Superior Semi-circular Canal Dehiscence Syndrome

| Modified on Oct 22, 2022
Posted by Marsh57 (Denver) on 02/22/2018

HI Deirdre, Would you consider adding a section on SSCD (Superior Semi-circular Canal Dehiscence) aka Superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS)? It's a set of hearing and balance symptoms caused by a thinning or complete absence of the part of the temporal bone overlying the superior semicircular canal of the vestibular system. A few of the symptoms are dizziness, vertigo, hearing your heart beat and eyelids blink, blood surging in your neck. I've don't quite a bit of research over the past 17 months and am a candidate for the surgery. I had been having infrequent vertigo attacks for 20 years and wish I had found out sooner as I now have a predicted 80% success rate. It may have been better if I would have been aware of this since my ENTs didn't have the presence of mind to suggest a cat-scan or MRI. SSCD was only discovered in 1998 making it a relatively new disease. There are Youtube videos that explain it well and The Doctors TV show featured it on a segment. It can be quite debilitating and believe this information could help many of your followers. Thank You!

EC: Marsh,

Thank you for sharing this and helping to increase awareness of this issue!