Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Oregano Oil
Posted by Marie (Va) on 03/07/2016

My daughter had two warts appear at age 6, one on her finger and one on foot. At age 8, we were fed up with over the counter remedies. We waited a year after her doctor treated with the 'frozen method', they came back bigger and spread on her fingers.

I used Oregano Oil dabbed on a cotton swab and they were killed and never returned after two weeks.

Warning....Oregano Oil is a hot oil to the skin and can burn the skin if too much is applied or rubbed on skin. Only use directly on the wart with a q-tip. It works! Use twice a day for a week or two. Hers went away after two weeks and did not return. It worked for us and she has been free of them for 2 years.

Good luck.

Remember Oregano Oil can be hot once on the skin or burn the skin. Do not rub on skin. Only use a Q-Tip!! The frozen method the doctor used actually was more painful our daughter mentioned and what we witnessed then the slight sting on the area from the oil. It must kill the fungus at the root of the wart. They just fell off about two weeks later and haven't returned.

Look it up as it has other uses as well. I believe it is an anti-fungal.


Vegetable and Fruit Diet
Posted by Celine (Sri Lanka) on 02/21/2015

Hi, I had plantar warts for 6 years and tried everything to get rid of them (bazooka, azote, creams, natural treatments...) but nothing worked. I did last October a fruit and veggies detox for two weeks and to my big surprise my warts disappeared. I read them some articles saying that detox boots the immune system and helps get rid of them. For me this is probably the best treatment as not only you get rid of warts but also of the virus from your body so they are much less likely to disappear for longer. My warts were huge and really growing despite daily treatments so if it worked for meit is really worth trying (Vegetables, fruits, water, cereals for two weeks and you will see amazing benefits) :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam (US) on 11/16/2014

handsdown ACV WORKS!!!! I had a wart for a few years. I sought medical line of treatments and otc packs (dr.scolls). nothing worked. Finally I used ACV PACK, the duct tape method and changing the pack every 3 days after gentle scrubbing..for 2 months. Results: voila ...it just vanished and I saw new skin coming, yet I continued for one more month.. I don't have a sign of it now ? it's slow but surely works!!!! Try it now. Be very religious about the procedure. Do not be lazy!! It WORKS!

Posted by Scot (Pen Argyl Pa) on 12/27/2013

I've had this wart on the 4th finger of my right hand for years but since I didn't have health insurance, couldn't afford a doctor and it wasn't really bothering me I never did much about it. A few weeks ago I started taking turmeric 2-3 times a day. Not much, just the tip of a teaspoon in certain food or drink. It's the only change I've really made. Last week I noticed the cauliflower getting smaller and it starting to develop dead skin over it. The cauliflower is tiny now, about 1/8th-1/10th the size. I've just started a few days ago using a nail file on it to remove the dead skin. It's looking like by next week it will be gone completely. I haven't had to rub any nasty stuff on it and cover with bandages or tape. There's been absolutely no pain or discomfort of any type. What a pleasant surprise to have such results from something I was going to do with or without the wart.. And with all the health benefits of Turmeric, we should all be adding it to our diets anyway. Depending on what you put it on or in, there isn't much difference in the taste. It actually tastes pretty good in warm milk with a bit of raw honey or agave nectar and sometimes some cinnamon too. It's a great drink for cold days or just before bed. The mom down the street has started giving it to her husband and kids instead of hot chocolate and they like it. This is the first year none of them have had any colds yet too. It's also not too bad in my morning coffee. You just have to keep stirring the drink because it doesn't dissolve and settles to the bottom.

The one drawback to turmeric is take too much and it will dehydrate you. If you need to take more of it, drink more fluids.

Castor Oil
Posted by Chris (Texas, Usa) on 08/21/2013

Warts are caused by viruses and need air and moisture to survive. Castor oil applied religiously will cut off both and the plantar wart will disappear in a matter of weeks. Much better than paying a Dermatologist to have the little buggers burned or frozen, only to be left with visible scars.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Columbus, Ohio, Us) on 02/22/2013

I used regular food-grade Apple Cider Vinegar on my plantar warts after years of trying to freeze or compound-w them away. I had a very bad infestation on my toes and on the balls of my feet. There was nothing except duct tape that could stick to my feet all night long. I cut those make-up cotton rounds to size, soaked them in acv, and taped them in place each night until the pain was distracting me from sleep. I walked around in socks during the day, washed my feet with salycillic acid soap in the shower, and rubbed some reccommended supplemental powder (I forget the name of but was a bear to find at the druggist's) after the shower. I took a break for about a week and went at it again until they were all gone. I went from three- inch by inch sized mosaics, four kissing warts, and at least two dozen stand-alone warts to nothing in two months after having to wear socks and shoes all the time for 8 years to keep from infectin others. Now, I go barefoot all the time!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kingsdaughter (Syracuse, New York) on 02/09/2013

Apple Cider Vinegar cured 14 warts on my hands, most of them in a matter of 1 1/2 weeks, when nothing else would. I applied it at night by placing small bits of ACV-soaked cotton ball on the warts and securing them with duct tape, and then removing them in the morning.

If at any point it hurt too much, or if the skin around the wart got too sensitive, I would just take the cotton ball off and wait a few days before resuming treatment. It's a pretty forgiving method, and super effective. The warts turn black and just fall right off.

Warning: DO NOT PICK at the warts; let them come off on their own. I have absolutely no scarring except from one wart that I picked off before it was ready.

I understand that this treatment has taken a lot longer for some, but IT WORKS. If it's taking longer, I would recommend filing down the wart before applying ACV.

I've only gotten 2 new warts in the past two years, and they were also easily treated with ACV. Warts no longer scare me, because I know how to deal with them!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Merna (Asheville, Nc) on 10/04/2015

Don't despair after a week. I removed a wart with ACV which took 9 days to fall off. Then when I stopped the treatment it started to grow back and I had to continue for a while longer to make sure it was completely gone. Recently I removed another wart with ACV and it was gone in 4 days and hasn't tried to return. All warts must not be equal. Both times I changed the cotton a lot to make sure it did not dry out. From my experience warts don't have a chance against Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Reallyworks (Philadelphia, Pa) on 11/16/2012

Another important factor is to keep everything disinfected: I used hydrogen peroxide to clean the wart area before and after using the emery board. I also disinfected the emery board. I wore gloves when treating my foot. Lastly, in the morning I always had Mediplast (while using the ACV) or just waterproof tape (after ACV "round" while letting it heal) on the wart area to prevent infecting my flip flops.

* I am a 40yo male.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Australia) on 11/25/2021

My son had a solid wart that suddenly appeared on his big toe. I cut a slice of fresh garlic, put it on the wart and secured it with a bandaid, then wrapped a piece of gauze around it to keep it secure.

Within a few days, it had fallen off, roots and all. It never returned.

Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 09/02/2012

I followed a recomendation of taping an asprin (or piece of an asprin) to a very stubborn old wart, and also to a dime sized skin keratosis; after 4-5 days, both disolved and never returned. It resulted in a normal scab then scar, both of which healed normally, in the usual time frame. As predicted, the salysilic acid in the asprin simply disolved all the layers of built-up skin. I treated several stubborn warts and a keratosis that caused by over exposure from the sun.

Helpful hints: On the 3rd morning, lift the tape and check it every day & night so you don't over-do the treatment and get a sore spot from leaving it on longer than necessary (which occurred during my first trial; but which I later found was beneficial because it killed the deep wart root as well). Also be sure to cut your asprin to size, and use a chunk just a bit smaller than the growth so no surrounding/healty skin is burned. Also scrape off the coating of the asprin if it is "enteric coated", and wet the asprin before taping to shorten the treatment time by a day.

Posted by Reginna (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 08/17/2012

I love EC, since then I been using it on my ailments and giving all remedies a tried. I have to share that I had great success with URINE. I had for several years tiny warts on all my neck, the warts are not plantar so there is no way I can cover them with makeup. I tried vitamin C and ACV but the warts were still there! So anyways I kept on doing them. I saw the URINE THERAPY on this page and wanted to try for my candida and give it a shot to see what happen to my body but I failed.. I just could not drink it! But I used it and apply it all over my face and neck-thinking what wrong could that do... in the morning when I woke up I saw my face clearer and checked my neck, WOW I WAS SO HAPPY I COULD Barley see any WARTS!! I'am super happy know I can wear my V tops with confidence!! I will keep on trying it!

Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by Alt-rocks (Suffolk, United Kingdom) on 08/02/2012

Many years ago my youngest brother was constantly having to have thread warts burnt off from under his chin and neck area. He was very young and this was extremely painful for him. A retired nurse suggested that I might want to try using a slurry of castor oil and bicarbonate of soda on the area twice a day. It worked absolute wonders, they all fell off within a week, and twenty five years later he is still wart free. If I remember correctly, I used a teaspoon of castor oil and two teaspoons of bicarbs to create a sludge which I applied to his skin with a q-tip.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Billygoat001 (New York City, Ny, Usa) on 08/02/2012

I had two plantar warts on my left heel and one on my right heel. I tried everything... Went to the dermatologist and had them frozen (Cryotherapy) at least a dozen times, to no avail. I tried banana peels, which looked like it might work, but didn't. I tried ACV, and that didn't work either. ACV was very painful but didn't work for me. I tried fresh squeezed garlic, fresh aloe, basil, and dandelion sap. I tried everything over a 3 year span, and none of those above mentioned therapies worked for me. I finally ordered 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide over the internet and I must say, 4 months later and I'm completely plantar wart free. The first wart (on my right heel) healed first, after about 3 weeks. The smaller one on my left heal took about 6 weeks, and finally the large one is gone after 4 months of using the hydrogen peroxide. Once a day, just on the wart itself, applied with a Q-tip, did the trick. Be very careful not to spill or get it on other skin areas and be persistent. Don't give up. I thought I'd never get rid of them.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Jay (Newquay, Cornwall, Uk) on 07/14/2012

Just wanted to share that I had many warts on my hands and had an aloe vera plant, had read somewhere they get rid of them. I had tried all the different products and just didn't get rid of them. I cut a leaf off the plant, cut it in half, put the flesh side down on the wart, covering it. Then wrapped a small bandage and tape over it, within a week they had gone!

Posted by Julie (Pbg, Fl) on 07/06/2012

Wash yourself with Sandalwood Soap and just before you get out of the shower put some of the soap on the warts and let it dry on. This company is trying to make a business of it with FDA approval:

Here is one of the earlier patents. I selected this URL because it gives many human individual cases if you scroll all the way down. In addition, these two sections caught my eye:

"At the time of filing this application, further clinical work is underway to refine the method of the present invention and to further characterize the active components of the sandalwood oil. At this time, a total of fifteen (15) individuals have undergone the inventive therapy and all 15 experienced the eradication of their palmar or plantar warts. The application of the sandal soap at least twice daily with occasional placement of soap residue on the warts, results in disappearance of the warts in about four (4) weeks. Deeply embedded warts took up to eight (8) weeks to resolve. Of the 15 individuals treated to date, twelve (12) were previously treated with salicylic acid preparations, liquid nitrogen or surgical techniques. In all twelve (12) cases, the warts reappeared. Upon reappearance of the warts, the subjects enrolled into the sandal soap study and have successfully completed their course of therapy and the warts have failed to reappear. It was noted that the individuals that had previously received salicylic acid treatments were slower to respond to the inventive therapy when warts were covered by scar tissue. However, in all cases, the warts had disappeared within four (4) to eight (8) weeks and recurrence of warts had not yet been detected."


"In light of these results, the inventors have concluded that sandalwood oil (or a component of the oil) is not only an antiviral agent against HPV, DNA pox virus and perhaps other viruses but it would also be a chemoprotective agent for skin cancers and an effective therapy for cancerous or precancerous lesions of the skin and the female genital tract.

Other Indications

Since warts are caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) of different types and the sandalwood oil disclosed herein can eradicate this virus, it is contemplated that this composition may be useful in methods of eradicating other viral-induced tumors. Genital warts are also caused by HPV. Genital warts in women are a genuine nuisance and are very hard to eradicate. The sandalwood may also be useful to prevent other DNA viral lesions. Its effect on other DNA as well as RNA viruses needs further investigation. The fact that sandalwood oil appears to be extremely effective in eradicating palmar and plantar warts caused by the DNA HPV virus and also effective in treating Molluscum contagiosum rash caused by DNA pox virus supports its effectiveness against other DNA and RNA viruses.

It is proposed that the continued use of sandalwood oil or the components of sandalwood oil (such as B1- and B2-santalol) would be effective for the prophylactic treatment of viral tumors and eradication of DNA viral infections and bacterial infections caused by streptococci or staphylococci."


Sandalwood Soap as it is specifically called out in some of the literature that I have read and clinical trials. There really aren't tons and tons of companies that manufacturer Sandalwood Soaps. Another that readers could try would be Sandalwood-Tumeric Soap w/Neem in it. This latter soap additionally has coconut oil and castor oil too.

I sincerely hope this helps some folks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kaz (Launceston, Tasmania) on 05/14/2012

I've used ACV for both my children with warts on their feet. Currently I am treating my son, with two planter warts on each of his big toes. They have been there for a while, and all of a sudden became quite uncomfortable for him to walk and wear shoes. All I do with the ACV is use a cotton bud and soak the tip with the ACV and then just rub the wart and make sure it's nice and wet. I do it just before bedtime and we just wait for it to dry and off to bed he goes. We tried putting something over it in the beginning, but he was too stressed about it all.

So the process I use now doesn't bother him at all, except the smell, but because I'm only using a cotton bud you can't smell it for long. It is working quite well, within a day the warts had risen in height, and it didn't take too long for the centre to go black. Depending on the age of your children and their temperament, this might be the best way to go, it may take longer, but it is less of a process for the child. Give it a go, I've used the pharmacy stuff and that didn't even do anything, but make us feel sick everytime we had the lid off. I'm not a greeny by any means, but will try anything that is simple and easy and of course WORKS......

Banana Peel
Posted by Nolan (Alabama) on 03/07/2018

I've also used the fingernail clipper method before with like u said about 60% success rate, but a much better way I found was when you make ur first cut, the wart skin is kinda like dead skin, and I peel it away. After peeling the first layer I take hydrogen peroxide and let it soak to kill off another layer, then I peel it off, then soak it again, and then peel it off. till I get really deep where I cant tell if there's any mounded skin left and then I just do one last soak. The skin healed back and haven't had the warts since.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Autumn (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/12/2011

I recently stumbled across this ACV for warts info after having a wart in my hand for approx. 30 yrs... Doctors tried everything to get rid of it short of cutting my hand because it's on my right hand and I was afraid of needing to much help. It's smack dead in the center of my palm. Since the thing never went away I just learned to live with it as a child totally ignoring & telling other kids it was a weird Birthmark. Well I want you to know that I started using ACV on Wednesday and it has opened up and I see the yukky inside of it. Which is something it has never done before with any other treatment. So I pray this is the miracle I have been looking for concerning my hand. I will keep you posted... BTW this thing burns and stings like a Bon of a sitch (dyslexic cursing) lol! Keep your fingers crossed for me. I've waited. Long time to be rid of this thing... And my 40th bday is next week, that would be a great gift!!

Posted by Addy (Flowery Branch, Ga) on 06/13/2011

Hi Monika, I'm excited to read your post. I've had a wart on my foot for YEARS.. Been to 3 foot docs and now I'm going to a dermatologist. My last visit was Friday and I'm sure in some way this thing is laughing at me and saying 'are you serious' as today there is no sign of the 'freezing' the doc performed. I told her to freeze the hello out of it.. she did and today its like I never went.

So, yes, I'm quite interested about your treatment and this tea you are making. Would you mind posting your recipe for the tea?

Thanks a million and here's to hopefully happy feet here soon! Best wishes...Addy

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Winnipeg, Manitoba/canada) on 03/19/2011

a ladie told me I can use this for warts so I went and bought a bottle of organic apple cider and a roll of the best duct tape I could find then took a cloth or anything that is sterile and can obsorb it. So I waited for an hour or two then I put a little pad on him then sealed it with duck tape. Waited for 12 to 24 hours but the longer I waited the better they went away but the more the skin was getting scabbed but I am worryed about my son he is four and I would like to see him not grow up with them it would hurt me more then the dumest thing I could ever do and now he went from having 12 to 8 really small ones also I was reading just some of your stuff and think you are comming up with something it is there but now I will take a bit every week to see what it could do
