning curve. No one person can diagnose everything so don't expect a doctor or ND to figure out everything. It may come down to your persistence and own research that ultimately finds the diagnosis.

The ideal situation is that you go up the learning curve and become your own doctor and minimize your dependence on them. The more chronic medical problems you have, the more you want to go down this route.

MD vs Naturopathic Doctors
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 12/18/2013


I second what Prioris is saying.

We have had traditional and natural doctors help us with diagnosis at times....once a traditional doctor diagnosed cat scratch fever (and I thought it was just a song! ) in my son. It was a difficult diagnosis and I don't think I would have ever figured it out. Sometimes having bloodwork done has been helpful.

We have, at times, gotten advice from naturopaths that has been helpful to us.

And I am grateful for medical people who have helped us with emergencies...

Unfortunately, we have also gotten some misdiagnoses, bad advice, poor care etc from some medical professionals.

At the same time, the more I learn and study on my own, the easier it is for us to diagnose and treat many things inexpensively, safely, and naturally at home. And Earth Clinic has been a great blessing to me in that process!

~Mama to Many~

MD vs Naturopathic Doctors
Posted by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 12/18/2013

Beberobozo: A group of real go getters climbed the tallest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest. When they finally arrived at the top after much effort they looked up and saw a gaggle of geese flying effortlessly overhead. They do not go to an m.d. or an n.d. because their mamas taught them to eat right. Just type in natural remedies for this or that. Select one. Be careful cause many are advertisements from companies rather than accurate explanations from enlightened knowledgable wise men. Next type in the remedy at natural news. Mike Adams gives the best independant reviews. Then type in the remedy at amazon and read the reviews before purchasing. The best n.ds. are online for free.

Posted by Debbie (Australia ) on 10/11/2013

Look at the link below to see photos of what GMO feed does to pig stomach lining.. Ironic that many autistic kids (and others today) have a gut that has been compromised.

Pictures speak for themselves.

Monsanto Protection Act
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 09/20/2013 2063 posts

Stop the Monsanto Protection Act:

Posted by Askmeaboutgmos (New York) on 09/13/2013

I would like to inform folks about the March Against Monsanto that is taking place around the world on October 12th, 2013. It is to protest against Monsanto and our government, asking for our food to be labeled gmo and ultimately, getting it banned. This is terrible what this company has done to us and even worse that President Obama wants to save the Syrian people but is letting Monsanto get away with poisoning Americans daily, including our military. I urge you to watch this film produced by the Institute of Responsible Technology who has researched gmo's for 19 years. Dr. Oz's wife, Lisa Oz, narrates the film. Folks, this isn't just pesticides being sprayed on our food. They've taken the seed and gmo'd it with the pesticide so that when the plant grows the pesticide is produced in the plant so when the bug bites it, it 's stomach explodes. We eat it. Can you guess what happens next? Find us on facebook: March Against Monsanto. Here is the link to the film. Have a family night and watch it together. 1 hour, 20 minutes to knowing the whole truth about what our government let this company do to us. Monsanto does not want you to watch this film.

Posted by Dave (Greenville, Sc) on 09/14/2013

To "ask me about gmos": You are so right... Genetically modified foods have the potential to accelerate aging and bring on degenerative diseases. The legal ramifications are prolific also. Farmers who are avoiding the use of the GM seed are being sued by Monsanto and others when Monsanto finds blow over of seed from adjoining GM fields.

Our own Congress gave protection to GM producers this year by barring any injunctive relief which might have come at the GMO companies in various suits against them. Google "the Daily Show, GMO injunctive relief" and you should come up with the amazing story of how these Special Interests control DC. And Dr Oz, Dr Mercola and others are trying their best to blow the whistle on this crisis.

Posted by Larry (Fairfax) on 09/15/2013

It is my understanding that the present wheat we consume is a GMO grain. Supposidly, wheat was modified about 50 - 60 years ago to make it grow faster, but was not checked for its effect on health. To learn more about this, read the book, "Wheat Belly" by William Davis, MD.

Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 09/16/2013

Google 'MONSANTO' for your answer to G.M.O. USA Government set them up free reign to take the world's food crops over. There is also lots of Videos on Youtube about this, also watch or read about CODEX AILMENTARIUS. These people are a danger to the very exsitence of every form of life, and the Earth itself. And freedom of choice to choose natural remedyies over Pharma Drugs. Use EC well, for I fear this too will become a victim of these evil doers. They already banned hundreds of thousands of natural supplements, because they worked, and people didn't need to be poisoned or worsened by Drugs. Love Andrea Cxxxx

Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/17/2013

Andrea, keep in mind that our "natural" root remedies have been genetically modified too. 1 John 5:19 because everyone in the whole world has to eat. Everything is tainted. is another article on "organics" at this site. That link is provided above to "Mama to Many". Here's the other link,

Petition to Save Bees
Posted by Claudia (Los Feliz, California) on 07/20/2013

I am telling my friends and family to sign this petition from ASAP!

"Dear friends,

Across the USA, millions of bees are dying, threatening our food supply. Scientists blame one group of pesticides some of which have just been banned in Europe. A new bill could save America's bees, but big Agriculture and the pesticide industry are lobbying hard against it. We only have days to make sure Congress acts to stop the Chemical Armageddon -- sign the emergency petition now!

Quietly, across the USA, millions of bees are dying, threatening our crops and food. A new bill this week could ban one group of deadly pesticides and save bees from annihilation, but only if Congress feels the sting of public opinion.

America's bees are facing a chemical Armageddon -- just last week, 50, 000 died in a single car park in Oregon after being exposed to pesticides, and last winter over 50% of all California's bees died. Leading scientists blame one group of pesticides called neonicotinoids. The evidence is so compelling that the entire European Union has begun banning them, and the Save America's Pollinators Act could impose a ban on these deadly poisons in the US.

Now it's up to us to get our politicians to save America's bees. Big Agriculture and powerful chemical companies like Bayer are already lobbying hard to stop the bill, but if we show an overwhelming public support for a ban, we can counter their influence. Sign the petition below and tell everyone -- when we reach 250, 000 signers, we'll take Avaaz's giant inflatable bee to Capitol Hill to tell Congress to save our bees:

Bees don't just make honey, they are vital to life on earth, every year pollinating 95 types of fruits such as avocados, almonds, apples, and that's just the A's -- with an estimated $30bn value. Without immediate action to save bees, many of our favorite fruits, vegetables, and nuts could vanish from our shelves.

Recent years have seen a steep and disturbing global decline in bee populations -- some bee species are already extinct and some US species are at just 4% of their previous numbers. Scientists have been scrambling for answers. Some studies claim the decline may be due to a combination of factors including disease, habitat loss and toxic chemicals.

But increasingly, independent research has produced strong evidence blaming neonicotinoid pesticides, forcing the European Union to temporarily suspend use of one or more of these bee killers. But, in the US, the EPA has been slow to react -- their review won't be completed until 2018 condemning our bees to 5 more years of chemical Armageddon.

This issue is now coming to the boil as major new studies have confirmed the scale of this problem, and Representatives Blumenauer and Conyers have introduced legislation. If we can get other members of Congress to act, we could shut down once and for all Bayer's influence on policy-makers and scientists. The real experts -- the beekeepers and farmers -- want these deadly pesticides prohibited until and unless we have solid, independent studies that show they are safe. Let's support them now. Sign the urgent petition to Congress now, then forward this email:

We know we can win on bees. Last April, over 2. 5 million of us signed a petition calling on the EU to adopt a ban on bee killing pesticides and won! And in the US, nearly a million of us persuaded the EPA to review their position on these poisons. Now let's go one step further towards saving bees!

With hope,

Iain, Luis, Anne, Alex, Allison, Ricken, and the whole Avaaz team

Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/14/2013

I watched a library disc or t.v. a while back and the doc they hired to run tests on the effects of these modified foods on mice turned up bad mutations and they ditched him... He ran diagnostics for 35 yrs. and was praised for it.... Now he has been silenced and we don't get to hear about it. He said he would not touch any food that had the GMO. I just wonder why so many people are so sick... Big business... Little people.... God of mammon!

Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/15/2013

I use to have a note on my till that said "It can't happen here" WELL those days are over. The GMO seed company patented their seed and planted by a friendly farmer and when their pollen landed on his crop they sued him for stealing their patented plants and THEY WON ... HE HAD TO PAY THEM BECAUSE THEY CONTAMINATED HIS CROP. It can happen here. I watched this story on a library dvd.... Lots of info at the library... heads up...

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/01/2012

Just received a newsletter from The Cultivator (promoting economic justice for family- scale farming)

They included a video made by Nutiva, the leading maker of organic hemp, coconut, and chia superfoods. I know some of us are working to stay informed regarding the subject of GMOs.

The title of the video is "The Video Monsanto Does Not Want You To See"


Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/02/2012

Hi Lisa... Monsanto certainly doesn't even fear the wrath of nations, judging by their current awful record against countries like India, Brazil, France, Venezuela and Russia.

But, nevertheless, Monsanto's GMO is still constantly working ruthlessly to achieve blanket status quo acceptance and recognition throughout the world. I've just read an astonishing article in Natural News that confirms that scientists, in New Zealand of all places, have just genetically engineered a mutant cloned cow that is being pumped full of synthetic hormones and goodness knows what else in order to help feed human babies with allergen-free milk!! How crazy is that ?

You don't have to be a top scientist to already know, from the independent research, that milk causes allergies because all the necessary enzymes in the milk that help human digestion have been inactivated and destroyed by the pasturization process -- another remarkably unhelpful scientific process that is supposed to help us avoid diseases, but which, instead, causes serious allergic reactions throughout whole populations as a serious side-effect.

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/02/2012

Hi Bill, I know what you mean on pasteurization. I have done my studying on that subject and boy is that enlightening when it comes to the dairy industry! What they allow is frightening and yet, when it comes to raw milk, they treat those farmers like they're criminals! They've even arrested Amish farmers for having it. Sometimes the world is so bizarre.

Have you seen the pictures recently released on the outcome of rats being fed GMO food? The experiment was done in France. I saw the pictures in one of my newsletters from the Organic world and also on Natural News. First off, I feel so sad for the rats but second, that should be enough to want to stop Monsanto in its tracks by all of us!

And isn't it interesting to see all the countries that won't allow GMO's but the US is fine with it? I don't get it... I hope people wake up and don't buy the lies Monsanto is propagating literally and figuratively! Lisa

Medical Alerts
Posted by Maryd (Kingston, Ont, Canada) on 08/17/2012

I am interested in considering situations that we, as healers, can respond -- to situations that may occur if there should be a global disaster. While not an alarmist, I like to be prepared. Smallpox has been eradicated in most civilizations. However, nowadays people are no longer immune to Smallpox. If it should rear its ugly head again, who would be able to 'recognise' it, let alone treat it???

I am just beginning to investigate this, & there is an Alarming lack of info!!!! For one thing, most Doctors these days cannot distinguish between smallpox & chicken pox. Not to fault them, few have seen smallpox in years. I am sure there must be 'old remedies'. Can we learn of them before it is too late.... when & if there are no vaccines, etc...

Are any old remedies available??? Ever hopeful...

Medical Alerts
Posted by Steph (California) on 11/18/2021

Were you able to find information on old remedies?

Medical Alerts
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Zug, Switzerland) on 01/04/2012

Believe it or not things are changing here in Europe as far as diet recommendations go! A few days ago I came across an interesting article in a British newspaper, The Daily Mail where they were telling people to drink full fat milk instead of the processed skimmed alternatives. I didn't think that I would ever hear them say that..... And also, believe it or not, telling the readers that after all VCO is not bad for you. Now, you should know that VCO is hardly available anymore because of all the scary stories. In France a big supermarket even tried to get more costumers by telling them that they had banned palm oil from all their frozen and processed food. Once I had an interesting conversation with a lady who owned a franchise of that supermarket, asked her what she thought about all the war being waged against VCO and palm oil and she looked at me in shock because, although she owns the franchise, she had never come across all the publicity her own supermarket made against saturated fats. She told me that she was fully aware of how healthy they are!

Another article was about trans-fats and the fact that it is now knows that they are terrible for the heart but also for the brain and maybe one of the causes of the obesity epidemic as the brain doesn't know anymore when to tell you to stop eating. But.... Are they going to do anything to ban them? I don't think so! It seems that here in Switzerland trans-fats are now allowed, at least not in restaurants, no idea whether they are allowed in the food sold in supermarkets. But then MSM is not allowed here either, neither is Melatonin! Still... little by little things seem to be changing! Let's see......

Medical Alerts
Posted by Jena (Lubbock Tx Usa) on 01/04/2014

You can get MSM for horses and just take that. It is very inexpensive and It is 99.9% pure MSM.

Medical Alerts
Posted by Steve (Hesperia, California, United States) on 12/25/2011

A wholesome and healthy diet is critically important in negating any disease and the following article I feel is tantamount in understanding the 'why' we are seeing an increase in the many diseases that are plaguing society today.

There is a previously unknown micro-fungal-like organism with an approximate size range equal to a medium size virus. It is able to reproduce and appears to be a micro-fungal-like organism. Laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of this organism in a wide variety of livestock that have experienced spontaneous abortions and infertility. It is found in high concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn, distillers meal, fermentation feed products, pig stomach contents, and pig and cattle placentas. This is a threat 'not only' to crop animal production, but to human health as well.

In Argentina and Paraguay, doctors and residents living in GM soy producing areas have reported serious health effects from glyphosate spraying, including high rates of birth defects as well as infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages, and cancers.

It is urgent to examine whether the side-effects of glyphosate use may have facilitated the growth of this pathogen, or allowed it to cause greater harm to 'weakened' plant and animal hosts. It is well-documented that glyphosate promotes soil pathogens and is already implicated with the increase of more than 40 plant diseases.

NOTE: Glyphosate dismantles plant defenses by chelating vital nutrients; reducing the bioavailability of nutrients in feed; which in turn - weakens and causes animal disorders... Bringing to mind "you are what you eat."

It's also reported that Roundup adjuvants bond with DNA - linking it to outbreaks of plant disease and implicating it with animal reproductive failure, which may explain the escalating frequency of infertility and spontaneous abortions over the past few years in US cattle, dairy, swine, and horse operations. These include recent reports of infertility rates in dairy heifers of over 20%, and spontaneous abortions in cattle as high as 45%.

Dr. Don M Huber, Emeritus Professor Purdue University, APS Coordinator, USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS) had expressed dire warnings to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on January 27. But to no avail... Vilsack gave blanket approval to all genetically modified alfalfa. And following orders from President Obama, he also removed buffer zone requirements. This was seen as a deliberate move to contaminate natural crops and destroy the organic meat and dairy industry which relies on GM-free alfalfa. Such genetic contamination will give the biotech industry complete control over the nation's fourth largest crop.

Criminally immoral and irresponsible, Monsanto and other biotech firms vociferously block independent research. They coerce or bribe representatives, governments and regulatory agencies, even globally, with little or no regard to the environment or human life.

Tom Laskawy at Grist estimated that in 2008, nearly 200 million pounds of glyphosate was poured onto US soils. But notes that "exact figures are a closely guarded secret thanks to the USDA's refusal to update its pesticide-use database after 2007. "... a figure that more than doubles what the EPA estimates was used in 2000.


Scientists warn of link between dangerous new pathogen and Monsanto's Roundup

By Rady Ananda February 20th, 2011

Posted by T (Maryland, Usa) on 12/18/2011

"Almost half of Canada's budget goes for their socialist gov "free" for all healthcare"

Where did you get that ridiculous figure? Healthcare spending in Canada is around 12% of their GDP. Spreading falsehoods does no one any favors. Another reason people really need to research for themselves.

Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 10/09/2011

Below is a post from another health related web site. I just went and signed the petition, and wanted to pass this on. I believe we should all have the choice as to buying GMO foods, and labeling them as such just seems like a really GOOD idea to me.

You do need to click on the link in the email they will send you before you can sign the petition, but it is a government site.
Thanks! ~Carly


Posted On Oct 04, 2011

A far better way to be heard is to check out and look on the front page for something called "We the People". Obama made a way for regular people like you and me to post a petition on the whitehouse web site and get signatures for the petition. Once it reaches 25, 000 signatures policy makers take notice and review it. It's potentially a direct route into Obama's office to bring something to his attention. It has to reach that many signatures before 4 weeks ends from the time of the creation of the petition.

Today I made a petition about requiring all GMO foods to be labeled as such. Sign the petition before November 3 by copying and pasting the following URL into your web browser and clicking the link to "sign this petition". You will have to register with your name and email first:

Or if you could word it in a more convincing and thorough way make your own petition about it. I wish Dr. Mercola would create some petitions on the website and then get us all to sign it. I don't have the time to word it perfectly and give quality research links backup in the petition for policy makers to review.

Posted by Judy (Denver, Co) on 08/15/2011

Debbie from Melborne. You don't need to tell me about wild herbs. Many years ago I got the first swine flu shot and developed sinus problems. Went to dr and treated with antibiotics. Things progressed to chronic bronchitis and finaly asthma. Finally heard of master herbalist, Hannah Kroeger in nearby city. I guess I can mention her name. She's passed on now, but she cured me. I developed fungus in my lung, she cured that. This was the most amazing woman. She lectured all over the country, wrote many books and people flocked to her by the hundreds. Some came from other states. I got so interested in herbs I bought every book I could get my hands on and even considered taking a course to get certified. She was charged (I think I read 20 times) for practicing medicine without a license. The doctors couldn't stand it.

People picketed outside the court for her. They never did anything to her, but tell her to quit it. I was in line one day and we got up to her and this very well dressed man in front of me introduced himself (he was an attorney) and his neighbor was a judge and the judge told him to go to her. (Mayo clinic couldn't help him). Most people went to her because the drs couldn't help them or sometimes couldn't even diagnose their problem. I could go on and on telling of the problems she cured that allopathic med has no answer for, other than surgery - or drugs that made them worse. Never knew her to cure cancer tho'.

I found a website where you can order seed for the wild herbs and grow your own. I intend to do that before government shuts that down.

Posted by Beverley (St Albert, Ab Canada) on 07/10/2011

This is URGENT!!! Please watch this. It HAS to be stopped.

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 07/11/2011

Welcome to the real world, here in Europe it has happened already! Lukily there is still a lot on sale and manufacturers are trying to register products and bring them back but it will all cost a lot of money and supplements will be completely out of normal people's reach. I haven't noticed much as there is still a lot being sold but I am sure that they will make it more and more difficult till they get rid of everything!

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