Natural Remedies

Effective Home Treatments & Natural Remedies for Shingles

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Maria (Canberra, Australia) on 02/11/2022

Thirty years ago, a Homoeopath treated me for shingles, just one pill and it was gone and I thought it was gone forever. However; I broke out in shingles again recently. Same place, on the right buttock. I applied Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy which gave a relief from itching and stinging but it was still there. Then I applied Narrow Leaf Eucalyptus Oil which I bought on the net and straight away all sensation stopped. Applied it again next day and it started to dry up, and within two days it was a dry hard scab which eventually fell off.

Posted by ron (pocatello, idaho) on 09/23/2021

Shingles is a terrible condition for many people and a cure is available and cheap; (echinacea one or two ounce bottle take the whole thing through the day); it has worked for three people that I know of, including myself. God bless and good tidings.

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Pam N. (Kent, WA) on 03/03/2021

I'm 67 yr old, got shingles on my face and in my ear and on my eardrum. Did the Dr thing, anti-viral, steroids, sleeping pill, pain pill, lidocaine gel. My search led me to eucalyptus oil, several drops in a tablespoon of hemp oil, which worked like a charm and took the pain away immediately, applied as needed. I was basically bedridden for a month feeling sick and vertigo from shingles on my eardrum. It has been 5 months of residual pain around my ear, across my cheek, on my lower lip, and my tongue. It continues to fade but my tongue always feels weird.

Aspirin in Water Based Cream
Posted by Art (California) on 04/19/2023 2154 posts

So it takes 6 very finely ground aspirin for every ounce of lotion to make the shingles lotion


Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Gene (Sarasota, FL USA) on 04/21/2009

I have a previous posting on Apr. 11, 2009 (day 3 of my attack), which is currently logged under ACV+Cayenne. It would be helpful if you started there. This is an update, ten days later, and should be tremendously useful if you are debating whether to try a natural remeby for Shingles, specifically Apple Cide Vinegar.

Ten days ago, with a bad shingles rash and moderate deep pain, I turned to Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Cayenne. I had already been on western meds, specifically valtrex & prednisone, and I had no sense that they were doing any good.

Almost immediately, the pain (but NOT the rash) went away. I continued swigging about half a shot glass of ACV sprinkled with Cayenne, three times a day, and used the same mixture topically a few times daily as well.

After a week, I felt I was completely cured, with the exception of the rash, and dutifully forgot about everything. After all, the smell and taste of ACV don't set the world on fire and aren't powerful motivators to hang in there once cured!

I realized yesterday that, during the past three days, the pain was back and had been for a couple of days now. Particularly, at night, I'd say the pain (in my case deep nerve pain) was perhaps a 7-8 out of 10 (the first time I had shingles it was a 10 out of 10, many times, so I know the scale!).

I had been lazy and listened to all my friends, including several doctors, saying 'It's the Western meds, dummy', and I figured I was in good hands once it stopped. Also, since the rash was taking forever to disappear, receding glacially, but no longer hurting, I felt that I didn't the ACV/C and it was probably an old wives tale anyway.

Boy was I wrong.

This is what I've learned:

1. A virus isn't over when you say it is. It's over when it decides it's run the course.

2. In going back on ACV, the topical pain (which had come back a bit in the past couple of days), stopped on the spot. Taking it yesterday AM, the topical cleared up immediately and the pain stopped throughout the day. Night was a different matter.

3. Two nights ago, the pain was terrible through the night. Last night - the first night since I had been back on ACV - the pain was gone until 5:58am (I went to sleep at 10pm, so I had 7 solid hours).

4. I finally got out of bed around 7:30, with a deep pain in the left side of my lower back. Within 10 minutes of taking ACV internally and topically, the slight itching was gone and the internal pain had gone from a 7/8 to a 2/3.

Everyone's disease and progress is different, and anecdotal evidence for me does not mean a hell of a lot in your case. But I wanted to give as much detail as possible so that you could see exactly how ACV has impacted what I'm going through.

I am dissapointed that the rash is only abating slowly, but - if I had to choose between reallybad, debilitating pain and the side effects pain and sleeplessness produces, and a rash, which in my case is under the shirt/pants and not visible, I'll take the rash anyday!

Count me as an ACV believer. Not once - but twice - in the same illness! Good luck with your shingles!!


Posted by Pat (Ann Arbor, Mich) on 06/23/2006

For me, it's the only thing I've tried, and it works every time. I used to get shingles regularly, and have used l-lysine each time, except for the time the MD didnt recognise the condition, and gave me............ antibiotics! Wow. I also use the dietary guidlines, and eat foods rich in lysine, and low in arginine. Stress will up the arginine, and bring on the outward manifestation of the virus

Sweet Wormwood, Wild Lettuce Leaf
Posted by talkdtwo (Oregon) on 02/11/2024

Sweet Wormwood Capsules for Shingles and Wild Lettuce Leaf for pain

I'll explain below why I even thought to do this. I'm taking Sweet Wormwood Capsules, 425 mg, two every four hours. I'm just taking an inexpensive brand (Swanson Full Spectrum). I wish I could paste a picture to show you how quickly this is working. It's amazing. In three days, it's 70% gone.

For the pain, I took Wild Lettuce Leaf Extract, 1 capsule every four hours. I use Zanzee Wild Lettuce Leaf Extract, 500 mg. It works better than Opioids, does not make you drowsy, and is non-addictive.

On Tuesday evening, I thought I had gotten bitten by some bug. I had what looked like a cluster of bites. I was itching like crazy. By Friday it kept getting worse and was now burning quite painfully and itching like crazy. Went to Urgent care and was told it wasn't bug bites, but Shingles.

They prescribed the Antiviral Valacyclovir HCL and told me they don't know if it will help but its the best they have to offer. I filled the prescription but it said it can make you dizzy and not to drive. I have to see clients and didn't want that in my system. So, I thought, "What might I have in my arsenal to help?"

I used to be a Federal Investigator for the Bureau of Drugs, New Drug Investigations. When COVID hit, I researched to find a Bioidentical herb for HydroxyClor** because that drug seemed to be super effective, and then they banned it from use. In the 70's, Dr. Tu You You got the Nobel Peace Prize for finding that Sweet Wormwood was as effective against Malaria as HydroxyC. I actually found studies and articles where WHO/CDC was recommending that people in high-malaria areas not drink Dr. Tu You You's recommendation of sweet wormwood tea because if they might/possibly/could/we're supposing need HydroxyCl, the sweet wormwood might/possibly/could/we're supposing make them resistant to it. In other words, they wouldn't make money. The wormwood dropped the cases of malaria by 80% and if someone needed HydroxyCl, it did not prohibit its effectiveness.

So we stored up on Sweet Wormwood. Every time someone we know got COVID, we told them about Sweet Wormwood. Within 24/48 hours, their symptoms were gone. We stopped counting after 70 some-odd cases. My sister-in-law actually had to sneak some into the hospital when her husband was admitted because he refused to take Remdesivir and they were giving him nothing, just monitoring him as he declined. In 24 hours, he went from dying to going home. We recommend taking 2 every four hours while symptoms are evident and then 1 three times a day for two more weeks.

So that is what got me thinking that if Shingles is also a virus, why not try it? What do I have to lose, except for a few more days of discomfort? I'm SO impressed at how quickly this is working. Friday I was burning/pain/itching so bad I went to Urgent Care. Saturday, there was a negligible amount of pain/no itch. Today, I don't even notice it's there unless I'm writing about it (hahahaha).

Licorice Extract
Posted by Preston (MA) on 10/07/2022

Put licorice extract on your shingles then wrap a piece of saran wrap around the outbreak then take a one hour nap...shingles will be own personal remedy which works always...

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Christine (Malaga, Spain) on 11/24/2020

Antifungal Cream for Shingles

Well, here we are on vacation and in lockdown and my partner is laid low with his first case of shingles. Travelling as we are and without our usual pharmacopoeia of natural remedies, we had to try what we have on hand and it happened to be clotrimazole antifungal cream. Within a couple of hours, the pain and sensitivity subsided and the sores were more localized. Thank you everyone for salvaging an already strange vacation.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/19/2020

My husband had an outbreak of shingles. It started with an odd pain in his arm then he had a few blisters on his wrist. They were pretty painful but he was still able to work. (He works with his hands.) He experienced the most pain at night - I think that is often the case... daily activities are a pain distraction.

At night he took ibuprofen a couple of times and used our homemade menthol salve (a homemade Vicks) topically.

I suspect he had such a mild case of it because he has been on coconut oil for months. Coconut oil is an amazing antiviral, in our experience. He takes a tablespoon in his coffee every morning.

Anyway, if you have shingles, I would suggest adding coconut oil to your daily routine and whatever else you end up doing for it. For viruses we use cold pressed- the kind that smells like coconut oil.

Vitamin C
Posted by Garry (Mtn Home, Ar) on 08/15/2017

I can attest to the use of vitamin C for shingles. I had shingles in my 20s and was told I needed vit C IV for 4 days running. The first shot, all pain gone, 2nd shot blisters all but gone, no pain, 3rd-4th shot-all signs gone, no nerve pain, not even any redness. 15 years later diagnosed with herpes. Contracted it when I was 18. It was evident at infection site(lesion) and also throughout my nervous system. Used Acyclovir, had to quit because of side effects...besides the fact it really did not help much, shortening episodes by maybe 1 week(3 week episodes).

My symptoms, other than the occasional lesion, was nerve pain at areas of previous wounds and extreme skin sensitivity. Several years ago I came across an article about vitamin c mega dosing. I remembered my treatment for shingles, so thought what the heck. When I had my next episode, which included a lesion on my right ear lobe, I took 1,000mg caps every hour I was awake for two days(15,000mg/day), then when my bowels started to get 'loose', I dropped to 1 every other hour. The results were nothing less than spectacular for me.

After the first day, no more pain, itching or fever. After the 2nd day I experienced something I had never seen...the lesion actually started to recede, no blisters popped and still no pain. After 5 days, I couldn't even tell it ever occurred. I now take 1,000mg/day and have never had a occurrence. I used to be able to rub my ear lobe and create a 'fever' at any time, this is gone as well. By the way, weather patterns exacerbated my episodes and actually instigated them. My doctor said he never heard of such a thing, but I could tell friends and family when there was a weather change coming...I usually got a very painful 48 hour warning. These too are gone...the only 'down' side. It's probably also useful to note that I've never had a cold or flu since either. I see now that the FDA has decided IV vitamin C usage is no longer a recommended treatment. Probably because it's cheap and effective. I use Ester C if anyone is interested (horse pills! ).

Posted by Rhoda (NE) on 03/23/2022

My daughter recently applied a bentonite clay poultice to a blistering shingles rash on my arm. The blisters and pain were gone the next day and the rash was no longer visible in 4 days. I have suffered shingles attacks for years and tried many remedies. None, prescription or over the counter have been effective.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 08/04/2017


I read in a couple of places today that BHT 250 mg plus Vitamin C cures a host of ailments, including Herpes Zoster (shingles). Here's the link:

It was also posted by someone on Curezone.

L-Lysine and Vitaminc
Posted by Kathy (Mitchell, NE) on 03/31/2007

Dear sufferers of shingles, Don't. Lysine and Vitamine C seem to be the best get rid of them forever cure. I have had about 3 or 5 breakouts in 20 years since I discovered Lysine and Vitamin C. Always take the Lysine the minute you notice a breakout. Before this my breakout would occure regularly. My life is high stress. stress causes outbreaks. If the lysine and c dont quite do it, add liquid b vitamins also to your diet. So far, I'm going on 8 years since my last breakout!

Posted by Donna (Aspen)

L-lysine, when taken immediately upon infection will cure shingles.

How To Avoid Shingles
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 04/30/2024

Hi Marsh,

Wow, that sounds dreadful.

In her shoes I think I would try 1, 000 mg of liposomal vitamin C three times a day. It is much more absorbable than regular C. Sublingual b-12 may be helpful, too.

Does she have Trigeminal Neuralgia? Or it is just that shingles are affecting that nerve? Mullein Root Tincture (Beneficial Botanicals sells it) is a less common herbal remedy but good for pain. It is an anti-inflammatory and has been use for Trigeminal Neuralgia. It is healing to nerves. Shingles affects the nerves. I think it would be worth a try.

I found that Eucalyptus essential oil was helpful for shingles. I would use it topically, with a carrier oil (coconut oil would be a good carrier.) Vicks Vapor rub has a lot of Eucalyptus and would be an option. Hopewell Essential Oils sells a couple of blends for Shingles. (If you create an account you have access to the testimonials on the site which are helpful. This is my favorite source of high quality oils.)

Other things like avoiding dairy and sugar made a difference for my kids with chicken pox, so I wouldn't be surprised if it helped Shingles as well.

Earth Clinic has a lot of information about BHT for viruses; that is something else to look into.

I hope your friend finds something very helpful soon. Let me know how she does.

~Mama to Many~

Magnesium, Zinc
Posted by Taylor (Auchendale) on 03/02/2022

Liquid Magnesium, followed by Liquid Zinc Cured Shingles

Hello Everyone,

In the first year of my marriage, 18 years ago, my husband developed shingles in his shoulders/upper back area. It was excruciatingly painful for him. For the next twelve months, he did everything the doctors told him to do. Z Packs mostly. Nothing worked. Then we went to my herbalist, a deep Christian, who told him she believed she had a Word of Knowledge from The Lord for him. My husband was to take 1-3 tablespoons of liquid magnesium, wait 3-5 minutes and then take 1-3 tablespoons of liquid zinc. I forget if it was 1 or 3 tablespoons. As I recall she said 1 and I would often up it to 3. Do that every 3-4 hours. He did that for a week and then he was well. She explained the magnesium chased the virus out of his cells and the zinc killed the virus. The mineral products are made by a company in Florida that sells very high-quality liquid minerals which are highly absorbable but gentle on the stomach. Of course, the FDA has been leaning on them heavily because they published "cures" so they have changed names and their business model several times to avoid more regulation. The results were astounding.

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 12/07/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and just checking in to let you know that making CDS is a no-brainer if you have the right glassware. I did not and had to make do with what was in the kitchen. The Chlorine dioxide is made and now I have to properly dilute to suit what program we opt for. Everything must be glass with no plastic. I have the graduated cylinders and liter jars ordered from Amazon. Researched and found that CDS cures Genital Herpes so it should handle Shingles because that is Herpes Zoster. Herpes is supposedly not curable but one person said she had breakouts every few weeks for the last 20 years and had none for 6 months since taking the CDS. Now that will give the medical folks indigestion for certain. Life is just a bowel of cherries. ====ORH====

Coconut Oil, Carrots
Posted by Zander (Oh) on 04/08/2018


This site has gotten me through two bouts of shingles, preventing the eruption phase entirely the second time, I might add.

The first time I had worn myself out, lots of stress holidays, estranged from family. I woke up one morning any my right eye felt incredibly dry, as though it had been kept open all night & had a hair dryer blown on it. ACV (apple cider vinegar) with "the mother" is always on hand in my home so I made an eye wash. I used that throughout the day, every day just leaning over a little round dish with a teaspoon or so of ACV in filtered water a opening & closing my eye with it immersed in the water. This helped & turned out to be the right thing to do to normalize the pH & mitigate the spread to & severity of the shingles in my eye.

At this point I did not know what I had, mind you. Days wore on, such fatigue ~ finally I had the incontrovertible sign ~ a band of small, raised blisters on my right side waist in the back, right where a belt would rest. "Shingles actually derives from Latin, "cingulum" meaning girdle or BELT.

I began lysine, vitamin C & I was getting better but still not winning. Then I saw a post on here (p.5 last I checked) from an Australian fellow which saved me, COCONUT OIL. Viruses defend themselves from our immune systems with their own viral walls. Coconut oil permeates their defense, allowing our own immune system to fight them where they live. I took 2T of unrefined virgin coconut oil every day. The first time I took it, it knocked me out ~ I'm guessing this was from a die- off effect as my immune system finally had broken through the virus' defenses & was killing it very efficiently now.

COCONUT OIL saved me. Within a few days of taking the coconut oil daily, I was cured.

Fast forward two years, hard work, holidays, friend died. The fatigue, fever, dry eye, burning & tingling were back on my right side. I began the lysine, Vit C, coconut oil regimen at once. Nary an outbreak. When my body burned (ear, neck) somewhere, I spread coconut oil with DMSO & cayenne there externally as well as taking internally.

I was able to "manage" the shingles this way (0 outbreak) but I just couldn't seem to shake them! This went on for nearly 3 months!

One day I bought a frozen carrot dessert tray (12 servings or so) at a Indian grocery store. The dish is called GAJAR HALVA

I began having a serving a day. By the 7th day I was feeling 95% better. Hmmm...what have I been doing differently? I thought of the carrot dessert...full of vitamins no doubt. I wonder if...sure enough, Vitamin A kicks up white blood cell FIGHTERS in your arsenal!

This is what saved me this time.

Shingles is incredibly depressing when it lingers, particularly. It's telling you something's are really out of balance.

Try the remedies, do what you can to avoid or transcend stress and sleep, sleep, sleep. Your body heals during sleep.

The Gajar Halva I bought frozen recommends heating it in the microwave. Please do not declare nuclear war on your food. Microwaving blasts open the cellular structure of foods, making them something like cancer cells.

Take the 5 mins to heat up as much as you want each time on the stovetop. I poured coconut milk over mine ~ nirvana!

Get well.

Posted by David (Indianapolis, In) on 02/19/2017


Cut out all sugar, good diet, lots of Vitamins B-12 liquid, lots of Lysine, and 6 to 7 Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C (accept NO substitutes-$1k a pack) packets on an empty stomach this for up to 3 days and Shingles will be gone....use a shingles cream too you can purchase on amazon. It easier to get rid of by doing this than a common cold.

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