Natural Remedies for LPR: Effective Treatment and Relief at Home

Ceylon Cinnamon, Cardamom, Caraway
Posted by Ron (Charleston, SC) on 12/26/2022

I have found these spices to be very helpful for LPR: Ceylon Cinnamon, Cardamom and Caraway seeds. These are known to be stomach friendly herbs and working them into whatever I'm eating as much as possible has been very helpful. I've even been able to have a small cup of coffee if I add a pinch of salt + healthy amount of cardamom and cinnamon to the grounds. If you try this I strongly recommend avoiding regular cinnamon and only trying Ceylon. Ceylon has way less coumarin than your regular cinnamon. Coumarin isn't good for your liver. I was surprised how effective a tool these spices are that doesn't get mentioned a lot.

Antacids + Hemp Oil
Posted by Sara (NJ) on 03/27/2021

Tums is not natural -- it's very bad for you and should never be taken! It will literally cause malnabsorption and ultimately malnutrition and dysbiosis.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Deborah (Mendocino County, Ca) on 10/18/2018

I started having LPR issues about a week ago. I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and I know how important diet is for relief of symptoms. I completely stopped all dairy, and my LPR is completely gone. I just thought this might help someone else.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denise (California) on 10/29/2017

I'm frightened all my symptoms/issues could lead to damage of my esophagus, and/or Cancer. No history that I know of in my family. I have had asthma since I was a little girl, I am now 64. It went away in my early teens. Always had what I was told were "environmental allergies" so I took meds (mostly over the counter) for really bad times.

Only in the past, two years have I had almost unbearable problems. I also have esophageal spasms, diagnosed by my cardio doc. I have had a 3rd degree AV Node block since 97, and on my 3rd pacemaker. So I thought I was having a heart attack when I first had one in or around 2011. I was given barium swallow and diagnosed with ESpasms.

The doc gave me nitro glycerin to stop the spasms and it worked but gave me the typical headache. I read online of a lady that had those spasms several times a day, omg:( She learned drinking a glass of cool water cured it, and guess what? It works for me!! I will get woke up with one, about 3 or 4 times a year, and the water always works within seconds of feeling it coming on.

Anyway, your symptoms and mine are a bit different, but I really appreciated your post. I am searching for answers, and do believe I have the LPR. I realized I can't leave it all to the doctors, and have to search out what I can, try other things besides drugs, they scare me worse than the conditions, but I have to say I do believe in conventional medicine as I may have died without the pacemaker. No meds with that thank God.

Treatment Protocol
Posted by Catherine (New Hampshire, US) on 02/22/2015

I have been waking up in the morning with a lump in my throat. My first cup of tea would mone the lump down and I would get on with my day. I would also notice that in bed when I would sleep on my right side that I would feel the lump even before getting out of bed.

Early part of December, I had major surgery and when they were wheeling me out, as groggy as I was, I looked up at the nurse complaining that I have to burp and I can't. She ignormed me and all that day I struggled whereby having to sit up and a small air would escape. By that evening when my surgeon made the rounds I started experiencing painful stomach cramps.

What then ensued in the following weeks as I was healing was this constant sensation of something coming up my throat, constantly clearing my throat, with little phlem, but still it was. Instant and at the same time my nose would start running, as well intermittent spells of dry coughing.

i got on the internet and started reading (that's how I found this wonderful website) and I knew I had the classic symptoms of LPR.

I started on OTC Nexium, took it for three days....nothing. Meanwhile began reading about the long term damage all these proton inhibitors do to us and I knew this was not an option.

I took one and a half of fresh lemon, squeezed it in a qt. Mason jar, topped it up with good water. To this I added a 1/4 tsp. of good salt-Himalayan pink fine crystals and stirred well, and drank 6 oz. 1/2 hour before lunch and dinner. Make sure you stir well or shake jar as the salt settles on the bottom.

Breakfast: in a blender one frozen ripe banana, some salad greens, chunk of peeled ginger, a Granny Smith Apple, or pear, a couple of stalks of Celery, ground up flaxseed and added all my vitamins (the hard ones I would grind in the same grinder with the Flaxseed, the soft ones and my oil pills right in the blender, added nondairy milk ann good water.Also to this I added protein powder. (Garden of Life organic raw protein powder). Blended and drank half at breakfast and half with lunch.

Lunch: three days ago I stopped eating bread and at lunch had wild salmon (the kind that comes in packets, Chicken of the Sea) with 8-10 black cured Greek Calamata olives along with some salad greens.

Dinner: Making sure I have this meal at least three/four hours before turning in. I now make an effort to keep my carbs down as they can ferment in your stomach and augment the symptoms.

Three/four bites into the meal I take Now Betaine HCL - 648 mg. with 150 mg of Pepsin. I then take the remaining two during the meal with the last one toward the end. Finally my last pill is a VegetArian Pancreatin -475 mg. I have nothing else to eat until my morning smoothie.

I read, cover to cover Dr. Jonathan Wright's book "Why stomach acid is good for You" and it has influenced me quite a bit. Two morning in a row I did the baking soda burp test and there wasn't a burp anywhere in site. I knew I had low stomach acid.

Please take the time and do your research...inasmuch as the Internet can be a wasteland of sorts, there still is some valuable information out there.

I can't say for sure that I'm out of the woods, however after such a long time not experiencing any if the classic symptoms gives me some hope. I even dared to have a cup of weak tea which I always looked forward to in the mornings.

Sorry for being so verbose, but I wanted to make sure I left nothing out.

Silent Reflux (LPR) Remedies
Posted by Momo (Ireland) on 11/24/2013

I have recently been diagnosed with Silent Reflux. I am waiting to be referred for an Endoscopy.

My situation is as follows. I was in India in August this year and had an upset stomach when there. When in India, I started to waken up in the middle on the night with difficulty in breathing/swallowing which was quite frightening. When I got back from India I started to develop a lump in my throat and then developed a tightness in my chest where I had difficulty breathing and had some pain. I thought I was having a heart attack. Then I developed this sensation in my head in October like a rush of energy/lightheadedness and it has been with me since. I am not able to think 100% clearly and I am also at times feeling shakey and weak and am experiencing tingling and a numb like feeling in my hands and feet. My symptoms are getting worse and I have tried PPIs but they have not helped. I am also constantly tired.

The most distressing thing for me at the moment is the head sensation. I work full time and it can be a challenge at times to get through the day.

Are the symptoms I have mentioned above typical for silent acid reflux and how can I alleviate them, especially the head sensation? Yesterday, I started to take the following :-

Apple cider vinegar and bicarbonate of soda - two time per day
B 50 Complex Vitamins - twice per day
Vitamin C 1000mg - twice per day
Bio Gest Digestive Enzymes - three times per day with meals
Essential Amino Acid Complex - 2 tabs once per day

Any advise as to whether I am on the right track or not would be very welcome and if anyone out there has been able to relieve the head sensation from Silent Reflux, I would love to hear from you.

Hoping to get some help!!!!

Marshmallow Root
Posted by Christine (Nottingham, England) on 07/29/2012

Hi Becky I am the lady that posted about Marshmallow root having had the same problem for three years. Like you, I have tried many things, marshmallow does help, however the problem is still there. I use two capsules opened and mixed with a little warm water twice a day. It may help to look at some sites that explain how high histamine levels can cause problems like this and how we need to heal the gut also the candida connection, Mine own problem is fermentation in the gut. If you google excessive histamine problems it will explain how some food contain high levels of histamine whilst other are histamine producing. Some food and drinks like alcohol block diamine oxidase which breaks down histamine. Chris Kressers site is a wealth of information on gut problems. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Christine

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon Uk) on 01/23/2012


Tim H, Thanks for the reply, I obviously do not have ulcers based on your description.

No problem with the liquorice and blood pressure issue I check it daily and mine is always spot on -low from a hectic fitness / bodybuilding and clean diet life style,

Good news to anyone interested,

My suspicions were correct in that the ibuprofen damages both the gut mucus membrane and also healthy bacteria, this is what I believe happens and my programme should fix many others with reflux issues permanently.

The ibuprofen (in my case) acts similar to antibiotics in that they destroy a fair amount of essential healthy bacteria in the gut and gi track, but ibuprofen also cause severe damage and inflammation to the stomach mucus membrane which governs the quantity and strength of stomach acid, as the membrane has been damaged it is no longer able to produce enough strong enough acid in the stomach, and this is where the problem lies because the acid strength controls the closing strength of the LES valve through the nervous system, the acid MUST be strong enough to digest food properly in order to produce a strong nerve signal to close the valve tightly after each mouthful of food has entered the stomach, if the acid is low or weak the valve will not close properly and depending on the severity this will cause acid to leak up into the throat area causing either full on heart burn, acid reflux or silent reflux the first two conditions are usually obvious but with silent reflux the cause is not always obvious as the symptoms are often little more than the feeling of a lump in the throat area near the voice box some discomfort may be felt in the ears and chest area and the voice may be week on occasion but generally the problem is not always associated with reflux.

If this seems to describe your situation you need to repair the gut and throat membrane whilst repopulating the gut with healthy bacteria, the plan above is how I did it in 3 - 4 days! Anti-acids will never fix this problem they can only make it worse as the acid is already to weak to close the LES obviously weakening the acid even more is not the answer.

So this was the cause of my acid reflux (initially) and then silent reflux (later)

My simple programme detailed above has sorted my problem in a few days! About a week has since past and all is well : - ) this was really bugging me for months so it demonstrates that a designated treatment programme is required to fix it

The only extra item I added was a few drops of aloe juice in my liquorice drink.

I intend to follow the programme for several more weeks to ensure a fully rebuilt gut environment.

It should be mentioned that my diet is and always has been spot on and healthy with lots of raw fruit and veg, if you do not eat this way you may not experience the same results as I did on this programme, remember that the healthy raw food is a major part in fixing this problem, I suspect the reflux for many is actually caused by poor diets as this alone is likely to cause inflammation and damage to the gut in much the same way as the ibuprofen did for me (and the hundreds of others on this site).

So clean up your diet and then follow the steps above and acid reflux will cease to exist.

Good luck!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (Thousand Oaks, CA) on 05/10/2006

Went to 6 different ENTs (sad but true). Finally 1 good ENT knew what my problem was when I described the symptoms to him (globus or feeling something stuck in my throat, dry mouth, white tongue, etc.). He performed a flexiscope and found I have LPR which is form of "Silent Reflux" where acid flow up past your Upper sphincter and inflame your vocal chord causing irritations. He immediately put me in 2x PPI Nexium, it helped reduced my symptoms but I still get regular irritations in my throat. I decided to try ACV mixed with Raw Honey after each meal and it greatly reduced my symptoms. I feel better and is revisiting my ENT and should reduce to 1 PPI/day. Not good thing to do PPI if possible. Lots of side effects and long-term health risks.

Side-note is that if you have heartburn or throat lump problems, make SURE you get a good GI or ENT to diagnose. Don't go to a GP (General Practitioner) or FP (Family Practitioner) or Internist, they are not usually good and don't have expertise or equipment to diagnose your problem. They can make things worse by guessing your problem and misdiagnosing. Dr's. are people too and they're good and bad ones everywhere. It's up to you to find out and do your home work.

People that have LPR like me don't have heartburn because the acid does not stay long enough in the Esophagus to cause irritation. I did Esophogram and Barrium Swallon test and found don't have Esophagitis.

Antacids + Hemp Oil
Posted by Anonymous (San Diego) on 08/13/2019

Hello all! I've taken quite a bit of time to identify my LPR as such. But I've found a simple remedy which is to chew up small amounts of antacid tablets like Tums quite often over the course of the day. That combined with vaping hemp oil for its expectorant and bronchial dilation and anti inflammatory effects has allowed me to breathe and feel normal again. If this helps anyone, it will make my efforts worth it.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Denise (Us) on 12/18/2018 50 posts

Had the worse case of the dreaded lump in the throat. I've had LPR for a couple of years now. Fixed it pretty much but dry cough is still there, and flare ups if I eat or drink the wrong thing.

Today I was almost at my wits end and saw Sasha from New York's 2010 post on ACV and BS. Never ever tried the two together, until today. It worked, omygosh, such a relief and the lump is just barely there now. Thanks to everyone who posts these wonderful remedies I usually have right in my cupboards.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tasha (Los Angeles) on 12/07/2018

Hi Deborah,

How is it going? Are you still off dairy?

I've had LPR for years. Recently, I've begun to suspect that dairy might be one of my triggers. The other might be sugar.

I'm curious to hear about your experience a few months on.

Thanks, Tasha

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gail (Kingston, Ny) on 09/20/2017 10 posts

REMEDY NEEDED FOR LARYNGEAL GERD; I have in the past treated naturally stomach ulcer, kidney stone, cholecystectomy, and, although I take a very low does of Nexium (20)mg. I have no symptoms of GERD or acidity anywhere. I also use bicarbonate and Aloe Vera Gel: yet for two years have had debilitating sore throats constant with difficulty swallowing, changes in voice; and been diagnosed with acidity in the tissues of the larynx? Don't know why it is there, I am careful with diet, sitting after meals, etc, as a nurse I know all the recommended; yet the problem continues continually: PLEASE, an ENT gives me no answers: DOES ANYONE HERE KNOW ANYTHING I CAN DO? Thank you very much, Gail

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tori (Regina, Sk Canada) on 02/22/2018

How are you feeling now? Any new remedies or meds? What seems to work best for you?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kim Lambert (Cincinnati Ohio) on 03/29/2015

Hi, I am new to this site but just wanted to tell you that I am anxious to try your remedy as I have been dealing with LPR undiagnosed for years thinking it was all allergy/sinus related. I have had sinus infections for years and had sinus surgery in 2012. I also am a chronic ibuprofen user. Chocolate and caffeine have been my heroes for years until now. They are the culprit and part of why I got into this mess. Thanks for all the advice, I look forward to healing:)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jacob (Hawaii) on 02/28/2016

Hey all. Diet, like others are talking is hugely important for recovery. For me, sleeping inclined it even more important. I would be a mess without doing that. I got the LINX about 1.5 years ago and it greatly helped. I had GERD and LPR. GERD is gone completely (at least the sensation of heartburn), but enough still comes up that it hits the throat. This is where inclined sleep helps, and diet is the other part of the solution. Also, High pH water helps deactivate any acid/pepsin (stomach enzyme) in your throat. This happens above about 8-8.5 pH. I use alkaline water drops, found online. Wish you all the best.

Slippery Elm
Posted by Marjorie (Quebec) on 09/22/2014

Hi, I am new to this site so I hope someone can help. I had a heart attack in 2013 and docters put me on pantaloc for 12 months I have developed a sore esophagus and was put on a stronger PPI and it doesn't really help. I then decided to try a natural solution and am taking slippery elm to heal, it seems to be working. My question is do I keep taking the ppi and continue with the slippery elm and then slowly drop the ppi's when I'm feeling well enough and what I'm concerned about is will the acid come back and start all over again..

Vitamin D
Posted by Jcee (Ca) on 03/28/2014

Just to add.. the blog is 'vitamin D3 helping my LPR symptoms. (26 pages). And the bone supplement also contains K2.

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Brina (South Carolina ) on 10/02/2015

Did the black seed oil help?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot Uk) on 08/30/2013

Usagirl from Los Angeles, I am really sorry to hear how you are suffering, I am not sure exactly how much more I can do, in my attempt to help, my previous posts covers my personal experiences and remedies but things may be different in your case, but my initial thoughts based on your post are, are you saying that you had surgery on your throat or elsewhere?

If you had surgery on your throat then naturally things will take a while to settle down again, just try to stick to a sensible and healthy clean diet that will assist the body in healing, this is going to take a little while

If you had surgery elsewhere (not on your throat) and the drugs and antibiotics were used because if this then it seems clear that your natural flora in both your gut and in your oesophagus has been disturbed if this is the case this need re-establishing in order to stop the candida or thrush that appears to have proliferated in your throat area, this has happened to me before, it took me quite some time to learn exactly what the cause was, the pain was very extreme after a long course of antibiotcs for lyme disease, my remedy was to use an oxygen based product based around H202, the one I like is mentioned elsewhere on this site (under candida I believe) and is produced by a company called Phoenix Nutritionals ltd ( or ‘'bird rising from the ashes + nutritionals'' if EC delete the name! ) it needs to be taken for around 8 -12 weeks with breaks for intense probiotic rebuilding to achieve the desired results, my advice would be to contact the company, Dr whiting- from memory, and explain your circumstances for a better assessment of your condition.

In the meantime try to learn to relax and focus your attention on other aspects of your life safe in the knowledge that this is just a small problem and a blip in your health situation, it will get better, just relax best you can, check out some relaxation video on you tube and start to reduce your anxiety, this will be a very big help in many ways.

God bless you get well swiftly

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cathyr (Sandbach, Cheshire England) on 11/22/2012

I constantly bring up clear gel with LPR. It s one of the worst symptoms I have.

Possible Causes of LPR
Posted by Denise (Crescent City, Ca) on 10/05/2018

8 to 9 years later, I am replying to this post. I have LPR, and what is working for me is eliminating the foods that cause my Acid Reflux, drinking my water (usually 48 ounces but trying to get up to 64 a day)and not eating for at least 4 hours before I lie down at night.

For "attacks" of the dreaded phlegm, I will take about 5 sips of a tsp of baking soda in just a few ounces of water. I will also do a sinus irrigation with sea-salt and warm water.

I can't say I am 100% sure my LPR is caused from food/reflux except an upper-GI indicated I was indeed, refluxing. Had to gag down that barium drink and let them take pictures. Thing is, there isn't enough medical care in my area, so my doc is just running in circles trying to help as many people as possible. I prefer natural remedies so I get online to find out what I can do for myself.

If anyone else deals with similar, I'll be around to talk with you. Not that I have the answers, but at least we know we aren't alone in our struggles with health issues. My quality of life is improving with everything I've found in natural remedies. Also eliminating those things that may be effecting me. I have to do a lot of trial and error stuff but it's worth it. Sometimes I can then eat some of those things in moderation, and be fine too though;) Denise

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Maddie (Florida) on 07/03/2016

I have the strips but how do I use them? What should I be looking for?

Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide +
Posted by Mary (Uk) on 02/08/2023

I'm interested in nebulising hydrogen peroxide for lpr I'm really struggling so will try anything, how has it helped you? xx

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Leslie (Colorado) on 10/15/2020

I do not believe the ACV is good for LPR. I have had major issues (worsened issues) as time has gone by in the 4 years I've been using ACV. I was such a believer that it was eventually going to help. Then I read this article today, and Koufman is one of the writers so I have a lot of faith in what she says. I encourage anyone that believes they have LPR or have been diagnosed with it, to read this before you start on a regime of drinking ACV. Just 1 tbsp a day for me with water, but I do not recommend it and am stopping as of today.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Evelina (Wisconsin) on 03/13/2021

Can you explain when and how often you took each remedy please?

Antacids + Hemp Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 11/07/2022 2154 posts


Yes, vaping in general can cause a type of pneumonia because of the oil and chemical content in vaping cartridges that end up in the lungs.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by J (AZ) on 12/17/2021

Hi- what was the dosage?

Treatment Protocol
Posted by Jenifer (San Francisco, CA) on 05/22/2015

Thank you for sharing, sounds like you are on the right track! I'll try what you are doing with the HCL pills during dinner. Some things I'm using: diatomaceous earth, apple cider vinegar, N-acetyl cysteine, and glutamine powder. I am eating way less, but feeling good. Very low carb, but I read that jasmine white rice is OK, yay!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 03/11/2015

Hi Bonnie...If you want to reduce your nocturnal reflux problems then just take 1/2 to 1 tsp of sodium bicarbonate(baking soda -- Arm & Hammer brand) in a full glass of water one hour before you go to bed. Then you should have a peaceful nights sleep.

And if you want to actually cure your reflux problems then just take this remedy. All explanations are in the link.

Your problem is low stomach acid not high stomach acid. But taking Prilosec will reduce your stomach acid to zero which means that all manner of pathogens -- including bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungus -- will have a free pass to infect your intestines and create even more autoimmune hell for you. Stop taking the Prilosec!!

And if I were you I would take the FULL GERD protocol in the link above -- don't just take the pancreatin and betaine HCL. Both the iodine and the sea salt in the remedy should also help to greatly reduce your mucus problems.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/15/2015

Dear Bonnie: I have this problem myself. At times I feel like I am drowning in my own mucus or whatever these fluid are called. I just go through it and keep coughing up said fluids.

For temporary relief: CODEINE does work for me. But it must be used ONLY when you can not take it any more. Chronic use of CODEINE can make this problem even worse.

But when you are drowning in your own fluids, temporary relief is worth a lot.

In conclusion: Codeine does work in the short term ONLY....Oscar

Vitamin D
Posted by Rob-747 (Lancashire, Uk) on 04/17/2014

Hi All,

I was reading through some older posts on this forum and noticed one guy who had severe LPR symptoms saying that eats lots of yogurt to combat it. In my experience, and according to the ancient healthcare system Ayurveda, yoghurt shouldn't be taken on its own as it is acidic to the body. Instead yoghurt is best best mixed with water to create the cooling drink called Lassi (that you'll probably know from Indian restaurants). I usually add around 4 tablespoons of live yoghurt to a glass of water then stir vigorously. Lovely and healing ;)

Also, since stress can cause LPR symptoms to flare up, I recommend and practice Transcendental Meditation (TM) twice a day and wouldnt be without it. TM was recently rated as the most effective stress management technique by the American Heart Association. (Google 'Transcendental Meditation - American Heart Association')

Vitamin D
Posted by Jenifer (San Francisco, CA) on 05/22/2015

I will remember that about making lovely Lassi. :) And I agree, meditation is very healing, thanks for the reminder.

Posted by Janene (CA) on 08/15/2021

I'm just starting to figure out LPR. What I have read so far is that pepsin "gas" leaks into the throat and respiratory tract. This causes burning in the throat and respiratory tract. That is why drinking something acidic causes more burning in your throat when it comes into contact with the pepsin on the cell in your throat. According to youtube videos by Dr. Berg, HCL helps close the valve so the pepsin gas does not leak out into the throat. I was just given PPI's but am going to try HCL supplements first. I'm looking for HCL "without pepsin". Good luck to all, and thanks for all the helpful comments.

Posted by Brie (North Carolina) on 09/14/2023

Digestive Enzymes Ultra with Betaine HCl by Pure Encapsulations does not contain pepsin. The enzymes alone without Betaine HCl helped me significantly with LPR for about 3 months. Unfortunately it came back and they were no longer effective for whatever reason.

Silent Reflux (LPR) Remedies
Posted by Mary (Edmonton) on 11/24/2013

Hi Momo.

I just went through all lot of your symptoms so this will be very helpful.

1. Buy some HCI tablets and start by taking 1 at the first meal then 2 at the second meal and continue until you feel a burn in your stomach then back down to the previous amount for the next meal. You are trying to determine if you have too much or too little acid in your stomach because you cannot go forward until you determine the correct problem. If you have too little acid the PPI's would not work as they reduce your your stomach acid when you actually need more acid henceforth the HCI tablets? ACV does the same thing except it is harder to control the dose. There are no side effects testing the HCI tablet's but the are many with the PPI's.

2. Since you were in India there is a very good chance that you may have picked up a bacteria like H.Pylori which causes the reflux. We all have H.pylori but they only represent a problem when there is an overgrowth which means your system was probably in a weakened condition to begin with so you have to do 2 things: strengthen your immune system and kill the overgrowth of bacteria. In my case it felt like my head was full all the time. It is because sometimes the reflux backs up into your lungs which causes the tightness in your chest & that scary feeling of not being able to breathe then eventually it moves up into your head. I ended up on an inhaler to open my bronchial airways when they got constricted. Japanese mint oil does the same. As soon as you start to feel constricted put a couple of drops on the back of your hand and lick them off as they are really strong! I also had that horrible lump in my throat that made me panic when I could not swallow sometimes.

My protocol that has been working for 4 days now is:

1. Lugol's 5% iodine: start at 3 drops in water on an empty stomach 3 times a day & work your way up to 8 drops or any lesser dose that makes you feel well. Most of our thyroids are working less than necessary so this will generate the metabolism you need to fight this thing. Do not take with anything else. Must be 3 hrs. after a meal or 1 hr. before a meal &/or drinks of any kind.

2. Sangre de Grado (also called Dragon's Blood). I bought the Rainforest Pharmacy brand on line. See the benefits at 15 drops in water on an empty stomach 2 x day. This will kill those nasty bacteria.

3. Natural Factors makes a tincture that has Echinacea and goldenseal that will strengthen your lungs. 1 ml 3 x day again on an empty stomach. I combined this with the Sangre de grado but NOT the Lugol's.

3.Really small meals and lots of them until you get this under control especially at night time and no acidic food or drinks especially anything containing sugar which is acid forming. Fruit & vege's are alkaline and everything else is acid forming except for fats which are neutral. If you find that too difficult try to eat or drink any of the bad stuff before lunch so that you are not refluxing at night.

4. Buy some saliva PH strips and test your saliva constantly to make sure your PH is in the normal range: 7.2 to 7.4 most of the time. You cannot be too acidic (below 7) or too alkaline (above 7.4). If you find you are consistently very acidic inbetween meals take 1/2 tsp of baking soda with just a tiny pinch of Xylitol sugar in a 1/2 cup of water to neautralize your stomach acid. You must mix the baking soda very well! I use a handheld friother. Take this mixture again just before bed on an empty stomach so that you can avoid the acid reflux at night. Your stomach needs to be acidic before/during meals to digest your food then alkaline from an hour to 3 hours afterwards depending on what you are digesting. The sugar which is antibacterial allows the baking soda inside the cells.

5. You may have a hiatal hernia from the reflux. Find a good chiropractor and have him pull it down once then do it on your own afterwards. Perhaps there is something on Youtube. You must have excellent posture to prevent squishing your stomach with your diaphragm which also causes the reflux especially after a meal.

Please let me know how you make out as it took me so long to find my protocol. Everyone told me what to do but all of it is pointless until you do the testing to determine the issue first.

Best wishes.

Silent Reflux (LPR) Remedies
Posted by Lurkspur74 (Qatar) on 02/25/2014

Dear All,

Had infection somewhere in the larynx first week of January, on medication for 10 days, right after, I got all these symptoms.

I'm recently having all the symptoms of LPR/GERd/airway reflux. I am on my first day of Nexium...for 5 days. hopefully it will work. I'm also inspired to follow Mark from Newton Abbots' diet program. started yesterday with probiotics and enzymes but will put on hold from today for 5 days to give way to Nexium. I will just have real papaya as supplement.

Also, considering peptest, marshmallow roots, slippery elm, manuka honey but difficult to find here in Qatar, will just buy from amazon.

Please let me know for any updates of progress.

Marshmallow Root
Posted by Christine (Nottingham, England) on 06/19/2012

I have suffered from this condition for three years and have tried many remedies including cider vinegar, l gluthamine, slippery elm, liquorice, enzymes, and limonene. I started taking Marshmallow root two days ago. I am taking two capsules opened in a small amount of water three times a day, and it is working very well. My congestion and throat restriction is much less. And my stomach feels so much better. It is the best thing I have used. So for anyone suffering with this condition it may be worth trying it. I know it is a nasty problem, but do not give up. Best to everyone Christine.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 01/17/2012 2063 posts

Mark, be careful with the Licorice as it can cause HBP. I used to never have any probs with it until just recently and have narrowly escaped two critical episodes of HBP without stroke or heart attack, not exclusively but primarily because of Licorice. I would recommend trading it for DGL form as it cannot cause hyperelivation of Aldosterone.

You have not listed the critical Zinc/Vit-A in your protocol for healing. Baking Soda and or Sea Salt are good to take Prior to the other supplements and meals to buffer any excess acid.

I wear a Magnetic Belt over my tummy region with very good results.

Symptoms of ulcers may include stabbing pain in the tummy region, bloating, blood in stools, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting. I have long had this kinds of probs but never diagnosed w/ ulcer. It sounds like simply gastritis (which can be severe in itself).

Hope this helps and good luck.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debbie (Australia ) on 08/29/2013

Timh, you should research herbs. We are deficient in minerals because our food does not contain them. Our food also has additives which deplete minerals from our bodies. We are eating too much processed foods that have no nutritional value. When you cook vegetables they lose most of their nutritional value. Most of the nutrition we get from meat is actually from the grasses or food that they eat.

Pasteurized milk because it has been heated does not contain the minerals we need. Then calcium is added in but it is inorganic so your body cannot use it. That is why people are getting osteoporosis (lack of calcium) even though they drink milk.

I too thought like you that zinc (or any minerals) in any form would be good but there is a difference between organic (from plants) and inorganic (non organic). Non organic means that it has been heated so that the body cannot assimilate it or that it is basically dead and also the body cannot assimilate it.

Minerals are better taken in the natural form also because they are in the correct ratios. On the mineral wheel if you look at it, too much of one mineral will deplete the body of other minerals. I can't refer you to any websites unfortunately but if you search yourself (even youtube) there is a lot of information about herbs.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anupa (London) on 12/17/2015

Hello Mark,

The whole thread has been very informative. Thanks. But a bit confusing cause we talking about many diseases besides reflux. I have a lot of throat mucus (too much) . I believe that I need friendly bacteria which are all destroyed whilst on antibiotics ( 3 courses after an operation) please correct me if I am wrong So basically I should be having?

1) lots enzyme contain fruits. 2) probiotics . 3) honey. 4) fresh vegetables. Avoid all artificial foods. Shelf cooked foods.

Should I stop having milk ? which is also described by many as bad for mucus. And what else would you suggest ? And what about carbohydrates and protein which is necessary for the body. I am quite a vegetarian. And sometimes eat chicken and fish but have gone off realising that all our meat comes from China. And we don't know how it's produced. What do u suggest?

God bless you!!! You are better than any doctor. Regards Anupa.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Virginia (Alabama) on 06/29/2021

I have this horrible disease.

One thing I do for acid reflux is eat an apple before I go to bed, that really helps.

Slippery Elm
Posted by Macky (New Iberia, La) on 10/26/2011

Slippery Elm is a great remedy for LPR. It helps the entire GI tract.

Possible Causes of LPR
Posted by Jody (Fredericton, Nb Canada) on 09/04/2010

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux - I see no one has offered a lot of help for this one. I intend to pursue a hormone related cause to this problem, namely hypothyroidism. There is also a possible low testosterone connection which I, as a man, am very interested in as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Sasha (New York, Ny) on 03/16/2010

I am told I have silent acid relux.. no heartburn, but tightness in my throat, esophogeal spasms, excess mucus, hypersalivation, and anxiety from all of the above. Difficlut to belch, but when I do it seems to relive the symptoms a bit. It's as though its gas not acid that is causing the problem. It began a few months ago after a bout with bronchitis and asthma related symptoms. I used an albuterol inhaler and not sure if that inflamed my throat / esophogus. (not using anymore, no asthma symptoms) Was put on Prilosec by the ENT (didn't work), Acipehx by the GI (made the symptoms worse) and digestive enzymes by a homeopathic doctor (felt some burning in my tummy) I have given up coffee, wine, citrus, chocolate, tomatoes etc. Would like to know how I can determine if I have too much or too little acid? Is there a home PH test I can use? With the symptoms I described, do you think ACV with baking soda would work? Is aloe vera a good remedy (it has citric acid??) Look forward to some guidance here. My daughter is getting married in June and I really want to feel good by that time. Thanks in advance

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Msg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/25/2010

What kind of home test did you do?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Josene (Port Douglas, Australia) on 01/27/2012

Hi David, I have been diagnosed by and ENT specialist and he says I have LPR. I seem to have the symptoms you describe plus I cannot wear anything firm around my waist or chest etc. I was given 40mg somac tabs to take twice a day. After one week they made me very dizzy and depressed so I stopped taking them. I do not have dairy or soy or sugar, tomatoes and onions. I am happy to try apple cider vinegar or bicarbonate of soda. Do you recommend either of these.

To make matters worse I have been left with vertigo. It can be very debilitating as can the coughing from LPR.

Posted by Sharon (Missouri) on 01/17/2023

I've seen colostrum mentioned that someone has used or talked about as a major healing “tool”. Can anyone point me to that information. Currently working my way through all the silent reflux helps and cures. If that would be a good tool for the arsenal I'd like to have some anecdotal information and see how people have used it. Thanks!

Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide +
Posted by Lilu (Los Angeles) on 03/21/2022

How are you doing with it now? And are you still using the activated charcoal and/or the Hydrogen Peroxide through nebulizer?

Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide +
Posted by beverly (Texas) on 03/22/2022

While activated charcoal is great for gerd, it caused me constipation. So be aware.

Antacids + Hemp Oil
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 11/07/2022

Can vaping CBD cause pneumonia?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Pat (Caribbean) on 08/21/2020


Can you tell me exactly how you take it together and how many times per day? I have been suffering from LPR for about 5 years now and the coughing has me exhausted. Somehow it comes on every evening and I cough till I throw up. Any information you can give me will be much appreciated.. thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by J (AZ) on 12/17/2021

What is the amount that you used? Teaspoon? Tablespoon??

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Mary Alice (Marquette) on 12/25/2018


Are you still doing well? What were your LPR symptoms? I have sore throat.

Thank you!

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Ummesalma (Zanzibar ) on 11/23/2022

How to use black seed oil for silent reflux treatment??

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Kenny (Lansing michigan) on 09/04/2023

Does it still work for you

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Katherine (SO) on 05/11/2023

Look up Stretta for your LPR.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alfonso (Upland, Ca) on 10/28/2015

How are you doing now? I need help, I'm going crazy.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Richama (Miami, Fl) on 01/18/2016

How long did it take you to heal from LPR? I was so inspired by your determination to heal yourself. You are so lucky that you have all that time to experiment with different things.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joy (Irvine) on 04/20/2016

Your message is very helpful. thank you for sharing. I have just been diagnosed with LPR. My doctor had me take omeprazole and I had an allergic reaction to it. The doctor now told me to take zantac. My question to you is how long did it take for your globus to go away? This is what is most uncomfortable for me right now.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lucy (Biloxi, Ms) on 07/04/2016

I'm interested in knowing if LINX decreased the severity of your acid reflux symptoms at all?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Crystal (California) on 10/06/2016

Has this bettered you significantly? How long does it go away for? I am in desperate need. I sneeze and have tingles in my scalp and forehead too.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by John Keefe (Red Bank Nj) on 04/17/2017

All of the things you mentioned must have reached its tipping point. With me the voice is the most distressing. Now that it's been some time since your post and I have taken far too long to get to this diagnosis. What do you say to someone at the front end of this journey?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Suparas (Hyderabad) on 08/07/2017

Which alkaline water drops u use I am from India and suffering from LPR for almost 4 years

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anthony (Manhattan Beach) on 11/11/2017

It took about two years and several mis-diagnosis by ENT's to finally confirm that I have LPR. I'm taking Omeprazole in the AM and Zantec before bed. I've seen some improvement, but I don't know if it's because of the medication or my change in diet. I have stopped eating or drinking anything that is acidic. Does anyone know of a natural remedy? I'm concerned about the long term affects of Zantec and Omeprazole.

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