Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rosacea

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mary (Upstate, Ny) on 03/14/2013

I have been reading through the site on rosacea and it appears that I don't have the same symtoms as others. My neck and chest are red but I have no bumps. I have been drinking 1 tbsp of ACV mixed with either water or grape juice daily for the last three weeks. I have also been taking supplements (Lysine, Zinc, D3) daily for the last month. I'm afraid to apply ointments to my neck and chest fearing that it could become worse. Spring is now fast approaching and I can no longer wear turtlenecks to hide it. Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of the redness? I have tried laser treatments and it didn't help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sophia (Athens) on 06/01/2015

Hi Patricia! I am happy to read that some people are getting rid of this horrible disease.. This means there is hope for me, too!

I have some questions for you, if you have the time.. I am wondering what kind of ACV you used. Did you use the one kind with "the mother" apple or plain ACV? Did you dilute it or not? If you dilute it, what did you use water and can you tell me the ratio?

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Carrie (Bailey, Nc) on 08/28/2012

Also, forgot to mention that the tree oil has cleared up my rosacea bumps too! As far as the redness it has reduced it but using milk of magnesia and apply at night before bed with a cottonball takes the redness out. :)

Avoid Citric Acid
Posted by Sandra (Pa) on 02/12/2017

Hello! I am getting worse with Rosacea and desperate. If citric acid is in everything, how did you cut it out of your diet?

Avoid Citric Acid
Posted by Cheryl (Illinois) on 05/05/2017

I suggest you review the dietary restrictions listed on the Mayo Clinic website for rosacea and also the those listed on the National Rosacea Society website. Avoid citrus fruits entirely.

Mites Connection
Posted by Gayle In Jacksonville (Jacksonville, Fl) on 04/06/2012

Found wonderful article online from a Dr in China (I know but read it first please). Been working on formula with many studies since Korean War. Proves a connection between the mites and rosacea. Even tells how to test skin for the mites. Has products (very reasonable) for treatment. His website is as soon as I read it everything clicked.

I used Ted's mange treatment a few years on my 5 mo old mini doxie and he was cured with two weeks. Must be something to it. I'm gonna try the Dr's products and let you know. I'm 70 and can't remember a time I didn't have Rosacea. Hate it.

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, Aloe
Posted by Afh (Abq., Nm) on 03/24/2012

While looking up possible pancreas problem cures for a friend, I ran across a site where they were saying they felt that rosacea may in some cases be caused by mites, but that they felt it was mainly due to severe inflammation in the digestive system. They recommended digestive enzymes, probiotics and aloe beverages. They felt the skin was thinning due to inflammation in the digestive system. It was interesting that they were saying that ACV caused inflammation and although I love my ACV pills, I have noticed my skin is really looking older and much more red. Has anyone tried enzymes? I'm desperate to try anything that will work. So tired of this!! I don't really have the acne but the broken veins are driving me nuts.

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, Aloe
Posted by Susan (Bath, England) on 04/29/2012

When you say Copper, do you mean colloidal copper? Many thanks!

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, Aloe
Posted by James (Ormskirk, Lancashire, Uk) on 06/27/2013

In reply to afh's post from 2012, I've got broken vein rosacea which is getting worse and driving me nuts too. Gut issues must by relevent for mine, as the rosacea worsens immediately following food. I've had IBS for years and have become intolerant to dairy, gluten, fruit, chocolate, nuts which is a pain. choc and nuts in particular right now make my rosacea awful.

I've got low stomach acid (using the bicarb soda on empty stomach test - no real bubbling felt) and have been on betaine hcl tabs for a while. Due to recent higher stress I needed more tablets and started using ones with higher pepsin also, for breaking down proteins, thinking I could be low in that as it is produced in the stomach.

On the higher tablet level my nose veins became much worse, but this also is during a period of higher stress which could also be the dominant factor. If not just the stress, maybe I was acidifying my body too much, or the stress was reducing my pancreatic enzymes.

I got lab tested and my pancreatic enzymes were normal few years back, though this could have changed.

I have found enzyme supplements help digestion to varying degrees, find one or a combination that suits. A nutritionist informs me that evidence shows they don't lower your own enzyme levels, which had always been a caution for me. I've found previously they benefit the skin and reduced the onset of redness and nose veins.

So I've tried to cover all bases - reducing stress with mindfulness practise, and opted for aloe vera to calm the guts, and am about to start ght's active digestive enzymes again to help the nose veins.

I'm adding alkalising drops to help rebalance my body if over acidity is a factor as well. Also starting o2 drops again for fatigue (have helped previously, but only at high dose and lose gains when stop - I'm recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome). fingers crossed, I can report back after a few weeks with any knowledge gained.

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, Aloe
Posted by Kathy (Lv, Nv) on 06/27/2013

Hi James, I started taking diatomaceous earth on May 8th, about 1 Tablespoon per day and I also use it as a face mask about once a week. I think the DE is helping my roscea. I am not as red as usual. And I just notice that my hair is returning to a darker color!!! The DE kills parasites, so perhaps if it is mites it is helping. I also have red broken veins. I had laser trtmnts a few years ago but it did not help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dodofi (Melbourne, Victoria) on 02/03/2012

Hi, I have suffered from pustular rosacea for about 4 years now. I tried doxycyline, rozex and prosacea to no avail. I have been on the rosacea ltd discs for 5 months and they have improved the condition about 20%.

After reading about Apple Cider Vinegar I have been drinking it in water regularly every day for 7 days and wash my face with a acv/tea tree oil mix and the results are hideous! My pustules are the worst they have ever been! Some are infected (first time!! ) I just don't know where to go from here. I'l love some advice or suggestions. Thank you!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cheryl (Illinois) on 05/07/2017

Stop the tea tree oil and only use the ACV. I cannot use any oil on my face or any product containing oil as an ingredient.

General Feedback
Posted by Sharon (Silfiac, France) on 11/23/2011

Hi, I was first diagnosed with rosacea 10 yrs ago when I stopped taking the TRINORDIOL contraceptive pill. I fell pregnant and after a few months the rosacea dissappeard. After I finished breast feeding I went back on the pill. 2 yrs later I stopped the pill again to have another baby and the rosacea came back. After a year or so I started the pill again and had no problems with the rosacea. Two yrs ago I decided to stop the pill to give my body a rest and low and behold the rosacea came back. I then decided to continue taking the pill purely to keep the rosacea at bay. I am now 40 and have been told that I have to stop the pill forever now and yet again it's come back!

Is there anyone who can tell me why the pill seems to play a big part in connection to the rosacea and more than anything else, what can I do now as do not really want to take antibiotics for the rest of my life.

Many thanks, Sharon

Anti- Dandruff Shampoo, Baking Soda
Posted by Mark (London, Uk) on 10/14/2011

Hi, You say you bought sebiprox shampoo from the uk? I am from London and have looked for sebiprox shampoo both in shops and online with no luck. Is it called a different name in the uk? If not please could you tell me where you purchased it from?

Thank you, mark

Anti- Dandruff Shampoo, Baking Soda
Posted by Hilda (South Wales Uk, Uk) on 02/06/2012

Hi, I am looking to buy Sebiprox shampoo. Does anyone have any idea where I might purchase it from?

Many thanks.

Anti- Dandruff Shampoo, Baking Soda
Posted by Claire (London, Uk) on 10/31/2012

Hi I just bought Sebiprox on uk ebay for £4.50.

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Frederick (Hot Springs, Ar) on 02/27/2015

Ms Dina how long did you leave on thee diaper rash ointment and how many times a day did you apply it? Thank you kindly

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dud (From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 08/30/2011

Dear Princewith2spleens (Neil);

Why don't you try some of the remedies detailed on earthclinic.Com, instead of just treating the symptoms? Forget the applying of some B.M.A. Doctor's cortisone cream and go for the gold instead. You sound like you have given up on a healing taking place. Shake youself free from your belief in failure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angieanco (Woodford Green , Essex Uk) on 08/13/2011

Found the Earth Clinic site and hope someone can shed any light or give an opinion on my problem..

I have been diagnosed with Rosacea Acne for a couple of years - I am 46 never had great skin but never as bad as this! I have been using Metrogel for a year or two but recently tried Elderberry tablets and fish oils which seem to be helping although having constant but minor breakouts.

However, I have just been learning to Scuba dive in Tenerife (4 days) and have erupted in lumps and bumps and white head spots all over my neck shoulders and face!

Could this be down to the sun, sun creams, saltwater and or pressure (diving max 18 metres) or a combination of all? I have never had this so bad. Used the metrogel everyday as usual.

As I suffer from occasional coldsores (am under a lot of stress at present) and have been advised to try ACV to lower my acid levels I am interested in the posts that suggest use for this kind of acne too and will try it asap!

Many thanks for any advise or info..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teru (Paris, France) on 08/14/2011

The only thing that really help me so far it's apple vinegar. I put it on all my head.

Dietary Changes, Probiotics, Neem, Sarsaparilla
Posted by Linda (Dublin, Ireland) on 06/10/2011

hi, havent been to site in a while but I thought id leave a little feedback on helping rosacea. Im not sure if I actualy have rosacea but I my face was always red and would glow sometimes, say after eating , drinking a beer or god forbid I got hot. I done a lot of reading. The first thing I discovered is that diet is huge in this fight. I took out a wide range of foods, anything hot like chillies etc or anything fermented like cheese or vinegar.

My supplements consisted of neem and sarsaparilla and a good bacteria. These things cleansed the blood, cleared heat and inflammation and the good bacteria helped well with lots of things. Anyway 2 months in and iv lost weight(that was a side bonus) and my skin is still a little red but I havnt burned bright red like I used to and I even toned down my make up. I hpoe maybe someone else might benefit from this.x

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Rick (Hubertus, Wi) on 03/06/2011

I am 19, and appearntly rocasea is suppose to affect people that are between the ages of 30-50. I am a fair skinned male. And for about 4 years now I always get severe redness to the face. Cheeks and nose. I always look flustered but it tends to get worst and deep dark red when im nervouse, angry, tired, stress, hot and cold changes. I assume this is rocasea, I never went to the doctor cause I cant afford to. The redness doesnt hurt just is very very hot. Almost like a fever but only effecting my cheeks and nose. I am unsure what this could be, and really with my age its quite embarrasing. Is this rocesea, and can I treat it? please email me back :/

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Grateful For Earth Clinic (Livingston, Montana, Usa) on 01/21/2011

Thank you Earth Clinic! I broke out with rosacea 8 months ago after adopting a street dog in Costa Rica. She had alopesia and I felt there was a connection. I've been to two dermatologists, an Acupuncturist, a medical doctor, an esthetician and a veterinarian all with no good results. My rosacea progressed to cystic acne so finding this site I started applying 1/4 c Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 3/4 c green tea twice a day followed by coconut oil and the acne went away but the rosacea still persists.

Finding out about the mites connection I did some further internet search and found these sites and wanted to share. They have great info about the mite connection and the mites themselves.

Due to cost and toxicity I'm going to try Ted's remedies first along with baby shampoo and/or Dandruff shampoo for me and my pets. I'll let you all know how it goes. Good luck and thanks again!

EC: Sorry, your links you provided did not work.

Posted by Nikaki (Chania, Greece) on 01/10/2011

please will you tell me for how long I have to drink that, 1/8 teaspoon of borax? I have scalp rosacea and I decided to try that remedy because nothing can really help the itchy scalp.

Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 01/11/2011

Hi Nikaki, I suggest it would be better and more effective to use the borax diluted directly on the scalp. This is more likely to kill the fungus. You can put maybe 1/4 cup in 1/2 -1 cup of water and pour it through your hair and leave for 5 mins, then shampoo as usual. You can also use 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part water with a little h2o2 in it directly on scalp. Hope this helps. Lily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marie (Wigan, Greater Manchester - England) on 04/14/2011

Hello Jerome from Brooklyn

Can you tell me, how often do you apply the ACV? Do you still apply it every evening? Did you still apply is every evening even after that initial application when your face was very inflamed & red? I have tried Permethrin cream from my dermotologist but it doesnt seem to be working. Like you I just want them gone! I do not have pustules or papules. I flush quite a bit, but mainly my face is inflamed all across my forehead & sides of face, bumps on my neck & chest. I want my old skin back. It's been 7 months, & some people have had it years! I agree that my diet wasn't great & I was going through quite a bit of emotional upheaval when it first started, classic case of low immune system I think. I have since ploughed everything I can into getting healthy, but still these little beggars survive! If you can tell me your routine I would be very greatful. I have some time off work coming up & I am willing to hide away until the redness subsides if need be! The tickling sensation is driving me crazy!

I just hope you are site checking this thread!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Princess Fiona (Sydney, Australia) on 10/14/2011

Thanks for your comments Jerome. You are a really funny guy!!! What an amazing story you tell. I do wish you well in your good health quest and with your skin issues. Best wishes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kirsten (Rapid City, Sd) on 11/28/2011

Before I found this thread, I had read somewhere that Sea Buckthorn was the only known remedy for Rosacea. I doubt that is true, but I suddenly realized why my Aubrey's Organics Sea Buckthorn lotion seemed to be helping my hubby's rosacea. He continued to use it every day because his face also seemed very dry. I found Sea Buckthorn oil at the health food store and he used that too. It appears to be completely gone and was not at all a painful remedy. My understanding is that the mites burrow in and destroy the hair follicles and cause inflammation. So adding straight ACV would definitely be painful because the skin is already raw. Once while we were camping the only moisturizer I had brought had Ester C in it and it stung his skin terribly, probably for the same reason.

The article I read said that the mites may be responsible for thinning hair too. I have been trying to figure out how to use the oil for that, but this borax remedy seems like it would be easier.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 03/08/2013

For scalp rosacea, mix a few drops of seabuckthorn oil in jojoba oil and massage into scalp. Put on a plastic shower cap and sleep with it on. Wash hair in the morning.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sophia (Athens) on 06/01/2015

Hi Ana,

Your story is very inspiring! I am glad you shared it with all of us. Just clarify something for me, what kind of ACV did you use? Did you use the unfiltered one with the "mother" or just plain clear ACV from the supermarket?

Also, your routine worked and cleared your rosacea in how much time after you first started using it?

I am hopeful that you may see my message and reply to me. Thanks, Sophia.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cheryl (Illinois) on 05/07/2017

The ACV is wiping out the overgrowth of yeast in your system. I used to buy Monistat twice a month for it. Now, none at all.

Posted by Lisa (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) on 11/26/2010

Hi there,
For the last two days, I have been coming to this very interesting site. I believe to have rosacea, the red skin kind, with weird bumps that pop really easy, and afterwards stay red, dry skin etc. My right eyelashes fall out very easily, while my left eyelashes are beautiful and long. I am now 25, and I remember that I had a problem with my eyelids when I was just a girl. I can't really describe it, but there were crusts around the hairs coming out of my eyelids, and I kept pulling them off. It stopped on its own and never had it again, but it seems to fit the whole demodex story... What do you think? Another thing is that I am Dutch. I am very good at english, but I just don't understand the whole Borax thing. When I google it, it's something to make glass? I have no idea how to use this or where to find it in Holland.. Are there other Dutch speaking people here that can explain this remedie to me? I just had my first cup of ACV and am going to put some on the spots.

Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales Uk) on 11/27/2010

Greetings and love to Lisa from Rotterdam x "Borax" is what we in the UK call sodium bicarbonate, and also baking powder, which is also sodium bicarbonate. I get mine, (if its OK to to tell you )from a web site called "just a soap". Its very pure and doesn't have any nasty chemicals added to it. I hope this has been helpful to you, and every thread I reply to, is added to my prayers to ask our universal creator to give us the strength to over come our ailments. And by now he/she, must be thinking I'm trying to start the worlds biggest conga line!! ( HA! HA! ). May you be blest in your efforts to get well. And "every time you hear a bells ring, another angels got their wings" Stay safe, stay strong, and may you find the strength to carry on x With love Andrea c. X X X

Posted by Valerie (Dallas, Tx Usa) on 04/24/2011

Here in the US we have the sodium bicarbonate to which is "Baking Soda". However that is not the same thing as Sodium Tetraborate which the only thing I can find here is actually in the laundry isle of the grocery store called "20 Mule Team Borax"; or you can get them in pellets made by Boiron

which I found locally at a store "whole foods". I am sure baking soda is a good product but really want people to take full advantage of the product the site is recommending.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ann (Birr, County Offaly) on 08/30/2010

I am totally confused I think about how best to treat my rosacea. I have started the baking soda washing soda plus the h2o2 drink twice a day on an empty stomach. I use the oil cleansing treatment castoroil/ olive oil to remove my make up at night and apply the h2o2 6% as it is the only 1 I can get here in Ireland. After half an hour I apply the borox soloutin and leave both on over night. I'm working towards my diet, this being the most difficult part especially eliminating wheat and dairy but I'm taking 1 at a time.. Is this a good procedure ted or can you advise me... I'm 52 and have been suffering with the facial condition for 21yrs. I have tried the anti-biotic road but as soon as I stop the condition flares up again. I'm desperate to try and cure myself so that I can enjoy my last years with good skin. My aim is to wear make up only if I chose not because I have to..

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Addy (Flowery Branch, Ga) on 08/31/2010

My sister in law had rosacea flare up after giving birth to my nephew. I read on EC to wash your face with a good dandruff shampoo.. Recommended she try it. She used a popular over the counter brand and it worked like a charm. Her face was a little dry at first but she cut back to doing the regimine twice a week. Her skin is back to normal.

Posted by Pat (Athens, Al, Usa) on 06/17/2010

My doctor says I have rosacea, although I do not have all of the flushing and sensitivities most people do, I do have some other symptoms. It is a theory that rosacea can be caused by a demodex mite. I've been using borax on my face for over a month now with little results, except my skin now has the texture of an orange peel and I get little bumps on the backs of both ears and just below my ears on my neck. I suspect this to be mites as when I put borax on these areas the bumps temporarily go away. However they reappear within a day or two. I think this is a mite issue and not some strange form of acne, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's something else and if it is then what? It has also spread to the jaw line and prior to the start of all of these symptoms I never had any acne type problems with my skin and certainly not on the jaw line. Also I have had the problems with the little bumps on my ears for a long period of time and some scalp problems (which have now disappeared) however my hair has been falling for several years it seems to be at an accelerated pace now too. If this is mites my dermatologist doesn't go with the theory of the demodex mites and rosacea point of view to begin with (I'm going my internet research). I'm feeling stuck - what kind of mite could I be dealing with (if it's a mite)? Why isn't the borax helping? If it isn't a mite problem, what is it??? I want my smooth skin back I've been dealing with this sudden battle for about 6 months now. I'm at wits end and every single thing the dermatologist has tried and I have tried on my own have not helped. It occasionally looks like I have a pimple here and there in all of this, the texture is visible as my skin is oily and the bumpiness of the skin looks like an orange peel only on a bit larger scale. My forehead doesn't seem to be affected much (yet) but the rest of my entire face and jawline is and I'm getting more and more self conscious by the day.

I have tried full strength tea tree oil, tea tree and lavender oil mixed, the borax/peroxide solution, just plain borax as a daily morning and night facial wash & scrub...I I've tried that then followed up with the tea tree oil, or tee tree/lavender oil mix. I've tried washing my face with lice shampoo and using the cream for scabies at my dermatologist suggestion, and everything my dermatologist has prescribed for rosacea and acne treatments (including sulfur products)and NOTHING is working or even helping. PLEASE if anyone can help I'd be forever grateful.

Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 06/18/2010 84 posts

Did you try googling to find an image of your rash. I think it would be worthwhile spreading your search a bit further as doctors have been known to get their diagnoses wrong. There is a website called, which may be of some help.

It just seems like you have tried most things that would work on rosacea or at least have seen some type of improvement. Good luck

Posted by Pat (Athens, Al, Usa) on 06/21/2010


Thank you for taking the time to respond to my plight. I am glad you are having some success with this awful rosacea plague.

I have tried several of the things you have mentioned, but have not tried them all. I have tried most of what is on this site without much success, but I won't got thru that whole list again. Of what you have mentioned this is what I have tried:

I did the MetroGel/MetroCream from the dermatologist without success and also tried the cream you use for athelets feet which is similar to the monostat but not exactly the same, I wonder if there would be a difference? What would be your idea on that?

I've been using the tea tree oil pretty faithfully without much luck - or it is holding things down from being much worse than they would be otherwise, just not what I'm hoping for maybe?

You mentioned I think Chinese medicine philosophy about problems coming from the gut - I take a really potent probiotic from my pharmacist and alternative? who has the same theory already - I've seen some improvement with this, but again it can only do so much too I'm afraid.

I've tried alcohol. It was very drying and seemed to have a rebound effect with more oil to my already oily skin, thus more white heads. I have not tried the antibacterial hand cleaner though - some of those have vitamin e or aloe, etc added as moisturizers which might help? The one you used, did it have anything like that in it? Do you still use it or do you just use the straight alcohol only now?

I tried taking tumeric twice a day for a couple of weeks. I didn't see any benefit to my skin :( I was really hopeful about it too. I did end up very constipated from it. Maybe I just took too much to get that effect... anyway, I did discover a good anti-diarrhea remedy! Please advise if i was doing something wrong, overdoing or whatever with the tumeric capsules.

I tried ACV topically - I couldn't see any benefit in doing it at all. Not even as a regular toner let alone as a remedy of sorts for the problem at hand.

I do take ACV 2-3 times a day orally though. I haven't seen any benefits to my face but I have seen other health benefits like being able to eliminate 3 other prescription medications.

I'm not sure where to go from here. i'm not sure if you have seen my other post(s) as well, but my hair is thining at an alarming rate as well, and I've tried many ofthe remedies here for that as well.

I do also take 3 Tbsp. of VCO a day for the last 2 months and it hasn't made a difference one way or the other with my face, but my dermatologist told me to go ahead and keep it up because it had other properties that might help long term (like we all didn't know that). It has helped with my cracked heels and I've lost a few pounds since beginning it and the ACV.

So... I'm feeling stuck and not sure where to go from here - my skin is awful and my hair is falling out - just wanna crawl under a rock and die some days. I know there has to be an answer out there somewhere... I just wish I could find it.

Thank you again for responding to my post. Maybe we can put our heads together yet. Please tell me what kind of antibacterial hand sanitizer you tried, I'm game for about anything right now.

Posted by Shackelmom (Cdo, Philippines) on 06/22/2010

The monostat may be helping, but miconazole is not the same as metronidazole which is in the metrogel. Miconazole is anti-fungal/anti-candida, while metronidazole is used to treat certain kinds of bacteria, usually things like amoeba and giardia when taken internally.

Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 06/22/2010

I don't know if this will help or not but my husband has had a rash like you're talking about and has been to two dermatolgists and gotten nowhere plus we have tried every home remedy we could think of. Now he is working with a homeopathic Dr. She has him on a healthy diet (a good fish oil, an antioxidant, vit B..and no coffee) She said juicing would help build up his system too and we do that when we can. The thing that seems to be helping is the homeopathic remedy Rhus Toxicodendron 30C(Rhus Tox for short) . You can get it on-line or most health food stores. It's very cheap. The way he takes it is to mix two or three pellets with four ounces of water. Then you shake it to disolve the pellets. Before you take a dose, you shake the bottle about ten times on the palm of your hand. Take one teaspoon. Be sure not to touch the pellets with your fingers and don't eat anything fifteen minutes before you take it or fifteen minutes after you take it. Take it for about five days and then wait and see how things are going. This seems to have quieted things down for him. The inflamation on his cheeks has gone down and he's able to sleep at night. He has been miserable with this stuff. It was on his forehead, eyelids, cheeks, nose, ears, neck and then traveled to his sides. You can google Rhus Tox or get more information from a homeopathic Dr. I'm crossing me fingers that this will continue to help my husband because it has made his life miserable. Good luck to you.

Posted by Pat (Athens, Al, Usa) on 06/22/2010

I wouldn't really call this a rash. It's not red and it doesn't itch. It's bumpy. It looks like acne and blackheads but it doesn't respond to any treatments - not sure how to explain it, other than frustrating and it doesn't look like a rash.

Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Texas) on 06/23/2010

i have found that sea buckthorn seem to clear rosacea when applied from a natural product in about 2 wks.

Posted by Pat (Athens, Al, Usa) on 06/24/2010

I have asked for seabuckthorn in an oil from the local herbal store and they don't have it. I looked for it on the swansons website and all they have is a cleanser and a moisturizing cream. I've thought about ordering from the cleanser. Do you think that would be a good form? i don't have a good cleanser right now. I've been trying straight borax and it is a gritty mess and I don't seem to be making progress. I have very oily skin so I'm not sure if it would be counterproductive to try the cream or not. Or should I keep looking around for the oil? I guess it wouldn't hurt to order the cleanser... heck, I've tried everything else! Do you think it would be enough or should I pursue an oil or something else as well? Thanks for the idea.

Posted by Juja (Stockton, Ca) on 10/27/2010

Hi, just responding to the Seabuckthorn Q. I have numerous products w/ seabuckthorn in them. My facial and body soap from Aubrey Organics plus their Seabuckthorn & Cucumber mask is the bomb! The soap keeps my oily skin at bay which is what feeds the demodex mites to my understanding and the hard bumps that weren't acne all over my forehead subsided greatly when I used the soap and mask together. I also use a clay mask for Sensitive Skin. Works all together great. HTH!

Posted by Monica (Toronto, On, Canada) on 03/30/2011

I have also found sea buckthorn helpful in reducing acne rosacea. I'm using natural seabuckthorn powder from Finland, 1 tblsp a day. It's available online in Canada and US. Just google for the website. It definitely reduced the oiliness and bumps for me. Seabuckthorn has numerous other benefits as well.

Posted by Mom2joshcanpark (Depauw, In) on 06/04/2012

I too have Rosacea, I have had it for about 9 years now. Anyway, I have only used Metrogel. Before now that is all I would ever need. For the past 2 years in addition to the flushed look, I started getting the "acne" look too. The spots were dry and you could pick them off, unlike acne. BUT my biggest problem is the itching. I have noticed, if I sleep for a long time that the bumps and itching are worse. I have also noticed I only itch when I have the bumps.

I can't use creams on my face because it does cause acne and makes my face oil. My complexion on a general basis is normal. I am 44 years old and as a teen I had maybe 20 pimple on my face during the entire teen years, acne was not a problem for me, so now, my face has more of an acne appearance that what it looked as a teenager.

So has anyone else encountered the itchiness? I do not believe that rosacea comes from mites as it is only on the face, no other part of the body, I believe mites would be on any part of the skin, not just the face.

I was thinking about trying the Zinc Oxide, but lost on what to for the itchiness since I can't use creams on my face.


Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 05/26/2010 84 posts

My understanding of a staurated solution is that there should be just enough HP to make the borax disappear. Try putting 1/4 tsp borax to a tsp hp and swish around. If the borax is still obvious add 1/4 - 1/2 tsp hp until you can't see the borax. If this doesn,t cover the area you want to use it on add more of each. After a while you won't even need to measure it. I used it at night only so that it wasn't noticable at work and washed it off in the shower in the morning. At the end of my treatment my skin wasn't any drier. Use an old pillowcase as it will discolor them.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dreamerbob (San Diego, California, Us) on 09/07/2012

A saturated solution is a solution that is fully saturated, like water and Borax, so that the water can absorb no more Borax. I make it by putting borax into a mixing cup and adding hot water, and stirring. Keep stirring occasionally until cooled off. Let sit until the liquid is pretty clear. There will be some Borax that is not absorbed into the water and that means that the water is fully saturated with Borax. If there is no residue, add some more Borax and keep stirring. Drain off the clear liquid into a squeeze bottle which makes application easier. You can reuse the sediment left over to make a new batch.

We use it on scalp for dandruff, face and arms for skin problems and feet and heels for smooth skin and to prevent cracking, applying it before showering, letting on for a few minutes, then showering. We also apply on problem skin during the day and just let it dry.

These skin problems, we have finally realized, are primarily caused by fungus, maybe some other critters as well. The Borax is very effective. Add some HP if desired.

Posted by Pat (Athens, Al, Usa) on 05/13/2010

I'm interested in the effects of using turmeric for my skin problems. I have adult rosacea type acne and melesma. The acne seems to be the worst. I am fair skined so a topical use would make me yellow for sure. I bought some capsules but I'm not sure how many to take and how often I should take them to have any effect on my skin and I'm also wondering how long it might be before I might see any results - especially for the acne. Thank You.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Glycerin
Posted by Sam (Miami) on 06/01/2015

I have read that people with low stomach acids develop rosacea.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Glycerin
Posted by Trista (Sydney, NSW) on 05/01/2023

I too have felt the same about demodex.. ie how come my partner and myself haven't got issues but my dd does.. I agree about the products and what they contain may cause an imbalance or disrupt the skin barrier.. which would lead mites and bacteria to invade and multiply much easier.
With that they also tend to use natural oils in products now, which if the mites like it.. I guess they will thrive.. things like jojoba oil which is apparently close in nature to our natural sebum.. which would explain why mine and my dds hair fall out when we've used anything jojoba..

We all have demodex though. It's when they overgrow that causes issues. Question is why are they over growing.
I'm thinking that what ever was in the old shampoos and soaps kept them in check... or even things like mineral oil which has been tainted as toxic now, maybe the demodex don't like it.. studies show that very little gets absorbed passed the top layers of skin and helps the skin maintain barrier. Which could have helped demodex from getting out of control.

Vaseline is basically like mineral oil just thicker.. I had read a case study that petroleum jelly helped get rid of these mites..
My dd had blepharitis/chalazions... so I tried vaseline over the lashes with cue tip and the little buggers popped right out of the hair follicles.. I was then convinced it was these mites.
It was a pain doing that every day for a 4 year old... eventually came across green tea.. being that we tried all other teas... black tea.. chamomile..
Green tea had gotten rid of my dds perioral dermatitis which I'm positive was from these mites after using toothpaste with sodium lureth sulfate or SLS..
Which I believe is disrupting the skin barrier.. SLS is in most shampoos too.. I believe it's the lauric acid. Lureth/lauryl anything that looks like the word lauric, I stay clear from now.

Strong green tea got rid of the chalazions and blepharitis too..
Sometimes I'd just put a little boiling water on the bag and make the solution really strong and apply to affected areas morning and night. It worked very quickly and thoroughly unlike the Apple Cider Vinegar or manuka honey or coconut oil.. we tried everything.

The mites carry some bad bacteria and compounds that release when they die and disintegrate on the skin.. which is why the skin gets red and reacts..

Not sure why green tea helps.. not sure if it kills them or they don't like it and drop off.. I've seen a few under microscope and they don't move. (I had bought a microscope because I wanted to know what these things were that popped out of my dds lashes).

I've later seen on YouTube where the footage was very fast tracked so you could see it move..
I wanted to capture some and see what the green tea does.. when I get the time and space on my phone to record it as I imagine I'd have to get an hours worth of recording...

I feel like it's the SLS in products disrupting the skin causing them to go nuts... and lack of protection from skin barrier products like mineral oils..
Maybe the green tea strengthens the skin barrier..
Some studies have shown it useful for rosacea and also ingesting it protects against uv damage to skin.. so it definitely seems it protects the skin..

Apple Cider Vinegar, Glycerin
Posted by Patricia (WA) on 05/26/2023

My skin flared terrible while I was using mineral oil & gets upset when I use petroleum jelly; I can't use any oils at all on my face. I was diagnosed last year with Rosacea at age 70 yrs. I first felt the rough skin on my nose & cheek area, then the terrible flushing started, then the rash. My doctor had me tested for Lupus but it came back negative. Then my dermatologist told me I had Rosacea. I have had food allergies for a long time and have had to eliminate high histamine foods. I also have more veins showing on my chest and lower legs/lower arms than I used to. I've read a lot about the theories about Rosacea, some are: the overabundance of mites that inflame our skin, blood vessel deregulation, and damaged skin barrier. My Derm told me that my next treatment would be laser/IPL. And my health insurance said they might pay for it.

In the meantime, I have tried so many different remedies. I tried the Epsom Salts and it seemed to help a little. I tried the sea salt method which helped a little, but I have dry skin now and both methods dry my skin more. I am now trying Milk of Magnesia, which I put on, let dry, then rinse off. The bumps are under control but still have the redness. If I eat the wrong thing, I get red blotches. I also take Allegra to control allergy issues. It helped get rid of the rash. In the past I was not able to take ACV due to allergic type reactions; but I have never tried it on my skin. I'm going to buy some to try and do a patch test. If it makes it worse to begin with, I guess I will just wear a mask over it.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (Fairfax, Va Usa) on 05/10/2013

Can you suggest the strength or type of colloidal silver that you used? I know we aren't allowed to mention brand names, but there are many kinds on the market, so a little guidance would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
