Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Oregano Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/25/2015

My daughter had something on her hand that we assumed was a blister because she was riding her bike a lot. But she would pick at it and it would bleed and such. We finally realized it was a wart. (Perhaps a plantar's wart.) We had a bottle of diluted oregano oil on hand. (We bought it that way. It is 1 part oregano oil and 3 parts olive oil. It was quite inexpensive.) She put 1 drop of this solution onto the wart once or twice a day for a week or ten days or so and it is gone now!

~Mama to Many~

Vitamin C
Posted by Mia (Asheville, Nc) on 04/29/2015

I have had a couple tiny warts on the inside of my nose for several years. I have used either castor oil and coconut oil regularly. (It seems to keep them small and without pain.) However, recently, I had a blood test that revealed my Vitamin C level was virtually non-existent, so I began taking 1000 mg morning and night of ascorbic acid Over the past few weeks, I have felt the warts diminishing. I'll be keeping up this regimen!

Posted by Joshua (Vancouver, Canada) on 12/13/2014

I would like to add one more method of wart removal and that is to use dandelion milk/sap. A little back story on this is I had warts for years and most of them stayed the same size and only occasionally were they painful. I tried EVERYTHING from actually getting them burned off to duct tape and garlic, but nothing worked. Eventually I got a few small ones on my hands and a HUGE one on my foot. This was the last straw for me. Coincidentally at the same time, my mother remembered her grandfather saying dandelion milk/sap worked, and she remembered it working too. With out any hesitation I found the juiciest dandelion in my yard and snapped the head off to place on every last wart. The sap turned black and in a few months no one would have ever thought I used to have warts all over my feet.

To apply I have found the flowers have the most juice, but any part will do. The great thing with the dandelion method is that the sap sticks on for about a week before you have to reapply. A few times my skin would become quite sensitive to the sap but not for long. My brother and sister also had warts on their hands and feet and the weird thing was that we all got rid of all our warts at the same time using this method.

Posted by Myway (Wilmington, De) on 10/21/2014

To get rid of a wart without too much hassle, simply purchase iodine tincture from a pharmacy and dab the wart with a drop of iodine daily. In no time, the wart will be flat and gone permanently. I do feel this is more effective then most other methods because Iodine "kills" the virus so, it does not come back. This method works great on skin tags too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Sterling, Ma) on 08/18/2014

Apple Cider Vinegar for Warts: This works! I had a wart on the top of my foot for 6 years! Like many of the other people who have posted on this site, I had it treated by the doctor and I treated it myself with the patches and every wart kit you can get at the drug store. It worked a couple times but then it would come back. I heard from some people that it may just go away. I also read that if I focused on improving my immune system that it would go away, so I did. But it just got bigger and then had 'babies'. So I did some research about surgery but I tend to lean away from western medicine. A month ago at about 3am I couldn't sleep and was thinking about how much I hated this stupid wart on me. I wanted it gone and knew I could find a way. I found this site and started reading all the feedback about how the apple cider vinegar was working for so many people. It sparked some major hope that I could potentially rid myself of these things and a month later, success!!!! I attacked the mother wart first. At the same time, I started treating a small one on the bottom of my foot and another between some toes. Every night (it was time consuming- but be persistant, you will be so happy once the warts are gone! ) I used an eye dropper full of ACV. Soak some balls of cotton that I pulled off of q-tips. I tried to make each ball the same size as the wart that it would go on. I used bandages called Nexcare, which were great because it kept the Apple Cider Vinegar from dripping and they stay on really well!! The warts first turned white. Then black spots. Then I used a pumice stone to filled the skin down a bit. A few times I got over zealous and it would bleed. I would only do the filing every other night. With the big wart, I notice the process repeat itself after I filed away a layer, it would turn white, then black again. By the way, it is painful too! I just kept thinking about how happy I would be once they were all gone:) I highly suggest taking a magnesium/calcium supplement like Calm. This will help you to sleep through the pain (besides the many other health benefits associated with taking a mag/cal supplement). I think I may have treated it longer than was necessary. I finally decided (around the 4week) to give it a break. I had come to the point where there really couldn't be more filed, and there were just crators left. Now there is new skin. It just looks a bit like there was a wound there. I am confident that with some rose hips oil the skin will heal up nicely. But first I am going to start treating the small 'baby' warts that are around where really big was. I promised myself a few things if it worked. 1)I would post the experience, 2)I would throw away all my flip flops - because I'm paranoid I will get another wart from them 3) I would buy myself a new pair of sandals! Oh and P.S. I started taking a zinc supplement and drinking ACV as I did the treatment for added immune support. Another thing, the pumice stone grossed me out after a few uses (because a lot of dead, infected skin comes off! ), so I tossed it and started using small rocks that I would gather from my backyard that looked rough enough to file the skin down:) That way I could use a new one each time!

Vapor Rub
Posted by Trishygirl (Wanganui, New Zealand) on 05/31/2014

Last week I had a cold and so I tried putting Vicks Vapor Rub on soles of my feet and between my toes to give me relief from coughing at night. I put socks on and went to bed. After 3 night of this (It did help with the cough) I noticed that a wart on my toe was nearly gone. A quick search on the web showed up incidents of it working for others. Hope this is helpful to others. Take care

Vitamin A
Posted by Barbara (Ottawa, CA) on 04/20/2014

I am trying Vit A at the time and it seems to be successful. Here is a link to the info:


Banana Peel
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/06/2014

John: More people eat bananas than any other fruit. There has been only 1 recorded case of somebody being allergic to them. There are only 2 possibilities I can think of. A non organic banana might have some pesticides in the peel. Normally the pesticides stay on the exterior and do not get that far into the interior. The disease might not have been confined to the wart and might also be under the skin. Maybe the nutrients in the peel killed them and they produced mycotoxins that caused the reaction.

Duct Tape
Posted by Tarai381 (Allentown, Pa) on 01/31/2014

I had a big wart on my left leg. I had it removed at the doctors office. But couple of years later it came back. So I read an article in a magazine about using duck tape to remove warts. So I tried it!

Cut a small piece of Duct tape and taped it on my warts, I even took showers with it on my wart. I had the duck tape on day & night. And only replaced the tape when it starts to get loose. After couple of days the wart softened and eventually disappeared after a week. And its been a few years and it hasn't come back.

When my daughter was very little, she had a big wart on her thumb. So I wrapped it with tape & couple of days later, it was gone! And it hasn't been back & she's 16 yrs. old now.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Sc, Usa) on 12/01/2013

I love how ACV can get rid of the warts I've had on the backs of my hands and fingers for years, permanently, in no time at all. All I did was scratch the wart up a bit with a clean sewing needle, then soak a small piece of cotton (perhaps torn from a q-tip), place that on top of the wart, and secure it snuggly with a band-aid. Then, for two days, I would re-soak that piece of cotton, replace the band-aid if necessary, and the wart would almost certainly be gone within 48 hours. But me being me, I usually continue to do it for an extra day just to be sure. From my experience, and from a few others whom I've convinced to try this, it works at least 90% of the time, or 100% of the time if they need to do it again a second time with a little bit of deeper scratching from the pin. This doesn't hurt! All you are doing is scratching the wart's thick outer layer so that the ACV can seep down into the root.

Fig Leaf Milk
Posted by Lynnd (Socal) on 11/13/2013

I can vouch that fig "milk" works on warts. Tried it on my husband when a fig planted itself in the yard. :-) The wart will begin to shrivel at first application. If repeated 2-3x per week, it takes longer but works, too.

Flat Wart Remedies
Posted by Cj (New Zealand) on 10/20/2013

My 12 yr old son also has flat warts (plane warts) and I've tried the banana peel and duct tape to keep them on but because they are on his back, when he's sleeping, the duct tape seems to come loose from the constant moving I guess.

There was a suggestion that castor oil rubbed into the warts helped, I did this a few times and admittedly they did seem to sort of "dry up" just a tad, but never really showed signs of disappearing completely. Back to the banana skin, a friend of mine told me she peeled the very top layer of the outer skin and just a thin layer of the inner peel off and applied that to her sons warts and they were gone within 2 or 3 applications. The greener the better. However, they weren't flat warts and so were easier to apply being a smaller area.

I will try again with the banana, this time using a much thinner layer and as green as possible - but it's coming summer here, and bananas don't stay green for long at the moment! I believe they are our best option so stick with it each night.

Posted by Lorraine (Indiana, Usa) on 09/20/2013

Please add Tumeric to your list of remedies for warts. For about year, I was troubled with a wart on the on my right palm. Resonable--though not excellent nutrition-would shrink the wart and cause it to blacken slightly. But it was still there. Due to other health concerns, about 6 weeks ago, I began taking moderately high dosages of tumeric/curcumin (4 capsules, 3 times per day) My wart is now absolutely GONE without a trace--not smaller--GONE!!!!!!

I do offer the following cautions: NEVER take curcumin on an empty stomach. It is best taken with plenty of healthy fats, and BE CAREFUL TAKING CURCUMIN IF YOU TAKE PRESCRIPTION BLOOD THINNERS... But this works!!!

Castor Oil
Posted by Cb (Netherlands) on 08/23/2013

I agree, Castor oil removed a wart from my sisters neck... It was a stubborn one and she tried lots of things to get rid of it. Only the Castor oil worked, without leaving a scar behind.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Miracles (Santa Monica, Ca, United States) on 07/11/2013

I was intrigued by all the posts on Apple Cider Vinegar for various ailments and to be used as various remedies. So I recommended to a client that he use it for his wart after reading that it could disappear and/or fall off overnight. This client had been going to podiatrists and having the painful wart removed from the bottom of his foot for nearly two years - the wart probably gotten from going barefoot running. So I recommended this cure and he told me that the wart literally got black and fell off - and suddenly the pain was gone. Thank you to Earth Clinic and everybody who writes in for these amazing remedies!

Duct Tape
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 01/10/2017 443 posts

I think the reason it doesn't work for some is that not all duct tape is alike. Some duct tape "breathes", allowing air to get to the wart. If it doesn't work you might try some of the cheaper plastic-looking duct tape.

Posted by Clare (Lytham St Annes, England) on 05/01/2013

The white milk from the broken stem of a dandelion applied to the wart clears it up in a couple of weeks - if it's small.

Duct Tape
Posted by Matty (Seattle, Usa) on 04/29/2013

I had a wart on my finger which I had tried to remove by using vinegar, but this just burned my skin. Then I tried wrapping duct tape around my finger (over the wart) which I changed every few days. After about 3 weeks it was gone and has still not come back in a year!

Banana Peel
Posted by Dan W (Northampton, MA) on 12/28/2021

Are you kidding? I eat leafy greens every day and still have warts. They require external treatment.

Banana Peel
Posted by Carol (Elizabethville, Pa, United States) on 02/08/2013

I was so pleased when I found this site for banana peels. Several years ago a friend told me about there usefulness for getting rid of warts. It was good to know, but I've never had warts. A year or so after that our daughter was in a very bad car accident. Maybe because of stress or picking something up at the hospital (spent several days there with her). I found something on my back that looked like ring worm. About the size of a quarter and it burned and itched. Didn't go to a Dr. (don't like them). Decided to try the banana peel. My husband cut a piece and put it inside down over the mark, covered it with gauze and taped it down. Next day it was better. Continued this for three more days and the thing was gone. Haven't had a return of it. Have also tried peels on sore throat. Put the peel on your throat and wrap with a towel or something to keep it in place. Sleep or rest for awhile. See how it feels a few hours later.

I've only been online a couple of months, but I love earthclinic. I've always been one for alternative remedies and love having them at my finger tips. I've learned so much. Oh, I tried the oil pulling. Had an abcessed tooth and was using clove oil, which worked beautifully, but had to keep applying it. Started oil pulling on January 26, 2013 and three days later I didn't need the clove oil anymore. Don't have to put it on over night or anything. It's great and the pain is gone. Teeth are white. Also noticed my neck doesn't seem to sag as much. Don't know if that is from the constant movement for the 20 minutes of oil pulling or the oil itself doing something.

This is a wonderful site. Thank you. Carol from Pa

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jolene (New Mexico) on 11/03/2013

Aloe vera will take care of any skin that is irritated by the apple cider vinegar.
