Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sea Salt
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tenn.) on 01/23/2011

I have been spraying my nostrils for the last 3 years with a concoction of sea salt, baking soda and GSE that I make myself. Take 1/3 glass of warm water, Add 1 tsp of sea salt, 1 tsp of baking soda and 8 drops of GSE. Stir , allow to cool and pour the clear portion into your sprayer. This keeps my nostrils open, but it has not dried up my sinus, which I guess is a good thing. If you look at any animal they all have nasal drainage. It seems that is just natural. What you don't want is for your sinus to dry up with no flow.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carrie (California) on 01/12/2023

After watching both Dr. Mandell and Dr. Berg on YouTube regarding sinus problems I started taking the following action. At night I avoid food (especially dairy) for the last couple hours of the day; after I brush my teeth before bed I gargle warm distilled water with a little Himalayan salt in it. I then use a Neti pot. When I do that, I am able to breathe through my nose throughout the whole night. They said things that led me to believe I might have a fungal infection in my sinuses and I think I've gotten it under control now.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by sam (miami) on 01/17/2023

If you complete NAET treatment course you sinus issues would most certainly disappear.

Also there are 4 sinus cavities: frontal (the lower forehead), maxillary (cheekbones), ethmoid (beside the upper nose), and sphenoid (behind the nose); which cavity sinusitis do you have? Sphenoid sinusitis is only treated surgically.

Egg Whites
Posted by Teresa (Waiuku, New Zealand) on 06/04/2008

For painful sinuses and the accompanying headache - beat 2 egg whites (stops them being slimy and difficult to handle). Spread out on a gauze (or cloth) and put over your face (avoiding eyes). Put another cloth over (optional). Lay down on your back and go to sleep. The heat/temperature will harden the gauze. Suggest you leave it on as long as you can. You will be pain free and as a bonus will get a facelift. I have used this remedy for migraines and hard to shift headaches and have always gained relief.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Linda Redmond (Asheville, North Carolina) on 10/22/2007

The best and only cure that worked for my lifelong, formerly constant, miserable, life-controlling and debilitating sinus infections is inexpensive Olive Leaf. I make tea from it (boil about a shotglass-full or less of dried leaves in 2 cups water for 20 minutes - it makes one cup of tea). It is also available at health stores in powder, capsule, tincture and supercritical gel cap form. I find tea the most effective, but have had great results with any decent, reputable brand. Olive leaf is known as a wide-spectrum godsend for many, many illnesses and infections from mild to severe to dangerous. I have always found it easy to look up on the web. It is an ancient tried-and-true herb with a fascinating history, reported to give no side effects except a slight lowering of blood pressure and a non-stimulant mild increase in energy (probably due to its elimination of infectious forces in the body). Take it slow at first if you are highly and chronically infected, so you don't get a big healing crisis/die-off reaction. Dosages are available in books and websites, but you can take it every day (I usually do), and it is reported to be impossible to overdose on it -- I feel lightheaded if I take more than 4-6 cups in a day (a very large amount which I'd only use if severely ill) and I am a small individual. It seems to be a best-kept secret, so spread the word and many blessings!

Dental Care
Posted by Lill (Portland, Maine) on 04/08/2007

My son suffered from one sinus infection after another, which set off his asthma. Winters were horrible until last winter when he had his wisdom teeth removed. He hasn't had a sinus infection since. We believe that the impacted teeth were putting pressure on his sinuses. Might be worth checking if nothing else works. Lill

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/17/2024 443 posts

I accidentally finished off the sinus thing with a blast of hydrogen peroxide from my little face mister. I saw it sitting there and thought, "Hmmm...I've never breathed H2O2 in through my nose...", so I did. And now I don't have anything to test the LABS on.

Plus, I was sniffing a split oregano capsule to see how long the aroma was going to last. Which was kind of awesome! Like...eucalyptus or...Mentholatum - how many of us old cats remember Mentholatum? We always had Mentholatum in the house when I was a kid...I'll never forget that smell. It was awesome!

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 05/04/2024

Sure, I know people that have used baby shampoo in their nasal neti-pot. Only thing I would add is to ingest oregano capsules or start eating garlic cloves daily as and anti-microbial if aspergillus has gone systemic.

Posted by freeone (oregon) on 03/21/2023

The green tea extract is 725 mg. This is a high dose, but under the toxic level which are over 800mg. The Life Extension brand which I'm using has no caffeine, comes in capsules, and use one daily orally . As of today... my symptoms are almost GONE...So this along with the recent goldenseal droppers in saline in nostrils after eating, have changed my life.

I also use 1/4 teaspoon Vitamin C powder 1 to 2 times daily

ACV daily

Since hardly any symptoms last 2 days no goldenseal, as this is powerful and I'm only using if symptoms are significant.

The H2O2 and iodine did help, the baby shampoo did cleanse and drain but the draining was drip drip and lasted for hours so I don't know if I would recommend it, and I only used 1 drop of baby shampoo in salt in a cup of water. These remedies helped, but the symptoms still persisted.

To be sure ... check out any contraindications for you using green tea extract.

Ionic Silver
Posted by Sin (Quebec ) on 01/06/2018

I've been snorting colloidal, well ionized, silver as soon as I feel a sinus infection starting. I simply don't know what a normal cold or flu feels like as mine always turn straight into a sinus infection either mixed with pneumonia or bronchitis. The silver definitely helps but I have to take it for at least 2 weeks to make sure the virus/ bacteria is gone. I also take wild Mediterranean oregano oil which I'm very impressed with. I am concerned about the accumulation of silver in my body though so I try not to over do it. I'm guessing once a year is safe, harsh winters in Quebec.

Posted by Suffering Sinus Yeast Infection 2 Years Plus (California) on 08/05/2017


Turpentine Gum Spirits

Its one of the only two things that work well and one hundred percent of the time but it has a huge costly side effect of interfering with on or more of the CYP450 enzymes in the liver or the kidneys but I am unsure which one or both. This means drug interactions can happen.

Taking potassium sparing dieuretics with this natural solvent or others with similar properties causes massive drug buildups that nearly killed me. Stop taking any other meds you can before using this turpentine gum spirits.

This works fast and works in record time but you must be careful. They do not mix with some meds at all and heart meds are on that list.

Probiotics and Kefir
Posted by Danie (Seattle, WA) on 02/02/2015

I had severe sinus infection for a couple years, so bad I could hardly open my eyes due to the pressure and all the horrible symptoms. I tried everything! I read something about probiotics and sinuses. I started taking acidophilus bifidus, high 10 billion CFU probiotics, and drinking kefir, and I put distilled water in neti pot and emptied the capsule of probiotics into the neti pot and I added some baking soda into the neti pot this get rid of any stinging sensation in the nose. I did this daily for seven days sinus infection finally gone!

Posted by Wendy (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 06/05/2013

Yes- acupuncture is VERY helpful. I'm a chronic sinus sufferer and to some extent just have to live with it. BUT when it gets really bad, I see my acupuncturist 2 or 3 times over a week and the problem is much alleviated. There are good and bad acupuncturists so get a recommendation....

Posted by Santhosh (Kanhangad, Kerala, India) on 02/16/2012

Add 1 teaspoon turmeric in 1 cup of hot water. Take twice in a day for complete wash out of sinus infection. This is unbelievable results.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Fuzzysmooth8 (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 11/15/2011

5 days ago I woke up with a sinus infection. No warning. Possible root causes: heating in house being turned on after many months off (build-up of dust/mold/etc), helping boyfriend move (lots of dust/dust-mites stirred up), the dryness of the heating in the house (I now close the vent of the heater before I go to sleep at night.)

ACV has helped me through my current sinus infection. My first few days of being sick I drank 2 T ACV, 1-2 T local honey, sometimes a pinch of cayenne, and hot water. I drank this 3 times a day. 5 days in I'm drinking it once a day. It helps in the moment- clears up my nasal passages, helps me breathe. I don't think it's helped me heal faster- but it makes me feel better when I'm drinking it.

The highly unexpected benefit is that I've lost a couple pounds since drinking it daily! The scale shows a 2 lb drop- which is significant at 5'1, in 5 days, without changing any eating or exercise habits. I have also been starting to use it as a toner on my face- I have bags under my eyes, and I am hoping a routine of ACV followed by VCO will help. My skin is looking pretty good AND the VCO has helped keep my nose from chapping, even with my constant nose blowing. Usually when I get sick, my nose and upper lip area peels from the tissue abuse. Not this time!

Meanwhile for my sinus infection, I've also been taking collodial silver( 1 t 3x daily), vitamin-c (1000mg daily), fresh fruit and veggie juices (8oz 2x daily), stopped eating dairy, lots of herbal teas, green tea, bathing in extra hot water with salt/baking soda daily, taking hot/cold alternating showers (I feel great when doing them, my sinuses clear, and stay clear for a little while), getting extra sleep each night, sunshine therapy (closing my eyes and looking at the sun, soaking it in for 2 min daily), meditation, kundalini yoga, cayenne pepper on my food at meals, gently massaging my lymph nodes while bathing, garlic, soup, and prayer. I also went out and bought a warm moisture humidifier, which has been great! I add a drop of Eucalyptus essential oil and am breathing easy (and blowing the nose easy) in no time.

My family wonders why I don't take Western meds for it- but why would I do that? I know that my body is clearing out toxins it doesn't need- old things and things that aren't mine- taking meds to mask the symptoms would only prolong this clearing process. I would like to be healed by now - but I also respect that my body is doing its thing in its own time. I'll keep supporting myself through hopefully the only illness I'll have this season.

Hot Shower
Posted by Patrick (East Storudsburg, Pa) on 08/04/2011

Ok, I'm going to share this in hopes it helps somone, the hot shower for sinus infections is the key:

As hot as u can stand it on your face and forehead, then I suggest not blowing your nose at all, instead imediatly after getting of the shower take some toilet tissue or cotton and plug ur nasil passages. Wait around 10 to 20 min, by then your sinuses should be opened up, gently blow your nose and after replug your nasil passages again , wait an hr then repeat the shower and redo all above, my nasal passages where so inflamed I had blood coming out, after one day of this the sinus passages were now clear. This was the only thing that helped me. It sounds weird but it worked!!!!! I think the reason was that the hot steam got into the passages and by plugging the nasal area up it let the warm vapor open the swollen passages up, letting the mucus to lossen up. Be warned when you get ready to expell your sinuses youll be suprised at what is released, nasty!!!! Good luck

Posted by Angela (Oakland, California Usa) on 07/12/2011

YES! YES! YES! Turmeric tea worked for me! Thank you so much. I just added one teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of hot water and I drink that 2 to 3 times a day and I drink water with apple cider vinegar and I am getting better fast! Thank you guys so much!

Hemp Seeds
Posted by Amanda (New York) on 11/28/2010

Hemp Seeds (about 2 tablespoons 3X a day) have helped my sinus congestion/allergic sinusitis TREMENDOUSLY!! Within minutes of taking them, I actually feel them halting my allergies and my sinuses becoming clearer!

H2O2, GSE, Sea Salt Rinse
Posted by Llball (Belmont, Ma) on 02/13/2010

Remedy for Sinus Infection - WOW, FAST!

After reading through several pages of posts about remedies for sinus infection (which I have had for at least 10 days now...sinus/face pain, headaches, fatigue, achiness, etc) I decided to combine a few suggestions into a solution that was miraculous for me. I made the following mixture for my netti pot (which is actually a ceramic child's tea pot from my daughter's old tea set, sterilized of course :):

10oz of water
1 T. regular 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
5 drops grapefruit seed extract liquid concentrate
little less than 1/2 tspn. sea salt

I tried to run the solution through my nose, but it was too blocked, so I just poured some up in my nostril and then put my head down between knees to hold it in and let gravity work it up into my sinuses. Let is remain in there about 30 seconds or so...very slight burning/tingling. Then put my head over the sink and blew my nose, then repeated on the other side. Did this a couple of times each side, each time releasing a little more mucous. Then I waited a few hours. Within 2 hours, the right nostril ejected a large ball of mucous tinged with a little blood and pus (gross!..I know) and the right nostril was clear. The left side discharged a little more mucous but did not clear. I repeated the process focusing on the left side and on the second rinse, the left side also gave up a large blob of mucous also slightly tinged with a little blood and yellow pus. After then, my sinuses let go more mucous (no more blood and pus, just really thick mucous)than I have ever seen coming out of one person's nose. I could breathe clearly for the first time in over a week and the pressure and pain were greatly relieved. I can tell that I am not fully back to normal yet, but to have this much recovery in a matter of hours is WONDERFUL!! I feel so much better and wanted to pass this remedy along right away.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Linda (Boston, Massachusetts) on 10/27/2017

Fungal nasal infection, I read that cayenne pepper kills fungal infection. Take a q tip and swab nasal area with cayenne pepper

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sea Salt
Posted by Ken Shumaker (Oregon) on 01/26/2017

It's funny how we get these problems, and it seems like we're the only one that has it. Anyway I just went through an ordeal where I got hoarse and had a sore throat intermitantly, glands under my chin swollen and hurting down the sides of my neck. It scared the hell out of me. I did some research on the internet sounded like severe post nasal drip so I started trying different things. Nasal flush, nasal flush with about 3% hydrogen peroxide and drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and I feel much better looks like I'm finally on to something. I love being able to find help and reading about other people having similar issues to help each other.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mary (Chesapeake, VA) on 02/15/2009

This has been the most effective cure for congestion and sinus infection I have found to date.

Use a saline wash (Neti Pot) with 1/4 teaspoom of non-idodized salt + 1/8 teaspoon of powdered grapefruit seed extract (found in vitamin/health store).

Chew two cloves of garlic twice daily. It helps to drain the sinuses. Garlic contains Allicin, a broad spectrum antibiotic. It's antiviral and antibacterial, as well as anti-microbial.

Drink mugs of steaming hot chicken soup. It's comforting and hydrating and helps to loosen mucous.

Take a teaspoonful of honey before bed to soothe sore throat and reduce coughing. This is amazing--something that tastes great and really works!

Eat two-three oranges or tangerines daily.

Keep up your circulation by walking lightly daily (20 minutes) at the tail end of your cold. Increased circulation boosts the immune system and stimulates the lymph nodes to produce the killer white blood cells.

Drink a healthful smoothie of pineapple juice, strawberries and blueberries to strengthen your immune system.

DO NOT eat anything fatty or fried foods that could plug up your digestive system. If you cramp up and get constipated you slow down your recovery from a cold or sinus infection.
