Effective Natural Remedies for Hiccups: Quick Solutions

Posted by Lucky (Winnipeg, Manitoba) on 06/29/2009

growing up my parents would always give us sugar and vinegar (the vinegar gets rid of the hiccups, and the sugar makes it taste better). all you have to do is get a teaspoon of sugar, pour enough vinegar on top to make the sugar wet, and as soon as you get it down the hiccups are gone

Posted by Joe Mama (Green Bay, WI) on 04/24/2009

How to cure hiccups 95% of the time. Vinegar, it doesn't matter what kind. The trick is to find the most sour thing you can. Make sure you take a good amount. 1 spoonfull is all you need. If you make a face when taking it, then it will work. Lemon juice, lime juice or anything super sour will work. It's weird because you expect the next hiccup to come and it never does. Guaranteed to work or your money back. lol

Posted by EL (Chicago, IL) on 07/11/2008

I had hiccups for two days with my only relief coming when I was asleep. I found the remedy on this site and decided to give it a try, especially since the remedy for tonsilitis worked so well. I took a tbsp of ACV and the effect was immediate relief! The hiccups were gone upon ingestion! Amazing!

Posted by Wendy (Grand Rapids, MI) on 06/04/2007

Vinegar worked for my hiccups! Had them for over 20 minutes - tried holding my breath and drinking water with no avail. Took one shot of organic ACV and they were gone. I'm amazed! Thanks!!

Posted by Dr Murtaza (Mumbai, India) on 04/19/2007

It's wonderful to know the amazing effects of Vinegar. One man 72 years old had constant hiccups for 2 days and more when he consulted me. I gave him this bit of advice to take 1 tsp of vinegar and his hiccups stopped instantly ... It's almost a month he has never had it again

Posted by Klars (Ottawa, Canada) on 03/31/2007

The only thing that has ever cured my hiccups has been to take a swig of vinegar. It burns terribly all the way down but instantly that looming hiccup feeling dissipates.

For those with real trouble with hiccups, who can hold their breath until they turn blue while standing on their head drinking water only to resume hiccuping afterwards, I can't recommend the vinegar highly enough. Often I get them when I've eaten too much and drinking water or eating peanut butter seems to just make them worse. I was skeptical, but elated to discover that vinegar works.
