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 Re: Sister With Copper Toxicity

1 month ago
Posted by GertieG (Madison) on 04/16/2024

I'll bet the machine was a Rife machine (I have the Spooky2 version). Uses sound waves and can really impact the target. Also, read Dr Nelson's book on the gut, he uses specifically made yogurts (you use only the specific probiotic you want and ferment at specific temp to maximize growth). She probably felt bad after the probiotics due to die off. Good luck

 Re: Remedies to Help Target Abdominal Fat?

1 month ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/16/2024

I highly recommend MarcHamiltonPhD youtube videos. The key is metabolism - more even than diet. His soleus pushups are a Nobel Prize worthy discovery. Sitting = soleus pushups (SPUs). Better than running, better than working out and anybody who has the use of their legs can do it. Keep your metabolism active and your body will take care of the T2D, the sugar and the fat as when the muscle runs out of glycogen, it switches to burning fat rather than becoming fatigued. The hardest part is to remember to do it until it becomes habit. There is an excellent in depth interview with Dr. Hamilton on Original Strength Bodcast episode 182.

SPUs don't cost a dime nor do they take any time away from other things nor require any equipment aside from whatever chairs you're sitting on. You can use a browser extension to pop up the website every hour or the timer on your phone to remind you to do them until it becomes habit.

The soleus muscle provides perfect muscle metabolism with zero muscle fatigue. It's so perfect that if your muscles get tired, all you have to do is relax the fatigued muscles and keep going as you know if you experience muscle fatigue, you're using the wrong muscles.

  Re: Art's Osteoporosis Supplement Recommendations

1 month ago
Posted by Art (California) on 04/16/2024

Just wanted to give an update to this article with this new study (April 2024) that adds a bit more confirmatory data and mechanisms of action to the idea that melatonin is useful for osteoporosis :

Here is a relevant study quote :

' Notably, MLT significantly increased the production of short-chain fatty acids and decreased trimethylamine N-oxide-related metabolites. Importantly, MLT could modulate the dynamic balance of M1/M2 macrophages, reduce the serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and restore gut-barrier function. Taken together, our results highlighted the important roles of gut microbially derived MLT in OP progression via the "gut-bone" axis associated with SCFA metabolism, which may provide novel insight into the development of MLT as a promising drug for treating OP. '


 Re: Sister With Copper Toxicity

1 month ago
Posted by Art (California) on 04/16/2024

Hi again Laura,

The plan her doctor has recommended seems like a very good one. Many many diseases seem to originate in the gut microbiome or are promoted by gut dysbiosis which your sister seems to have.

How does her doctor propose to kill off her "bad bacteria"? This is normally done through the use of two or three highly potent antibiotics simultaneously to kill off the existing gut microbiome prior to the induction of fecal microbiome transplantation (FMT) to allow the FMT to take hold easily and unperturbed by the existing pathogenic gut bacteria allowing the FMT to easily establish dominance of the gut microbiome. The FMT generally causes transient issues such as gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea or constipation. These gastro issues soon pass as the new FMT gradually takes hold and restores health promoting bacteria to the gut microbiome to improve the patient's health.

I wrote about FMT here and it might be worth asking her doctor if your sister can be a candidate for it given her severe dysbiotic gut :

Please keep us posted on how your sister progresses.


Remedies to Help Target Abdominal Fat?

1 month ago
Posted by mommyto9 (Nashville, TN) on 04/16/2024

I have been diagnosed with T2D. I have given birth to 9 children. For my pregnancies, I was super strict with my diet (lots of protein, healthy grains, low carb/sugar). I followed Shonda Parker's (such an amazing and talented woman and sad loss) guidelines for supplements and herbs to support a healthy pregnancy. In spite of all of my efforts, I still developed Gestational Diabetes. In addition to that contributing factor for developing T2D later, I also had gallstones that were so severely impacted that the bile backed up into my pancreas, I developed Pancreatitis, and the Dr. said that I would not have lasted one more day if I had not come to the hospital for surgery to remove my gallbladder. I have no idea what amount of permanent damage was done to my pancreas and if it ever returned to full function. There was no mention of diabetes being present, at that time. That was 16 years ago. I had another pregnancy 13 years ago, and my level of gestational diabetes for that pregnancy was slight. I was able to control it without insulin, so perhaps my pancreas function is not my issue.

For those of you who have T2D, have you had your pancreas function tested and, if so, was the information helpful to you with determining how to best manage your condition, naturally?

My main question, though, relates to the abdominal fat that contributes to insulin resistance and many other health issues. I have lost a good amount of weight over the last six years. I have lost in many areas, but I do not lose any from my upper abdomen. Please do not suggest a Keto diet. I eat very low carb. I eat high protein. I mostly avoid sugar, even fruit. I need to target this issue with vitamins or herbs or some additional combination that will dissolve this hard, difficult fat. I am encouraged, from reading much information on this site, that I can improve my insulin sensitivity (but there are so many suggestions that it is overwhelming). I don't think it is going to be possible as long as this blockage is in the way.

Thank you for your stories and advice.

  Re: LED Lights for Gum Disease

1 month ago
Posted by areli (Texas) on 04/16/2024

Hi! What Light device did you purchase?

  Re: Listerine Mouth Wash

1 month ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/16/2024

From my notes:

Listerine, an antimicrobial mouth rinse, completely killed microorganisms in 10 to 30 seconds; the microbes includes methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Helicobacter pylori, Candida albicans, Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces viscosus, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. And now Sars-2-Covid19. Listerine was also weakly effective in inactivating human immunodeficiency viruses HIV. Bacteria in samples collected from human dental plaque and saliva were completely killed within 30 seconds when exposed to Listerine. When saliva samples were collected from subjects who had rinsed their mouths with 20 ml of Listerine or 1:50 diluted povidone-iodine, levels of viable anaerobic bacteria in the samples were reduced to 1%. When Listerine was used for oral surgery such as tooth extraction and periodontal surgery, the agent was effective in relieving toothache. This was probably due to a decrease in oral bacteria by the antimicrobial action of Listerine, leading to lowering the inflammatory response of the host. The use of antimicrobial mouth rinse during dental treatments such as endodontic treatment proved effective for more reliable infection control. In Japan, there are an increasing number of elderly and medically compromised hosts who are potentially at risk for developing pneumonia due to silent aspiration of microbes in the oral cavity and throat. For the aged with such potential risk, using of antimicrobial mouth rinse may be effective in preventing dental plaque accumulation when used in addition to the mechanical control of plaque, since they tend to have difficulty in brushing teeth by themselves. Indeed, the use of antimicrobial mouth rinse in these elderly people proved useful not only in preventing bacterial pneumonia, but also in improving their quality of life by preserving their oral health.

Listerine was first invented in the late 19th century, and as early at 1879, manufacturers claimed the disinfectant was effective at both cleaning floors and curing gonorrhea. Now, 137 years later, scientists have published the first ever randomized controlled trial testing Listerine's gonorrhea claim in the medical journal Sexually Transmitted Infections. The verdict: the bad-breath mouthwash does indeed kill gonorrhea bacteria, both in petri dishes and in people's throats.

Scientists at the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre in Australia, first tested various concentrations of Listerine to see if it was effective at reducing bacterial counts of gonorrhea in a petri dish compared to saline solution. They found that Listerine dilutions of up to one in four (1:4) resulted in significant growth inhibition of gonorrhea when exposed for one minute, while saline solution prompted no change.

A number of studies have looked at the effects of Listerine on C. albicans, the microorganism that causes yeast infections. In a study conducted by the Tokyo Dental College department of microbiology, Listerine and Cool Mint Listerine were used to examine the effectiveness in killing C. albicans. A 30-second exposure to Listerine significantly decreased the number of living cells of C. albicans. Cool Mint Listerine had the same effect against reducing microorganism that causes yeast infections. This suggests that Listerine is an effective tool for killing the microorganism C. albicans that cause yeast infections in the mouth by rinsing the mouth for 30 seconds.

In another research study posted on the Medical Science Monitor, the use of Listerine to reduce different types of harmful microorganisms was tested. The number of microorganisms drastically reduced after 5 minute exposure to both Listerine Freshmint and Listerine Cleanmint. This is another study that suggests exposure to Listerine for up to 5 minutes can cause a drastic reduction in C. albicans that cause yeast infections.

In a study conducted by the department of oral medicine in Peking University School of Stomatology, the researchers looked at the use of several mouthwashes in treating C. albicans strains that grow on toenails and lead to toenail fungus. Listerine had significant antifungal activity that reduced the activity of C. albicans that cause yeast infections found on nails.

Overall, Listerine is a beneficial tool for treating yeast infections found in the mouth, skin, and nails. Yeast infections can be reduced by rinsing the mouth out with Listerine, soaking affected areas with Listerine, or placing a rag soaked in Listerine on the affected area.

  Re: Turmeric & Mammary Gland Tumor in Dog

1 month ago
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 04/16/2024

I've also read to apply castor oil to non-cancerous tumors to help shrink them. Some add frankincense to it as well.

 Re: Sister With Copper Toxicity

1 month ago
Posted by Laura (Author) (Waukesha) on 04/15/2024


My sister finally found a naturopath who gave her in depth testing. The results basically say the copper killed off so much good bacteria in her lower intestines that there is an overgrowth of bad bacteria. Because of this she has not been absorbing many nutrients from her foods - which explains the various tests that have shown her deficient in different vitamins.

They believe this is why she's had trouble breathing and why she had a bad reaction to the prebiotics/probiotics and other foods. Our next step, I believe is to try to kill off the bad bacteria before restoring the good bacteria and then slowly detox. The doctor did also use some kind of machine (????) and when she set it to "copper" my sister felt noticeably better.

She will be working with this doctor and has been looking into eating disorder clinics to see if any of them could help her with slowly reintroducing foods and getting more nutrients. Now that we got the results back, though we're not sure this is the best option.


Supplements for Bone Density and Probiotics

1 month ago
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 04/16/2024

What NOT to take together?

I take probiotics and several other supplements. I want to start taking horsetail (silica, for bones) and DE. My problem is that I take a probiotic capsule 4 times a day - morning, noon, supper and bedtime. Is it okay to take the silica and DE at the same time or do I need to space it out? Seems like the silica would be okay, but the DE?

  Where to Buy Quality Fulvic Acid

1 month ago
Posted by Karen (NYC) on 04/16/2024

Hi, purelife is not an authorized seller of optimally organic products. Best to avoid - many counterfeit products on the market. If interested, order direct.


They have the best prices and frequently offer discounts too.

good luck!

  Re: Lugol's Iodine

1 month ago
Posted by Sandr (Chicago, IL) on 04/15/2024

Did he take the 5% or the 2% Lugols?

  Re: Thin Skin

1 month ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 04/15/2024

Someone mentioned 2 teaspoons of thiamine HCl (vitamin B1 powder from bulk supplements on Amazon) works. Add to your bath. Increases collagen and skin thickness. Also take collagen or bovine gelatine as a supplement. Low dose methylene blue and vitamin C topically. Studies are published on Bluelene's website. I would also take vitamin K2.

  Re: Turmeric & Mammary Gland Tumor in Dog

1 month ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 04/15/2024

Ivermectin shrinks tumors to almost nothing after 6 months of daily use. Horse paste 1.87% version. Adjust according to the weight of your little dog :)

  Re: Ozone Therapy

1 month ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 04/15/2024

Hi Cindy,

I'm curious how much ozonated water you drink. I would also like to try a bath with ozonated water added.

  Listerine Mouth Wash for Tooth Cavities

1 month ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 04/15/2024

Hi Rob, I'm a big fan of your posts :) I think I'll try a few rounds of 10 minute Listerine soaks!

Over the past few months, I've been using the original Listerine (amber color one) for the first time. My teeth are clean 24/7 and healthy now.

Dr Ellie Phillips DDS recommends using Listerine twice daily for 1 full minute as part of her protocol that she claims has worked for decades in all people to eliminate decay and restore dental health and tooth remineralization. She's got lots of informative videos on YouTube. A big a-ha moment for me was her sharing how women's teeth are different from men's. More precisely, it's the fluctuating pH that happens with a woman's saliva mainly in response to pregnancy and stress. The pH turns acidic and demineralization kicks in. There are steps you can take to offset this. I could never figure out why I suddenly had cavities during my child bearing years whereas previously I had no trouble. If any pregnant women or future mothers happen to read this post: make sure you don't harbor pathogenic dental bacteria or have gum infections by using something like Listerine as well as cleaning under the gumline with a water pik on lowest setting using a saturated solution of baking soda and salt 50/50 with some iodine added. I believe it's DDS Stephens on YouTube who gave this protocol which he verified eliminates dental infections. He samples the salvia and examines it under a microscope.

Also make sure you're keeping an alkaline mouth by avoiding acidic and sugary snacks, avoiding carbonated water, using xylitol, and raising your internal pH by supplementing baking soda and calcium (but not the citrate form per Dr Reams). I also like horsetail for silica, borax for boron, and vitamin D and K for ensuring proper minerals for dental health and babies development.

Listerine Mouth Wash for Tooth Cavities

1 month ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/15/2024

Listerine mouthwash (the amber yellow kind): Old folks have told me that swishing mouthwash and holding it in your mouth for 10 minutes will kill any tooth decay you may have.

Look for the following active ingredients of mouthwash:

Eucalyptol (eucalyptus oil) 0.092%

Menthol (peppermint oil) 0.042%

Methyl salicylate (wintergreen oil) 0.060%

Thymol (thyme oil) 0.064%

Alcohol 12-23%

  Turmeric & Mammary Gland Tumor in Dog

1 month ago
Posted by SMequine (Midwest USA) on 04/15/2024

Good afternoon, one of my older rare breed Bolonkas has tumor on mammary gland. She has been on Joe Tippen protocol for 5 wks now. No change.

Castor Oil and DMSO topically. Getting Curcumin sprinkled in food w capsule broken open of Reishi. Wanding w iTerraHertz 15 mins daily as well.

I want to increase turmeric and/or paste it, but I am not sure about the bleeding issue on mammary gland blood supply.

Has anyone used turmeric on mammary tumors? What about Bloodwort?

She is 12/13 yrs old, 8-10#, and a happy Howdy Dyu Russian Bolonka.

  Re: Thin Skin

1 month ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/15/2024

You're dehydrated. Set the timer on your phone for 1 hour. When it goes off, drink a half glass of water and restart it. Do that every waking hour with a little grain of sea salt under your tongue. Takes the guess work out of how much plain water you drink in a day. And don't add anything to your water or think that other drinks count, because they don't. Your body handles plain water differently than other fluids so drink it straight. And if you drink a lot of other stuff, bump that up to a full cup of water every waking hour.

  Re: Ozone Therapy

1 month ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/15/2024

Aside from the small, "refrigerator" ones I use in a plastic bag to "decontaminate" small things (back when they were 6 bucks a piece) all of mine are ForeverOzone, going back to about 2012. I have a 3000 & a 30,000 barebones. a 30,000 with a case and fan and a 500mg water/oil ozonator that I use to fill my shed with ozone through a little hole so wasps don't nest there or, at least, don't stay in there. I also have an even older industrial specimen that still works but I don't have much use for it these days nor do I recall who built it.

I like FO because they're serious, very well made, very reasonably priced for that quality AND you can buy parts for them.