Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Multiple Cures
Posted by Caroline (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 04/11/2018

Borax for arthritis pain and hair growth

I am 70 years old, and take no prescription drugs, and am a 0+ blood type.

I had a bakers cyst, torn meniscus and severe swelling and pain in my right knee for several months. The Dr. wanted me to do a clean out surgery under a general anesthetic. I instead went to a Chiropractor who did three sessions of a laser and 2 weeks before that I had started borax, doing 1/4 teaspoon in water daily. My knee is perfect now and also 2 knuckles on my right hand that have hurt for years is also gone, and much fewer body aches, also my hair is coming back in after a lot of hair loss.

Herniated Disc, Arthritis
Posted by Rick (Irvine CA) on 06/28/2022

I have a 6 mm posterior bulge in the L4 - L5 area of my spine. The MRI shows this bulge going into the nerve column of my spine. Whenever I did any heavy lifting it absolutely killed me that evening with pain. I started taking a sip of my Borax solution in the morning and night and that was 5 years ago. I have absolutely no pain and can lift as much as I want to. Now I'm 73 and have never felt better in my life.

I had my wife start taking about a year ago and now she is pain free of the arthritis she was experiencing. She too is now a firm believer of Boron. She didn't want to sip the soap solution of borax so I got her the 6mm pills from AMAZON. 300 pills for $10 bucks. No wonder the pharmaceutical industry poo poos the solution. THEY CAN'T MAKE ANY MONEY OF OF A MINERAL.

Joint Pain
Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/13/2017

Initial Positive Results 3 weeks into Borax as supplement.

I have had bad joints since I was about 6 years old. Many times I would told my Surgeons that I had the right knee of a 90 year old man when I was 12 years old. Constant pain since about age 6. I have used every supplement for joint health you can imagine with some improvement but never remotely as promised. I even used DMSO through high school to allow me to play sports and get through the pain and it worked but at a high cost! The odor and skin irritation and constant taste of garlic was terrible on everyone in my family not just me. I had recently tried odorless DMSO mixed with essential oils and it was helping some.

So I decided to try boron. I started with 1/4 teaspoon of borax in a litter of water every day. At some point I just forgot to take the DMSO and did not notice I was not in constant pain. 3 weeks in my rh knee which has had surgery just stopped hurting. My left hand just stopped hurting. My shoulder pain just went away. I started to have diarrhea after the 3rd week so I went down to 1/8 of a teaspoon a day and the diarrhea has gone away.

I have had low Vitamin D reading fore years and even taking Vitamin K and 25,000 units of D3 a day I was unresponsive for years. So now that I am taking the Borax I will check my next set of labs which will be some months out and see what we see.

My Mom and Dad have many of the same issues with Vitamin D and joint issues. I have introduced them to Borax so we will see what we see. Oh I am 44 years old and played sports and ate well all of my life. My joints are well documented with X-Rays and MRI's and I have complete lab workup about 2X a year. I will keep track of any changes and let the site know what else changes. I have more health issues than I care to have at 44 years old so if I see any improvement I will let everyone know. I am very excited about the possibilities.

General Feedback
Posted by Becky From Ohio (Ashtabula, Ohio, Usa) on 12/31/2010

I'm sure someone can address this better than I, but I would like to offer my personal experience to you until a better explanation is posted. I too felt very nervous about consuming something that was labeled "not for human consumption. " I remember reading that the toxicity of borax is about the same as is for salt. (I haven't consulted any MSDS's to prove that thought. I believe you could get those over the internet?) Anyway, I finally decided that 1) the dose was small- 1/8th of a teaspoon generally for women, 1/4 of a teaspoon for mean. 2)Even if it wasn't good for me, it was basically just a little bit of soap? Also- not for human consumption doesn't necessarily mean it will hurt you, just that a government agency won't recommend it. That doesn't mean it IS safe, but it may not mean it isn't.

So, I did try the borax for arthritis pain. Reluctantly at first, but I was quite desperate. I have had GREAT results, and NO bad reactions. Within a few days my knee pain (I'm calling it arthritis, but I'm not sure what was all going on in my knees)was greatly improved. It felt like cement breaking up in my knees. I am still using the borax (along with ACV) most days. I take a break from it every once in a while. If I go too long the "cement" and pain in the knees comes back and I start back on the borax and it clears right up. I suggest it to so many people I know that sound like it might help- but so far no one will try it. They just can't get over it not being made for human consumption. Such a shame. I was very close to having to go to an orthopedic surgeon before I tried the borax. I highly recommend it!

Ankylosing Spondylitis
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/23/2011 391 posts

As to dosages, please check previous postings on borax toxicity I been through that so many times. If you are still not convinced, then don't do it. As to the link you submitted, borax according to them is toxic at 0.6 mg/ml -- that is equivalent in drinking terms 600 grams per liter. That is hardly the dose I am considering. The dosage I use is 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon (women requires low dose 1/8 then men 1/4 because of their size) per liter of water. That means it is added in all liters you drink and you determine if that remedy is helping you, and it doesn't require a long time, you should know within 3 to 7 days at the most. It is an essential mineral and the dose is much less than LD50. I calculate my dose assuming you weigh only one kilogram and need just 1/2 of that is my calculations for maximum dose and it is lower still if the person has any side effects on that amount. Therefore, the dose of 1/8 for women's dose is based on that.

As to details of ankylosing spondylitis, I don't have many patients here, probably I seen one or two. What I can conclude with certainty is it helps. The autoimmune disease for all mycoplasma and mycobacterium is really simple, the mycobacterium enters healthy cells and infects the inner cells, that's why is is so difficult to kill it and that is why they referred to as attacking healthy cells, but they are not healthy. Suppressing immune system would hardly be the way to go.

However there are a couple of avenues I found where we can kill them from the inside. Remember that nearly all antibiotics are useless with attacking the inside the cells they do not enter the insides of cells. There is one or two antibiotics that does get inside the cells - one is doxycycline the second one is minocycline. For the desperate I guess they will even try the second one. The doxycycline use is a lot better, which is one capsule and twice a day for the first time, and thereby once a day it takes about a week to know some effect but the people here it takes them only a day. Minocycline is a generally not recommended because of side effects, but those who do not respond will try it anyway. It causes nausea.

As to the borax, you can mix with hydrogen peroxide 3% one capful per 1 liter of water and 1/8 teaspoon. It hardly has any side effects, unless you have other issues, such as metal poisoning, in that case we treat metal poisoning first such as mercury poisoning amalgam or lead poisoning, in which case I prefer to use disodium EDTA or my favorite tetra Sodium EDTA, as it is less acidic. Without the metal poisoning it will be a bit easier by skipping this step and add take borax with hydrogen peroxide. In order to allow the body some breathing room between oxidation and anti-oxidation, you can try hydrogen peroxide for 5 days and no hydrogen peroxide for 2 days, and borax for all days.

The other way I have developed of killing the infection from the inside the cells is DMSO and Lugol's with aloe vera oil applied from the outside. That works too. There is also another method I have tried which is Castor oil with DMSO, that works too. And then if he doesn't respond to that one, this respond positively no matter what is the DMSO with tannic acid, where tannic acid is given at 1/8 teaspoon per 100 cc of DMSO and mixed with 30% to 50% water. As to the castor oil and DMSO is mixed with 50% each. As to the Lugol's and DMSO it's just applying Lugol's the area and then apply DMSO, then to relieve the inflammation I apply the aloe vera oil.

That's just the initial success then to help you way to recovery I probably require aloe vera oil drops between 5 to 10 drops, magnesium chloride solution 8 drops three times a day, and some 5000 i.u. of vitamin D2 or vitamin D3.

There is one thing you have to be aware of, normal antibiotics takes 9 months that's just for doxycycline. so I expected any natural remedies would take that long too, because mycobacterium that lines the inside the cells takes time, but if you do things right it may require less time.

In Bangkok things are a little strange. I chase clients because I think I have a cure, but people from Earthclinic at least, they are chasing me! There's probably an explanation in order as to why this occurs. It seems as if people here have the cure or at least something that will help them for their condition and therefore I am just drowned by other competitors! Since competition usually wins out (hospitals and other alternative healers) I spend my day typing out remedies if I have a free time.


P.S. The website mentioned in your post is administering a toxic dose even at 0.1 mg per milliliter works out to 100 mg per 100 milliliter works out to 1000 grams per 1000 milliliter. My dose is 1/8 teas per 1000 milliter or 1 liter.

Borax Dosages
Posted by A Friend (Australia) on 08/26/2014

Dear Earth Clinic,

Boron Consumption Update with Questions:

I have been taking 5 times the maintenance dose daily for some weeks, with a day or two break here and there.

I have seen an improvement in overall energy of the body, and aches and pains of the joints don't seem to last more then a short time.

Starting on a higher dose I notice a severe reaction (host flushes, numbness of face, disorientation) of 1/4 to 1/8 a teaspoon.

I still get the hot face feeling a little bit on the low dose, though I think I have found the amount that works for me.

A friend of mine in his early 70's has started on the same does that I have, though he splits his up into two cups of water a day.

The process for consumption; is using one of the teaspoon sets; like these

the smallest teaspoons on there works out to be about 1/64 of a teaspoon. I weighed and calculated; 2 of these (in two doses) or one the size up from this is (1/32 of teaspoon size on that set, the second smallest teaspoon in the set), that 2 of the first, or one of the second; is equal to 5 times the maintenance dose of 3mg of boron a day.

I calculated the boron as 11% of the the borax molecule.

I think my calculations were such;
Having measured a heaped teaspoon of borax at around 6.5 grams,
then calculating that a liter of water is 202 teaspoons;
we end up with 1 teaspoons equaling about 33mg or 0.033g of borax content.

Thus working out that this has only 11% boron (of the the 33mg) we end up with 3mg content or 0.003g or boron in each teaspoon.

Thus working out that two of the 1/64th of 1 of the 1/32 teaspoons sizes *in the drop, pinch etc. set mentioned above. Calculated these to be 0.14g or 140mg. Thus boron content is 11% = 15.4mg of boron content; which is 5 times the maintenance does of 3mg a day.

Thus when the effects become clear and at completion one can go down to the maintenance dose by drinking the solution over 5 days.

* I found the idea of using a liter with a teaspoon, two difficult for my life style in the bush.

* I would suggest always using borax, as its alkaline, as apposed to boric acid which is mixed with hydrochloric acid and acidic already.

Note; make the solution with boiling water, add the amount then stir. Drink anytime afterwards (i usually drink it an hours or few hours later, or over a few days).

My question to ted; is about boron build up; should one even with small detox as here; have a day or two of a week; or can one stick through on the 5 times does; or its a personal decision? What are the effects of build up in the body.

P.S My friend has noticed a great improvement in his arthritis; though both he and I do take some magnesium as well (small dose)

P.P.S In Australia there is a company called blants; it can be ordered cheaply from there website; it comes from turkey, very good quality.

P.P.P.S The only other side affect that I noticed that if it is taken in the evening sometimes it can cause insomnia for several hours; (only happened to both me and my friend on one occasion each).

Kind Regards,
A Friend From Australia


Multiple Cures
Posted by Dcjc364 (Skowhegan, Maine) on 09/14/2012

Well, after reading for hours, I decided what the heck, I'll try it. I am 53, get alot of bloating after eating, have toe nail fungus-all 10, probaly athletes feet, sore joints-almost all of them, a pounding headache the other day, which thank god I seldom get. Swelling in the left ankle and calf. I did just a bit less than 1/8 teaspoon, into a glass of almond milk. Drank in down slowly while watching tv. That was wednesday nite, didnt take any thursday, and today {Friday}when I went to get groceries, walking down the aisle, all of a sudden I noticed my hips didnt hurt at all as usual. I also did Borax and water to soak my feet while watching tv. Tonite I will repeat the process, this time rubbing the borax in over my feet after soaking them, and getting around the nail beds better with a small brush. I feel sure that sooner or later this or one of these homemade cures will work, so far my hips are much happier. I've done all the store otc for the feet problem-nothing worked. I continue to read exstensively on this Borax subject.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Victoria (Sydney, Australia) on 01/19/2010

I started using apple cider vinegar (approx 1-2 tablespoon) with baking soda (1 teaspoon) in 750ml of water, and 1/8 teaspoon in borax every morning, and the same mixture again at night (without the borax). It has only been about 10days since I started doing this.

It has reduced all of my bloating, increased my energy, my stomach is almost flat again! This is something that I couldn't even achieve as a personal trainer and working out 6 days a week. I think I'm even passing some parasites (or what looks like parasites- little white things). My body is getting back to what I looked like as a teenager. Its amazing!

Also it is keeping by bm's 'regular', which has been an issue for me in the past.

I have not changed my diet at all, but I now no longer take sugar in my coffee, as I don't like the sweet taste (since starting the remedy). Also I'm not hungry all the time like I used to be!

Thanks goodness for Earth Clinic!

EC: Thanks! Cross-posted to the acv and baking soda remedy page.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Bryan (PA) on 05/16/2021

Started using this mix for 2 doses. I dissolve everything in the flask first before pouring it into a large mixer bottle filled with clean filtered water or distilled.

I usually just put a few drops(2-4) of the nascent iodine into the mix. Amazing effects after first use. They are killing us with fluoride and it's in everything. Healing is absolutely possible.

Autoimmune Disease
Posted by Boroan Health My Hashimodo (8020 Graz) on 08/16/2020

Ich hatte seit 2 Jahren Hashimodo zuletzt meinen verschwundenen Arzt. Er war Spezialist auf diesem Gebiet. Aber eine normale mit Bor und meinem Hashimodo ist weg. Ich habe vom letzten August 2019 bis heute 1/4 Teespoon und 759 mg Magnezium genommen und meine 2 3cm Calcium Promts sind weg. Wow, ich werde es meinen Freunden sagen, aber sie sind so dumm und werden nicht gesund. Tschüss

Google Translation:

The last time I had Hashimodo for two years was my missing doctor. He was a specialist in this field. But a normal search with Bor and my Hashimodo is gone. I have taken 1/4 Teespoon and 759 mg Magnezium from last August 2019 until today and my 2 3cm Calcium. Promts are gone. Wow, I'll tell my friends, but they are so stupid and won't get well. Bye

EC: We think the poster means:

1/4 teaspoon borax solution in water, 759 mg of magnesium, and low dosage calcium supplements for Hashimoto's.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jeanette (Québec, Canada) on 04/24/2017

My friend told me about borax and how it helped her brain function so I researched it, found this site and started taking borax daily in very small amounts. Once a day I take only 1/2 teaspoon of the borax solution. Borax solution = 1 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water and I take 1/2 teaspoon of that once a day instead of the 1 teaspoon that most people take. It is wonderful. I am clear headed, clear thinking, more energy. The only issue I have is that it makes me feel very emotional and I wonder if this means it is affecting my estrogen levels or another hormone? I can handle the emotions, but have not yet figured out if this means I should take even less borax solution a day. I am female in my late 30s. Anyone with experience or knowledge, please chime in.

Posted by Mary (Oregon) on 01/16/2016

I tried Borax for the first time last summer. I had a normal detox reaction, I was so toxic as I had not detox in many months. It really did work. I felt like I had the flu for about 3 days and then it subsided. I like the idea of being able to detox without spending a fortune. This is good for those with limited income. A whole box will last a very long time. I also use it as a hair rinse and in my clothes. It can also be given to a dog or cat to detox as their food is not perfectly pure either and they breathe the same air we do. I also like to take activated charcoal along with Borax. If, after taking Borax, you break out, it is just toxins coming out through your skin. Keep detoxing, you will be so glad you did!

Borax and Hormones
Posted by Nels (Gold Country, Ca.) on 09/01/2015

I've just added boron as a 'must have mineral', having been ignorant of the wide ranging benefits toward wellness.

So much 'good stuff' seems to hide in the shadows of plain sight all around us, and one day, a light is shined on the subject, and it it immediately becomes a 'no brainer' to act upon the info, reaping unexpected rewards for one's effort to stretch further.

Boron's exactly that for me, changing my life in a wink...

...because, now I DRINK my footbath water.

(I mix up a fresh batch, no double-dipping for me)

Gee whiz! Whoo-da-thunk it? What's next?! ?

(urine therapy?! ?) Who knows...?

Thanks to all who contributed comments here. Has anyone noticed themselves feeling as strong as a mule? Just wondering...

Posted by Fabat50 (Sb, Ca) on 08/22/2009

YEA!!!! Love BORAX my husband and I have been using it as scrub for months, no soap, still use shampoo though, But skin has never felt better. Cant wait to take shower it feels so GOOD! Just get wet, Turn off water, Get a palm or two full and scrub, FEELS GREAT! RINSE, then MAYBE a little VCO, sometimes, WOW! BABY SOFT!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Elsine (Anderdon SC) on 10/21/2020

I have been taking Borax for almost 5 years now. As long as I take with 400mg magnesium at least 4 days a week I am pain free as far as arthritis. I am 55, and need not hormone replacement therapy.

Also bathing in Borax and Epsom Salts is amazing for skin. 3/4 cup of each. I fill bath with water filter shower head when bathing.

Mouth Sores
Posted by Kelsie S (Grand Blanc, Mi) on 09/07/2016

A dilution of Borax in water worked beautifully on curing my daughter's mouth sores. She had cracks in the corners of her mouth for a few weeks. I applied herbal balms and kept them clean, but they just weren't going away. Then I checked earth clinic, my favorite site, and someone mentioned that its a fungal infection. My lucky day!! Because I know Borax knocks out fungus like no ones business. And it didn't disappoint this time either.

So I just diluted Borax in water, about 1/4 cup of Borax in 8 oz. Use warm water and stir until most is dissolved. Sometimes you're left with extra borax crystals and that's ok. Now you use this solution on the corners of your mouth 2-3 times per day, or anywhere you have a fungal infection. Just saturate a cotton ball and dab on. Don't rinse off, just air dry. It may cause drying. You can use a nice herbal salve or whatever to moisturizer. I also recommend applying borax to any fungal infection for 5-7 days after the sores have cleared. Fungus is a tricky beast. You gotta kill every last bit or it'll sneak back in..

Well that's it! Seriously, try this remedy for yeast and fungus. You won't regret it. And nothing to be worried about...Borax is less toxic than table salt if swallowed. Its a useful internal remedy too, but that's another subject matter. Good luck!

Borax and Gut Flora
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 04/11/2018

You can take it for as long as you want. Boron is supposed to be in our fruits & veggies naturally but our soil is deficient in North America. If you keep taking the borax, it will help you during middle age too by assisting the parathyroid gland to help regulate your hormones, which is great for hot flashes.

Itchy Skin
Posted by Lilly (Margate, Florida) on 06/27/2009

.I have been using borax for months now from the grocery store, I love it and also use it on my girls 5 & 7. Every now and then my skin would itch for no reason almost like crawling and it would keep me up at night scratching, until I found your site and tried it. I keep it in a container in the shower, soap up a wash towel then pour the borax in the towel (no measuring) just make a mound and wash my whole body w/ feels sooo good and I sleep like a baby, no itching, also do the same w/my girls and my husband, it feels like exfoliating and everyone loves it here, we have had no adverse reactions except soft beautiful skin. Thanks to everyone...I love your site and read for hrs.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Val (Switzerland) on 03/23/2019

RE: BORAX dosages Hi I just watched you video on how to prepare borax solution and cannot make sense of the dosages you have there. Here in front of me I have a precise scale for mg and cup to measure the ml. So 1tsp is about 5ml. One levelled teaspoon of borax is around 4g which is 4000mg. 1L of water is 1000ml which is 200 tsp serving. Thus 1tsp serving is 4000mg/200 = 20mg which is NOT 2mg. for the Ted's formula it is not 110mg but 1000mg. Can you please clarify? I wonder if it will make any difference if I take just 2mg when you actually reported the healing effect at 20mg. Thank you