Natural Remedies

Effective Home Treatments & Natural Remedies for Shingles

Posted by Zach (Rockport, Ma) on 01/09/2016

Remedy for Shingles: ranunculus bulbosus 30x. Took it two times two hours apart. Then every 6 hrs. At least 15 min before or after eating. I avoid any of the mints (including in toothpaste), garlic and coffee to not neutralize the remedy.

Relief end of first day.
Gone next day.

When starting to get some mild tingling a week later repeated remedy with good effect.

Shingles can re-occur so I make sure I have remedy in house. Will have to get remedy special order-not one that is regularly stocked at health food store. I used a 30x. Perhaps a 30c will also work. Other homeopathic remedies that are noted on the web as being helpful include; rhus tox, mezereum and arsenicum among others. I,

Of course, try to limit stress-its not worth it.

Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lysine
Posted by Earthgurl (Northern Virginia) on 06/02/2015

I had to tell you my experience curing shingles. Organic apple cider vinegar on a cloth compressed onto the area. I also took L-Lysine. My doctor was blown away! No thanks Big Pharma. Thanks to this community! Keep in mind that is what worked for me. Everyone is different.

Herpetic Neuralgia Remedies
Posted by Tessa (Nyc) on 03/05/2015

I contracted herpes in my 30s about 18 years ago and have suffered from postherpetic neuralgia ever since. I found that meds - such a Lyrica or gabapentin - are a nightmare (the horrific side effects outweigh any benefits). I have reduced my pain (arms and legs), which was once severely acute and constant, to either nonexistent or occasional and mild simply by doing the following:

(1) I avoid foods that are high in arginine (nuts, seeds, chocolate, especially), which can lead to excruciating bouts for me. Dairy is helpful (high in lysine). I remain aware of lysine versus arginine ratios in my diet, tipping the scale toward more lysine. I eat lots of vegetables, leafy greens, and some meat (lamb is high in lysine) -I keep it organic/free range.

(2) The real miracle cure for me: I take spirulina every morning (1000 mg).

(3) I do as much yoga as I can (yin yoga is especially great during bouts - something about stretching and breathing). I get acupuncture (but never during a bout because that will make it more acute).

(4) Try not to get too stressed out. Avoid an abundance of sun. Avoid getting overtired or overexerted (e.g., pushing myself beyond an athletic limit - as in running too long).

It's taken me a long time to figure it all out, so I wanted to pass it along. :)

Dave Thomas Shingles Protocol
Posted by Raeanne (Anchorage, Alaska) on 02/19/2018

Dave's Shingle Protocol:

This mixture worked so well for me. I had shingles on my face, neck, head and behind my ears. My Dr. gave me a herpes medication, then I decided to google remedies. I found this site. This was 4 years ago. I looked thru all the remedies and went with this one. My Dr. told me NOT to put the cayenne on my shingles. I decided it couldn't possible hurt worse, so I followed all the instructions Dave lists. I had my husband apply it. Almost immediately, the cayenne made the pain go away. I slept with the paste on and a scarf over my head. I awoke, and to my surprise all the blisters had burst and were starting to heal. Every time the paste dried, I washed it with warm water and reapplied it.

By the 2nd day of treatment, all I had were some bumps that had smoothed over. I continued the treatment for another day.

On the 3rd day, there was no pain, no redness and the bumps did last for another 2 weeks, but they were gone from my face, mostly behind my ears. In 3 days I felt normal again. I can't thank Dave enough for sharing this treatment. I have shared it several times since I had shingles to entire towns even. I always recommend people come to this site for that ailment and look at other remedies too, but I had complete success with Dave's protocol.

Thank you so much Dave, you saved me so much agony.

Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 04/09/2024

I just read a blog by an acupuncturist who had shingles. He recommended moxibustion, Neem creme (Theraneem) for the postherpetic pain (neem surrounds the virus, prevents it from entering and infecting cells, kratom (mitragyna speciosa) for pain relief - it's an anti-inflammatory - he believes it helps in the healing over gabapentin which has many side effects. (Acupuncture and many of the herbs on EC didn't help his pain. Unfortunately, what works for one, doesn't work for another.)

Shingles visited my RN girlfriend last week. The ER doc gave her 50mg gabapentin - a high dose that she wasn't comfortable with and questioned. She said it helped. So far no side effects.

I spoke to my Rife practitioner who said Rife kills the virus. An RN friend left western medicine and began on a holistic journey. She introduced me to Rife and we both swear by it for just about everything.

As a sidenote, our babbling, happy grandson went blank 3 days after a vaccine; the babbling turn into a high pitched, shrilled singing. Rife helped along with high quality Omegas and B vitamins. He still has some autistic tendencies but is no where near what he was.

Yesterday, a friend was saying 3 out of her 5 grandkids have autistic tendencies - from minimal symptoms to full on. Why, are our babies and toddlers suffering from autism??? No one can tell me it's not the vaccs after witnessing our grandson's immediate change. When are parents and grandparents going to stand up? Sorry... I get so angry at being told vaccs are safe and mandatory, only to see the number of autistic rates increase exponentially. God Bless our children

Essential Oils
Posted by Pmstar (San Diego, CA) on 06/29/2009

Australian Euculyptus Oil and Aloe Vera gel for Shingles

I've struggled with painful shingles for years now and used Calamine Lotion, Betadine, Alchol (ouch ) and everything imagineable. I discovered Aloe Vera gel to soothe and it works great but it only helps the pain and does nothing to cure. I often use pure ___ Eucylyptus Oil (___) for aches and pains. It works wonders by the way, just rub it in and joint and muscle pain is gone. Anyway I had a backache so hubby rubbed some on my back and I begged him please, please dont get it on the Shingles thinking it would hurt. Well, as he got in the areas near them and not even touching I could feel the pain go away. Could it be ? So I very carefully put it on a tiny spot. NO PAIN. AND I SWEAR IT ERASED THEM. We tried just one area the first night and really massaged it in because it didnt hurt at all to touch them once the AEO was on there. They simply disappeared in that spot. I couldn't wait to put it everywhere the next day. All thats left is a couple very small stubborn spots but with the oil they dont hurt at all ! It does smell strong - like Vicks so during the day I use the Aloe Vera gel to soothe any new breakouts but as soon as I get home from work I rub the ____ on it and massage it in and you can watch them disappear. It's amazing ! I hope there's no side effects. Been doing it for a week now. I'll post if there is any downside.

Corn Starch
Posted by Kenneth (Great Falls, Montana) on 09/25/2008

My mother is 90 years old and has been suffering horrible pain from shingles. After using everything the doctors had to offer including morphine pills and other suggestions, I came up with the following:

Took corn starch and very cold water and wash cloths. I applied them to the area that was in pain. Within about 10 minutes I could feel the cold cloth becoming as warm as her skin. I kept changing the cloth about every 15 minutes. In addition, took a hot water bottle and put it in the freezer. It is now day two and she is coming out of it without itching and the unbearable pain. Don't know why, but it works.

L-Lysine and Vitaminc
Posted by Kelly (Us) on 05/14/2014

I am 62 and I believe my shingles are from stress. I immediately stated the L-lysine and vit c - 1000 mg each 3x/day. after 2 weeks of very little sleep, I added vicks vapor rub to the area of pain and then wrapped it snugly with a wide ace bandage. Also I added homeopathic remedy phosphorus 30c. finally in the middle of the 3rd wk I have actually had less pain and 6.5 hrs of undisturbed sleep! I think due to intense prayer and the above remedies I am on the upside of this nightmare. I hope my post is helpful to someone. Blessings.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Mafri (Zurich, Switzerland) on 10/04/2007

Another wonder of the world to be added-YOUR SITE! For 20 years my Fiance has been suffering with horrific Shingles, he has been to every skin Specialist there is, tried every cream, every oil and every natural product on the market. His feet are so bad, and so painful, causing more pain with certain foods- We have noticed that the worst are garlic, onions and spicy foods. 3 days ago, I was looking on the internet for a certain cream, very expensive especially after you have bought and tried almost everything. I came to your site and read all the posts, while doing so I looked what ingredients I had in the house, Aloe vera Gel - YES! Cayenne pepper- YES! Corn flour -YES! I went to the kitchen mixed it all up in bowl , got my fiance's feet and pasted it with the above, Now what? How does he go to sleep with all this on his feet? I took plastic wrap and wrapped his feet up, looking like a Astronaut he went to sleep with the paste and plastic.......... In the morning............. there was such a huge difference,are those really his feet. WOW! We are now on the 3rd day of nightly pasting and wrapping, the blisters are gone, the hard scaling skin is almost away, the only thing left is the redness. This is amazing!!! My only concern is with the plastic wrapping----- the feet don't get fresh air during this time, Thank you so much, I will keep you posted of the complete results in the future.

Posted by Kristin (Oklahoma City, OK) on 07/23/2007

I get shingles a few times a year. My wonderful pharmacist told me of a 'cocktail' that works even better than prescriptions. If I feel an outbreak coming I take 800mg of Folic Acid, 1500mg of Lysine and 2000mg (minimum) of Vitamin C. Over the past three years I haven't had any bouts that ended with blisters. The important thing to remember is to take it the second you feel it coming, but even if you don't it doesn't last as long.

Neem Oil
Posted by Rodney (Qld ) on 03/08/2022

I have had a shingle on my forehead for about 4 years. I have tried most of the remedies mentioned to no good result, I did get a little improvement using Probiotics. I tried to get Lacto Bacilus but couldn't get any.

One post mentioned Neem Cream so I got a jar from India but it took a couple of months to arrive. Well, I've been applying it with my index finger three to four times a day for the past week. Just a slight amount on my finger. Well. it has worked miraculously! It seems that it will be gone within another week. It seems oily but no more than a good quality facial skin care which the skin absorbs enhancing the effect.

In my infection I had quite a large scab. Neem reduced the scab and broke it up into several small scabs and clear healthy skin arrived between the scabs. It was somewhat tender at first but that has reduced significantly.

It's been several years since the horrific fire I was caught in that caused the shingle.

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Carrie (Oklahoma ) on 01/27/2022

Re: Antifungal Cream for Ringworm Helps Shingles

I thought I had ringworm when it first started on my back. I used a mixture of Tinactin and yeast infection cream to treat it. We raise sheep that give us some hard to cure ringworm, so I use two different meds to treat it. I then broke out in other places and realized it wasn't ringworm and I didn't hit the front with ringworm meds. The patch treated with ringworm early was huge, but it dried up faster and hurt very little but the other non treated patches have been very painful. Also, I ended up going back to the ringworm meds because it controls the pain better than any other patch, cream or soak I used. I use it on the back patch 2x a day since it doesn't hurt any more, but I apply it to the front as often as needed.

DMSO and Magnesium Oil
Posted by JJ (Australia) on 11/10/2020

I got one of the worst cases of shingles my doctors had ever seen - head, neck, throat, tongue. Nearly killed me.

As a medical scientist, I researched and tried everything. By far the best thing was dmso (topically and orally), better still combined with MgCl (Magnesium Chloride) oil. You just need to know how to use the dmso ie with clean hands, and it needs to be good quality/pure, glass bottle etc. See on youtube 'dmso 60 minutes Dr Jacobs'. It's natural and good for you anyways. If pain is bad can apply the combo several times per day. The mgcl is also calming/ good for sleep. Cheers.

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Anon (TX) on 10/23/2019

Dear god...thank you to whoever posted first on the antifungal cream for shingles pain.

The docs gave me the antiviral pills. Then nerve pain pills. Then lidocaine patches. Then told me if it got any worse they could admit me to the ER for some serious pain control. In total desperation I returned to this site and read EVERY remedy (I had already tried the top ones, several times.) Towards the bottom of the pile I found this gem. And I had antifungal cream on hand since one of the boys needed it for jock itch. It is also good for ringworm...and btw can usually be found in any dollar store. I grabbed our tube and within 2 hours I had drastically less pain. Not NO pain but certainly it knocked about 80% of it gone! I could live with the rest until the shingles subsided. Between the cream and the bleach baths, shingles became a tolerable thing and kept me out of the hospital and back to work the next day.

Again....THANK YOU.

Aspirin in Water Based Cream
Posted by Beth (Dc) on 06/08/2018

My mother has a very bad case of shingles and crushed aspirin in a moisturizer lotion is helping ease the incredible pain. Thank you! It needs to be reapplied every few hours but is definitely helpful. Has anyone ever tried BHT for shingles? I am wondering if that will stop the virus from replicating. Such a difficult battle for the elderly once they have this virus in their system. Looking for advice. Thank you.

Posted by Susan (California) on 07/01/2017

Thank you Chrissy (August 2011 post)! I awoke to what I believe was the onset of shingles with intense pain on my big toe, across my foot and up my leg. I immediately, after reading your story, contacted my acupuncturist/herbalist. She surrounded the area of my pain with needles plus a couple on my hand and then muscle tested me to find that echinacea and St. John's Wort would be good for me, including topical echinacea. It's the next morning now and the pain is 99% gone and I'm hoping that's the end of it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Hot House Flower (Albuquerque) on 07/17/2016

I had shingles about a year ago after a long stressful year of overworking my body. At the time I did not know what was wrong with me. What I was experiencing was tingling and nerve pain in my left arm and I could not figure out what it was. I did not have health insurance at the time so I did not go to see a doctor. But judging from what others have said about the meds that doctors give for shingles it is probably a blessing that I did not go see a doctor. I never had an outbreak because once the tingling and nerve pain began I started putting a mixture of essential oil mixed with coconut oil on my left side of my body, many times a day to calm the nerves. I never broke with anything but I was left with nerve pain and a weakness in the left arm and left leg and also tingling. For the most part the shingles was under control, then about a year later, it began to come back. Then I had a pre-stroke and that really scared me because I was getting electrical shocks constantly. I still not knowing what I was suffering, I did a parasite cleanse which helped a lot and I continued to eat organic. I was no longer getting tingling or electrical shocks but I still had weakness and nerve pain in my left side. By chance, I bought some Frankincense resin and began to make lotions using coconut oil and Frankincense resin. I began putting this on my left side of my body especially on my glands and nerve paths. Slowly over a 5 month period the pain and weakness began to leave my body. I feel mostly recovered.

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 01/02/2016

After reading your post, I searched for some antifungal cream and didn't have anything but Lamisil on hand. My husband didn't want to try that and then I remembered I bought some soap at Amazon for ringworm. I had about 6 bars of that. He tried it and the pain was gone immediately. He is going to wash with it once an hour to try to kill this. This has been going on for 3 months and we had done the ACV compresses and beverages. We also had the antiviral drugs and steroids. Thanks for your tip! I hope it helps him get over this.

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Jody (Idaho, US) on 10/13/2014

I have also used an antifungal cream on my shingles and it seems to accelerated the shingles to blister then completely go away with no scarring in only a few days.

I had thought that I had ringworm on my hip and used the antifungal cream which cleared it up, but 6 months later it came back and my Dr said it was shingles. So I used the antifungal cream the second time and again within a few hours the itching was gone and healed within a few days. I don't know why it worked but I thank goodness it did. I can't imagine having to deal with the pain for weeks!

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