Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

Hydrogen Peroxide, Salt and Baking Soda
Posted by Kristin K (Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa) on 11/29/2009

Yea! This really works! From a 46 year old with over 10 years of fighting Sinus Infections: I am sold on the effects of Saline Rinse, Baking Soda and followed up with Apple Cider Vinegar and Zinc.

After over a decade of dealing with sinus issues (two years of using sinus irrigation), I have found that the combination of frequent Saline Rinses including Baking Soda and following up with nasal sprays of Apple Cider Vinegar and Zinc, really worked for me in fighting a bacterial sinus infections!

This is what I did:

Twice yesterday, I rinsed with 2TB baking soda, 1TB Hydrogen peroxide with 1TB sea Salt in my usual 8oz sinus bottle.

Approximately 3 hours after the last rinse, I began using Apple Cider vinegar as well: I took an empty nasal dispenser (Zycam or Afrin will do). I washed the dispenser thoroughly in very hot water. Then I filled the clean dispenser with equal parts Apple Cider Vinegar and filtered water. I pumped the ACV/water solution in each of my sinuses 5 or 6 times and for a few pumps I put my head upside down in the sink so the solution could reach the top of my sinuses. Although it stung slightly, it did not burn like the HP does.

I also sprayed my throat with Zinc Spray mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar. I then gargled with sea salt and baking soda mixed with warm water. I had realized the bacteria was beginning to infect my throat. I had developed pain on one side of the throat and signs of blood in the mucus when I coughed from my throat.

After following the program above, I was delightfully surprised this morning. I did not have a head full of mucus nor any sinus pain or pressure; only minor congestion. When I did a regular saline rinse this morning, a very thick brown clump of drying mucus/puss tinged with brown blood flew straight out of my right sinus after the first rinse. I did another rinse and only minor and regular looking mucus came out. My hope is that the combination I used last night (as listed above) finally killed off the bacteria infection in my sinus and what emerged was the remnants of that infection. This is very promising as in a persistent bacterial sinus infection, it often takes me four full sinus rinses to clean out the puss from the bacteria. Plus, I have had no pain or congestion all day today after 4 days of pain with lots of pussy mucus .

A note on Hydrogen Peroxide: Even just 3Tb of Hydrogen Peroxide in my 8OZ sinus rinse, has caused irritation to my sinuses in the past. A side effect of using Hydrogen Peroxide, is an hour later I usually end up with more mucus and stuffiness. I imagine this is due to the irritation to the sinus tissue. (as the member from Hawaii noted from his experience)

Another thing I have learned that is is risky to tilt my head to the side when doing any sinus rinse especially if it has HP in it. I think it is better to hang your head upside down as the solution is able to penetrate your whole sinus. Head upside down reduces the exposure of your Eustachian tubes to collecting fluid as can occur when you tilt your head.

Good luck! and take it from a veteran of this. Be patient, be consistent and if you are trying a remedy for the first time, reduce the ingredients to prevent from ill effects. YOu can always add a little more of an ingredient next time.

It is your body you are taking care of; use care and compassion toward yourself. Dealing with Sinus Infections can be a long process but it is better to be conservative than to damage your ears or your sinus tissue in trying new cures.

Carpe Diem! and Bien Salud.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Ricardo (Danbury, CT) on 11/28/2008

Candida Cleanse, Cream of Tartar Pro-biotic and organic sea salt.

Hi, I've been suffering with chronic sinus infections for about 4 years. Went to doctors several times, had an operation inside my nose and nothing worked. I am extremely mad a conventional medicine that uses drugs and surgery as treatment. Conventional medicine and drug companies should go down as they do more damage to the population than the diseases itself. After I got the operation, my life became a living hell. I lived my life around the sinus problems I had. I lost so many good things in live that I can't even count. I finally decided to take my health in my own hands and I will never go to a conventional doctor anymore, unless it if is a real emergency, in an ER of a hospital because one can't never say never, now I am my own doctor and I don't take drugs anymore. Why take drugs if they only purpose is to make money, IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY. The antibiotics destroyed my life completely. I gave tons of money to the drug companies on the course of this problem, I bought so many nasal decongestant and over the counter decongestants that if I have my money back I would probably be rich by now.

I had relieved that came when I understood that most chronic sinus infections are fungal and not bacterial or viral. I started with the Threelac therapy, helped but, they don't tell you on the websites that you need to do a Candida diet for at list one month (very hard to do), then they send you a paper inside that tells you that you must do the diet, but I tried anyway, without the diet, it did not help. Then I did the Candida diet for 45 days, I felt fantastic, but all ended few weeks later, then I did colloidal silver maximum strength 10,000 PPM (parts per million) for 45 days, I felt fantastic again, but few weeks later the problem started again; this time I added Pro-biotic, PB8 14 million and used a water pump (the ones used for cleaning teeth) device with an end of rubber for nose use. I bought Organic sea salt and put two table spoons in 30 oz of distilled water, tilt my head about 45 degrees on top the sink and started the machine, all of the sudden there was a strong burning sensation,in my nose started some really loud noises inside and the discharge went on for about three days, I had to breed thorough the mouth for hours and when I got tired I used the decongestant to catch my breath a little, about few hours. My eyes burned too, to control this problem I used lots of cold water on my eyes and blinked. I did the same for several days and now I am nasal decongestant independent for about a week, and that is the first time in about 4 years. The real action was actually happened when I found the testimony of a lady on EARTH CLINIC ABOUT CREAM OF TARTAR. I went to the health store here in town and bought 10 spoons of the product for 9 bucks; the first time I drank one tea spoon of the product in a 4oz glass of water, I felt really strong reactions in my body. I was in and out the bathroom for two days, and was eliminating Candida like crazy. I check my ph the next morning, just before breakfast or brush my teeth, and it was a fantastic 7.5 ph, I am usually 6.0 ph, which is acid.

I credit my cure to these five things together, 1) cream of tartar, 2) nasal pump 3) organic sea salt 4) pro-biotic and 5) Earth clinic, thank you.
Ricardo Aguiar.

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Simon (Dubbo, Australia) on 10/24/2007

After getting a heavy bout of sinus infection / congestion I was keen to try the apple cider vinegar (with 'mother' in it). On Day One I consumed about three tablespoons at once and followed it with a chaser of flavoured water. The sinus seemed to get somewhat better, but I felt close to vomiting for a couple of hours after, and also had a headache, which I am not sure was just coincidental. I continued this for three days, one shot a day, but could not find any obvious improvement in my conditions. I then tried the tomato tea which was pleasant to drink, but didn't have any obvious effect on my sinuses. I then started putting eucalyptus oil on a clean handkerchief and continued sniffing this on a regular basis (up to once every couple of minutes). I would reapply eucalyptus oil to the handkerchief about four times a day. This really dried up the nasal passage and reduced the pressure in my sinuses. Of an evening I put the handkerchief near my pillow so the fumes are constantly being drawn into my nostrils as I sleep. I now use it on an as required basis and sniff it once or twice an hour if I feel sinuses building up. Eucalyptus oils are not all the same strength. The stronger the better.

Dental Care
Posted by Jeff (Boca Raton, FL) on 08/08/2007

Five years ago my right cheek puffed out and it was diagnosed as a salivary gland infection. That cleared up but then I had jaw pain which I thought was from tooth decay under a loose crown. Fixing that didn't help and I saw several dentists and doctors trying to find out the problem. Eventually I gave up and lived with the pain.

Two weeks ago my cheek blew up badly and eventually a salivary stone 1/8" by 5/16" came out of the duct. I thought the problem was solved but the swelling persisted. It got so bad that the pain eventually drove me to a doctor. He found another stone was in the duct, about 1/8" by 1/8". The larger stone had a point on it which I was able to grab with tweezers and pull out but this one doesn't and I'm still working on it. But I'm able to push it aside and let the gland drain. Although it fills back up, when drained I was amazed to find my hearing improved and my sinus on that side drained and I could breathe freely.

I had always thought there was a reason for the initial swelling but when I mentioned that I read about salivary stones on the internet and asked an oral surgeon if that could be the problem, he actually got mad and said things like "everyone thinks they're an expert because they read it on the internet". I had asked nicely and couldn't believe his response. I had been miserable for weeks and felt like throwing a punch in his direction but I just left the office. My guess is that he lost a bundle when net stocks crashed.

I wanted to leave this message to show how a seemingly unrelated problem can cause sinus and hearing symptoms... I think an infection has been dragging me down for years and although it's not over yet I feel better than I have for a long time since I've gotten most of the infection out. So check for hard lumps in the gland, from what I've read these stones are more common than most believe.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/13/2024 439 posts

Find an image of the structure of your sinuses. Do a regular neti pot rinse, blow your nose really well, then do another neti pot rinse with a purchased probiotic nasal rinse, tipping your head around, as per the structure, being sure to bend over forward AND tip your head back - as well as tipping side to side from all positions - straight, bent over and with your head tipped back. Do that to distribute it throughout the sinus passages. You'll feel it. Just keep rinsing, stopping to tip your head around, then keep rinsing and doing that until the pot is empty.

I've had 3 sinus "things" since I had "the" bug three years ago and this time, it rapidly began migrating to my lungs but this stopped it. I only did it one time, before bed, and bronchial tubes and lungs were both clear by morning. Sinuses still a bit stuffy but I used just a very tiny pinch of probiotics from a capsule. I'm going to try some cultivated microbes I'm currently preparing as I suspect this infection is rebooting.

Can't be sure, but I know that microbial drain cleaners (probiotics) travel through the pipes - even CLIMBING if there's gunk to eat which is why you also want to use the drain cleaners before bed so that nobody is running water through the drains, rinsing them away.

Not sure if that's what happens with the nasal rinse but it would make sense as even that tiny amount cleared all of the upper respiratory areas - save a single small area that I can feel in my sinuses - but it cleared my broncial tubes and lungs which were NOT rinsed, so...

We naturally breathe microbes - including the probiotics that usually keep us safe - all the time from the air, but when one is indoors all day, with unfriendly microbes floating around and procreating and one is constantly blowing one's nose, one is also constantly expelling the probiotics that get shut into the house or office with us. Or, at least, that is my suspicion.

ANYway - VERY exciting! I would say that if you use microbes you cultivate, yourself, for instance, if you make LABS - I would guess that it wouldn't take much. For soil, it's used in a 1/1000 ratio - or even MORE diluted so, just be aware. I've purposely not done it again as I expect there are CONbiotics in the house and hope it will come back, at which point I will try LABS, starting with a very diluted mixture and see what happens.

What I used this time was just a tiny bit from a PB8 probiotic capsule in about a half cup of warm water with a pinch of salt and a pinch or two of sugar, to wake them up, as I don't keep milk on hand because I don't use it for anything but LABS, so I was out of LABS, but I got a little bottle of milk and I'm cultivating some microbes as I write this so I'll have some LABS in couple of days.

Lemon or Lime Juice Snorted
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/14/2021

Snorting lime or lemon juice to get rid of a sinus infection. Painful for a couple of minutes, but worked perfectly. Lemon/lime juice is anti-septic, anti-bacterial, fungal and viral. Some people use juice from the store in a bottle. I prefer fresh from citrus fruit.

It stings less when you dilute the lemon juice (or lime) with distilled water. But, most people say it works better full strength.

It's very simple to do. Squeeze out one teaspoon of lemon or lime juice into a spoon. Close off one nostril with your finger and snort up the juice in the spoon in the other nostril. Right after you do this you will have the feeling that you snorted a “blow-fish” up in your head. The pain only last a minute or two.

It worked for me. Cleared up the sinuses immediately.

Video: Cure sinus infection lime juice home remedy

Video: Sinus infection (lime juice)

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Faye (North Texas) on 01/01/2018

I also use Tea Tree Oil to clear up my sinus infections. I made up a nasal spray of distilled water and tea tree oil. I use it 3-4 times daily whenever I begin feeling nasal pressure, works every time. THANK THE LORD!!! As I was sick of antibiotics, ACV was too hard on my tummy and saline rinses seemed to make things worse.

Baby Shampoo
Posted by Sam (Texas) on 09/29/2014

I have had really bad sinus pressure & pain for a couple days & knew it was a sinus infection. I have been reading all the sinus remedies & thought the baby shampoo sounded crazy, but I tried it anyway & it worked immediately! Since I'd been reading a lot ... I made my own concoction of 3 oz saline, 2 drops baby shampoo, a pinch of baking soda & 2 drops raw honey...shook it up & inhaled it. Within minutes the sinus pressure & pain started to give way & cleared out. I could function again. I just used it a 2nd time before bed to make sure I can breathe clear thru the night. No burning or negative affects. I thought I was going to the doctor for antibiotics & now I know that I am not. Thank you for this odd but effective bit of wisdom. I love earthclinic and all the kindred spirits here who take the time to share what works for them... and what doesn't.

Colloidal Silver, Ascorbic Acid, Black Elderberry Syrup
Posted by Linda (Blue River, Wi) on 12/08/2012

i had sinus infections that would last months & went thru month long treatments from the doctors with antibiotics, to no avail. I thought I was resigned to live with it the rest of my life.... My brother in law gave me a bottle of angstrom silver 600ppm (angstrom is like collidal, but smaller particles, with no fillers, etc. ), and a bottle of ascorbic acid & a bottle of black elderberry syrup. I treated myself with a spoonful of each, several times a day, for 2 days & by the 3rd day, I could breathe & quit coughing. Have been sinusitus free since. Now I just take a shot or two a day of the silver & feeling fine. Thanks brett!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by 007 (Jacksonville, Fl) on 12/04/2011

Great info. So after an awful infection for 4 days I woke up with the worst pain and was about to go to Dr. to get antibiotics. Didn't want to take them so I decided to goggle home remedies and I had everything already (candida) so I drank some homemade water kefir, took a dose of OOO (Olive leaf oil/ oregano oil) straight with kefir to wash it down. And made a homemade salad dressing for my salad. I used virgin olive oil, _____ liquid amino, a lot of _____ ACV, one pack of stevia, cayenne pepper, salt, garlic powder, a garlic clove diced up and some dried oregano. I ate my salad with my homemade dressing and drank my kefir and within one hour I felt great. Headache gone, balance back, swollen sinus pressure gone, and it doesn't hurt to breathe. I didn't want to believe it would work so quickly but it did. So ACV, water Kefir, and OOO (Olive of oregano/olive leaf oil) gets three thumbs up. I will continue treatment for several days.

Baking Soda and Salt Water
Posted by Enigma_aubrey (Portland, Oregon, United States) on 02/10/2011

I recently had a sinus infection, whhile feeling bloated. I was going to do a bit of a detoxing cleanse, and after I drank up the first glass of warm sea-salt and baking soda water my noses started running and I could breathe through my nose again. The entire infection cleared up soon afterwards. The only downside is that the salty water can give people an upset stomach.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 09/11/2009

Nasal Fungal Infection? I have had nasal issues for the past couple of years since I have had septoplasty done. Since the surgery, I have had alot of post nasal drippage and a "smell" coming from my right nostril. Now, I am self treating for systemic candida so I am almost certain this is stemming from that. I have tried using 50/50 peroxide spray, tea tree oil spray, 50/50 ACV spray etc.. and have not had luck. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to get rid of this? My main complaints are stuffiness (like my nasal cavity is swollen and itchy) and nasal drip (which is stinky!!) and constantly blowing nose. Sorry, don't want to gross anyone out. I'm going crazy here!!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Doris (Oc, Ca) on 07/16/2010

Mom-in-law had nose-sinus fix-alteration as young woman early-1960's. Ever since, she suffered migraines, spent most her children's formative yrs on the sofa in excruciating pain. No dr could 'find a fix'. Now nearly 50 yrs later, retired out-of-state (still suffering), went for routine ear exam, dr took a fast ear exam, said something's in there. He did an in-office extraction of a bone chip the first dr left in. She is totally different. No one can believe the change in her. Just a regular ear-light/magnifier exam. Dr said he saw it easy, just pulled it right out with a tweeze.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oil Pulling
Posted by Amy (Denver, CO) on 06/01/2009

I'd been suffering for a week from a sinus infection and was not interested in my doctor's advised treatment of 10 days on harsh antibiotics (which incidentally had never cured a sinus infection for me in the 3 times in the past that they'd prescribed it.) So, I google'd "holistic sinus infection cure" and found this site. After reading a few dozen posts on the "sinus infection" page, I found a couple of things to try; here are my results:

1. ACV: while I'd read that this works best at the first signs of a cold and I was already five days in, I tried it anyway. About 1-2 Tbs in hot water with a dash of lemon juice and some agave syrup to sweeten it and I drank it like a tea. Very pleasant with the agave and I started to feel some relief soon after drinking (I also inhaled the steam after mixing and felt some relief from that too.) Since it didn't provide as much instant relief as I was hoping for, and WAS providing some canker sores in my mouth, I limited this to just the first day or two and then stopped.

2. Oil Pulling: I started this at the same time as the other remedies so I'm not certain what the effect has been on curing my sinus infection, but I can attest that I feel better, my skin looks amazing, my breath has significantly improved and I no longer see a white film on the surface of my tongue. This is after just 3-4 days of use. I'm using 1 Tbs of organic sesame oil, swished around for 15-20 minutes every morning right upon waking, then spit out, of course.

3. Grapefruit Seed Extract: I think this was the magic bullet for me. I've been using 2-5 drops (teeny, tiny drops) in with my saline sinus irrigation twice a day for the last 4 days and I am almost 100% better. This (and the oil pulling) I've been doing consistently. While I didn't feel immediate relief after my first irrigation with the GSE, every time since then I feel the pressure release from behind my face and my cheekbones stop aching. Now my symptoms are almost completely gone; I cannot believe it. On the first couple of days I was using more drops (4-5) and now I'm down to 2 drops. It doesn't taste the best when it runs down your throat and there is a funny sensation that it creates that is kind of like burning but not painful, but all in all it's really easy; not much different than just plain saline.

I have to say I'm totally blown away at how much better I feel and without aid of antibiotics. I did continue to take ibuprofin in limited amounts (no more than once a day) when the pain was more than I could take), but other than that I've been cured by these holistic remedies. I'm so grateful for this website and all of the people who have posted their success stories on here! I never would have known to try these things had it not been for finding this resource. Thank you!!

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by DG (Baltimore, MD) on 11/11/2008

I have had some luck clearing my sinuses using Vick Vaporub as follows as described below (note it has some EUCALYPTUS OIL in it)

Caution: this mixture WILL bubble and splatter unless the Vicks is mixed in SLOWLY.

I heat a coffee cup of water to near boiling. Then slowly and carefully I dip a half teaspoon of Vicks into the cup just a little at a time while breathing the vapors into my nose. At first you have to go VERY SLOW or the mixing with bubble over and make a big mess. When I first did this there was some burning sensation, but it causes a lot of mucus to run and seems to open things up.

It has NOT been a cure all, but it is one thing I do and it might be a ready source of EUCALYPTUS OIL (at a low concentration) for those who want to try it without hunting around.

Tea Tree Oil, Mucinex
Posted by Sadie (Hamilton, Montana) on 10/23/2008

After being on 8 antibiotics all summer for chronic sinus infections, it occured to me that the high dollar antibiotics were just not clearing up my problem. I continued having facial pain in my forehead, and yellow/green mucus that was stubborn to every single medication I was taking. My nasal passages felt closed off, and anything coming out was like glue.

I decided after reading about cilia and keeping mucus flowing, I immediately STOPPED all antihistimines, nasal sprays, and decongestants. They are drying and eventually dry the gunk up in layers in your head.

Neti pot and nasal washes were aggravating the problem furthers, so I halted that. Sometimes, too much of a good thing paralyzes the cilia. We want the cilia happy, so it can do it's job.

My next step was to find a way to fight the infection, which I grew to understand that it had to be fungal, since antibiotics were not clearing this up. My second step was to find a way to thin out the mucus and keep it flowing without burning my head out with sprays and irrigations.

Here's how I cleared up my sinuses:

I took a Q tip, and swabbed it in pure tea tree oil. Enough to get a bit of oil on it, not dripping. I carefully swabbed some up in my nasal passage and inside of my nose on each side. There is a momentary sting. Within about 5 - 10 minutes, the blocked mucus begins to move down, either out of the nose or back of the throat. I coughed it out, and it was yellow gunk trapped up in the sinuses. I only apply this 3 x a day when very congested. After a couple of days, I only needed to apply the tea tree morning, and night.

My next action was to thin this mucus without the decongestants that were making me jittery and my heart race.
I began a regimen of taking regular Mucinex, 2 tablets morning, and late at night. Drink ALOT of fluids with this, so it can do it's job.

After going to the doctor and spending hundreds of dollars all summer long, it took these two simple things to clear the infection.

After day 3 on this regimen, the mucus that is coming out is becoming clearer, with less yellow/green mixed in.

I hope this helps someone out there, end their suffering today.

Posted by Beverly (Texas) on 01/04/2022

Antioxidants help sinus infections.

Bright colored vegetables and fruits such as berries, kiwi, pumpkin, papaya, sweet potatoes, and pineapple are all rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Pineapple also contains enzymes that break down the buildup on the sinuses and reduce inflammation.

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