Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Maria (New Jersey)

I used to have back to back cold sores. Neither over-the-counter nor prescribed medications worked for me. I discovered L-Lysine. It is excellent. I try to take one daily on an empty stomach. If I get lazy and the tingle of a cold sore starts, I take several for a day or so. The sore does not breaks out, but can still be painful .Though not a cure, L-Lysine is the very best possible preventative. All my family with the same malady have had equally great results.

Posted by Liz (Louisville, KY)

I had frequent outbreaks of cold sores and my dentist recommended I take Lysine. Since I started taking 1000 mg Lysine daily, I have not had a single cold sore in years.

Posted by Tina (Weiser, ID)

When I was a child I used to always get cold sores on the corner of my mouth, when I was 12 I had this really bad one and I had used Blistex (for cold sores) well, instead it caused it to spread even larger and I ended up with a large outbreak all over my lips, horrible for a 12 year old girl. So my mom heard about Lysine, I took the tablets, and in about 2-3 days they were all gone and believe it or not I have never had a cold sore since (now I am 26) So yes, I believe in the Lysine treatment 100%.

Posted by Rein (Gatineau Quebec Canada, [email protected]) on 09/01/2010

Hi Tina, If your herpes never really came back again without continous preventive treatment, then this Blistex must have something to do with it, synergy ? Or it made your body react so accute or it may have overwhelmed the virus so strongly together with Lysine so it didn't survive, what chemical it might have been? There are so many varieties of Blistex now? Reinhold from Germany in Canada

Posted by Jane (British Columbia, Canada)

I use L-lysine. 500mg. Taken a few days each month. Or take at the on-set of symptoms. Very rarely do I ever get an outbreak of oral anymore. Used to get them regularly and now they are almost a thing of the past. L-lysine is the cheapest and most effective remedy that I have found. Love it.

Lavender Oil
Posted by Anne (Portland, OR)

Lavender oil works wonders on cold sores. It stops them turning to a blister, if caught early enough and treated enough with the oil.

Lavender Oil
Posted by D (NJ)

I control hsv2 outbreaks with healthy diet and exercise. Exercise helps me to relieve stress, thus keeping outbreaks at bay since stress is a major factor in having outbreaks (for me). When I feel an outbreak coming on I apply lavender oil to the area that tingles and within hours the feeling is gone and no outbreak occurs. I've had the same success using tea tree oil. Believe it or not, on an established sore, neither oil hurts, but rather relieves the itch and pain and speeds up the healing process. I've also used lysine supplements as well as an echinacea and goldenseal combo while pregnant.

Posted by Bobby (Houston, TX)

crushed garlic (it burns) on an outbreak works! You won't believe the results and how fast the ulcer heals.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by T (Raleigh, North Carolina)

I found that using hydrogen peroxide to clean the affected area helped to speed up the healing process for cold sores. It stings, but after doing this for two days, my cold sore healed quickly!

Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO
Posted by Thea (US) on 06/14/2022

What exactly is the protocol? Do I apply HP then DMSO topically or are they to be taken internally? Thanks

Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO
Posted by Rob (SRB, FL) on 02/19/2009

I have had a terrible time with Cold Sores on my lower lip. I noticed a couple of posts about the cure listed above. Is there anyway to contact these individuals about their results? Thanks in advance!

EC: People generally don't send in their email addresses on herpes feedback. Best to leave your questions here in case they return!

Posted by Mysti (USA)

This was for oral herpes - I simply put acetone polish remover on it at night. When I wake up it's usually gone. It burns incredibly bad but hey, the sore is gone.

Posted by Frosty (Atlanta, GA) on 06/15/2008

I fully agree. This actually works. Thanks everyone for their remedies.. im surprised they work but very thankful!

Posted by Nina (Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada) on 10/10/2008

Just had an GH outbreak after going 9 years without one! It was a small cluster on the outside labia (not on the mucous membrane) I was devastated and didnt want to have to go through weeks of pain. I was willing to try anything, and i did! I tried the acetone remover trick and IT WORKED. I pressed a q tip to the small cluster of sores that had not broken open yet, about 10 times yesterday and kept the area VERY DRY with cornstarch all day and night. Today, they are healing over and almost gone! they didnt break open, they didnt scab over, they didnt get any bigger...they are healing and almost gone. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Posted by David (New York City, Ny) on 05/03/2010

Acetone Nail Polish Remover is now my best friend. It works wonders! As soon as you start getting that tingly feeling, put some on with a q-tip or some cotton swab. It burns a bit. But you can really feel it work. I kept doing this for about 5 minutes every couple of hours and what used to be a cold sore from hell that lasted at least two weeks is now a tiny mark that lasted only a couple of days. This really works! Thank you SO much!

Posted by Sam (Charlotte NC)

I use a plant from kenya called fragipani. It cures herpes 1 and 2 by just applying its juice on the sore. It will burn when applying first but you'll be fine in 10-15min. try it, it's easy to get it.

Posted by Gail (Surrey, Canada) on 03/16/2008


Hi Someone recommended Fragipani as a remedy for cold sores...I looked it up and they said the flower was poisonous, I have concerns about people trying anything in desperation, maybe a small amount of Fragipani is harmless, but I do think its wise to check first for safety sake.

Melissa, Aka Lemon Balm
Posted by Anonymous (Alb NM)

When Lysine quits working, which for me was at about 20 years, only Lemon Balm works.

Melissa, Aka Lemon Balm
Posted by Beeara (Corvallis, Or) on 07/25/2011

What form of melissa do you use. I'd heard that the essential oil applied to cold sore is very effective but it's also quite cost prohibitive. I've been using tincture of lemon balm since this last outbreak but am not sure it's helping.

Melissa, Aka Lemon Balm
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 07/27/2011

Beeara, Lemon balm and Melissa are the same thing. Just different names. Lily.

Melissa, Aka Lemon Balm
Posted by Beeara (Corvallis, Or) on 07/27/2011

Yes, I know that. Just wondering how you've been using melissa -- in tea form, tincture, essential oil topical or what?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kendall (Minneapolis MN)

the only cure for cold sores and herpes is apple cider vinegar. i tried everything else and nothing worked. now when a cold sore comes on i immediately douse a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and hold it on the cold sore constantly --nite and day--until it stops burning. once it stops burning it scabs and begins to heal. with this therapy a cold sore lasts 1-3 days MAX.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by LIA (NY, NY) on 10/28/2008

I would like to ask if ACV can be used on genital herpes??

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 10/30/2008 495 posts

Hi LIA, for all viruses, including genital herpes, think L-lysine 2 grams (2000mgm) 4 times per day for adults.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bob (Somewhere, Ma) on 03/16/2009

even if you have GH, you can still have a family. It does not pass the fetal/blood barrier.You would be given surpressors a few weeks prior to delivery to help ensure a clean vaginal delivery. The only draw-back is if you have a break-out and are ready to deliver. The doctor/mid-wife will not deliver vaginaly if you have a break-out (a) becasue you will most assuradely pass it on to your newborn and (b) it can cause blindness. A break-out will garuntee a c-section.
