Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Posted by Jay (Canada) on 11/22/2014

It has been a week since I started the turpentine cure to get rid of candida. My shoulders and neck are stiff and sore now.

I've read this is because of my liver working overtime trying to get rid of all the nasties. I don't want to stop the turp treatment.

Should I do a liver detox? Or is there a supplement I can take to help with the shoulder/neck pain or the liver?

Any suggestions would be nice. Thanks in advance

Posted by Bill (San Fenando, Philippines) on 03/22/2014

Hi Abdi...I forgot to mention diet. Avoid the following foods: sugar, wheat, dairy products, yeast products and avoid medicines like anti-depressants, painkillers, steroids and all antibiotics. All these things feed or encourage the spread of pathogens in the body -- especially candida -- and avoiding them will also help to reduce allergies.

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, The Philippines) on 09/10/2013

Hi Christine... Turpentine or distilled pine oil contains many terpenes -- of which limonene is just one. Pine oil usually contains about 0. 5% - 2% limonene content. The major constituents of pine oil are alpha- and beta-pinenes(also terpenes). The many health characteristics and benefits of the pinene content of pine oil are defined in this link.

The most interesting aspect of its healing properties is that turpentine is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-mycolasma, anti-viral and anti-parasitic. As well, these pinenes remove candida and bacterial biofilms quickly due to its solvent properties as a paint stripper. Pinenes can also expel xenobiotics -- they act to remove poisons and foreign drugs from the body.

I also must relate an interesting story and side-effect concerning my own use of pine oil. About six or seven months ago, just before starting to use and road-test the pine oil, I had a tooth capped because my gums had receded and the tooth roots were exposed. After I had this done, about a week later, the tooth roots became well infected and started to ache and it just got worse and worse. This tooth also became very loose and wobbly and I thought that I would eventually have to have the tooth pulled. I certainly did not want to loose this back tooth.

Then I started my experiment with supplementing about 8 - 12 drops of pine oil every day with a teaspoon of molasses or raw honey or with a glass of water.

After about a month into this protocol I noticed that the tooth pain or infection had gone away completely. The tooth and roots had also firmed up considerably.

So, as a result of this discovery and every night before bed, I would just put two drops of turpentine on my finger, wipe it on my tongue and spread it around my mouth with my tongue. I would not drink any water -- I would just leave the drops of pine oil in my mouth overnight. This was the last thing I did before my head hit the pillow.

First thing in the morning when I woke up, I noticed that my saliva or spit was thin and not sour, thick and mucusy. Also and amazingly -- no bad breath. This was all evidence to me that pine oil was successful and useful at killing bad bacteria in the mouth.

By putting just two drops on the tongue before sleep and keeping it in the mouth overnight, this will also have other minor benefits. During the night, the saliva and pine oil will naturally travel down the esophagus to the stomach -- effectively and gently disinfecting these regions overnight. As well and as you sleep, the pine oil vapour would also travel to the nose and lungs -- also helping to kill pathogens in these regions.

I can now crunch hard seeds and nuts with my once-infected back tooth. I also believe that taking two drops of pine oil every night helps to remove biofilms on the teeth, kills plaque bacteria and prevents gingivitis, thus improving and healing both the gums and teeth. I was also quite surprised but particularly pleased that pine oil successfully and completely cured both the infected tooth and the pain.

For myself, I will continue to use pine oil in this simple manner as a regular nightly protocol to help keep my teeth and gums healthy.

Posted by Amrit (TX) on 04/23/2021

Just started taking the turpentine with castor oil last week for arthritis. Starting slowly with 2 doses a week. I'll be up to 10 drops this weekend. Noticing a difference with energy already. The side effects have been minor. The hardest day was day 1 with 3 drops of turpentine in 1 tsp of castor oil with nausea for hours - drank lots of water which, helped. 2nd day was much smoother - I was nauseous for only 15 min. and felt great the rest of the day - doses always make me thirsty so I drink LOTS of water on the day of and for the next day or two after a dose.

I have a question though, for Bill: would you please recommend a brand or two of organic, cold pressed castor oil?

I have searched for "organic cold pressed castor oil for internal use" on both Amazon and eBay and the only organic, cold pressed castor oil I can find is for skin, eyelashes and hair. Having a hard time finding castor oil on the internet for internal use that's organic and cold pressed. Some organic, cold pressed castor oils clearly state "for external use only" - the one's that don't, show no indication for internal use, leaving me guessing. Also, many organic, cold pressed castor oils on the internet do not show ingredients so, I could be getting a product that is not pure castor oil. I originally purchased the HUMCO castor oil at our local grocery store before starting the turpentine treatment - it is cold pressed, no hexanes but, not organic. However, it's the only castor oil I can find that clearly indicates on the bottle it is intended for internal use.

Posted by Matthew (Apache Junction, Arizona) on 03/30/2021

Turpentine - Proceed With Caution

Ingesting gum spirits of turpentine induces leukocytosis: A proliferation of white blood cells. More specifically, Polymorphonuclear Leukocytosis. These leukocytes include the white blood cells that have a strange-shaped nucleus: Basophils, Eosinophils, and Neutrophils, and probably Mast Cells and Macrophages.

The practice of ingesting turpentine prior to cold and flu season is to activate the immune system to clean out your body of cellular debris, toxins, and other harmful material. Accumulation of these toxins is what causes you to become sick. As well as a poor diet, deficient in vitamins and minerals. From my experience, I think that it works.

I started taking turpentine in March 2020 because of Covid-19. I started with 10 drops of turpentine on sugar. (I used a plastic disposable pipette as the dropper). The next day I had 15 drops on sugar. Three days later I had 20 drops on sugar. I slowly worked my way up to a teaspoon (80 drops) by May. I limited my intake of turpentine to once a week.

CAUTION. Taking too much turpentine too frequently will over sensitize the immune system so that you can have a serious allergic reaction to common things. I found that out one afternoon after having a teaspoon of turpentine in the morning, and later, in the afternoon, I ate about 30 pistachios. My throat swelled up within 15 minutes. I had a hard time swallowing. I could no longer breathe through my nose. My nose wasn't stuffed up. No, my soft palate and nasopharynx had swelled up. The swelling took over 24 hours to subside. That really scared me. In the past, I could eat a thousand pistachios without a problem. My immune system was over active. Be careful.

I now take turpentine about every two to four weeks: 30 drops on sugar.

Stick to small doses for detoxing. If you're trying to flush out parasites or destroy Candida albicans, one teaspoon is the most you should take. Be sure that you are having normal bowel movements before taking so much turpentine. I would like to copy and paste my entire Turpentine Diary here, but it would take too much editing.

For the record, I used "Klean Strip" pure gum spirits of turpentine. You can buy the more expensive brand if you want. Don't buy odorless turpentine. That stuff is mineral spirits, not turpentine. Good luck.

Topical Application of Turpentine
Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/24/2017

Purchased Diamond G turp and seems bit smoother than kleanstrip. Rubbed on about 1 tbsp turp/olive oil liniment yesterday from neck to feet and felt reaction several hours later of well being and mild instability. This method does work for absorption of turp and has some benefit over ingestion method I.e. no digestive or taste issues. However I can't say if digestive tract pathogens are addressed. Maybe they are addressed at slower pace over longer time since blood stream goes everywhere including digestive tract and organs. In any case, I'm very happy with results so far as fibromyalagia symptoms seem to be relieving gradually and energy increasing plus I smell like pine tree.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Andrea (Cyprus) on 04/02/2017

Hello Enjera, 90% of our nervous system are in our intestines, only 10% is in our brain. Parasites are connected to are nervous system and they control our emotions, eating habits even our thinking. It is very normal to feel death at the time of parasite cleansing because you feel what they feel.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Suz (Mo) on 12/17/2015


If you bath in the turpentine, make sure to use only a tsp or so. It burns your hoohah!

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Michael (Georgia ) on 08/22/2015

Turpentine in its pure form is just essential oils of pine and should smell just like that. Look for small bottles like at a craft store (the best I have found). Painters use turpentine for thinning and I've read on several forums their frustration with quality and not being able to find the real thing anymore. You will be hard pressed to find anything in a can that is pure and can be taken internally, regardless if it says pure gum spirits on the outside. Be careful as I tried this in the beginning and just the smell caused me to get very ill. This works, that is why it is difficult to find and is considered taboo by dr's. If we can cure ourselves we don't spend hundreds of thousands on chemo.

Adding Vitamin C
Posted by Bill (S) on 12/27/2014

Hi Mama to Many...In answer to your questions:

The recipe to make DHA with lugol's, ascorbic acid and baking soda - would that be an appropriate way to get a more easily absorbed form of vitamin C for general immune boosting? (Like for when you are sick with a cold?)

If you require more absorbable vitamin c then, yes, taking it with LI will increase the absorption of vitamin c(as dehydroascorbic acid) into the body.

To begin to answer this question I've come to the belief that Vitamin C, Lugols Iodine and Sea Salt are all critical for the immune system because all these nutrients actually constitute the main ammunition to help the neutrophils engulf and destroy pathogens for the immune system. The phagocytes and neutrophils of the immune system actively destroy all pathogens -- viruses, bacteria, fungi etc -- by spraying out hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorous acid and hypoiodous acid over the engulfed pathogen which immediately destroys these pathogens who have no defence and cannot possibly adjust to these substances because their destructive action is so quick. Then they are engulfed and digested by the phagocytes for later excretion via the liver.

From my own research, vitamin c is indeed vital to the immune system and is stored onboard the phagocyte, later to be converted into hydrogen peroxide. Similarly, sea salt or chlorides are absorbed and stored by the phagocyte to later be converted by an enzyme(myeloperoxidase) together with the hydrogen peroxide(from vitamin c) to create the hypochlorous acid that is sprayed out over the pathogen to kill it. Exactly the same process happens when the iodide stored in the phagocyte is later converted and used as hypoiodous acid to kill all manner of pathogens. What's more, I've read research where they confirmed that the hypoiodous acid form was seven times stronger at killing pathogens than the hypochlorous acid form.

It should also be of interest, with everyone's somewhat one-sided fascination and praise of just anti-oxidants, that hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorous acid and hypoiodous acid are all oxidants that use their unique free-radical action to kill pathogens in the human body at the appropriate time. The fascinating thing that occurs to me is that the human body critically needs the correct balance of both oxidants(free-radicals) and anti-oxidants in the body to have a healthy and strong immune system. Another important outcome from this is that it appears to be the habit of the normal human body to store useful oxidants as anti-oxidants. And when these dangerous free-radical oxidants are sprayed outside the phagocyte to kill pathogens and, after completion of this task, then other enzymes in the blood such as catalase or SOD will act to safely mop up and remove these dangerous excess free-radicals from the blood which, if left to accumulate unchecked, would further act to cause host cell damage in the human body.

My conclusions are that both oxidants and antioxidants are essential and critical for the human body to be healthy with a strong immune system. I take sea salt, vitamin c and larger dose LI every day. This is also perhaps why I have caught no infectious disease like a cold or flu or anything within the last 9 years. And no autoimmune problems yet either even though I'm a fairly old geezer. All I'm doing here is simply keeping my immune system ammo up to scratch and this has worked quite well for me as a sort of ongoing preventative protocol.

Also, would this "count" towards your iodine and vitamin C needs for those using the Iodine protocol for those using the Iodine protocol for thyroid?

Taking the iodine with Vitamin C certainly will count towards more iodide storage in the thyroid and body. But, getting deeper into it, the body really needs the triiodide, iodide and molecular iodide forms. SSKI is useful as iodide for the thyroid but it does not have the molecular iodine or triiodide forms. Nascent Iodine(NI) is also useful because it contains just triiodide form. But triiodide will not detox heavy metals or halides(bromine and fluorine) out of the body. NI is touted as being the easiest iodine form for absorption in the body. Not true. For instance the female breast can only accept and store the molecular iodine form. This is why I prefer the LI form of iodine -- it's just the best and most complete form of iodine out there.

Finally, is the Lugol's you use for this the 5% version?

Yes I always use 5% LI for my own protocols. For all dosages that I give out you should be using 5% LI. This seems to confuse people. For instance if, say, you are using 2% LI and take 8 drops a day then that is not the dose I recommend -- too low because 8 drops of 5% LI is equivalent to 20 drops of 2% LI. Another way of looking at this is that 5% LI contains 50 mgs iodine/iodide whereas 8 drops of 2% LI contains only 20 mgs iodine/iodide. See the LI mgs to drop conversion chart here.

I take the equivalent of 8 drops a day of 5% (still finishing up my 2% bottle) and am wondering if I made and took the DHA if I would still want to take more iodine, or if at that point, it would be overkill.

Taking LI with just water or with vitamin c is really your choice depending on what problem you are addressing. I use the vitamin c with LI to increase the negative conductivity of the cells in my body which is so good for overall health. But when you take LI with vitamin c you are essentially taking ascorbic acid, DHA and just the iodide form. This is why I always take the LI form with water -- this ensures that I get the triiodide, iodide and molecular iodine forms that are all so beneficial for the body.

Some more information for you which will immeasurably help anybody's immune system. The nutrient is called bovine colostrum. In 1957 a French virologist name Albert Sabin invented the first oral polio vaccine which he synthesized and made from bovine colostrum. He also loudly proclaimed that all young children should take colostrum every day. Dairy farmers have known about the beneficial effects of colostrum for centuries.

I've recently been reading where colostrum will cure all forms of allergies as well as actively cure infectious and autoimmune diseases. See the evidence and read why here.

Benefits of Colostrum

I've also been reading where people have been cured of CFS, Fibro, MS, gut problems and there was one gent who had serious candida issues who only drank one gallon of the liquid colostrum straight from the cow which cured him completely of candida and all his allergies problems (including allergies to milk and wheat) within two weeks. All he did was to slowly drink one gallon of bovine colostrum until it was gone.

Some more research on the effects of Immune Milk(more pathogen-specific than colostrum) against a host of bacterial, fungal and viral diseases:

Immune Milk Facts

So it seems as if colostrum is a nutrient that acts as a completely safe multi-vaccine for kids and grown-ups alike. It seems to be a very fast way to reset, retrain and stregthen the immune system. Bovine Colostrum contains bovine anti-bodies against all the common diseases in our environment like Candida, Shigella, H Pylori, Staph, Strep, Epstein Barr, HSV, E. Coli etc. that get passed like blueprints from the mother cow directly to the child or adult to help strengthen the immune system by leaps and bounds. So if a child or adult is continually sick with a weak immune system with lots of allergies or gut problems then colostrum will definitely provide lasting benefit.

The best colostrum seems to come from New Zealand where all cows are grass fed without being force-fed antibiotics, steroids, unnatural feeds etc.

I only thought to mention colostrum because I am well aware that you worry about your own kids health and well being(especially in the winter season).

Posted by Beth (Ga, US) on 10/26/2014

Dr. Jennifer Daniels says to put 1/3 to 1tsp on sugar cubes as to bait the fungus, yeast, parasites. Look her up on the web. She has a lot of radio show recordings you can listen to on her site. I think it's called vitalitycapsuls. Com

Posted by Tina (Princeton, Nj) on 09/04/2014

Hi Kristen, I completely agree with your comment. Bill is always prompt to reply to queries and offers EC readers full and free use of his extensive research and studies. It's nice of you to note that too! We are a very lucky bunch of readers.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/27/2014

Hi Tina... I know Diamond V Georgia Turpentine and it is a very good organic product. Most turpentine products are the rectified form -- usually made from the distillation of stumps and wood from pine trees. But Diamond V is made in the older proper way -- by collecting the sap from pine trees and distilling this bark sap into pure gum turpentine.

When you begin supplementing with turpentine start either with drop dosages or just start with a 1/4 teaspoon and increase the dose slowly, over a week or more(with breaks), to 1 teaspoon.

The way I supplement turpentine, I take one teaspoon of either raw honey or molasses(your own preference) to coat the tongue and mouth. Then I take 1 one teaspoon of castor oil(or you can use VCO as an alternative if you like) and mix this all up in my mouth. Finally I add the turpentine dosage and mix it all up in the mouth and then chase this down with a glass of water.

Unfortunately, turpentine is not soluble or miscible in water -- which is why you need to take it with an oil of some sort. Other methods of taking turpentine: With sugar or with milk. If you have candida then take the dose before a meal. This ensures that the turps will be carried into the intestines to do its good work against candida there.

I take the turpentine dose only twice a week for preventative reasons. But if you have a problem like candida then you should slowly work up to one teaspoon every day if you can. You will, most likely, get significant die-of or Herx reactions. You are allowed to stop this protocol and have as many breaks as you like in order to make the healing crisis less severe. This is up to you.

Because turpentine is such a rapid pathogen and parasite killer, I take it twice a week as a general preventative. And if you do have a problem in your intestines then supplementing turpentine like this will give a healing reaction(die-off) that you will definitely notice. So I am also using this protocol not only as a preventative, but also as a gauge or indicator if anything is wrong with my intestines. As most know, my own way is to protect the liver, kidney, thyroid and intestines in my own protocols for health.

But there are even more ways of taking turpentine, depending on what outcomes you want. In the above, I have already described how to best take the turpentine to get rid of problems in the intestines against candida, bacteria, parasites etc. But turps is also a blood purifier -- in the blood, it kills many forms of pathogens, expels xenobiotics and also acts as a mild diuretic. That's what I mean by "purifying the blood". So how do we take turps to get rid of blood born diseases to help purify the blood?

The best method obviously involves getting the turps into the blood as fast as possible. Unfortunately, other than taking just the turpentine on an empty stomach outside mealtimes there are not many ways of doing this. But I am considering one way. I've also read that turps can be taken with wine(turps is also soluble in alcohol), so my own idea is to supplement the turps using a small amount of distilled alcohol with water. This would ensure very rapid absorption of the turps directly into the blood from the stomach. I haven't tried this yet(and I don't advise it), but will report back later on how this goes.

Posted by Fiona (Tustin,ca) on 01/02/2014

I have been taking turpentine bath every single day for the last several month. When I start turpentine bath soon around waist area started to have a breakout. A lot of Fibrin structure. looks like scab. at the end what determins human death is the number of fibrin. The more fibrin coms out, the skin become half transparent and softer.when the kidney was cleansed I had major change in inner ears. As kidney and ear are related. I was producing a lot of ear wax. I often wondered when I was a child, I regularly produce ear wax. when I got sick, actually it stopped at a considerable speed. I believe my system started to get clogged. that is why. As the kidney started detox, my ear follows up.

After I started turpentine bath I reduced the number of herbs and supplements. Because turpentine itself is a powerful therapy. And I also rotate putting these into bath. For example, methylene blue, Magnesium, povidone iodine, MSM, Borax, Aquarium salt, BHT, DMSO. The beauty if turpentine bath is there is absolutely no extra effort. Because we all wash everyday, I take bath everyday.. Nothing added..!

Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 04/24/2014

Mary, sorry for late reply: the nurses who ran the kindergarten would treat us with the stuff on sugar cube whenever they saw we were developing a cold.

Let me share with you good people my adventure with turp a coupe of days ago. It has a good outcome though. My mite problem in my face, scalp and eyes after tedious treatments would not abate but become worse. So, after much subduing my chicken out feelings I stripped and dipping my face cloth into the turp proceeded to cover myself from top to bottom as per a link on line somewhere suggested from european sources. Midway, the stuff started to spread by itself a good deal which reminded me of oil spills in the ocean with an ominous feeling that I was in for an unknown experience of an intimidating nature. By the time I had reached the top I stated burning with all my skin vibrating violently, the turp wandering into mouth and eyes so I could not see. The fumes were overwhelming, reaching lungs and brain. I was mortified, felt like swooning off and on, ran to open the window and showering with cold water without stopping the vibrating and burning effects which were very strong. I grabbed a blanket and finally thought it best to call the ambulance which arrived with two very helpful men who took some initial tesst which turned out o.k. I only told them I had inhaled turp from an open container, not more because I do not lie. At the hospital all tests turned fine except they wanted me to shower because of the smell but the nurses forgot to give me soap and towels but that is another story.

The ambulance men said I was sensitive to turp odour and it should not have any repercussions. After some useless hours freezing in a flimsy gown I got dressed not having got the promised soup as I was weak from not eating for hours, I took a taxi home.

About two days later please note the outcome: My skin is good, the mites not noted again except I have to use application in the nose with tee tree oil. No itchy head. A long standing fungal infection that resisted all attempts to clear it: Gone! My eyes are clear, so is my brain, in fact better, and my intermittent cough gone which makes me think if I ever had predators in my lungs, they are gone.

I had taken before oral turp w sugar without trouble and will do so again. I m having trouble with finding the right turp even though I questioned the manufacturer, their product saying"pure" and "bio option". May be I will end up finding it eventually.

Please take this account for your entertainment only. Regards, Om

General Feedback
Posted by Suzy (Eugene, Or) on 09/11/2012

Bill--- you asked about turpentine. My Great - Grandmother once described in her memoir that her mother (Norwegian Immigrant) used it to treat them for head lice. Nits were removed. The hair was combed with a comb dipped in turpentine scrapung the scalp a bit then braided.

She also discussed a mixture of pitch and turpentine that was always kept near the stove (to stay soft) This was used for cuts and scrapes.

My great grandmother's younger sister was struck in the face with a double bladed axe and her nose was hanging by skin. My great grandmother claimed her mother put the nose back in place and covered the affected area liberally with the pitch mixture. I doubted this story as a child. Once when my great great aunt was visiting I asked to see her nose... I this was over 80 years later... My great great aunt bore only a tiny white line all around her nose!

Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Posted by Lea (Washington) on 12/23/2016

I also have a mild form of Hidradenitis suppurativa. Yes the Turpentine is helping. I researched and bought from Diamond G too. The healing has been slow for me. But the good news is that I have not had any new breakouts. I am following the candida cleanse started out with a teaspoon on 6 sugar cubes every morning on an empty stomach. The ones (sores, cystic bumps) that are there though will come out and start to dry up. But No new ones have appeared. Of Course keep those areas dry. I am also using Yardley London Soap Almond and Oatmeal in those sensitive areas. I also suggest this. Read this on another post and it has worked wonders. Yardleys is inexpensive and I have been able to find it at our Dollar Stores. Be prepared that the deeper ones will come to the surface. But you will notice they will heal as you keep them clean.

Since the turp was helping with that... now that I am doing the maintenance 2x a week of the turpentine. I added another parasite cleanse for the other days. 2teaspoons psyllium husk with drops of Black Walnut & Wormwood drops. Again every morning on an empty stomach. Along with 2 black walnut pills at night with pure bottled water.

I also eat a tablespoon of papaya seeds. occasionally, as well. Papaya seeds really help. Lots of stuff came out. Papaya seeds are peppery. I eat them straight. Some folks put them in their smoothies.

My concern was the connection with HS, parasites and candida. And I was correct. We both know how uncomfortable and embarrassing HS is. Along with the frustration of depending on mainstream Doctors telling us there is no cure. I say BS.
Take your time with these things. Be patient with yourself and your healing. You know this takes time and don't over do it. (I only mention this because I struggle with hating myself over this disorder/ disease.) But I am getting results and couldn't be happier. I am losing weight too. My distended stomach is getting flatter. I don't smell funny anymore. My hair is shiny and smoother. My energy is up. I am sleeping all night again. My family says my attitude is better. So overall positives. I am out of the house more and have more confidence. You know ya just can't put a price on that.

I hope some of my info helps you too. We are in this together.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Rebecca (Cypress, Ca) on 07/27/2017

Hi! Thank you for your comments Enjera.

I am not feeling homicidal, but it may be because I have chosen to take the 2 sugar cubes with 1 teaspoon Turpentine before I go to bed. When I started the regime in the morning before breakfast it made me very tired with a hang over type headache which prevented me from having a full day. Being self employed I found it not conducive; therefore, I switched my daily consumption time. I too am following Dr. D's protocols as set forth by my naturopath. I purchased the brand suggested through Amazon as well. I am experiencing being very thirsty which I have read is normal. My insatiable desire for sweets has finally stopped. I am on day 4 of a 7 day treatment period following the advice of my naturopath. This morning I woke very hungry. I ate slowly and have continued to consume water throughout my day. I normally drink half my body weight in ounces but since starting the Turpentine protocol, my water consumption has increased. The bloating of my upper stomach has diminished noticeably. I am told by my naturopath that is due to the candida die off.

Today, in the early afternoon, my mind and thinking was so clear and sharp. I felt incredible and it lasted throughout my day. My eye sight has changed. I am seeing better. Has anyone else experienced that?

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Gigi815 (Edison, Nj) on 03/01/2014

I tried the shot glass of gum spirits in the tub. Soaked for about 20 minutes, felt good. Came out, my skin is so soft it's unbelievable. Will continue at least once a week in a bath. Also started to take internally. No problems, had some slight burning around the heart area. My doctor told me one of my values were a little thick, but that was "normal" for someone "my age, 55". (Didn't like that) Anyway, thinking the gum spirits is working on the area that needs fixing. Will continue with 1/2 teaspoon and build up. Will see how it goes.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Guy (AK) on 09/04/2022

I also cured my acid reflux by drinking turpentine, I was using it for a parasite cleanse. But low and behold it stopped it 90 percent with one drink, I got acid reflux from fasting.

Candida, Biofilm and Parasites
Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 07/13/2021

Hi Michael,

Very sorry to hear you had these side effects. Most people start off the turpentine protocol with just a few drops so I am wondering why you went to the full dosage right off the bat? I did the turpentine protocol a couple of summers ago and started with just 3 drops on a sugar cube to see if I had any reactions. I felt great - lots of energy! But only after a few days of just 3 drops did I slowly increase to more drops.

The slow, low dose method is what people on EC generally advise when it comes to potent remedies like turpentine and I agree!

Turpentine and Gut Flora
Posted by Mark (France) on 09/05/2017

Bonjour my freinds, I recently read about some French research into the turpentine, long story short, pathogenic organisms, (viruses, fungus, bacteria )have thinner cell walls than benificial organisms, the turps weakens the wall further and thus kills enemy, I'm sorry I don't have cross references. My family have used turps for Candida and skin health spray a small amount into a hot damp flannel and massage your skin rinse often and refresh the turps over your whole body and face your skin will become clearer and smoother blemishes and wrinkles fade completely away and small warty spots go, add the turps to liquid soap and shampoo and one drop onto your tooth brush as well instead of mouthwash, spray into smelly trainers and rugs its multi purpose around the house we just use the cheap stuff from the brico depot called Terebinthe.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Fleur (San Franciscco, Ca) on 03/09/2017

Help: herx, arthritis pain after turp bath.. The article says it can increase arthritis systems. I did one bath and have had really bad arthritis pain along with a bunch of other awful symptoms. do you think it will get better, the arthris pain? I didn't have any before I did the turp bath. also, how long will this herx last. I did 30ml (2 tablespoons) in my bath.

Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 05/24/2017 46 posts

You may want to try and drink 1 or 2 ounces of liquid bentonite clay to help with the gut pain from the turpentine. It is neutral, not active like turpentine, and will absorb toxins in the gut, from flu and food poisoning as well by smothering it and snuffing it out like a candle. You could have pain from raw gut exposed or just die off in the gut, the clay won't hurt you either way, but it will smother whatever is bothering you!

Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 03/11/2015

Hi Lisa...In older times and in the satellite countries of Europe and in Germany, they would take turpentine/kerosene for 6 weeks a year for general health. Paula Ganner always maintained that kerosene was a blood purifier -- it would act to kill any pathogen in the blood. Dr J Daniels uses sugar + 1 tspn turps for candida problems. But I prefer castor oil + turps because the castor oil both restricts the absorption of turps into the blood and keeps it in the intestines to kill candda there. The castor oil also helps to spread the turps throughout the intestines with its laxative action. Later on you could perhaps switch to the turps + sugar or turps + molasses protocols to more efficiently kill the candida and other pathogens that are still in the blood.

The preventative dose is on a one day on and one day off basis and is meant to help those who have massive initial Herx die-off reactions by having a day off after you take the turps-- this makes for a gentler ride for the user when you initially kill all that candida.

If you want to take consecutive turps doses for a particular problem then I would take turps for five days and then have two days off turps and do it like this for about 6 weeks only. This protocol will help to get rid of most pathogens and parasites from your body.

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 12/05/2014

Dear Bill --- so here I have the treasure of Georgia turpentine. I have taken it once on a natural sugar cube without any feedback and once with two tblsp. castor oil - again nothing. The way you are taking it.

As a child, I could take one half cup of castor oil without any results. The problem was emotional. Later in life, Ayurveda saved me with Triphala which I am taking forever and it is fabulous as no more constipation for years. But now I have constipation so bad and I know it is because I take a small amount of rye bread, otherwise it makes me weak and trembling with any carbs. I am allergic to wheat. My body just shuts down. But rye is rough and dry. I am of the vata constitution.

I want to do parasite cleanse and am in a fix. Can you help? I am an avid follower of your posts. Thanks, Bill.

Namaste, Om

Dosage for Children
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/04/2014

Hi Saquita...I've been helping a group of parents with autistic children and they have been using turps to good effect for their kids. The dosage for a 3 y o would be between 1/4 and 1/2 tspn of turpentine taken together with a teaspoon or two of castor oil. This protocol should be used only twice a week.

I've also discovered that using castor oil with turps is a key factor in the protocol. The turps will kill all manner of pathogens and parasites but will not harm the beneficial gut flora. The castor oil is necessary because it helps to spread the turps throughout the whole area of the intestines for a better and more thorough all-round effect.

I think that perhaps your child's gut may be overrun with pathogens and so the turps/castor oil would be a good protocol to follow.

Other protocols that you can also investigate and consider for your child are supplementing Boswellia(Frankincense) and/or undecanoic acid(which is derived from castor oil). Frankincense is called shallaki in Ayurvedic medicine and they use it widely in Ayurveda for gut problems as well as for arthritis.

There was also a mother in the autistic parents group who successfully and completely healed her child back to normal(according to her ATEC scores). One of the child's main anti-parasitic protocols was taking cinnamon, clove, raw garlic and tumeric mixed with ghee or clarifed butter several times a day with food. This protocol kills both parasites and pathogens. The key point in this protocol was that she used ghee -- a saturated oil -- as the carrier medium.

Many people miss the importance of taking nutrients in the best way possible by using the correct carrier medium. Notably she took all those herbal ingredients mixed with ghee because all the active ingredients within the herbs/nutrients themselves were probably oil soluble and not so soluble in water. That's why she was so successful with this protocol. You could also probably use coconut oil as a carrier substitute for the ghee. Virgin coconut oil also kills a wide variety of enveloped pathogens as well.

Also please be aware that if your child has a widespread gut infection and takes the turps/castor oil protocol then she will probably suffer a Herx or die-off reaction with accompanying strange or hyper behaviour. After a widespread pathogen/parasite kill in the gut, with consequent temporary release of further poisons into her gut(from the killed pathogens/parasites), these poisons will be temporarily absorbed into her blood which may perhaps cause some strange or hyper behaviours. This is normal and unavoidable and should abate after a short while after her liver eventually removes these die-off poisons from her blood.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 07/29/2014

Hi Mary...In my own continued use of turpentine, in all the research and articles I've seen and read, in the autism group that are also using the turpentine protocol, I have never come across those symptoms that you describe when supplementing turpentine.

I have no idea what turpentine dose you are taking so here are some reminders and caveats:

* You should only ever take Turpentine at a maximum frequency of twice a week. The adult dose is 1 teaspoon. Work up to the one teaspoon dose slowly.

* You should also take castor oil with the turps dose. The castor oil dose can vary from 1 tablespoon(mild laxative) to 4 tablespoons(strong laxative). You can mix in a little honey or BSM for taste.

* Under no circumstances should you be taking turpentine continually on a daily basis for extended periods. For serious problems, the maximum number of consecutive days allowed for supplementing turps is 7 days only.

Dr Jennifer Daniels does report that in one case she had a woman who initially ignored her advice and who took too high a dose of turpentine to start with and she had black areas on her skin andface as a result due to excessive detox through the skin. These black areas all disappeared when she reduced her dose. Dr Daniels article is here.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Jake (Geneva, Switzerland) on 04/22/2014

From my experience, the negative effects are mostly die-off from herx effets and chage significantly with time. I am 10 months in with avg-. 14+ net grams of VitC in ascorpbic acid/soy lecithin /water mix 40/60/1000 grams aa/lec/water - I take a water bottle full to work each day, and drink it out of the fridge while at home.

My cleansing program is augmented by essential oils - oregano/lavendar/eucolyptus and occasional tbsp of turpentine.

The symptomas continue to change with time. And last week it was open sores with yellow scabs on my eyel lids as stuff leaches from the eye area. I suspect I had systemic candida and a healthy latent herpes, but the full bloom of crap comes out. For a few days last August, my TB Scrub mark on my right shoulder bloomed, then receded, and that must go back to 3rd grade or so in 1967....

My sense of urgency for finding a solution came from early 50's return to long distance sports, aqnd a resultant problem with recurrring attacks of stuff after 5 hours of biking coupled with triathalon gels (high sugar intake) and occasional wierd stuff like a salad triggering 3 days of skin hives. Having suffered off and on from eczema all my life, but ditchig the cortizone in my 20's, and coping well 30-48 ba avoiding certain foods, my decline seemed rto come from travellig in Africa in 2010 - or more precisely the batch of shorts that I had to get. Eversince - a sence of fatigue, exhaustion, one triathlon I did I could hardly keep my head lifted up on the vbike from muscle aoureness and fatigue- as if my body was just saturated with lactic acid.

Fancy Nutritrionists and other allergist tests found nothing conclusive; the head of dermatology told me that they just don't know, but only know how to suppress the symtoms so peopole can cope.

SO I said to myself, after seeing the speel on High Dose VIt C and reearching Dr Klemmmer etc, that I would do vit C high dose for a while, which has now become a commitment for one year----- Inititially I lost my voice for 2 weeks and watched crap climb out my throat, 2 months in it was the jaw dental area, and for months now it seems to be a never ending story with the CSF zone (brain salid). Further desperation leads to new things..... with TURP taken orally, oe of the furst times, I had a sensation of a school of stuff rapidly migrating down my inner left crotch ind ito my thigh... alll in the sub skin fat tissue..... Other things are seemingly residual continuation of stuff leacing out of the joint areas (biofilms in the joints) and now with turpentine the sensation that nerve ends come alive with crawlies when I antagonize the system with lavendar oil or turp taken orally or under the tongue....

All col stuff...... and so far my health has no serious problems from attacking the pasasitick world from within..... force the demons out I presume is better than driving them deep with superficial symptom supression.

Keep on keepin on. Fight the fight and grow stronger. I always have to go back and remind myself that in the beginning the status quo was no longer surcivable and I had to do something. Today I sleep better and have a whole slew of tools to find relief ( hot salt baths, hot showers, topical coconut oil with oregano oil. topical turpentine on crazy itch symtpms works like a charm)

Go for it. After months of severe plaque head psoriasis, my head scratching continues, but the plaque is completely gone. I think my one year of cleaning 54 years of life out of the system will indeed pay off.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Kyle (Park City, Utah) on 01/04/2018

i have been taking turpentine for candida, leaky gut, and more. my body reacts differently to medication then most. I have been sick for 6 year and have been to doctor after doctor. no one could figure it out. I was on some pretty damaging medication. Every time I take turpentine I end up having major urinary tract infection symptoms. Do you know what could be causing that?

Posted by Adriana (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 04/20/2016

In my country I've read about taking turpentine oil on sugar 3-5 drops per day, no more. Also, here they sell it pharmacies - the one which is for health-care purposes.

I have not been using it internally, but as part of home-made ointments (with olive oil, beeswax, herbs, resins, and essential oils) for my sprained ankle, knee and arm. I think it has a warming effect and a pleasant aroma. I use something like 10-5 ml per cup of oil.

Posted by Bob (Pa) on 07/10/2015

Pre WWII tonic:

My dad says he took kerosene and molasses for colds before 1935. Is that possible?

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 07/02/2015

Hi Guy...If you want to follow a cure protocol for ASD disorders then Keri Rivera's Protocol is quite successful and has the right approach. To get a better idea about her protocol, you can download her book -- Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism -- for free from her website. Her protocol involves a parasite cleanse, candida cleanse and heavy metals cleanse. These comprise daily oral therapies, enemas and a special diet for the child. So far, according to her website, 181 ASD kids have been completely cured according to their ATEC scores.

Keri's protocol fully accepts that candida and parasites as well as heavy metals(from vaccines) are the main cause of autism -- it is the waste toxins or poisons from these particular pathogens that acts on the delicate developing brain of a child that causes these serious ASD symptoms and strange behaviours. I believe this to be true because I've been working with a parents autism group for the last 2 years and I've seen all the images they post showing their kid's poop. Every single one of the kids in this large group has both candida and parasites(worms). Alot of the parents also have candida too.

I was asked to help this ASD parent's group with the protocol and that's when I introduced turpentine, iodine, alkalizing, borax etc into their protocols. This seems to have also helped to accelerate recovery. My own full protocol for getting rid of candida and parasites is shown here. Adult and kids dosages are shown in my protocols. If you want more information and the truth about systemic candida problems then I've also written a book called Candida: Killing So Sweetly which might help your own understanding about this fungus.

You would do well to steer clear and not take the allopathic approach to autism. Doctors will only ever recommend managing the symptoms of ASD with never any actual cure in sight. Very few doctors appreciate or understand ASD disorders -- but Dr William Shaw's Research seems to have a particularly good handle on it.

Eliminating Biofilm
Posted by Alfred (Amsterdam) on 05/22/2015

I would like to report the tremendous effect I am experiencing of using gum turpentine to get rid of biofilm in guts and lungs. After reading Bill's book on candida, I was eager to try this missing ingredient for a cure.

Have a lot more energy now, thank you Bill!

The pinacea is the panacea.

Also found this document about the use of turpentine in Haarlemmerolie: http://www.haarlemmerolie.nl/images/Haarlemmerolie/english-user-manual-haarlemmerolie.pdf

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 04/20/2015 2063 posts

O: I think you are very much overreacting by a chain of mis or dis information.

I have been using Turpentine for about 2 yrs about one dose every other day in a case of extreme parasites & pathogens w/ mostly good results. As for bad results, a strong odor in the urine as well as occasional stress on the kidneys. This is called "die-off" or "herx reaction" as the kidneys take the brunt of the load (millions or billions) of dead pathogens seeking elimination.

To remedy this problem one should fallow the T maybe 4hrs by Dr. Christopher's herbal "Kidney/Bladder Formula". I also use the herb Chaparral w/ good results for clearing the kidneys of waste, as well as the liver. Increasing liquids and natural diuretics like parsley, tea, or coffee would also help.

Posted by Steph (Orlando) on 03/25/2016


I'm on day 10 of turp and maple syrup stopping and starting. I want to be free of all parasites. I feel a die off and am sleepy. Had diarrhea. I am fruitarian raw vegan. We must keep a clean foods and poop 3x a day so worms can get out. Bought my turp from georgia farm diamond something.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by CS (New England) on 07/23/2022

I know this is an old post, but in case anyone else is looking for pet dosing, I found a protocol on trementina.org which I'm using on my cats with no noticeable side effects:

“It is very important to deworm pets, since they are the vehicle parasites use to get to us. It is especially essential in the home of a child with autism.

1 drop of turpentine is used for each kilogram of animal's weight.

Mix with the same amount of coconut or olive oil, and rub on the pet's belly.

You can also give it orally on a piece of bread or other food.

After a week of treatment, you will notice worms in the animal's feces. Continue with their dose once a week until the stools are clean.”

Inhaling Turpentine Vapors
Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 10/08/2020

I just heard that in the Merck Manual from I think 1898 (?) had Turpentine listed as a treatment for over 50 different conditions!

Muscle and Joint Pain
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 01/27/2013

I was told of an old concoction used for muscle and joint pain many years ago. It is made by combining two ounces of turpentine, two ounces of apple cider vinegar and one egg in a blender. Simply blend until it is creamy looking and use as a topical liniment. It does not need to be refrigerated, keeps for months when stored in a glass jar with lid and is very effective.

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