Chronic Mucus Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Vitamins
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/09/2017 233 posts

Was off work because of constant mucous and sneezing fits. Took acv/baking soda and vitamin c (homemade liposomal) every 2 hours, had about 8000 mg D3 over the day as well. Mucous and sneezing started to clear pretty quick. I thought taking vitamin c like this I would get past tolerance level, (sorry, but that's diarrhea) but this didn't happen. So thinking I must still be with deficient and will raise daily dose.

The reason I got sick I think was I usually drink 2 liters of water with dissolved sea salt, borax and magnesium daily and I had not for a few days. Anyway I was back to work the next day the cold or whatever it was, was unable to progress.
