Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Posted by Carl (London) on 06/21/2016

I was in a car accident when I was young which left me wheelchair bound. This accident seems to have a negative effect on my bladder and I am prone to UTIs. I have tried many things but Dmannose seems to help the best. I have now moved on to d Mannose that have Cranberry and Hibiscus. They taste better so that's a big improvement but I feel that little bit more healthier.

Make Sure it is a UTI
Posted by Lilli (Wa, Usa) on 03/09/2016 13 posts

Before treating a UTI make sure you actually have one. I woke up one morning with all the symptoms: frequent and burning urination, spasms, and achiness. At the urgent care clinic, they took a urine sample that came out negative for bacteria, etc.

What I discovered was that my constipation (due to over use of antacids) was creating pressure on my bladder that caused the same symptoms.

This is what helped: lots of fluids including unsweetened cranberry juice, water, a splash of ACV in filtered drinking water, and non-caffeinated herbal tea (especially dandelion root tea). I added 500mg of magnesium once a day (near bedtime) to aid with the constipation. I added extra fiber to my diet including fresh kiwi, whole bran cereal, and flax and chia seed and honey in plain Greek yogurt. Also, a warm water bottle placed on my lower abdomen really helped calm the spasms.

It will take about 5-7 days, but it does work. Always find out if you have a UTI first before treating.

Baking Soda and Molasses
Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York, New York) on 12/10/2015

How to Kill a Urinary Tract Infection

Baking Soda and Molasses helped me to get rid of a deadly UTI. As a single again woman, trying to impress God, I have fought like a manic to keep my life clean. And since I have no one who knows this as well as the Good Lord Himself, If I have to say so myself, I have done a pretty good job these past thirty years to live single and separated from the special privileges of marriage since I am not married. So where did this UTI come from?

All I know is, I came down with pneumonia, the hospital gave me antibiotics, which cleaned out the pneumonia and left me with a UTI. Since I was seemly, out of date with fighting a UTI in my older age it act like it came to stay. My body forced me to give up sugars and starches because it made the conditions worse. I tried so many things that Earth Clinic and the internet suggested: probiotics, baking soda, vinegar, garlic, folic acid, over the counter suppositories etc. that somewhat help but did not cure this condition.

The UTI seemed to want to outlive me! Turn to your neighbor and say, "it cannot stay, it cannot stay." A week had passed, two weeks had passed and none of the oldies seemed to work. But praise be to God I came across what some people call the Cancer Cure and decided to try it. "Ha, ha, ha it worked for me. I laughing because though I suffered with this about three months, and it even took most of my hair with it, ( I tell you that UTI had the devil in it), I out lived it! .

I used Molasses and Baking soda, and sometimes Honey and baking soda dissolved in hot water. Even though as a norm sweet was not allowed on my diet, this sweetness seemed to do actually what they said. The article said the molasses or honey was bait to draw the baking soda in the cells to kill the bacteria or cancer cells.

I tried to be nice, as a Bible walker you learn how to talk to the mountain. I tired saying, " Urinary track infection go! " And when the UTI would not listen, I had to get a now word from the Lord, and it was the Molasses and Baking Soda for me. I used to take it twice a day. ( ½ teaspoon of baking soda stirred in about a cup of heating water on the stove. Then stir in a tablespoon of molasses and drink hot or cold. I was immediately feeling better. I drank this until I was sure the UTI was dead. Another words, I took it until I was able to eat my regular foods without a back lapse.

I learned about body PH on Earth Clinic and I often wonder if it has to do with my body PH being too low that I fought with this so long.

It has been almost two years since I had the Pneumonia and its family, and I am still trying to strengthen my immune system. I am thinking that I should perhaps go back to my original low sugar diet until my hair makes a comeback. I think I will.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Anon (Nyc) on 11/25/2015

I literally made an account just to share my ordeal with this stupid UTI I've had it since the summer but didn't know, I just ignored it, mind you my diet is pretty clean so it's no surprise that I kept it at bay to the doctors surprise. One doc wrote me a script for bactrim & told me to start it right away. I didn't. I saw my Gyno 12 hours later who told me I am just dehydrated....... The urine came back positive for E. coli a few days later and the test also stating the bacteria being immune to bactrim.....dodged a huge bullet there. So its been a week of me drinking lots of water and cranberry juice (not cocktail). I've been taking d mannose, an herbal pill called bladder comfort, and I've been drinking lots of tea with ground thyme in it (I ingest the thyme powder), and I've also been eating a light diet comprised of yogurt and toast, minimal carbs and sugars, and taking a probiotic. All of this for a week made my symptoms more mild but didn't really dissappeaR.

But I bought oregano oil today and ingested the wild mediterranean one which is food grade, and my symptoms seem to be vanishing and it's only been one day!! I'm excited to see this uti finally go! And naturally!!

I think my uti was stagnant for so long that's why it's taking me longer to flush it out. It's been about a week I'm anticipating another week or so. Naturally healing takes a little longer

Posted by Amanda (Seattle, Wa) on 07/11/2014

D-Mannose is WONDERFUL. Like many women, I've gotten UTIs all my life, particularly after sex. I wish I had known about D-Mannose a long time ago, because it would have saved me from taking many courses of Bactrim and Cipro (and, as many of you know, the more antibiotics we take, the more resistant the bacteria become). D-Mannose works by attaching to e. coli and carrying it out of the urinary tract, so it's gentle on your system, and I have never noticed any side effects.

I recommend that you use the powder, rather than the pills. I didn't find the pills to be effective, especially when there's already an infection present- they might be more effective for prevention. The powder only tastes a bit sweet, like a mild sweetener, and dissolves easily into any liquid. If I have an infection, I'll take quite a bit of it, up to two tablespoons, several times a day. And then I drink a lot of water to aid it in flushing the bacteria out. My other recommendation is to buy it online, because it will be half the price it is at a store. I use the subscribe and save program on Amazon and just have it delivered regularly so I never run out (which, as I have learned, can become an unpleasant and desperate situation resulting in buying a bottle at Whole Foods for $36). As a nurse who used to work in a nursing home, I wish doctors knew about this stuff- so many of the elderly patients always had UTIs and were constantly on antibiotics. I wish more women knew about it, too...which is why I'm posting here! I hope my post will help some poor soul find relief, without a trip to the doctor and a script for unnecessary antibiotics.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/05/2017 2063 posts

Sharon: For the above poster to report such extensive natural remedies and still suffer UTI, there is yet underlying issues. This means a Gallbladder Cleanse and a Colon Cleanse is necessary or the infection continues. Once you do the cleanses and do the other natural antibiotic herbs listed above, then you can begin Probiotics in moderate doses for prevention. But before buying Probiotics, start replenishing with Kefir. You can make Kefir yourself or purchase from grocer or health food stores that stock it. WalMart has Kefir, some with added natural or otherwise fruit flavor as well as sugar, and some without.

As for capsules of Probiotics you want as many strains as possible but with an abundance of Acidophilus & Bifidus. 1-4 Billion units total is good maintenance but up to 40 billion for disease treatment. Also be sure to get a product with Preprobiotics like FOS which helps your gut manufacture Probiotics itself. As for brands it's up to you but start with something affordable and go from there.

Alka Seltzer
Posted by Lanell (Houston, Tx) on 08/04/2011

I have four children, 2, 4, 6, 8:):) am very blessed to have my little ones. I am blessed to be in Christ Church " CHURCH OF CHRIST" were I have honestly found all wisdom. Saying that through having years of poor eating habits, much SUGAR, and not enough wTer and veggies. It's no wonder my time has come after my childrens birth Tht my defenses got worse. So through Gods mercy and wisdom. Tried something and it truly relieves, maybe it could help. Try cran apple juice no added sugars, and aloe juice. I found tht as my system got worse too much acidity made it worse. So the aloe juice may create a balance of acidity to the cran juice. Hope it helps. And thanks to God for all the things He has put on this earth for his creation.

Sea Salt
Posted by Frenchie (California, San Clement) on 03/15/2024

This is the second time Sea Salt worked for my UTI pain. It takes about 30 minutes and the pain I just put 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water and chugged it!!! I was in so much pain and now I'm peacefully resting. Thanks be to God!!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 05/17/2023

Hi Denise,

Well, it seems like trying the unrefined for your UTI would not hurt and might help! Let us know, please.

It seems like refining would not hurt certain aspects of coconut oil, but if whatever is helping with a particular issue is the same element that is responsible for the smell of it, then perhaps it won't help. I don't understand enough chemistry to know.

Check out the sea salt or baking soda protocols for UTI's and do that as well, if this is urgent. D-Mannose always works for me.

I do have chronic UTI's because of a structural issue. Just today I am starting Methylene Blue to see if that will help!

~Mama to Many~

Coconut Milk
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co, NJ) on 08/15/2021

Thanks to all who posted about Coconut Milk for UTI.

I've used D-Mannose for years, plus Oregano oil capsules, with some success. For me, this is the most effective, least expensive, and the easiest option I've ever tried...I drank one can of regular Coconut Milk from the grocery store. I shook the can, poured it over ice, and added a few drops of liquid stevia for taste (stevia is optional - no worries if you don't have this).

UTI symptoms were gone in no time - I did catch this early, so it wasn't too severe. I was fine overnight, which is usually the worst time for me. I drank about 1/3 can today just to be sure and may continue this for a few days just to be sure it doesn't come back.

As an extra measure, even though my symptoms were already gone, I drank a liter of alkaline water last night and another liter today - bought from the grocery store.

Posted by Wendy (Dublin, OH) on 03/26/2023

What I'll add is the following: With any UTI, make sure you request the doctor (your regular doctor, Urgent Care, etc.) send your urine sample to the lab to do a CULTURE. This is how they determine exactly what kind of urinary tract infection you have, whether it's e-coli or, what I have had, klebsiella pneumoniae, thus what kind of antibiotic to prescribe.

I'll share my story: back in 2018, I had been getting monthly UTIs. Docs put me on 3 different antibiotics over those past months, including Cipro (which definitely messed up my hamstring!). However, after each 10-day course, I'd get another infection 4 days later! Turns out I had the klebsiella pneumoniae super-bug (lab count was greater than 100,000!), which is NOT killed off by the antibiotics (including Cipro, even though this is the go-to antibiotic for klebsiella pneumoniae!), thus causing and allowing (IMHO) the UTIs to recur. I then did my research, and discovered Oil of Oregano, which is purported to kill off the super-bug. (Additional info at this EC link:

D-Mannose and Turmeric
Posted by 2and1 (Philippines) on 04/06/2017

I had UTI 2 weeks ago and it was really bad. I usually go for antibiotics in these cases but have found out that antibiotics caused imbalance in my good & bad bacteria. I also have candida overgrowth, hence didn't want to further reduce my good bacteria.

Anyway, from reviews I tried the natural remedy, D-mannose. I took 1 tsp every hour, and drank a lot of water. I took so much water I was literally peeing every minute. After a while, the burning sensation will subside, and if you continue taking 1 tsp D-mannose every hour, it will be almost gone! D-mannose is amazing for UTI! However note that I probably was overdosing on D-mannose (out of desperation, really..), and I felt throbbing in my kidneys.. Must mean I was overworking my kidneys then, so I advise anyone to be careful on copying my dosage.

My UTI was gone in over just a day by dosing d-mannose 1 tsp/hour. However, the next day, it would come back! So I dose with d-mannose again, stop when the burning sensation subsides (also because at that point my kidney(s) would be throbbing), substitute only water (and a lot of it), but the next day it would again come back! Cycle continues 2-3 times until I figure I should take something to stop UTI from coming back.

So I substitute/mix my water with Turmeric, a natural antibiotic. I also took a lot of vitamin C. After drinking a lot of turmeric tea, and continuing to drink turmeric 2-3 days after UTI is gone from d-mannose, it never came back again! I'm so happy to have solved my UTI naturally.

Get rid of UTI: D-mannose, 1 tsp every hour. Reduce dosage to 1 tsp every 2 hours when burning sensation subsides, then further reduce to 1tsp every 3 hours, and so on..

Stop UTI from recurring (must step!! ): Take a natural antibiotic. I hear oil of oregano is effective too, but I didn't have that at the time so I used fresh/raw turmeric boiled in water to make tea instead.. Drink turmeric tea, or turmeric tea diluted in water (a lot of it...) 2-3 days even after UTI is gone.. This is crucial!

Happy healing!

Posted by Carole (Hartford, Ct) on 10/13/2015

I have suffered with a UTI every couple of months or so. I have been on vacation for two weeks and this had made me miserable beyond words. I have tried everything and was tired of taking medications for this. I researched everything, except what I had already known but had forgotten. I had been told years ago by my grandmother that I should drink hot water and lemon everyday when I get up in the morning. She said that it cleanses the system and is good for digestion and your urinary tract. I kind of made a face thinking of drinking hot water with lemon without a tea bag. Yikes...but, I then remember years later reading an article stating basically the same thing! Well, that it helps alkalizes the urine. She lived to be 108 yrs old.

So, when I got up this morning I was in agony after I urinated. I said that is it I am going to try it! However, I used cold water with an ice cube about 10oz of water and 1/3 cup of lemon juice. I drank it without a sweetener and it was not bad,

Within one hour I started to feel better. I have had two glasses throughout the day sipping it and I can hardly believe it. I had no pain when I used the bathroom and I did not have to keep running to the bathroom. I feel fine. It makes sense and it works so please try it.

I will drink this every day. I do not ever want to go through this again. It was so miserable! It did not cost anything.

Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Posted by Kita (Brooklyn Ny) on 12/05/2016

I know I'm late but just in case you're still suffering try garlic. Garlic is known to kill bacteria that's resistant to antibiotics. I had the same issue as you. I started eating two to three cloves of garlic a day. I would dice up a clove and swallow it down like a pill. Within a day I noticed improvement. Three days in I was soooo much better. I now eat garlic routinely as a preventative and haven't had any issues since.

Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/19/2017

Dear Tina,

Wow, you have tried a lot of things. A couple of things I would consider trying in your situation (which have worked well for me for UTI's) would be castor oil, charcoal and plantain.

Castor oil as a pack over the lower abdomen with a heating pad overnight. (My heating pad has one setting - very low - so no risk of burning, though it is not recommended to use them overnight.)

Activated charcoal - either internally or as a poultice.

Plantain tea. Seems too simple but has worked for me for UTI's (not sure which bacteria caused mine, though.) But when you look up enterococcus and plantain into google, the first hit comes up with a book that mentions using plantain for enterococcus. To make plantain tea I put several tablespoons in a quart jar and pour boiling water over it and let it steep an hour or so. I strain and consume the tea over the course of the day. I repeat this several days in a row or as needed.

I hope you find a solution. Please let us know how it goes.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Katie (Bellingham, Wa) on 05/16/2015

I note that no one has noticed this turpentine treatment. I just want to say I got this Uti again last week. I took one dose of turpentine again and again I was all good in about 2 to 3 hours.

Posted by Caron (Port Orchard, Wa) on 05/29/2015

@Katie...I am so glad to find someone else who has discovered the healing powers of turpentine. I woke up this morning with an UTI and started drinking a lot of water right away, then remembered turpentine. Took 3/4 teaspoon on a heaping teaspoonful of granulated sugar and the symptoms are just about gone. Turpentine is great for so many health problems. It used to be used all the time in the past and worked so well, it is now considered a poison. Not true.

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 04/20/2012

I had a chronic urinary tract infection no antibiotitics worked for. The urologist I was seeing at the time told me to drink one cup of pure cranberry juice 3 times a day. The cranberry juice cocktails commonly sold have little real cranberry juice. You need the real thing, pure cranberry juice for this to work. Anyway the infection cleared up in about a week or two of this treatment. I had had this infection for years and it was slowly getting worse. The cranberry juice treatment worked for me....Oscar

Sea Salt
Posted by Kendra (Richland, Wa) on 11/27/2011

Hi Ted,

Just wanted to thank you for your site again. I forgot to vote "Yes" for the sea salt remedy for UTIs. Last January, my family was moving and everyone but me was on antibiotics for one ailment or another. I don't like to take antibiotics because I tend to get candida flare ups, so I started drinking pure, sugar-free cranberry juice like I normally do to make a UTI go away. Plus, I take one cranberry pill, probiotics, and pre-biotics on a daily basis at night.

Well, surprisingly the cranberry juice did not do the trick this time, so I found your site and read about the sea salt remedy. I think I took 1 tsp in one glass of warm water before bedtime. The next morning, things felt 85% better but not 100%, so I repeated the process the next night. Voila! It was gone and I didn't have to go get antibiotics. Now I throw a little bit (maybe 1/8 tsp) of sea salt into my water every night before I go to bed as a preventative measure. I don't use salt on my food, and I only use sea salt for cooking. I haven't had a UTI since even though there have been times (holidays, birthday parties) when I've eaten a lot of sugar. However, as I mentioned previously, I take acidophilus, a candida-eating probiotic, prebiotics, and cranberry pills every night along with my other natural supplements. I hope this info helps everyone! Oh, btw, I am a 40 year old female in good health. Thanks again.


Art Solbrig Protocol
Posted by Art (California) on 05/02/2024 2156 posts

I Have Used The Following Remedy Effectively To Treat UTIs In Family And Friends

This is what I make :

  • A 500 ml bottle of filtered water.
  • Add a half teaspoon of sea salt
  • Add 6 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Add one and a half teaspoons of D Mannose powder

After adding all ingredients to the bottle, shake very well and drink.

I repeat this process 3 times per day until symptoms start to noticeably improve and then I reduce to two bottles per day and continue for two days after all symptoms are gone. My family and friends have reported this to be a very good alternative to the potent antibiotics they have used in the past. Symptoms generally start to reduce around 3.5 days.


Oregano Oil
Posted by Lisa (Claremont, Ca) on 06/13/2023

Once again, I got a UTI. I'm older and seem to be getting them more frequently. This time after I had an illness (was told by a cupping practitioner I'd had COVID) and I had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. This gave me the UTI, even though I clean always with water and soap after using the bathroom and am careful to not do the things I should not. I got it anyway.

I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.

Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.

The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.

I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.

So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.

I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.

This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.

Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.

Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.

Corn Silk
Posted by Lisa (Claremont, Ca) on 06/13/2023

Once again, I got a UTI. I'm older and seem to be getting them more frequently. This time after I had an illness (was told by a cupping practitioner I'd had COVID) and I had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. This gave me the UTI, even though I clean always with water and soap after using the bathroom and am careful to not do the things I should not. I got it anyway.

I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.

Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.

The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.

I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.

So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.

I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.

This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.

Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.

Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Sean C. (WA) on 03/04/2023

I just want to Thankyou people for putting your remedies on here. I'm a paraplegic that's struggled with recurring UTIs for over 5 years. Antibiotics over and over. As soon as I finished a course maybe two Days another would develop.

I can tell you it's not nice having constant temperature flushing, fatigue and generally feeling horrible. Every task feels like a mountain climb.
Unable to function and really affects social life. I've missed many family gatherings or just catching up with friends.
I found this page looking for something that may help relieve my problems.
I have since been following one of the lady's remedies of ACV and bicarb soda.

I have a shot in the morning, lunch and before bed.
I have gone two weeks so far without a UTI which I haven't done for 5 years !!
Thank-you everybody, fingers crossed and I hope this helps many in similar situation to me as it's a real problem with Spinal cord injuries.


Colloidal Silver, Oregano Oil
Posted by Art (California ) on 06/04/2022 2156 posts

Dena L. ,

I am curious as to what dose of colloidal silver you used ?

The Oxysilver bottle does not clearly say what strength their silver is. They show that their bottle contains 8 ounces and it says a serving size is one teaspoon and then it says that there are 48 servings in the bottle and each serving is 5ml.,aps,217&sr=8-5

The only indication of what strength their silver is in this sentence on the bottle :

* Daily value not established 3ppm

If this 3ppm is the actual strength of the silver in the bottle, it is very very low. They charge $39.95 for this 8 ounce bottle making it very expensive considering how little silver is actually in the bottle. By comparison, MesoSilver sells an 8.45 ounce bottle of their 20 ppm colloidal silver for $32.97 and their bottle contains over 6 times the silver in it as Oxysilver.

For another comparison, EC sells an 8 ounce bottle of colloidal silver for $29.95 that is 20 ppm of silver. This also has over 6 times the silver in it or to say that a little differently it is roughly equivalent to more than 6 bottles of Oxysilver if you were to dilute it with distilled water to equal 3 ppm.

Not all colloidal silvers are the same and some are very expensive for the amount of actual silver in their product.


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