Sinusitis, Chronic
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Chronic Sinusitis Relief

Fungal Treatment
Posted by Olivia (Houston, TX) on 01/31/2008

A number of years ago, I was continually subject to sinus infections. Antibiotics didn't have any lasting cure for me. When I went to nursing school, the problem increased severely. I had to carry a roll of toilet paper to every class to keep wiping my nose. Fortunately, during one of those classes I learned that fungal overgrowths happen after antibiotic treatments. I tried suggesting this possibility to a few doctors, when the symptoms were so bad that I would visit them for "help," but the idea just didn't register with them. (I rarely saw the same doc on my cheap hmo plan).

Finally, many years later, I went to an Ear, Nose, Throat doctor who had the ears to hear what I was saying. Since I knew that Nystatin was safe enough to give to babies, I told the doctor that "sometimes I wish I could just snort Nystatin up my nose and see if my problem is a fungus, since the antibiotics just make me worse." I was overjoyed when he said, "That's no problem. Why don't we mix some up for you with some saline solution that doesn't have any additives in it." And that is exactly what he did...he had his nurse mix some up in one of those up-the-nose misting bottles, and they gave it to me. He suggested a regimen of two snorts per nostril. I eagerly tried my first dose! At first nothing happened. I checked out and then went to the local mall on an errand. The errand never got completed, though. 15 minutes after snorting the Nystatin mixture, I began to sneeze so continuously that I had to leave the mall for the privacy of my car and my stash of tissues (never far away). I sneezed and blew for a full half-hour. And then I was better. Seriously. Completely and utterly free from symptoms of nasal congestion, irritation and runniness. Oh, I continued on the snorting regimen until it was done, but I didn't have anymore symptoms after that for at least a few years (and bad eating habits) made me pay attention to dealing with that problem again. Of course, I now know that I can control a lot of these problems through other methods. But to me it was an amazing and dramatic experience that justified my suspicion that antibiotics are not the only solution that doctors should be offering to people who keep returning with chronic sinus problems.

Cow Ghee, Fluids, Avoid Junk Food
Posted by Anonymous (Mumbai, India) on 02/14/2008

Hello all, I came across this site while searching for home remedies for Sinusitis. I have been suffering from sinus problem since years now, my doctors had prescribed antibiotics, sometimes steroids and all this has been successful in giving a temporary relief. The problem would starts again after a while. This had been going on for 5-6 years and had developed into a major problem.

Some months back, I had a major sinus problem. It was a horrible experience, and had to even quit my job and take a break of almost 6 months. I am much better now; follow certain precautions that have helped me to recover better. I wanted to share these with you,

First of all drink plenty of fluids, avoid junk food, sweet, fried, fatty diet. Strictly avoid cold stuff... say drinking cold water, eating ice cream, etc. and exercise. People with sedentary lifestyle (going to office in ac cars, sitting in the chair in front of computers all day) are prone to colds and related ailments. Regular simple exercise like brisk walking for 30min everyday can benefit greatly. Inhaling steam and gargling with warm salt water (1 glass hot water half spoonful rock salt, disinfected with alum) are harmless and soothing.

I have been practicing yoga (pranayam: kapalabhati, anulom vilom, bhramari) which has helped a lot. There is a very effective therapy, however it is not recommended by doctors, My personal experience till now has been great, however please try at your own risk:

Take pure cow ghee (ghee made from cow's milk is said to have medicinal property, plz do not use buffalo ghee or any other) Heat it till its luke warm (NOT HOT), and put two drops in each nostril, breathe quickly and deeply, or snuff quickly. Practice this while going to bed, lying down with a pillow under your neck-shoulders, with head tilted and rested on the mattress in inverted position. Stay in the same position for 3-5 min and then go to sleep in normal position. One may/ may not start sneezing after a while. Practicing this (only) once daily, consecutively for 5-7 (maximum) days or for a day or 2 (as required) greatly helps in relieving sinus related headaches and draining the sinuses.

And for people, who sit constantly in front of computers, please take frequent short brakes. Try eye exercising, stretching exercises and adjust your workstations to correcting your body posture.

Sorry for the extremely long post.

Food Allergies
Posted by Carol (Berkeley, CA) on 03/15/2008

For the last year and a half have been suffering from chronic sinusitus, but didn't realize how bad it was. Had headaches and light sensitivity in the morning upon waking, making it difficult to get out of bed. My head felt heavy. Sometimes my cheekbones would hurt. Sometimes a tooth would hurt, but it was fleeting and would shift around to different teeth. Felt fatigued and burned out by demands upon me. Didn't have any cold symptoms or runny nose, nothing to indicate allergies. (I think that my sinuses were so clogged that nothing was moving at all.) Also, I don't eat sugar at all as years ago I had a candida condition that made me give it up altogether. While I think that sugar is bad for immunity, I don't think it is the sole cause of sinusitus. There are very athletic people who eat very good diets that suffer from this disease. I had already given up dairy (milk, cheese etc.) as I knew they were mucous-forming, and I had lactose intolerance, but still had a lot of symptoms.

Tried Neti pot (spelling?) on the recommendation of a friend who said he thought I had sinusitus, but the pressure of the water running into my sinuses was too uncomfortable. I hated it.

Strangely, it was a psychic that clued me in to the cause. He said, you are in pain because of something to do with fertility/sexuality. I thought this was really strange and then I thought, could I be sensitive to eggs? I gave them up and within 3 days I was feeling profoundly better. Then I got a "cold", which I really think was the fluid finally draining from my passages. I went to my acupuncturist and she suggested that I might also have a fungal infection and began treating me with Phellostatin. That has really helped too. I think she was right and I read somewhere recently that a pediatritian who tested kids with chronic sinus problems for candida and other yeasts found them present in a huge percentage (something like 202 out of 290 kids). I would say to anyone suffering from chronic sinus problems is this, check out food sensitivities first. Eliminate the foods you eat most frequently or the ones that are most likely to be allergens or the ones that are more likely to be congestive. Don't overlook the possibility of fungal infection. Doctors tend to focus on bacterial infections and prescribe antibiotics. Don't forget that fungus infections can be the underlying cause.

I'm on the road to being cured. I'm going to try the ACV cure as well. It makes sense that it would work.

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