Mole Remedies

Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by Brad (Durham, NC) on 03/15/2007

Blood Root Paste did indeed remove a few moles from me. Each mole took a bout a week. It can be a bit uncomfortable and painful for a few days when it swells up. This method supposedly uses your own immune system. Those with auto immune systems may wish to consider this fact.

Since it became hard to find, I can also testify to Edgar C's baking soda and Castor oil method. (The Castor oil is Cold Pressed. Found in Health food Stores.Not the normal type found in Drug stores.) Scratching or pricking the mole, then applying a paste of the two ingredients, and covering with a bandage. The first mole I tried with this method was gone in 3 days ( takes a bout a week to heal after that.) I have 2 that are being treated right now. They are in the "blister" swollen stage on day 2. That can be a bit painful...but they should be gone in the next 2 days... This is suppose to work with warts as well. It did indeed get rid of a very, very small one on my penis.. it felt like a grain of salt under the skin... this took about 12 days... A much bigger wart on my toe that I have had for almost 10 years has not seen results yet, after 12 days... So it may be a stronger,older wart, or the method just might work better on Moles? Either way , it does seem to work on both.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Birmingham, AL) on 03/03/2007

NOTE: I don't know what the laws are and I don't want to get sued. Use my information at your own risk. I'm just trying to help in any way I can, because NOONE should have to go through what I went through - numbing devastation and fear. If this helps you PLEASE spread the word!

3 skin cancer growths on my face cured in a WEEK of applying Hydrogen Peroxide on them - HOW YOU APPLY could mean the difference between EFFECTIVE, or NOT (read further for detailed explanation). (NOTE: I use a lot of repetition, to make sure you understand exactly what I'm referring to.)

I would definitely recommend trying this before you try bloodroot.

THANK GOD!! WOW! I'm still shocked it worked and it took only a WEEK!!! How is this possible that people don't know about this and a truth so simple is not known by everyone is beyond me.

My story and how I used Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to cure my skin cancers: Over the period of two years two cancerous growths appeared on my face (nose); one of them was growing very slow the other one faster. Then in less then a year another one appeared on my face as well - on the side of my nose very close to my eye. That one was growing at an alarming rate. All those growths hurt with unusual intensity when touched and had tiny veins but they were not moles. They were kind of the color of my skin except more red and at times really red. I applied just about every fruit on them I could think of with what seemed no effect. I was getting worried and felt helpless. I begged God to help me and I searched a lot. I found this great site and read that there have been reports that Hydrogen Peroxide cured melanoma. I was going to try the eggplant and white vinegar remedy, but was worried about the fumes from the vinegar being so close to my eye. So I decided to try the Hydrogen Peroxide first. At first it didn't seem to have any effect at all. I was getting so worried by that point because the spot close to my eye was growing even faster and by then it was about 5 millimeters in diameter and just few months ago it was a tiny spot. In my helplessness.


I took a cotton swab and soaked it in Hydrogen Peroxide and kept rubbing the cancerous growth with the Hydrogen Peroxide soaked cotton swab until the growth was soaked in the Hydrogen Peroxide and was white. It stung badly, but I didn't care, I just wanted these things gone. I was so desperate, my eyes watered every time I looked at the spots on my face. After the soaking of the growths I applied cotton soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide on them. NOTE: when soaking the skin with Hydrogen Peroxide make sure you don't do it to the healthy skin, because even though it is more resistant to getting white and soaked with the Hydrogen Peroxide, it will also get white after a while. If healthy tissue gets white like that, let it air out until it regains its normal color. So do the soaking to the unhealthy tissue only or as close as you can get. After soaking and making it white apply soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide cotton ball on the growth and when the cotton gets dry, wet it with more Hydrogen Peroxide. How it worked was: the soaked cancerous growth after a while formed as crust much like what happens with a normal sore. The strangest thing is I see no scars it flattened it out like it was never there..IN A WEEK!!! Even the fast growing one!! I'M STILL IN SHOCK. I tried SO many things. THANK GOD. THANK GOD!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park, CA) on 03/31/2007

A nevus is little black pigmented spot on the skin, sometimes called a beauty spot. Mine was flat, about 6-7 mm in diameter and near my neck and slightly elevated. It's been there for probably 20 years.

I dipped a q-tip in 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and applied it to the nevus only for a few seconds and then mopped the excess with the dry end of the q-tip. It burned a little, especially on later applications. I applied liquid vitamin A a few minutes afterwards to decrease the burning and promote healing. I did 3-4 applications over a period of a week. It fell off completely after a week and has not returned. My wife was very impressed. I'm not recommended this approach, but simply reporting my personal experiment. I've been experimenting with Bill Munro's inhaling approach for a little over a week. It appears to be working well. My energy has just about doubled and I'm breathing much better at night.

Posted by Vinny (Sicklerville, NJ) on 01/13/2007

DMSO cures moles, put it on sparingly. i reccomend you read all about DMSO on the web first before you use it.

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Alice (Washington, MI) on 12/22/2006

My husband had a large mole on his back that has increased in size over the years. He's very anti-doctor. After some extensive research he decided to try the bloodroot paste. It has worked perfectly, just as described. Be prepared, it can be VERY painful, especially with a bigger lesion, but he is very satisfied with the results. I am an RN, and I am amazed by the results and complete and total removal of the mole. He now has a nice pink, granulated wound that I'm certain will heal quickly without infection. Had he had convential surgery, I'm certain he would have had a much larger wound with the probable need for a skin graft. We are very satisfied with the results.

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Katherine (New Market, VA) on 02/01/2007

I tried the Bloodroot Paste - I have many moles and I am very anti-doctor. I have been cursed with these moles since I was young. I read about Bloodroot & decided to give it a try. Well I started on one (to get a feel for the length of time & what to expect) I began at the beginning of Jan 2007 and on Jan 31,2007 that first mole just fell off!No bleeding -- nothing- it just simply fell off-WOW!! It is Feb 1ST &I am starting on #2 mole.. I did experience a small about of discomfort on the last day.. before it fell off- so I opted to do one at a time (some of mine are quite large) I am VERY pleased with the results!! And by the way-- this morning the spot where that first mole was.. is barely noticeable..

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Chandi (Fairbanks, Alaska) on 08/06/2007

Hey, I said I'd write back after I finished using the bloodroot paste on a mole on my arm, so here I am! I am mostly pleased with the results. The reason I say mostly is because I seem to have missed a tiny bit of the mole when I was applying the paste, and am left with a tiny speck of mole, about the size of a pen-tip. But the part of the mole that did get covered is completely gone. I had applied a fresh bit of paste to the mole after every daily shower (because the medical tape got wet and uncomfortable, mostly) for a week. A white ring developed around the mole (the part that I had missed didn't get the ring). The surrounding skin was red and felt itchy, rather uncomfortable. At the end of the week, I left the bandage off while in the shower, and when the water hit it the scab that had formed in the center of the ring, it just fell off. I was left with a hole in the skin, not very deep, and it didn't hurt at all. After that, I applied Neosporin and a bandage, kept it changed every day for another week, and after that I stopped applying anything to it at all, not even a bandage. Now it's all healed up,the skin is smooth and there's only a pink mark, and the little speck of mole that I missed. I plan to use the paste again to get rid of the speck.

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Cheryl (Pensacola, Florida) on 10/18/2007

I used bloodroot paste on a large mole on the back of my neck. It took several weeks because of the size, but it worked wonderfully. I got the idea from my brother in-law who has used it repeatedly on several facial moles. He has had no problems.

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Maily (Melbourne, Australia) on 03/17/2008

Is cancema and blood root the same thing? I put some cancema on a tiny mole I had on my shoulder - a tiny bit three days in a row. The area around the mole went quite red about 1cm immediately around the mole it was raised up a bit and creamish colour. I covered it with a bandaid each day as it took weeks to heal, but when the scab finally came off the mole had gone. It has slowly healed and now I'm putting a little lavender essential oil on it each day and the scar is disappearing quite noticeably. I am a real fan of this website....thank you.

Castor Oil
Posted by Mike (Chicago) on 10/27/2007

I've had mixed results with castor oil. Some moles would shrink in size instantly and others would take a few months. Some moles were not affected at all. I heard that mixing castor oil and baking soda would work well together, but it didn't help me at all.

Castor Oil
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, TX) on 03/09/2008

Mixing Castor Oil with baking soda, enough to make it like gum,applied diretly over the mole or wart will make them go away! Do this every evening with the intent that you are making it go away.

Cold Sore Medicine
Posted by John (Terre Haute, IN) on 09/27/2006

For a cyst, I used cold sore medicine and it cleared right up. It was on the back of my ear and had been bothering me for years. Almost completely gone now after one night

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gail (Winston Salem, NC) on 04/24/2006

I have used extra virgin coconut oil topically and internally for seven months. It is fantastic. I applied it topically to a pre cancerous skin lesion on my forehead at the hairline and within three days the lesion was gone! I wish I had known about the benefits of coconut oil six years ago when I underwent Mohs excision and plastic surgery on my nose for skin cancer. I could have saved myself a lot of worry, not to mention pain and nine month of plastic surgery procedures to reconstruct my nose.

Posted by Brenda (DE) on 01/18/2006

Iodine is excellent for toenail fungus, ringworm, fever blisters, moles and skin tags, hangnails, etc. Just a few drops on a q-tip is all it takes. Use daily until the "boo-boo" is gone.

Posted by Teresa (Lowell, North Carolina)

I had a raised mole to come up on my face and several skin tags to appear under my arm. I was embarrassed by the mole on my face, but didn't have the money to have it removed. Using a q-tip, I rubbed iodine on both the mole and skin tags at night before going to bed. Within 3 to 7 days the skin tag dried and fell off while the mole went away. I have shared this information with my sister who has removed several as well.

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