Effective Natural Remedies for Hiccups: Quick Solutions

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee, US) on 11/02/2014

My 12 year old daughter gets terrible hiccups. I used to get them like that too. (It was especially embarrassing one time when on a tour in a cave. The hiccups echoed!)

Anyway, she has tried many things. Honey often works. Recently we were in the car when she got them. We didn't have water or honey. We did have some groceries, including Tabasco sauce. Seeing how cayenne pepper is good for lots of things, I reasoned that maybe this would help, since it is a hot pepper sauce, though not cayenne. I spoke confidently when I suggested it because there can be a mental aspect to something working! She put a few drops in her mouth and her hiccups stopped.

Tabasco or placebo, I don't know. But she was glad to have them over with.

~Mama to Many~
