Comments and Requests

Website Updates
Posted by Earth Clinic on 06/26/2021

Hello, we're thrilled to let you know that desktop users can now search any ailment and sort all the posts in 3 ways:

1) alphabetically by remedy
2) newest posts
3) most loved posts on the page

Just click on the blue User Review button at the top of any article, and it will drop you down to a box where you can sort all the posts on that particular ailment. See screenshots below.

Give it a go, and if you have any comments or suggestions about the sorting feature and how it could be improved, please let us know!

Example page:

Website Updates
Posted by Deirdre (Los Angeles) on 12/30/2018

Hello everyone,

Unless something happens where we have to retrace our steps, we will be moving over to the new platform this morning (Dec 31) so Earth Clinic may not be accessible for a few hours or more today. Sorry about that!

As I have mentioned previously, please be patient with us while we get up to speed in the next couple of weeks. We will have to deal with thousands of error messages from pages that have been renamed all over the site and other issues that will come up once we move over that will have to be addressed first.

To begin with, the site will be simplified. You will only have a REPLY button under each post. We will start adding components to comments one by one. But every time we add a new feature, we slow down the site, so we need to be very cautious about adding new components and do a lot of testing first. Also, you will not be able to login on the new site until after we have migrated user accounts in January.

Additionally, the latest posts page has to be created on the new site and we're not sure when that will be done. It's a programming issue.

Approved posts from November 2018 until now will NOT have been uploaded to the new site. No worries, we'll get them uploaded soon. However, every post from the main site from 1999 - November 2018 is uploaded.

Ted's site and our Q&A site will stay the same until we create new websites for those two sites. This means any questions from either of those two sites will not flow through the new EC site as they are no longer going to be connected. More problems for us to solve in the coming months.

Thanks for your patience while we get up to speed. If you are not on our mailing list, please send us an email at [email protected] and request to be added to it. We will probably communicate through email to our community with announcements.

See you very soon on the new site.

Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year With MUCH LOVE.


P.S. We will most likely have a Latest Posts page set up for new comments as soon as we go live... woo hoo!

Website Updates
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 08/07/2008

Book recommendation for those of you interested in brain chemistry and neuroplasticity... It's called: Susan Brown, a well known healer in Los Angeles. It is fantastic!

Review From Publishers Weekly:

"For years the doctrine of neuroscientists has been that the brain is a machine: break a part and you lose that function permanently. But more and more evidence is turning up to show that the brain can rewire itself, even in the face of catastrophic trauma: essentially, the functions of the brain can be strengthened just like a weak muscle. Scientists have taught a woman with damaged inner ears, who for five years had had "a sense of perpetual falling," to regain her sense of balance with a sensor on her tongue, and a stroke victim to recover the ability to walk although 97% of the nerves from the cerebral cortex to the spine were destroyed. With detailed case studies reminiscent of Oliver Sachs, combined with extensive interviews with lead researchers, Doidge, a research psychiatrist and psychoanalyst at Columbia and the University of Toronto, slowly turns everything we thought we knew about the brain upside down. He is, perhaps, overenthusiastic about the possibilities, believing that this new science can fix every neurological problem, from learning disabilities to blindness. But Doidge writes interestingly and engagingly about some of the least understood marvels of the brain. (Mar. 19)"