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Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Jalen (Colorado) on 07/02/2015

In response to people asking for side effects on turpentine info...I am a 46-year-old female who started Diamond G Forest turpentine treatment last Wednesday for Candida, and I guess without enough guidance because I didn't realize you weren't supposed to just keep dosing every day until the Candida was cured. So, I started with 1/2 tsp on 1 tsp organic sugar (and it tastes yummy by the way, like a shot of pine flavoring on sugar) last Wednesday, increased to 3/4 tsp turp on the sugar Saturday, then increased again to a full tsp of turp on the sugar I think Tuesday. So I had a full tsp both this Tuesday and Wednesday, then for whatever reason decided to look up more info about this protocol last night, found this forum, and realized maybe 8 days in a row was not a good idea. :-) However, I feel fine, so apparently 8 days taking it every day didn't kill me. I will now take a break, probably for about a week, and then do the twice-a-week dosing I'm seeing recommended on here.

OK, so side effects: first day was the most noticeable dizziness, started about 30 min after that first 1/2 tsp of turp, lasted about 20 min max. I had slight dizziness a couple of other days, following that same pattern, sets in about 30 min after dosing and lasts 10-20 minutes. For me, not a biggie, kind of amusing actually, but if it were much worse you'd probably need to go lie down for awhile until it subsided.

Nausea, I only noticed very slightly, first day I took turp and then maybe again the first day I did a full teaspoon. Definitely not a big problem.

Gut cramping/urgent bowel movements, daily at least twice after dosing. For me it would happen after eating something, and from what I've been reading on this forum it sounds like that's what's supposed to happen to clean out whatever was killed by the turp. The gut cramping was not a huge deal, much more tolerable than what Candida overgrowth/IBS cause just in general, and I would say overall I'm feeling much better in the gut department after 8 days on turp. As my family would say, it "cleans you out" in a good way.

Diarrhea, I only experienced one day out of the 8. I think about day 5. No biggie. I like getting cleaned out.

Ok, here's a side effect I haven't seen anyone mention - adrenaline surges, as if you had a strong cup of coffee. In fact, I had to back way off of caffeine this past week while taking turp (and my only caffeine these days is green tea and mate; I quit coffee last summer due to bladder pain that at the time I didn't realize was Candida-related) because I was getting anxious/jittery. Turpentine gave me energy, and then some days I crashed later and had to take a nap, just like coffee does to your system.

I should mention as a caveat to this report of side effects that I've been on a Candida-elimination diet as well as doing some over-the-counter cleanses by RenewLife for the past 2.5 months and prior to that have been vegetarian for the past 12 years (but eating pasta, bread, sugar, coffee, alcohol, etc. over those years.) I take no prescription drugs of any kind on a regular basis, take a lot of supplements like barley powder, fiber supplements, etc. and juice vegetables almost every day, and consider myself to be fairly healthy. (I have had several rounds of antibiotics for annual bladder infections since my 20's though so I think that's where the Candida came in.) So for the past 2.5 months I've had no refined sugar, no dairy, no gluten, almost no fruit, limited grains (and only gluten-free, ) maybe 8 oz total of alcohol for the whole 2.5 months, and of course no meat because I'm vegetarian. I've actually felt so much better on this diet that I've decided to go vegan and avoid refined sugar, white flour, and gluten long-term as well, even after the Candida is gone.

And last but not least, improvements or changes after my week and a day of turpentine dosing: the nagging sinus-scratchy cough I get in the back of my throat at least once a day has greatly reduced and maybe disappeared; I have a long-standing benign cyst of some sort on my left forearm under the skin that has reduced in size (wow! ); my IBS (if that's what it was) seems to be changing, getting better, less bloating and constipation; maybe a slight improvement in sinus cloggage; heel pain greatly reduced to gone; energy levels increased somewhat.

So that's it for my turpentine report, hope this helps someone who is thinking about trying it!

Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/26/2014

Hi : I just wanted to post about my recent experience of taking Turpentine in the morning and an MMS enema in the evening to expel worms. It has worked. I got the idea from the work Kari rivera and Andreas Klacker are doing to recover kids from autism.

They are finding that the removal of worms is doing wonders for the health and cognition of these kids and have developed a protocol. they use metbednezol (sp?) to kill the worms as well as MMS they call it chlorine dioxide and the MMS enemas.

I have way to many little maybe big health issues and spend way too much on my health with little to show for it. I decided to take matters into my own hands and see if some version of this protocol would make me feel better. I have more energy, have lost my horrid food sensitivities and get out lots of gross worms on the days I do this.

My question is am I the only one who has tried this? I feel down right now as I tried to describe this to my doctor who just basically ignored my discovery telling me it might not be worms and I should get a test. Thanks for reading. Mary

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Fiona (Tustin, Ca) on 10/29/2013

5 years ago, I was in so much pain and as soon as I started coffee enema, pain was gone, but it was very difficult to increase my natural energy. I got pure gum spirit of turpentine. I put about 100 ml in a bath. Please start with a shot glass. It can get very hot. Turpentine is very very potent. I felt all my cells and muscles start pumping like earthquake. I mean that was strong pumping. even after coming out of the bathtub my body cells were pumping one more hours.. I think this is much stronger than getting a strong body massage.

I did this 2 days in a row and I have this tremendous eneregy that I had not felt in my entire life.

A few things that I added DMSO, Auarium salt (superior salt I can't complement enough) Magnesium chlrorite, methylene blue, on top of turpentine. First day I only used turpentine and the second day I added them. I felt much less discomfort with the second day.

Please be cautious of the turpentine amount. Very very potent. Because it was my first try I got scared whether I used too much or not. It turned out I was fine.

I felt so great afterwards. I also did this. I had pine essential oil. And I used several drops for half liter of water and aquarium salt and I did enema. Great. This is a very mild solution. Absolutely great. There is some magic power in pine oil. Oh, just only 2 days after, my flat belly is even more flater and smaller waist line. I mean I don't understand why every woman is not having a turpentine bath.

One more thing. Be prepared to sweat. Because it will make you! I love love love turpentine bath. and it is so cheap. a quart is less than 7 dollars from home depot. Pine essential oil is a little more. And this quart of turpentine includes potent, very potent healing power.

I mean it makes sense. Illness is so widespeared. If you were God, wouldn't you also make ths cure accessible everywhere? such things like pine trees?

From my experience the cure is not from rare or expensive sources. which is a very good news for humanity.

Posted by Fred R (US) on 05/02/2018

I did four straight days of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine. Ten drops first day, fifteen second day, twenty third day. Each dose in a teaspoon of pure cane sugar.
Fourth day I took one teaspoon in two tablespoons of castor oil. Everything taken on empty stomach, washed down with water, about a half liter.

On the third day, I had no sugar cravings, whatsoever. I always eat something sweet, several times, during the day. So, had nothing sweet day three and four.

Two to three hours after the turpentine/castor oil dose, I took an intense poo poo. Really cleaned me out. Felt a little tired afterwords, for a couple of hours, then felt great rest of the day. When you do the turpentine/castor oil dose, you want to have a bathroom available about two hours later.

I'm doing this protocol to rid myself of excess yeast, candida, mold, fungus from my body. I want to get my blood pressure down, the natural way, and hope this regimen helps do so.

Posted by Stormflugan (NYS) on 06/14/2021

100% pure gum turpentine will get rid of a tape worm. It basically will get rid of anything including cancer etc...

Posted by Txamamom (Arlington Tx) on 01/18/2015

Mary, I believe your hurting in your knee and hip is due to your body getting rid of the arthritis. It takes a while for your body to rid itself of arthritis after you start taking the medicine like turpentine. I was checking out candida cleanse online and that protocol is taken for 6 weeks and it is understood that your body continues even after you are done with the program to rid your body of toxins. Usually, your body experiences effects of removing the toxins with nausea, aching, headaches, extreme fatigue, etc. Your body aching in parts where you have never experience pain is right there with the effects others have experienced. You will probably get worse before you get better but don't get discouraged. The way I feel about it is that the sicker I am while taking the stuff, the better I will feel when the body is finished releasing the toxins. If you do not get the results you hoped with taking turpentine, you might check out the book CANDIDA Killing So Sweetly by Bill Thompson. Also, be careful not to take too much of the turpentine at a time and don't take it too long. While it can be curing, it can also be deadly taking too much of it. Taking turpentine is suppose to be the last alternative in the Candida Cleanse like what you do when the regular cleanse does not get it all and the Candida returns again after you believe you have rid your body of all Candida. When you read the Candida book, you will see that Candida is the cause of your arthritis and when you get rid of the Candida, you will rid your body of the pain of arthritis. You will get rid of a myriad of other maladies also. You are obviously very smart because you are finding solutions for the problems your body is experiencing and not waiting on a doctor to help. There are many of us out here that are taking our help in our hands and looking for solutions. Don't stop searching and finding solutions....that is the true key. I believe this is one reason they say we are the generation to live to be 150 years old. We will not depend on traditional medicine to cure our ills.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jason (Iowa, US) on 12/15/2014

I recently used Dr Daniel's Turpentine protocol to remove Candida. She lists that people who have had Candida for more than two years might take Turpentine daily for 4 days. I only went 2 days, on that day it ran for the exit, literally, it was disgusting and creepy. My arthritis has improved though not yet gone.

I think I used to much turpentine this time as I did a week ago as both times, on the day that I had multiple bowel movements, afterward, I felt drunk, probably from turpentine reaching the brain. Though never have I taken more than one teaspoon with three sugar cubes. Also, on those days that I had multiple bowel movements, I drank a huge amount of water after taking the turpentine. I really wanted to give it an easy exit opportunity and I have to wonder if this is why on those days I had so many bowel movements versus the first day's dose, though it could just be a matter of cumulative days/doses. Also, I wonder if all the water helped the turpentine travel through my bloodstream to my brain to produce the drunk feeling.

Anyway, I'll be waiting again to let it get out of my system, and then I'll use a smaller 1/2 teaspoon dose with a lot of water after.

I plan to do it again exactly in one week except now I will do her normal 2 doses a week plan. My leaky gut symptoms are nearly gone and my MSG sensitivity is drastically improved. You MUST purchase 100% pure gum spirits of Turpentine otherwise some other deadly chemicals could be in there and Turpentine is dangerous enough on it's own. I bought mine from Home Depot, though a gal told me someplace in Georgia has the best stuff you can buy, maybe from the place already mentioned.

My symptoms overall were Anxiety, Brain fog, facial cramping, restless leg, low energy, trouble urinating, slouching, intestinal ache/burn, massive carb cravings, etc.

Posted by Jessie Williams (Clarksville Tennessee) on 06/17/2016

I remember turpentine from my childhood. My grandparents used it. My grandfather took care of his own garden until he was 90 and he passed on at 93. My grandmother was 86 when she passed on. I remember them using it on a ringworm that I had.

I received my bottle from Diamond G turpentine last Friday. I soaked my feet in a basin of warm water for 20 minutes. I soaked in it for 20 - 30 minutes using 3 capfuls, I felt the tingling burning and got out, I pat myself dry, I don't rub. I soaked in 2-1/2 caps today, way less tingling.

No side effects that can't be controlled!

I noticed that I have not panicked about a pain pill (hydrocodone) since Saturday morning, nor have I taken one. That had been a problem for many years. I was afraid to go anywhere without that hydrocodone because of terrible pain in my low back, both hips, both heels.

I have not taken it orally as of yet, I don't like things that taste bad....lol.

However make sure you increase your water intake

Thank you Dr Jennifer Daniels for reminding me of a TRUTH!

Liver Flukes (Parasites)
Posted by Glori (Florida) on 08/15/2021

I was told I had benign tumors and endometriosis as that's what lab results came back as. WRONG. I did my own lab tests with a local lab (thank you Quest) I was able to find out that I have liver flukes.

1 teaspoon of pure gum spirits of turpentine followed by 1 teaspoon of castor oil. You will be AMAZED!! The old remedies are sometimes the BEST!!

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Toni (West Plains ) on 08/23/2020

I am a home visiting nurse and have talked to dozens of 90+ year olds over the years who remember getting turpentine 1-2 times a year as a child with a sugar cube. I have no hesitation (and have taken the Diamond brand) without problem.

Adding Vitamin C
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 12/26/2014

Hi Jake...Vitamin C is useful and I also use it in my own protocols against candida. Ordinary Vitamin C -- ascorbic acid -- is also useful for detoxing but best used to bowel tolerance strength and that's because vitamin c is so poorly absorbed into the body from the gut. Only about 15% to 20% of oral vitamin c(in either ascorbate or ascorbic acid forms) is absorbed into the blood. So this is quite an inefficient and wasteful way to take vitamin c.

Other more efficient ways of supplementing vitamin are as follows:

* By IV as ascorbate
* Lyphosomal Vitamin C
* Vitamin C(as ascorbate) + DMSO used transdermaly
* Oral or transdermal dehydroascorbic acid(DHA)

Most people already know all about taking the the oral, IV and Lyphosomal forms of vitamin c. But taking it as DHA is interesting. The DHA form, when taken orally, is absorbed from the gut into the blood much more efficiently and quickly than with the ordinary oral form. DHA is also easily absorbed into the cells because it is a glucose mimic. It takes a different pathway from the gut into the blood and this is called the GLUT-1 pathway. The body thinks the DHA is glucose and will therefore absorb much larger amounts of DHA more easily into the blood and cells. And if you starve your body of glucose -- as in IPT therapy -- then this will sensitize the GLUT-1 receptors more which will then absorb even higher amounts of DHA into the cells. Another unique advantage of DHA is that it is easily absorbed across the blood/brain and blood/bone barriers whereas this is not the case for ordinary vitamin c. The only problem with the DHA form is that it seems to be more expensive than the ordinary oral vitamin c form.

If you want a cheap and cheerful way to orally supplement DHA then, as Ted from Bangkok recommends, all you need is lugols iodine, Baking Soda(Arm & Hammer is fine to use), Ascorbic acid and a glass of water. First add 1/4 tspn of ascorbic acid(1 gram) to the water. Then add 6 drops of LI. You will notice that the iodine in the water turns from brown to clear and that's because the ascorbic acid is oxidized and converted to DHA while the molecular iodine is reduced to clear iodide. The last thing you add is the baking soda -- add this until the fizzing stops. Now you have an oral solution of sodium ascorbate + iodide + DHA in ascorbate form. Cheaper, convenient and effective.

Another useful way to take vitamin c(as ascorbate) is transdermally using DMSO and water(70% DMSO + 30% water by volume). To this ascorbate/DMSO mixture just add 6 drops of iodine. This creates some DHA in the mix. Therefore, when you paint your skin with this mixture, the DMSO will efficiently carry about 80% of the Vit C + DHA + iodide directly into the blood. This simple transdermal method also has the other advantage of not causing any problems or ructions in the gut because you're not taking it orally.

Concerning candida and detox I would take something like Vitamin C, Sodium Thiosulfate or EDTA for detoxing the blood and organs but I would also make sure to take chlorella for purely intestinal detox. Dr William Kelly verified in his writings that chlorella contains large molecules called alginates. These large molecules, after they bind to heavy metals in the gut, cannot be absorbed or redistributed into the blood from the colon because alginate is such a huge molecule -- that's why alginates can only remove heavy metals in the gut. With the other forms -- Vitamin C, Sodium Thiosulfate etc that act in the blood -- their will always be some redistribution of heavy metals in the body. So that's one very good reason to use chlorella for gut detox -- especially when you have candida because candida biofilms in the gut contain such high amounts of heavy metals. So when you destroy alot of candida biofilms using turpentine then you must take the chlorella 1/2 hr to 1 hr after the turps to mop up and neutralize all the heavy metals released from biofilm destruction. if you don't mop up these heavy metals in the gut promptly and appropriately then they will just get absorbed into the blood via the colon to cause all manner of physical, mental and other symptoms and problems.

Posted by Bluebell (France) on 01/16/2018

Am on my second week of turpentine treatment. 4 days on then 2 consecutive days for a few weeks. Am tired, have stomach cramping and acid reflux. But have expelled some pin worms and various others. Still expelling.

Turpentine Medicinal Uses
Posted by Robert (Ca) on 06/13/2016

Pure distilled "spirits" of turpentine is basically the refined sap from specific pine tree varieties. It's history of use goes way back to Babylon. It was commonly referred to as 'terebinthe' or 'terebinthine'. It was available OTC as terpin hydrate however codeine was added latter & prescription required. It was used by American natives & African slaves as a inexpensive & accessible remedy. I would not advise using hardware store varieties as they are adulterated with petroleum distillitates & the "pure gum spirits" may be contaminated with the herbicide paraquat which is toxic.

There is a Australian town whose residents used turpentine & subsequently the 'governors' added chemical toxins to prevent ingestion. I am sure that Earth Clinic is under the FDA microscope so I caution against references to a certain brand(s) who make their living on making pure spirits 'the old fashioned way'. One maker will not answer health questions due to this scrutiny by FDA. Please refrain from such questions & thus protect this valuable source.

Toxicity: most anything is toxic in large doses, such as water. The half-life of 'turp' is 25 hours approximately, so a safe time lapse between each single dose is about 5-days totaling 5-6 single doses over 1-month. Start low at 12 drops & work up to about 40 drops, all taken with 1/2 to 1-tbsp sugar. After this period, a monthly single maintenance dose may be taken if/when necessary.

As we all know, there is no single remedy & one size doesn't fit all. This site is experimental & for the dissemination of freely sharing ideas. There are no 'cures' until an autopsy is performed. Health begins in the gut & the mind will keep us well as stress is dis-ease.

Posted by Lauri (Roseville, Ca) on 10/26/2015

Hi Bill,

I have been on the Candida Diet since July but went off of it for about a week while on vacation the first week of Sept. Hence, my Candida fueled and I got a UTI. It was so bad I finally had no choice to go to the DR. for a Urine Analysis. My numbers were off the chart for infection and pain started to travel to my kidneys, so against my better judgement, I went on an antibiotic. Symptoms only subsided for the UTI, but the vaginal yeast was the worst I ever had in 20 yrs. I did the round of antibiotics but the my kidneys still hurt and my vaginal yeast only got worse. I found the turpentine remedy and have been eating anti-candida foods for several weeks. I have been doing Turpentine stupes (soaked towels in hotwater and Turpentine) on my back to help draw out any poisons or break up stone if there are any. I do organic coffee enemas regularly and pass alot of Candida, gross but a good thing. My colon stays pretty clear with all of the ongoing detox I have been doing, including taking Dr. Daniels suggestion of Castor Oil.

I will be going to Cancun on Dec 1st. How many weeks should I take the Turpentine and will I still feel icky by Dec if I start this regimen? I have already experienced quite a bit of die off already and managing pretty well with charcoal or bentonite clay and enemas. Should I start the Turpentine in hope to better for our trip or is the process going to lead into the trip and I should wait? Obviously, you cant take turpentine on the plane and besides, I want to enjoy the trip, not detoxing and still trying to kill candida....please advise.



Posted by Kimberlea H (Cold Country Usa) on 11/16/2014

I heard if you have a very high level of toxicity from parasites or such and you neglect to make sure your bowels are clear to allow the parasites to exit you could temporarily get a black spot from the turpentine cleansing effect. just make sure you are able to expel the parasites and toxins through your bowels. warm water enemas work well for this. Parasites exist with Lyme, Candida, Malaria, Giardia, and many more conditions.

Comparison of Turpentine Brands
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/13/2018

Several years ago I purchased some of the Diamond G Turpentine. I love it! It does not smell like a chemical, but like fresh pine. I love it! I have used it medicinally here and there.

Not long ago I decided to use my turpentine to do some cleaning. I had some dust build up on some wood trim in my bathroom. The turpentine cleaned it beautifully and left a pleasant lingering pine scent.

I decided I should get some less expensive turpentine for cleaning. Yesterday I found 100% pure turpentine (Klean Strip) at the hardware store, so I purchased that. I expected it to smell as nice as the Diamond G. Wrong!

It smells like a chemical. I don't know if the processing or source of trees or something else is the cause of the great difference in smell between those two brands.

I may use the Klean Strip for cleaning. However, I would not use it medicinally. :(

And that is my 2 cents on those two turpentine brands.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Kit Campbell (Australia) on 05/01/2015

Had Crohn's disease for 40+ years and cancer four times - 'cured' myself of the last bout.

Candida is the culprit :)

Turpentine works on the cell wall of the candida fungus, because it is a terpenoid. There are others that exist too, which I am currently trialing.

Key point, you need to address ALL areas of your environment, not just what you take systemically and atopically. Your mind will determine what chemicals and hormones are being created by the brain.

Balance can be restored, I am proof, although I am still getting there :)

Think well, live well and be well - all these environments need to be addressed in order to get back to homeostasis :)

All the best for your journeys, for this is what they simply are :)


Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Martha J (Atlanta) on 06/20/2015

I don't understand, how can the medical field not promote turpentine bcuz of kidney issues & at the same time prescribe all types of mess that destroy the kidneys, liver etc, such as something called contrast they push in ur veins to cause a CT scan give the dr more info on ur condition, I kno cuz I hve kidney damage from so much that the dr has prescribed for me that was supposed to be helping me.

Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 04/27/2018

Hi, When I took the turpentine I passed a large roundworm in my stool a couple days later, which was great. started doing coffee enemas, which were recommended by Drn years ago. The black coffee enemas are to clean the buildup from the colon, and are great to help restore health, but when I took the enema, I felt a sudden almost electric shock in my stomach, and a few minutes later I felt a parasite (s) quickly moving around in the flesh of my right butt cheek! I smashed them physically, and have found others in other body locations since then. So I believe the coffee turpentine combo chased these from my intestinal tract and into my body to escape. Your knee and hip pain could be the same. The pain could be caused by parasites that were living in your colon, and they've now moved to a new location to escape the turpentine. If I were you, I'd continue taking the turpentine, and hopefully it will eventually get them.

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 05/01/2018 22 posts

Hi, thanks for your post on Turpentine and the coffee enemas; I'm having pretty good luck with 1/4 tsp of Turp for my parasites and hope I can increase that amount higher soon. I have a blocked Sigmoid colon and the blockage is fairly close to my rectum so the enemas don't work, although when I first started them some parasites were in the near end of my colon and saw those but I have used several rounds of Balck Walnut and its partner and have pretty much cleaned my intestines; I have read that you should not use Black Walnut, etc more than 3 times a year. I was full of the worms that I have gone over that recommended time. When You speak of the worms you feel in your butt I have been awakening many times at night and could hardly close my mouth due to the swelling inside my cheeks of those blasted things and also in the area, your tonsils are located. I would take Oregano oil, diluted and put 1 drop in a Dollar Tree nasal spray bottle and fill it with water to the top of the bottle and irrigate my nasal passages, got quick relief and I also use 3% HP, undiluted and rinse my mouth and gargle with it, that also seems to kill them off if in my throat. What I have noticed in using the Turp first thing in the AM that I am able to cough up a bunch of stuff. I seem to have more problems now with my lungs and sinus/head but hope that the Turp will kill them off. I also use Cloves Bud oil and take 10 drops., undiluted with 3 drops of undiluted Neem oil, that also, I'm told and read, will kill the eggs. I have to be careful of the Cloves because of a Stint I had when suffered a heart attack back in Dec 2014. Hope you have wonderful success with your protocol and appreciate your suggestions.

Bladder Infection
Posted by Shn (Fillmore, Ca) on 10/27/2017

A single dose of turpentine (1/4 tsp in sugar) eliminates a UTI quickly. The effectiveness of turpentine always amazes me.

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